Jamine Campbell- Video & Filmmaker on Public Interest Issues Show. https://jamainecampbell.com

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Janine Campbell does videos and films about the Blues Festival in Port Townsend


00:00And tell me a little bit about your company. Well, I married my wife after I did an acting
00:10degree down at the up at the University of Victoria in British Columbia. She was studying
00:16there too and we went up to her community which is the Gwasilinohoktow Nation up at the top of
00:23Vancouver Island and her people are just rife with beautiful stories and mythology and songs and
00:28a lot of really important language revitalization because colonization really ran amok on their
00:36people and devastated a lot of their practices and traditions and a lot of people have been
00:40holding on tight to them and re-instilling them in the youth. So a lot of the elders asked me to
00:46help tell the stories and trusted me with the stories and I started making films to try to
00:51help preserve some of those things and to build them up and amplify them. And one story led to
00:56another led to another and then I started traveling all over the province helping other
01:01people in other nations do the same thing and before you know it I just you know I wasn't
01:05teaching anymore and I was doing film work full-time. So I dedicate most of my talents to
01:11indigenous uh content up uh up north in Canada there and uh then some good mostly African-American
01:19content here to the blues down here. Nice. Yeah. Thanks for being on my show. Oh hey well there
01:25we go. World-class. I've been called the songbird of a generation but um. It's true. It's true. I'm a videographer
01:34uh I have Jermaine Campbell videography and in 2018 I was uh doing a little barter with Mary
01:40the organizer here and she said if I make some films and capture the essence of this
01:45wonderful phenomenon that uh I could get free uh admission here and come hang out and we've been
01:51doing it ever since and I brought my whole family and our little kids and we'll be coming back as
01:55long as they let us. And this year this year you showed a video before that will probably be
02:00released we'll be released soon of a video of uh just what this place is about capturing all the
02:05magic and stuff and before that we thought maybe this was just a scam this has been a scam for
02:10you know six seven years just to get just to come here but no he proved it. He proved it.
02:14Yeah. Not even any batteries in the camera. Hold on a second. A little closer. It's a great scheme.
02:24Yeah I respect it. I respect it. And we got to watch it in the participants concert which is on
02:29Thursday night when all the participants get to come up and perform but we started with his
02:32filming it was like a little premiere it was a special thing for all of us to see
02:36to see it showed so eloquently what this place is and all the capturing the power and the
02:42humor and the fun and the family and the music and the spirituality all of it you captured it
02:48all there's really great. Yeah. And I'm in it. And what's your film called? Well I don't know what I
03:00what will it be called? Fort Townsend Acoustic Blues Festival. Exactly that's what I'll call it
03:06Fort Townsend Acoustic Blues Festival and uh nothing too uh creative but does the job that's
03:13what it's about it's about 50 minutes long and uh yeah I'll make a couple quick little cuts and then
03:18uh release it to the public let it out to the wild. Something because today he just has a lot of
03:24processing that goes on on Saturday that you're trying to work through it all. You didn't get to last year. What's that? You didn't get to last year.
03:30No we stuck around yeah we got that yeah yeah oh yes absolutely and I'd never done that before so it
03:35was the first time ever of like. I loved it. Yeah like today I was still like I could stay relaxed and just
03:41like just take the people that were leaving the difference of you were feeling how you were
03:44feeling versus them you know like you know and then yeah just the like waking up the next tomorrow
03:50with nowhere to go with nothing to do but we play music and enjoy the like you really enjoy
03:54the space all the way and you know you miss all the activity but at the same time you don't you know
03:59forget all the work so we don't even need to do the recording I think next year we should have like
04:03just a call with the people yeah just this yeah sunday just like yeah sunday yeah sunday yeah even
04:09just sunday we can all just like have a meal and just like have a day that process exactly of like
04:14still being with each other and um kind of mentally wrapping it up and getting excited for the next
04:21year it's hard to think I mean that's that's the cool thing is it's like it is kind of like you're
04:25like oh I can't believe it's over but then you're already thinking like okay but it does happen
04:30well that's that's a cherry on top that's a consolation yeah it was like tuesday I was
04:34like actually it's only tuesday yeah that's always yeah don't let it fool you
04:43hey thanks a lot
04:47just chatting that's right who knows what we'll do with it but you know it's in the pocket
04:52that's the most important part is to get it recording right
