AB News information Project tol

  • bulan lalu
Pembangunan jalan tol
00:00Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
00:05Ladies and gentlemen,
00:11I would like to inform you
00:17about the current situation
00:21for the arrangement of section 2,
00:27Duntutol Cileles.
00:32This was just done last night
00:36because the situation
00:40has just become clear.
00:44Yesterday, alhamdulillah,
00:46there was no rain
00:48to continue the construction
00:51of section 2 toll road
00:54between Rangkas Pitung and Cileles.
00:59The construction of Duntutol Cileles
01:02was done last night
01:05because the construction process
01:08did not spare time
01:10to continue the project
01:13or the construction of this toll road.
01:16As you can see,
01:23the construction of section 2 toll road
01:31will be immediately continued
01:34to the section 3 toll road
01:39because the previous demolition
01:43of this toll road
01:45has been seen to continue the road
01:49for section 3 to Panimbang.
01:54This is the direction to Panimbang.
02:00This has been seen,
02:03the previous demolition
02:05has been started to connect
02:07the construction of this toll road
02:11in Panimbang.
02:13This is the section 3 road
02:15starting from Simpang Susun.