AB Seksi 3 progres jalan tol

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Pembangunan jalan tol
00:00Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
00:07Ladies and gentlemen,
00:11this time we see that
00:14there is a warning reading,
00:20there is a traffic jam.
00:23We are now in the position
00:26at the toll gate of Cileles
00:30or Cileles section 2
00:33Rangkas Bitung-Cileles
00:35Well, here it is, let's see
00:37through this road, it means
00:40it means that the main crossing route
00:46Cileles-Genung Gencana
00:50Cileles-Genung Gencana and Kopi continue
00:54Kopi, there is a traffic jam.
