Kung Fu Sock - Episode 29 - Wake Up, Hao

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Premiere Date: December 6, 2022

Previously, Hao was possessed by Manipulens and attacked Tee Zeng and Min when they tried to wake him up. Tee Zeng is so worried about Hao that she stays.


00:00Time to wake up, time to hurry
00:05Hear the ocean, I'm running to the top
00:09Make a wish as I stare out into the night
00:13You came from the sky
00:15And we will be together now
00:19Ancient powers guide us through the darkness
00:22No one can hold us back, run to the light
00:25Time to fight, let's fight for love and kindness
00:29Put on my sock, kick them with love
00:32Shining through the dark nights like a spark
00:36Put on my sock, stars and rainbows
00:39Change the world just with the power of love
01:04I just hope for once in your life, you get up on time
01:12Yeah, did you get any sleep at all?
01:15Are you alright?
01:17Yeah, I'm just fine
01:20T-Zang, what are you looking at?
01:25T-Zang! T-Zang! T-Zang!
01:33T-Zang, you should just forget about Hao
01:36I already forgot about him
01:38Come on, school is over, let's live it up for real, let's have some fun
01:42But, I don't feel very well
01:44Come on
01:46First things first, stuff it all in
01:59And now the fun continues, I say we skateboard
02:04It's the same cable cart we rode when Hao came, remember?
02:08Cheer up, or you'll lose the Kung Fu sock
02:10T-Zang, are you ready? Go!
02:30Oh wow, I can't believe how fun that was! I feel so great!
02:46Eating didn't work out, skateboarding didn't work out
02:49Well, how about swinging a bit? That's my last trick
02:52You want to swing a bit?
02:54Did you forget the day you showed me all this stuff, you know, just to cheer me up?
03:09Good, so you remember
03:12I remembered your smile when you were sitting on it
03:16Yeah, cause happy memories always shine like diamonds
03:22Memories? If Hao is still with us, he must have some memories of us too, right?
03:27Yeah, so what?
03:28So with those memories, I'll be able to wake him up!
03:32That's the T-Zang I know and love
03:34I'm wondering if she'll ever forget that boy
03:44Okay, like that
03:48Nailed it!
03:52My new minions are now ready! No one can stop me now!
04:20Haha, it's all done!
04:23Wow, even I didn't expect much brilliance from this stupid boy
04:29And next, I'm going to need someone to test it out
04:37Come out now!
04:38Kung fu, girl
04:41Manipulence, give Swordmaster back to me!
04:51Swordmaster, can you hear me at all? Swordmaster!
04:54You can yell all you want, girl, but he's not going to hear you
04:58However, it's high time you came to meet my new friends
05:04Swordmaster, do you remember this? Look, we beat the cable monster together!
05:12What an annoying girl you are! Silence!
05:19What are those things?
05:23I'm hurt!
05:35Steaming Shadow Kick!
05:42Looks like this girl is up for a fight
05:44Great, let's show her how it's done
05:49Do you remember Dark Emperor? I could have never beaten him without you
05:58Do you remember Dark Emperor?
06:02Kung fu girl?
06:06No one likes a chatty kid
06:08You talk way too much, girl
06:16Kung fu girl!
06:19How's it going, Kung fu girl? I'm having so much fun here!
06:25What about this? Do you remember when we fought together after this nasty Kui appeared?
06:34I remember everything!
06:50Shut up!
06:55I'm glad you remembered!
07:00So now it's time to fight again!
07:02Stop it! Stop talking so much!
07:08Do you remember? Come on, let's fight again!
07:20Your annoying voice is giving me a headache, so it's time to hush up!
07:26Hey, let me go!
07:37Oh, Swordmaster! You came here for justice!
07:40Now you have to fight him and break free! End this!
07:43Come back! Come back!
08:07Oh, that was so close! You're almost free!
08:10That's my plan! I distracted you and drew all your energy to me!
08:13So that Kung fu girl can beat you for good!
08:17That way, she can finally kick you out of my body!
08:22Sure! Assuming she would even dare to willingly hurt you!
08:27Swordmaster, please wake up!
08:29Tiese, there's no time! You have to knock him out with Steaming Shadow Kick!
08:34No! It's Swordmaster we're talking about! I could never hurt him!
08:39Come closer! He's manipulants! He's not Swordmaster anymore! He's our enemy!
08:44A real hero wouldn't be so dishonest!
08:49No! If Swordmaster can hear me, he'll be able to wake up!
08:54Wow, you're so naive! We'll miss our only chance if you don't act!
08:58Listen, Swordmaster! Wake up! You need to wake up now!
09:19Do you know anything about me, little girl?
09:22I'm a cheater! I cheat a lot!
09:27But I must say, you put up a good act!
09:30Tiese, pull yourself together or we're going to lose the scroll!
09:34We need to get out of here!
09:36You came all the way here! It would be so rude of me not to accept the gift! Lock her up!
09:47Here we go! Super Staff!
09:51What are you doing?
09:59What? No!
10:07Don't be upset! You've learned your lesson! Don't hesitate! Just hit him in the face!
10:14Did you see him fight? So even if it didn't work out today, I'm going to try again and again!
10:19Yeah, I will! Until I wake him up!
10:23Nobody can stop her!
10:36To be continued...