Learn arabic ? -494

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Learn arabic ?


00:00If God waited for the Aramaic, Greek and Latin languages to be perfectly formed, for his word to incarnate and be expressed, it is different for Allah, who sent his Quran in a language that was not yet written.
00:14Also, the injunction to learn Arabic to understand the Quran, which is largely incomprehensible even to Arabic speakers, and the real reason for the difficulties in translating it, aims at a threefold purpose.
00:28Firstly, to invalidate any criticism of Islam from all non-Arabic speakers.
00:34Two, to divert time and energy towards this superfluous learning.
00:38Superfluous because a little common sense is enough to understand what Islam is.
00:43Three, Islamise.
00:45Indeed, the Arabised peoples, gradually becoming strangers to their own culture, end up adopting Islam, identified with Arabness,
