Bones for Kids _ Learn about the Skeletal System for Kids_HD

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A quick learning for kids, along with lots of fun and joy. If you like the work please like and subscride the channel. Your appreciations are much needed
00:09Your body has a support system inside it that keeps it from falling over when you are standing
00:15This support system is called your skeleton, which is made up of bones.
00:20Bones are the structure in which your skin hangs.
00:23Bones also provide protection for every part of the human body.
00:28Your skeleton is made up of more than 200 different bones.
00:32You can stand, walk, and run because of these bones.
00:36Your body has two different types of bones, spongy and cortical.
00:43Spongy bones aren't very heavy.
00:45Spongy bone is found in the ends of your longer bones, like your arms and legs.
00:52Spongy bone is also located in your ribs, your skull, your joint bones, and your vertebrae.
01:01Cortical or harder bones surround your spongy bone.
01:04Spongy bones have tiny holes in them which make them look like a sponge.
01:09That's where they get their name.
01:11Spongy bones make up about 20% of your skeleton.
01:16Spongy does not mean that these bones aren't strong.
01:19They are very strong and made to endure all the active things you do like running, jumping, and playing.
01:26Bone marrow is in the holes of your spongy bones.
01:30Bone marrow has cells in it called stem cells which develop into red blood cells and white blood cells.
01:36Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body, while white blood cells fight infections
01:42in your body and help you get better.
01:45There are also platelets in your bone marrow.
01:47These help with blood clotting.
01:49If you get cut, they cause your blood to form a scab and stop bleeding.
01:55Cortical bones are the other types of bones in your body.
01:58They are also called compact or lamellar bones.
02:03Cortical bones are made up of a thicker and stiffer material.
02:05They are very strong.
02:08Cortical bones make up 80% of your skeleton.
02:12These bones give strength to your longer bones.
02:15The different types of bones in your body have different jobs to do.
02:19Long bones like the ones in your arms and legs are there to support the weight of your body.
02:25Your body also has bones called short bones.
02:28These bones look like little cubes and are in your wrists called carpals and your feet called tarsals.
02:36There are also flat bones like your forehead or skull.
02:40Your sternum and ribs are flat bones too.
02:43They are located under your chest and above your stomach.
02:47The vertebrae or spine is made up of another type of bone called irregular bones.
02:52Your jaw or mandible and nose or nasal concha are irregular bones.
02:59So is your tailbone or sacrum.
03:02There are 33 irregular bones in your body.
03:06The vertebrae protect your spinal cord.
03:09Your spinal cord is the path used by the brain to send messages throughout the body.
03:14If your vertebrae was not there, your spinal cord could become injured and you might not
03:19be able to walk anymore.
03:22Sesamoid bones are bones that are buried within muscles or tendons.
03:26The word sesamum means sesame seed in Latin.
03:30Sesamoid bones are tiny just like sesame seeds.
03:34Some of these tiny bones are found in the hands, wrists, foot, neck, and ear.
03:41The kneecap is the largest sesamoid bone in our body.
03:46There are many different unique and important bones in your body.
03:49Your skull protects your brain, eyes, face, jaw, nose, and ears.
03:57It is important to wear a helmet when you're doing certain activities like riding a bike
04:02or a skateboard to protect your skull.
04:06The bony ribcage covers your chest.
04:09They protect the heart, lungs, and stomach from injury.
04:14The typical human body has 12 ribs on each side for 24 ribs total.
04:20Another part of the ribcage is the sternum or breastbone.
04:24It is a hard bone located in the center of the chest.
04:28It also helps protect the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels.
04:34Leg bones are attached to the bottom of the spine by a group of bones called the pelvis.
04:39The upper part of the leg is the thigh bone or femur, which runs into the knee bone.
04:46The lower leg is made up of two bones called the tibia and the fibula, which attach to
04:52the foot.
04:53The top of your arm bone is connected to your collar bone and shoulder bone.
04:59They attach to your hand.
05:01Something cool about your skeleton is that when you are born you have 300 bones, but
05:06as you grow, some of these bones join and create one bigger bone.
05:11The result is a total of 206 bones as an adult.
05:16One-fourth of those bones, or about 52 of your bones, are found in your feet and ankles
05:24Bones work with other parts of your body like your muscles and joints, which allow your
05:28body to move.
05:29A joint is the place where two bones come together.
05:33The knee joint is the biggest and strongest joint in the body.
05:37Ligaments then link the bones together at the joints.
05:41Muscles are attached to the bones by tendons.
05:44Your tongue is a unique muscle that is only attached on one side to a bone called the
05:49hyoid bone.
05:51The hyoid bone is also unique.
05:54It is the only bone in your body that isn't connected to any other bone.
05:59You would not be able to move without the muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments working
06:06together with your bones.
06:09Every bone in your body is important.
06:12Without your femur, you can't walk.
06:14Without tiny bones in your hand, you can't catch a ball, open a door, or write.
06:20It's very important that you take good care of your bones.
06:24So, how do you keep them healthy and strong?
06:28Get plenty of rest and eat healthy foods.
06:31Help your bones get stronger by drinking milk and other dairy products.
06:36When you are playing sports, such as football, soccer, lacrosse, or hockey, wear the proper
06:43equipment to protect your body.
06:46Wear a helmet when riding your bike, skateboard, or scooter.
06:50Be active each day, exercise, play sports, run, jump, or dance.
06:58Remember, if you take good care of your bones, they will continue to support you for a very
07:03long time.
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