Israel Awaits Attack From Iran And The Kamala Crash Disaster-NOW THE END BEGINS-AUG 5 2024

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If you are a follower of the end times, today is your day to say the least. Lots of breaking news everywhere you look and all of it, from a worldly perspective, is bad and getting worse. In the Middle East, the United States is prepared at any moment for Iran, Hezbollah, Yemen and Hamas to launch an attack on Israel. On Wall Street, the stock market is reacting to the prospect of a Kamala Harris presidency, and it is in the process of crashing, shedding over $1 TRILLION in value so far. Welcome to the KamalaKrash. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, today is Day 304 of the Israel-Hamas War, and Day 1,603 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, and you can literally feel the end times electricity in the air. In the Middle East, at any moment Israel could find themselves in a 5-front war eerily similar to the Six Day War. In the United States, after nearly 2 weeks of all news stories being about Kamala Harris becoming the next president, the stock market has made its comment on that prospect with an eye-popping stock market crash that is still ongoing, who knows how bad it will fall. In England, fed up with their government’s policy of endless illegal immigration, British citizens have begun vigilant justice in the streets as a response to the many rapes and murders illegals have been conducting since their arrival. So much to talk about today, almost impossible to know where to start first, but into the breach we go. TO THE FIGHT!!!


00:00:00Welcome to the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast with your host and Bible teacher Jeffrey Greider.
00:00:08Rightly divided, dispensationally correct, and standing on the authority of the King James Holy Bible.
00:00:15This program is brought to you by
00:00:20And good afternoon everybody. Happy Monday and welcome to this edition of the Prophecy News Podcast.
00:00:26Today, as Israel awaits imminent attack from Iran, U.S. stock market suffers a Kamala crash vote of zero confidence.
00:00:38If you're a follower of the End Times, today is your day to say the least.
00:00:43Lots of breaking news everywhere you look and all of it, from a worldly perspective, is bad and getting worse.
00:00:51In the Middle East, the United States is prepared at any moment for Iran, Hezbollah, Yemen, and Hamas to launch a multi-front attack on Israel.
00:01:02On Wall Street, the stock market is reacting to the prospect of a Kamala Harris presidency,
00:01:08and it is in the process of crashing, shedding over $2 trillion in value so far.
00:01:16Welcome to the Kamala crash.
00:01:19Habakkuk 1.5, Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously.
00:01:25For I will work a work in your day which you will not believe, though it be told you.
00:01:31Today is day 304 of the Israel-Hamas war, and it is also day 1,603 of 15 days to flatten the curve, and you can literally feel the End Times electricity in the air.
00:01:47In the Middle East, at any moment, Israel could find themselves in a five-front war that is eerily similar to the six-day war in 1967.
00:01:58In the United States, after nearly two weeks of all news stories being about Kamala Harris becoming the next president,
00:02:06the stock market has made its comment on that prospect with an eye-popping stock market crash that is global and still falling.
00:02:17In England, fed up with their government's policy of endless illegal immigration,
00:02:22British citizens have begun vigilante justice in the streets as a response to the many rapes, murders, and crimes
00:02:30perpetrated by illegals that they have been conducting since their arrival.
00:02:35There is so much to talk about today, almost impossible to know where to start first, but into the breach we go to the fight.
00:02:44Heavenly Father, Lord, before we jump into this whole mess, this End Times smorgasbord of stuff that we need to look at today,
00:02:56God, we just want to take a moment and lift up our voices in prayer with thanksgiving.
00:03:03We're so glad that you woke us up today. We're glad that you put food on the table, clothes on our back, a roof over our head.
00:03:13We're glad to be saved and serving. And Lord, today we pray for lost souls.
00:03:20Sue Duchesne, her son Norman needs to be saved, CJ's mom.
00:03:25Shira Shine praying for Kevin, Michelle, and Louis.
00:03:28Loretta Watsney's husband and children. Rebecca Lynn is praying for Joel Smith.
00:03:34Shirley is praying for Marie, Haley, Patricia, Jayden, Richard, Patricia S., Joshua, Ruby, Gerald, Josiah, Monice, and her husband Hamid.
00:03:45Mary and Ellie's children, John and Marie and Christine, and grandchildren Sophia, Jacob, David, and Katrina.
00:03:54Tracy and Ralph Wallace praying for son-in-law Ethan, daughter Shanna, grandson Kayden.
00:04:00In the Peck family, David Peck, children Heather and Damian, and in-laws Barb and Jack Peck for salvation.
00:04:11Terry Ewing's daughter Bryn, Teresa M.'s sons, James, Frank, and Peter.
00:04:16Jose De La Rosa's mom, Alicia, Patricia T. for her son Adam.
00:04:22Chelsea and Brian Plaggman for their son Bryce and girlfriend Eva.
00:04:26Zuzana needs to be saved, Vladimira, asking salvation prayer for her husband Ken and for her friend Katka.
00:04:36Steph for her brother Michael, Cassandra, for her husband Todd and children Nathan, Andrew, and Sonny.
00:04:43Marie Sim praying for her ex-husband who is a Freemason to get saved.
00:04:48Also for her son John, daughter Tracy, and their families to get saved.
00:04:54Jean Paul Mesa praying for his Catholic mother and various family members to get saved.
00:05:02People who need a healing today.
00:05:04Linda Ellis, she says, I may have blown out the back of my left knee.
00:05:09Please pray, and we're happy to do that.
00:05:12M. Nance, please pray for my wife diagnosed with heart failure caused by an infection.
00:05:19James Knox has prostate cancer that has spread to his bones.
00:05:23Pastor Mike Veach lost a leg in a motorcycle accident.
00:05:28Nihao Pereira, please pray for my wife Shandricka suffering from stage 4 cancer.
00:05:34Teresa S. has had a positive result on her lung biopsy test and she is trusting the Lord with what comes next.
00:05:43Lulu, please add my sister's friend Charlene to the list.
00:05:47She has liver cancer and she's not saved.
00:05:51Shira Shine having brain surgery. Joshua Blake having brain surgery and needs to get saved.
00:05:59Kathy is asking for prayer that her job will give her different hours so that she can attend church on Wednesday.
00:06:06Wes is having possible cardiovascular issues and we're praying for that and for a healing for his wife Debbie.
00:06:16Lorianne has an Aunt Dorothy with a brain tumor in hospice who is not saved.
00:06:23Please pray for a healing and for salvation.
00:06:27Sandy, please pray for problems with blood flow to my shoulders.
00:06:32Jen, my prayer is that God will lift my grief and replace it with his strength for salvation for my family and reconciliation with my daughter.
00:06:45Jeff Ward, please pray for my wife Amanda battling cervical cancer.
00:06:51Robert Wiley is battling ALS disease and we're praying for him and his wife Lisa.
00:06:57Ron Alliston has cancer, Jill Puckett losing her vision.
00:07:01Michelle Christian has bone cancer.
00:07:04Amanda Emaugh, she has breast cancer.
00:07:09My friend Krista has breast cancer and Matt Emaugh, he posted on Facebook earlier that he is meeting with a surgeon.
00:07:19He didn't say why and he said please pray and we are very happy to pray for him.
00:07:25Ladies who are expecting.
00:07:29Marilyn Lenore says please pray for our granddaughter-in-law Tori expecting a baby this month.
00:07:35Tanya, please pray for my son Vincent and fiance Sarah having a baby this month.
00:07:41CJ, please pray for daughter-in-law Emily expecting in December.
00:07:46Deborah Mack says my friend Gwen is pregnant, please pray for that.
00:07:51Lauren expecting a baby in December, prayers for mom and baby.
00:07:56Lola W's daughter-in-law Lindsay White is expecting in March of 2025.
00:08:05Let's go to the chat room and see what we have today.
00:08:08Karen, please pray for me right now that God goes before me, keeps me calm, cool and collected
00:08:14as I go to deal with about six or seven companies that are messing with my finances.
00:08:22And please pray that God will give me wisdom and prosper me. Amen.
00:08:28Lucia has an unspoken.
00:08:31Deborah Mack, please pray for the Christians in Iran.
00:08:34Sure, prayer for unsaved family to get saved quickly. Amen.
00:08:39M Campbell, please pray for the salvation of my siblings Veronica, Derek and Andy, also my mom.
00:08:48They are all Jehovah's Witnesses.
00:08:51Michigan Girl, please pray for my neighbors who are Jehovah's Witnesses as well.
00:08:57Jeanette, I have an infection, please pray.
00:09:01And Debbie, please pray for my daughter who's having minor surgery on Thursday.
00:09:06Please pray for a quick healing, minimal pain and that she would get saved.
00:09:14Heavenly Father for all of these prayers and for the unspoken prayers of our hearts.
00:09:20We thank you. We praise you. We commit this time to you.
00:09:24Keep the static out of the microphone.
00:09:26Lord, it hampered our Bible study last night and set a hedge of protection about the equipment today.
00:09:33And Lord, for everybody in our prayer list who needs a physical healing, a mental healing, an emotional healing,
00:09:42whatever it happens to be for everybody who needs you to go before them and give them favor.
00:09:49Open doors, close doors.
00:09:53Do what you need to do, Lord, for what you know we need.
00:09:57And we commit all these prayers to you and ask you to work and move as only you can.
00:10:04And we ask all of these things in Jesus' name.
00:10:10Amen. Amen.
00:10:13Well, today is one of those days from a podcasting perspective.
00:10:19It's a really good day.
00:10:21I have so much to talk about, I almost don't know where to start first.
00:10:28About eight hours ago, Sky News in Australia,
00:10:34they said that the stock market had lost almost $800 billion in market value.
00:10:44That's a lot of money to lose in market value.
00:10:49That was eight hours ago.
00:10:51Two hours ago, it had gone past $1 trillion.
00:10:5920 minutes ago, it was at $1.93 trillion and falling rapidly.
00:11:09What could possibly be the cause of this crash?
00:11:15If Harris wins this election, you will quickly have a Kamala economic crash.
00:11:21You're going to have a crash.
00:11:22You could also have a crash like in 1929, more specifically, because that's where we're at.
00:11:27So there was Trump a couple of weeks ago talking about the upcoming stock market crash
00:11:34that you would have if Kamala Harris was going to become president.
00:11:40Now, if you follow the news, and I don't mean just listening to the news,
00:11:47there is a visual component of the news.
00:11:50And I'm talking about when you go to a website,
00:11:54and when you look at the front page of the website,
00:12:00for the last two weeks, every single day on the Drudge Report,
00:12:07that gets over 25 million visits every single day,
00:12:12every headline that they had was about Kamala Harris.
00:12:17And ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, you name it, all the big boys, CNN, Huffington Post,
00:12:28everybody was talking about nothing but the Kamala Harris presidency.
00:12:36They were puffing her up.
00:12:38They were getting everybody all excited.
00:12:40And you were getting news that was all Kamala all the time with no break in the action.
00:12:48Now, what's happening today with the stock market is a reaction to the idea of a Kamala Harris presidency.
00:13:00The stock market does not like Democrats.
00:13:04They love Republicans.
00:13:06And the reason why the stock market loves Republican candidates usually
00:13:11is because Republican candidates historically have favored free market trading,
00:13:18capitalism, and all the things that lower prices and increase profits.
00:13:25And if you remember when Donald Trump was president,
00:13:29how much did you pay for gas?
00:13:32Depending on where you lived, $1.80, $1.90.
00:13:38In some places, it was as high as $2.10.
00:13:44How much is it now?
00:13:46It has been an average of $3.50 to $4 per gallon for the last three and a half years.
00:13:53And the stock market does not like Democrat policies because they do not favor a robust economy.
00:14:03Now, there have been some exceptions to this historically.
00:14:07But as a rule, by and large, Wall Street loves a good old-fashioned conservative Republican president.
00:14:17And the stock market went crazy high when Donald Trump was president.
00:14:22But better than that, prices were low.
00:14:26At the start of the pandemic, a cup of my favorite cup of coffee, Dunkin' Donuts,
00:14:33was about $1.80 per cup.
00:14:37You know how much it is now?
00:14:39The cheapest that I found it is $2.65.
00:14:43I have been to some places that are charging almost $3 for a cup of coffee at Dunkin' Donuts.
00:14:52Denny's, the restaurant chain Denny's, they're under fire.
00:14:57Their prices have gone up 200% since Joe Biden has been president and Kamala Harris has been vice president.
00:15:08Wall Street does not like the idea of a Kamala Harris president.
00:15:16The stock market is crashing.
00:15:19The stock market is correcting itself.
00:15:21And this is not just the American stock market.
00:15:25This is the Nikkei.
00:15:27This is all around the world.
00:15:29These are global markets that we're talking about.
00:15:32Take a listen to the Kamala crash.
00:15:37We are covering a global market sell-off this morning.
00:15:40This is underway right now.
00:15:42Now, the Nasdaq entered correction territory on Friday, but we have seen a worsening in the futures market of the major indices
00:15:49since we have been on the air since 6 a.m. Eastern time.
00:15:52We are barely off of session lows, but the Dow Jones Industrial is now down 1,250 points.
00:15:58That is a loss of more than 3%.
00:16:01The Nasdaq is down 1,067.
00:16:03That is a loss of 5.75%.
00:16:06And the S&P is down 231.
00:16:08That is a loss of more than 4.25%.
00:16:12I want to say also Europe is also in a tailspin.
00:16:15Just to let you know here, we do have the FTSE, the CAC 40, and the DAX, and all of them are substantially down.
00:16:20Germany taking the worst hit, down almost 3.5%.
00:16:24Asia, we had red across the board.
00:16:26And remember what we saw in Japan.
00:16:28Japan is now in a bear market.
00:16:30Are you listening to what she's saying?
00:16:33This is not just the U.S. stock market crashing.
00:16:37This is a global stock market crash.
00:16:41Now, there are people who are talking about 1929 and the Great Depression.
00:16:47I don't think we're exactly there at this moment, but I just told you a few moments ago,
00:16:56eight hours ago, it was $800 billion.
00:16:59Two hours ago, it was $1 trillion.
00:17:02Now, it is $2 trillion lost in market value, and it's still crashing.
00:17:10Pan lost 12%, over 12%, actually, at the close.
00:17:14Mark Tepper and Liz Peek are on set with me.
00:17:17We have been watching this together all morning long.
00:17:20It's getting ugly real fast out there.
00:17:23Look, right now, the volatility index or the fear gauge, which is a measure of how afraid investors are right now,
00:17:31it's at a 65.
00:17:33And just to put that in perspective, if we go back to March of 2020, when the pandemic was full swing
00:17:39and people were locked up in their houses, it was 53.
00:17:43It's 65 right now.
00:17:44You go back to March of 2009, when we had the banking crisis, it was 44.
00:17:50We're at a 65 right now.
00:17:53So, what this guy is telling you, that the stock market crash that's happening right now is worse
00:18:03than the recession that we had at the start of the pandemic.
00:18:07He also just told you that the stock market crash that we're having right now
00:18:13is 33% worse than the stock market was in 2009 when it crashed under Barack Obama.
00:18:24That's how bad the stock market crash that's happening right now actually is.
00:18:31Investors are incredibly scared.
00:18:32And I have to tell you, this cannot just be due to Friday's payroll report.
00:18:37Because on Friday, the market was down about 2%.
00:18:40So, there's more going on than just that.
00:18:42I think the other two issues are, number one, Warren Buffett unloaded half of his Apple position.
00:18:48That's a guy who's buy and hold forever.
00:18:50All of a sudden, maybe he doesn't have a high conviction on Apple going forward.
00:18:55And then, obviously, the increasing probability of a full-scale war in the Middle East.
00:19:01You put those three things together, and it's an ugly situation in the markets today.
00:19:05And Liz, the initial caveat to this was that jobs report last Friday.
00:19:10And we saw the market sell off on Friday.
00:19:12Fears of a recession brewing over the weekend.
00:19:14But to Mark's point, you have a potential strike on Israel by Iran, as well as we're in an election year.
00:19:22I mean, there's a lot of things.
00:19:24The recession talk is really what seems to be pushing things down.
00:19:26I think on the economy, the jobs report was pretty poor.
00:19:29But it really kind of brought to a head a lot of concerns about credit card delinquency spiking,
00:19:35consumer sentiment being in the toilet again and perpetually over the last several months.
00:19:40The fact that consumer spending is dwindling.
00:19:43I just think there are an awful lot of reasons people were concerned about a possible slowdown in the economy.
00:19:49And now there is actual evidence that it's happening.
00:19:52And the tip of the spear is job creation.
00:19:57I know that I talk a lot about the Obama movie, Leave the World Behind.
00:20:03But there's a reason why we talk about that movie.
00:20:12In that movie, if you haven't watched Leave the World Behind, it's on Netflix.
00:20:17If you haven't watched it yet, you need to watch it this afternoon.
00:20:23Take a listen to some of the dialogue that was co-written by Barack Obama
00:20:31about what it will look like when America is taken down by her government.
00:20:39There was one program in particular that terrified my client the most.
00:20:43A simple three-stage maneuver that could topple a country's government from within.
00:20:48The first stage was isolation.
00:20:53Disable their communication and transportation.
00:20:56Make the target as deaf, dumb and paralyzed as possible.
00:21:00Sudden them up for the second stage.
00:21:02Synchronize chaos.
00:21:05Terrorize them with covert attacks and misinformation.
00:21:08Without a clear enemy or motive.
00:21:11People would start turning on each other.
00:21:13Done successfully, the third stage would happen on its own.
00:21:18What's the third stage?
00:21:21Coup d'etat.
00:21:25Civil war.
00:21:37This program was considered the most cost-effective way to destabilize a country.
00:21:42Because if the target nation was dysfunctional enough, it would, in essence, do the work for you.
00:21:49I've said this before.
00:21:53People would ask me, knowing what you know now, do you wish you had a third term?
00:22:01And I used to say, you know what?
00:22:04If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece in,
00:22:14and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff,
00:22:18and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony,
00:22:25I'd be fine with that.
00:22:28That was Barack Obama four years ago telling you how he would operate his third term.
00:22:36Well, Barack Obama is almost at the end of his third term.
00:22:41That was made possible via the rented body of Joe Biden.
00:22:48And as we get closer and closer to the election,
00:22:53you need to prepare yourself.
00:22:57It is going to be very, very similar to how life was conducted back in 2020 and 2021.
00:23:09They may not use the same tricks again, but they are definitely looking to accomplish the same goal.
00:23:19Do you remember something that we called the purge?
00:23:22And I think I wrote about that, an article where I talked about the social media purge.
00:23:28I can remember logging on to my Twitter account and noticing that I had 5,000 less followers
00:23:40than I did when I went to sleep the night before.
00:23:43I can remember getting that notice from Facebook where they were telling me that due to the content that I insisted on posting,
00:23:52they were going to unpublish my 10-year-old Facebook page with nearly 250,000 followers.
00:24:04And I called it the purge.
00:24:06Well, we called it the purge.
00:24:08I certainly didn't make up that term.
00:24:10But back in 21 and 2022, it was a purge on social media and the Biden administration colluded with the FBI and the CIA and social media
00:24:21It was a purge on social media and the Biden administration colluded with the FBI and the CIA and social media
00:24:33and everybody entered into a time of big tech censorship.
00:24:40Well, you know what it says in Ecclesiastes 1.9?
00:24:45It's amazing what you find when you actually read the Bible.
00:24:49Ecclesiastes 1.9 says,
00:24:52The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be.
00:24:57And that which is done is that which shall be done.
00:24:59And there is no new thing under the sun.
00:25:05It's not just the media. It's big tech too. Here we go again.
00:25:08If you actually go on screen grab from Google searches, when you put in assassination attempt of TR dot dot dot,
00:25:16you know, usually they kind of come up with some prompts.
00:25:18It's not even, President Trump doesn't even come up.
00:25:20I did it three or four different times on laptops, computers, a mobile phone, same thing.
00:25:25If you hit in Trump, it comes up Truman. It comes up Reagan assassination.
00:25:29And usually those auto populated searches go by how common the question is.
00:25:34And I can guarantee you more people are looking up assassination attempt on Trump than Truman today.
00:25:38And it's not just Google. Facebook censored the iconic photo of bloody Trump with his fist up.
00:25:44They called it a doctored image.
00:25:45Meta's AI assistant is reportedly claiming the assassination attempt on former President Trump was, quote, fictional.
00:25:51Meta AI replied there was no real assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
00:25:56This is still happening after the laptop, after the covid censorship.
00:26:01This is still happening right before an election.
00:26:08That's a clip from news headlines from a week ago.
00:26:14That's not from 2020 or 21 or 22 or 23.
00:26:20They're bringing back the social media censorship.
00:26:23So you say to yourself, you say to yourself, well, what's the big deal?
00:26:29I don't care about social media. I don't have a social media account.
00:26:34What do I care about social media censorship?
00:26:40Well, you should care.
00:26:42And let me tell you why you should care.
00:26:45The entire world is plugged in to social media.
00:26:51Did you know that you can get breaking news faster, much faster on X than you can on any of the traditional big name networks?
00:27:08People will post breaking news and breaking video and stuff that's happening around the world, like in the Middle East and Iran and all these places.
00:27:18You'll see that on X minutes before.
00:27:24And sometimes hours before the mainstream media picks it up.
00:27:29So you may not care much about social media, just like you may not care much about the Internet.
00:27:37But let me tell you something.
00:27:39The entire world runs on the Internet.
00:27:43If the Internet went down, the world would go down.
00:27:47That is not hyperbole.
00:27:49Every banking system on planet Earth runs on the Internet.
00:27:55Every major hospital runs on the Internet.
00:27:59Law enforcement anywhere in the world runs on the Internet.
00:28:05So you should care.
00:28:09When we talk about social media censorship, you should care.
00:28:15And there's a reason why Elon Musk bought Twitter.
00:28:21You know, he is a lost person, but he is very, very savvy.
00:28:30He is very, very smart.
00:28:32He knows exactly what he's doing.
00:28:36And he took all the abuse and all the criticisms, everybody saying that he was crazy for purchasing Twitter.
00:28:47It was going to pull down his financial empire.
00:28:50Well, guess what?
00:28:52It didn't.
00:28:53He is still the richest person on the face of the Earth.
00:28:57And X is the number one place for breaking news.
00:29:04When I want to find out, has war started in the Middle East?
00:29:08I don't go to the Jerusalem Post or the Times of Israel.
00:29:14I don't turn on CNN or NBC.
00:29:17When I want to find out what's actually happening in the Middle East right now,
00:29:23I go to X and I see an incredible array of videos posted by people who live in the Middle East
00:29:33who are letting you know what's happening long before anybody else knows what's happening.
00:29:40Now, what is happening in the Middle East?
00:29:43I'm glad that you asked.
00:29:45Welcome to the beginning of World War III.
00:29:49I always wonder whether we, as a collective planet,
00:29:53narrowly go our own way and ignore what could be unraveling out there.
00:30:01Maybe we're just eternal optimists.
00:30:04Look, Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, the United States,
00:30:07we've all said that we don't want a wider war.
00:30:10But let's remember that we're facing a major war in Europe for the first time since the Second World War.
00:30:15And that has had significant implications for the global economy.
00:30:20And yet, we're dealing with the fact that the Houthis have disrupted trade in the Red Sea
00:30:25and caused insurance rates to grow up quite significantly.
00:30:29But the global economy is absorbing all of those mini-shocks.
00:30:33I wonder whether the big shock is out there on the horizon.
00:30:36After high-ranking members of the terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah are killed in Lebanon and Iran,
00:30:43today the leader of Hezbollah is warning the conflict with Israel has entered a, quote, new phase.
00:30:49Well, Hamas and Iran have both vowed revenge on Israel,
00:30:53which has so far refused to confirm that it carried out the attack.
00:30:57All this has heightened anxiety about a wider regional conflict in the Middle East
00:31:02and ceasefire talks to stop the war in Gaza.
00:31:05President Biden announcing more U.S. forces will deploy to the Middle East,
00:31:09preparing for the possibility of an Iranian strike against Israel
00:31:13that officials fear could include an attack on American forces in the region.
00:31:18In the Middle East, Hamas has called for a day of furious rage
00:31:21to mark the funeral in the Qatari capital, Doha,
00:31:24of its political leader, Ismail Hanir, who was assassinated in Iran on Wednesday.
00:31:29I think we could very possibly see that Iran will want to do something different.
00:31:34It will want to signal very clearly that this is a response of a different order
00:31:40because of the nature of what happened at 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning in Tehran,
00:31:45in the heart of the Iranian capital, when Israel, as is widely believed,
00:31:51was able to assassinate not just an Iranian ally but the political head of Hamas
00:31:57who only hours before had been meeting the Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
00:32:04who of course the day after then was saying funeral prayers over his casket in Tehran.
00:32:11So I think the Iranians will want to do something that looks and feels different.
00:32:16I think there is every possibility that they will try to engage their regional allies.
00:32:22We've already had Hezbollah promising revenge. We've had Hamas promising revenge.
00:32:28The Houthis on a week-to-week basis are anyway carrying out attacks on international shipping
00:32:34going through the Red Sea.
00:32:36In an exclusive interview with Fox Business, former President Donald Trump weighed in on the Middle East.
00:32:42I'm very strong for Israel. Israel loves me.
00:32:46But you know, a lot of the Arab states like me too because you know what they want to see?
00:32:50They want to see peace.
00:32:51Meantime, President Biden has vowed to use his remaining months in office
00:32:55to end the Israel-Hamas war and bring the hostages home.
00:32:59There's an impending conflict, something that could be quite worse that's out there on the near horizon
00:33:04because there are no more red lines in the Middle East and all the sides are using munitions
00:33:09of increasingly sophisticated violence and it runs the risk of a miscalculation.
00:33:14Israel took out three key leaders, two leaders of Hamas and one from Hezbollah
00:33:21and they're seeking to restore deterrence but it risks creating a cycle of escalation.
00:33:26Russia, of course, is exporting their oil but it reduced prices to India and to China.
00:33:31But I would just say, Neil, the world is right now, I would argue, facing more critical threats,
00:33:37we are in the United States, to our national security than ever before.
00:33:41And it might not be reflected in the markets today but it could be in the coming days and weeks.
00:33:47You know, the irony, and you and I have discussed this before, is the markets, by and large,
00:33:51have ignored all these scary developments dating back to the October 7th attacks themselves.
00:33:56And I'm always amazed by that because just, not that I would say it would be another Arab-Israeli 1973 war,
00:34:02but it could have been and it still could be, to your point, and yet it's not reflected in that.
00:34:07I always wonder whether we, as a collective planet, narrowly go our own way and ignore what could be unraveling out there.
00:34:21So, that was from Jason A.'s YouTube channel and that was a collection of audio clips and soundbites from the last week.
00:34:32And the recurring theme that you heard in those soundbites was talking about how the prospect of a destabilized United States
00:34:42and a destabilized Middle East will very highly likely lead to a destabilized global stock market.
00:34:54Well, we're doing this podcast live. It is 12.43 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, August 5th of 2024.
00:35:04And as I am speaking into this microphone, the entire world is waiting and watching for Iran, Yemen, Gaza, Hezbollah, Hamas,
00:35:18all of Israel's enemies, to come at them all at the same time.
00:35:24In America, shenanigans within the Democratic Party have led to unbelievable changes.
00:35:33And now they have nominated a woman that they have put in just by the force of their own will.
00:35:43Nobody ever voted for her. She was never nominated for anything.
00:35:49When she ran for president four years ago, she didn't even make it past the first round.
00:35:56And the stock market knows what's going on. The global markets know what's going on.
00:36:04What's happening right now within America and has been happening since the day that Donald Trump got the warning shot to his right ear.
00:36:15America is in the process of being taken down. There is no question about it.
00:36:23It is obvious. It is apparent. It is absolutely everywhere.
00:36:28You know how Adolf Hitler came to power? Adolf Hitler came to power after years of internal turmoil in Europe in general and within Germany in specific.
00:36:43And Adolf Hitler, somebody who in prosperous times could never in a million years have ever come to power.
00:36:53Turn to Daniel chapter 2. Turn to Daniel chapter 2. Look at verses 20 through 22.
00:37:23You want to blame somebody for what's going on in our world today? God is more than happy to take all of the credit for it.
00:37:43Don't blame it on the devil. Don't blame it on bad men and evil people.
00:37:51The Bible clearly says that it is God who controls the wind and the waves and the weather.
00:38:00For the last 10 hours, we have had Hurricane Debbie right over our head.
00:38:07Water started coming into the studio this morning.
00:38:12Branches are down all around us, out in the streets, in the backyard, front yard.
00:38:21It has been unbelievably windy and rainy.
00:38:25And when I looked on the map, as it turned out, the eye of the hurricane was directly over our head.
00:38:33Now, who do we blame for that? Climate change? No, no, no.
00:38:40If you read your King James Bible, it is God who controls the wind and the waves and the weather.
00:38:47Turn to Job chapter 38. Turn to the book of Job chapter 38.
00:38:55And look down right around verse 20, 22. Job 38, 22.
00:39:10Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow, or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,
00:39:16by which I have reserved against the time of trouble and against the day of battle and war?
00:39:24By what way is the light parted, which scattereth the east wind upon the earth?
00:39:29Who hath divided a water course for the overflowing of waters, or a way for the lightning of thunder
00:39:35to cause it to rain on the earth, where no man is, on the wilderness wherein there is no man?
00:39:43Don't blame climate change for the weather. God takes full credit for it.
00:39:51Don't blame the economy. Don't blame evil people. Don't give the devil the glory.
00:39:58The things that we're watching happening right now, you better give God all the credit for it,
00:40:06because he is the one that sets up kings and takes down kings.
00:40:11He does all of these things. Well, what about his chosen people?
00:40:17That's a good question. What about his holy land of Israel?
00:40:23Well, guess what? They're going to war.
00:40:27The Biden administration believes Iran could launch a major attack against Israel as soon as today.
00:40:34The head of U.S. Central Command is in the region to build a coalition to help defend the Jewish state.
00:40:40Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel stands ready to defend itself against any enemy attack.
00:40:46Chris Mitchell reports from Jerusalem.
00:40:51Netanyahu sees the situation as a seven-front war where Iran and its proxies are trying to strangle the Jewish state.
00:40:59Their visible aggression is insatiable, but Israel is not helpless.
00:41:05We're determined to stand against them on every front, in every arena, far and near.
00:41:10Anyone who murders our citizens, anyone who harms our country will be held accountable.
00:41:16He will pay a very heavy price.
00:41:19Some anticipate Iran launching a bigger attack than April 13th,
00:41:24when some 350 projectiles rained down across Israel, resulting in only minor damage.
00:41:31The Alma Research Center here estimates a combination of ballistic missiles,
00:41:36cruise missiles and UAVs from many sites in western Iran.
00:41:41U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has dispatched a fighter squadron to the region,
00:41:47and the head of Central Command, General Michael Kurila, is already here in the region.
00:41:52Retired IDF General Amir Avivi tells CBN News,
00:41:56Kurila is expected to play a valuable role in helping coordinate a similar coalition effort that protected Israel in April.
00:42:05It enables to really assist Israel to deal with all the different threats,
00:42:11whether it's ballistic missiles, UAVs or any other capability Iran might shoot at Israel or Hezbollah.
00:42:20And it increases dramatically the chances of really being able to secure Israel the best way possible.
00:42:28Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah threatening maybe that he will hit Tel Aviv or other civilian centers.
00:42:35Do you think that threat is real? And if so, how do you think Israel would respond?
00:42:41If Hezbollah will shoot Israeli centers, this is a full-scale war.
00:42:47We'll have no other choice but to attack with all our capabilities.
00:42:52And I can tell you that Israel can inflict huge, huge damage on Hezbollah and also on Lebanon overall.
00:42:59On Sunday, Israel's Home Front Command announced a new early warning system called Personal Message.
00:43:07It's a world-class system that sends defensive messages against large-scale emergencies that erupt.
00:43:13The alert is sent to mobile phones that are under threat without the need for an application
00:43:17and without the need to perform any action on the part of the citizen.
00:43:20A BBC's Israel's war taking on great significance and far from being a local or even regional conflict.
00:43:27We have a Chinese, Russian, Iranian front that has emerged in the Middle East.
00:43:31It's challenging the U.S. It's challenging the whole Middle East. Israel is at the front.
00:43:38Let me just put that on hold for a second.
00:43:42Laura Loomer on X breaking news, she says, expect things to get extremely volatile today in Israel
00:43:50at 10 p.m. local time in Tel Aviv, which is 3 p.m. here on the east coast of the United States.
00:43:58She says things are about to get even more explosive countdown within three hours.
00:44:04And just about everybody, every news outlet that I've been looking at since we got up this morning,
00:44:14they all say that the attack is going to come sometime today.
00:44:20That's what everybody says across the board.
00:44:23When they talked about the last attack on April 12th, when Iran sent, I don't know,
00:44:30a thousand of their missiles and drones and all those different things.
00:44:36They called that one pretty much right on time as well.
00:44:40But it could certainly it doesn't have to be hours from now.
00:44:46It could happen during this podcast. And if it does, obviously, we'll let you know.
00:44:52Of this eastern coalition that has emerged. But it's a challenge for the whole Western society.
00:44:58Some reports indicate Iran may wait until August 12th and 13th when Jews mark a day called Tisha B'Av or the 9th of Av.
00:45:07It's a day when Jews lament the destruction of the first and second Jewish temples and other calamities in Jewish history.
00:45:14The day ends a three week period of mourning.
00:45:17We told you on the podcast on Friday that there was some chatter that Iran was going to attack on Tisha B'Av.
00:45:26That is the 9th of Av or the 12th through the 13th of August.
00:45:32Today is only the 5th. We are not going to get anywhere near Tisha B'Av for the start of the war.
00:45:42And like I said, just about everybody says that it's going to take place sometime today.
00:45:52President Biden will convene his top national security officials in the White House Situation Room today as the U.S. deploys additional forces to the Middle East.
00:46:02The Pentagon sending an aircraft carrier, warships and an extra squadron of fighter jets to the region in one of the largest deployments since October 7th.
00:46:11Now the White House says the goal is to try to deter Iran from attacking.
00:46:16But that if that doesn't work, those troops will help Israel to defend itself.
00:46:21Now the U.S. was deeply involved in shooting down waves of Iranian missiles and drones back in April.
00:46:28But an Israeli official tells NBC News this time they are potentially bracing for worse.
00:46:35A multi-day attack by both Iran and Hezbollah.
00:46:39And remember, both have vowed revenge against Israel following the assassinations of Hamas's political chief in Iran and a senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon last week.
00:46:51Now markets across the world are way down right now.
00:46:54That is mainly about concerns that the U.S. economy may be slowing down.
00:46:58But it is not helped by fears of an all-out war in the Middle East.
00:47:03And today the U.S. and its G7 allies appealing for calm, saying that these tensions could ignite a regional conflict.
00:47:12Raf Sanchez, NBC News, Tel Aviv.
00:47:15So that's pretty much what's happening across the board with the nation of Israel.
00:47:22Just a quick look at the headlines. hostage talks on hold until after Iran strikes Israel and Hananea is replaced.
00:47:36At the command center, Gallant says IAF preparing for a quick transition to offense.
00:47:46In the meantime, seven IDF reservists have been wounded, four of them seriously, in a rocket blast in southern Gaza.
00:47:57Let me see what else is happening.
00:48:00That's pretty much all the headline news on The Times of Israel.
00:48:04Let's see what the Jerusalem Post has to say.
00:48:09Iran issues flight warning notice to pilots ahead of the expected attack.
00:48:15Antony Blinken said an attack carried out by Iran and Hezbollah against Israel could happen sometime today.
00:48:25Take a listen to what Antony Blinken had to say about what he wants to see happen in the Middle East.
00:48:35Right now, the path that the region is on is toward more conflict, more violence, more suffering, more insecurity.
00:48:47And it is crucial that we break this cycle.
00:48:50And that starts with a ceasefire that we've been working on and I believe is not only achievable, it has to be achieved.
00:49:00And then building on that ceasefire to have an end to the conflict in Gaza.
00:49:10What type of idiot, as a nation like Israel, is preparing itself to go to war with Iran?
00:49:20What type of idiot would call that nation to engage in a ceasefire?
00:49:30To produce calm in the north between Israel and Lebanon.
00:49:35And then to work on broader, more enduring peace and security.
00:49:39But it all starts with a ceasefire.
00:49:42I think it remains manifestly the case that the ceasefire is in the interest of everyone.
00:49:46It's in the interest of Israelis. It's in the interest of Palestinians.
00:49:50It's in the interest of the region.
00:49:53I can't really say what I want to say about that clip that you just heard.
00:50:00But these are the type of people that are running America right now.
00:50:08These are the type of morons and imbeciles that are actually in charge of foreign policy that can impact the stability of the world order.
00:50:22These are the people running the United States of America right now.
00:50:28This is why that we say the Biden-Obama administration.
00:50:34Joe Biden's the front man. Barack Obama is the man behind the front.
00:50:40And they are absolutely implementing the Cloward-Piven strategy.
00:50:48And the Cloward-Piven strategy is an eight-point strategy that was developed back in the 1960s by two Marxist college professors, Cloward and Piven.
00:51:01And they came up with a bullet point list of what you would need to do if you wanted to take down the United States of America.
00:51:12And you've got to control the education system, the welfare system, the financial system, the health care system, the school system.
00:51:22You've got to control the media and the newspapers.
00:51:26And the 1960s was a long time ago.
00:51:32I was born in the 1960s and I'm 63 years old.
00:51:36That's a fairly long time ago.
00:51:40But those things that were put in place by the Marxists and socialists and communists who vowed one day to take over the country,
00:51:52well, they got to the point where they had been able to take over the country.
00:51:57And this is what we have.
00:52:00If you don't know what Cloward and Piven is, go to our website.
00:52:05Put Cloward and Piven into the search box.
00:52:09We'll post a couple articles right here about the Cloward and Piven strategy to take down the entire world.
00:52:19Chrissy says that is the handbook of Obama.
00:52:22Well, it absolutely is.
00:52:26I've said this before.
00:52:30People would ask me, knowing what you know now, do you wish you had a third term?
00:52:38And I used to say, you know what, if I could make an arrangement where I had a stand in, a front man or front woman,
00:52:50and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff,
00:52:56then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony.
00:53:03I'd be fine with that.
00:53:05Yeah, and that's exactly what happened, and that's exactly who's in charge of America.
00:53:12And all these things that we've been telling you about for the last four years,
00:53:18they are continuing to happen.
00:53:20They have not stopped happening, and they will continue to happen into the future.
00:53:28The Bible says that in the end times, all these things are going to swirl around you.
00:53:35You're going to see it with your eyes.
00:53:37You're going to hear it with your ears, and you're not going to believe what's going on,
00:53:43even though somebody, like now the end begins, is telling you what's happening.
00:53:50Habakkuk 1.5, Behold ye among the heathen in regard, and wonder marvelously,
00:53:56for I will work a work in your day which you will not believe though it be told you.
00:54:03That's our day. That's today. It's happening right now.
00:54:08We're continuing to keep an eye on the progress of headed towards war in the Middle East.
00:54:15The stock market crash has passed $2 trillion in market capital reduction,
00:54:24and who knows where this thing is going to stop.
00:54:27It's already the worst stock market crash since 2009.
00:54:34If you remember what life was like then, I know lots of people that lost jobs and income and houses.
00:54:42I was one of those people, and it was a very, very tough time.
00:54:48Well, the stock market crash today is worse than that stock market crash,
00:54:53and we'll just have to wait to see where it all shakes out.
00:54:58In the meantime, two quick updates for you.
00:55:02Mark your calendars, September 13th, 14th, and 15th.
00:55:08Here in St. Augustine, Florida, you are invited to come out to Bethany Baptist Church
00:55:15on Route 208 in St. Augustine, and September 13th,
00:55:21David Daniels is coming out from Chick Publications in California.
00:55:27He's going to give a message on the supremacy of the King James Bible.
00:55:31That's going to be very exciting. We can't wait for that.
00:55:35September 14th, we're going to have the grand opening of the new NTEB bookstore
00:55:41in beautiful downtown Palatka in our gorgeous 19th century farmhouse,
00:55:47and we want you guys to come out and be a part of that.
00:55:51And then September 15th, we are going to have all-day church, dinner on the grounds.
00:55:58Pastor Joel Tillis and the entire team from The Soul Trap,
00:56:04they're going to be here all weekend long.
00:56:07Dr. Bill Grady is going to come out on Saturday,
00:56:11and we're going to have a good old-fashioned time.
00:56:15So, please mark your calendars.
00:56:19September 13th, 14th, and 15th, Bethany Baptist Church, St. Augustine,
00:56:25and the grand opening of the NTEB Bible Believers bookstore.
00:56:32Rapture 57 says, well, we'll see about that.
00:56:35Things may come to a head before that.
00:56:39And you know what? I agree with you.
00:56:42But guess what? I want to go out at full speed.
00:56:47If I knew that the rapture was going to happen at 5 o'clock today,
00:56:53I would still have done this podcast.
00:56:56If I know that on Sunday night, the rapture is going to take place,
00:57:02I'm still going to do church on Sunday morning.
00:57:05I'm still going to do what God has called me to do.
00:57:09And you should feel exactly the same way.
00:57:12Don't you want to go out at full speed for the Lord?
00:57:17Whether you get taken out by the enemies,
00:57:22or you get taken out in the rapture,
00:57:25don't you want to go out being productive for the Lord,
00:57:29to go out at full speed, getting something done?
00:57:33And yes, there is a possibility that everything could crash
00:57:39between now and September 13th, 14th, and 15th.
00:57:43But we're still going to plan. We're still going to work.
00:57:47We're still going to get stuff done for the Lord,
00:57:52and he can take us out whenever it pleases him to take us out.
00:57:57But I want to go out at full speed.
00:58:01Lori wants to go out at full speed.
00:58:04We want you guys to go out at full speed as well.
00:58:08That's why we say, to the fight.
00:58:11This is a very real battle that we're in,
00:58:15and the spiritual battle is about to meet with the physical battle
00:58:20as the world goes crazy.
00:58:24And I want to go out at full speed.
00:58:29Second thing, we have had so many requests
00:58:33for free Bibles from the Free Bible Program
00:58:36and Bibles behind bars.
00:58:39We really need your help.
00:58:41If you think it's a good thing that we're sending out
00:58:45all these Bibles, thousands and thousands of Bibles,
00:58:48in just the month of June alone.
00:58:51I'm sorry, was it June or July?
00:58:54But we sent out like 6,000 or 7,000 Bibles in July.
00:58:59If you'd like to help us to continue to do that,
00:59:02please go to
00:59:07and click on the donate button.
00:59:10We need your help.
00:59:13We need your prayers.
00:59:15We need you to help us to continue in this fight.
00:59:21If God has prospered you,
00:59:24please go to
00:59:28and click on the donate link
00:59:30and help us to continue to send out these Bibles,
00:59:36New Testaments, Scripture portions, and Gospel tracts.
00:59:41We can't do it without you.
00:59:43Thank you very much.
00:59:45All right, let's continue with the End Times action today.
00:59:51Charlie is asking,
00:59:52what are the bookstore hours on that Saturday?
00:59:55Probably 10 to 5.
00:59:57The bookstore normally closes at 2 o'clock,
01:00:00but for the grand opening,
01:00:02I think we're going to stay open to 5 o'clock, Lord willing.
01:00:08But let's continue to talk about the End Times action today.
01:00:13In the United Kingdom, they have a new prime minister.
01:00:17His name is Keir Starmer,
01:00:20and he's only been prime minister for a couple of weeks,
01:00:24and already his disastrous policies
01:00:29have brought the nation of Great Britain
01:00:35nearly to the forefront of civil war.
01:00:40Take a listen to Keir Starmer
01:00:43talking about the riots happening in England right now.
01:00:48Be in no doubt,
01:00:50those that have participated in this violence
01:00:53will face the full force of the law.
01:00:57The police will be making arrests,
01:01:00individuals will be held on remand,
01:01:03charges will follow,
01:01:05and convictions will follow.
01:01:08I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder,
01:01:13whether directly or those whipping up this action online
01:01:17and then running away themselves.
01:01:20This is not protest.
01:01:23It is organised violent thuggery,
01:01:27and it has no place on our streets or online.
01:01:32Right now, there are attacks happening on a hotel in Rotherham.
01:01:37Marauding gangs intent on law-breaking,
01:01:40or worse, windows smashed,
01:01:43fires set ablaze,
01:01:45residents and staff in absolute fear.
01:01:49There is no justification, none,
01:01:53for taking this action,
01:01:55and all right...
01:01:57Now, what he doesn't tell you, of course,
01:02:00is the reason for these riots
01:02:04that are happening in England right now
01:02:08are because the United Kingdom
01:02:12has been allowing hundreds of thousands
01:02:17of illegal immigrants to just come into the cities.
01:02:22They take over everything.
01:02:25They are collapsing the system.
01:02:27Crime is skyrocketing.
01:02:31Children are being abused.
01:02:33Women are being raped.
01:02:35People are being murdered in the streets.
01:02:38People are getting stabbed with machetes in the subway system.
01:02:43England is a hellhole right now,
01:02:48and the reason why they're having the riots
01:02:52is because the people in England
01:02:55are sick and tired of the unrelenting crime wave
01:03:00that's been taking place
01:03:02since they took all the borders down
01:03:05and let all the illegal immigrants in.
01:03:07And so what have they done?
01:03:09They have taken matters into their own hands.
01:03:12Last night, stuff was set on fire
01:03:16as far as the eye can see,
01:03:19and it is the citizens of England
01:03:22who have had enough,
01:03:24who are taking on the Muslim illegal immigrants,
01:03:28and you're having fightings,
01:03:30and all these different things
01:03:33taking place right out in the street.
01:03:36Buildings are getting burned down.
01:03:40The people of England have had enough.
01:03:44All right-minded people
01:03:46should be condemning this sort of violence.
01:03:50People in this country have a right to be safe,
01:03:56and yet we've seen Muslim communities targeted,
01:04:01attacks on mosques,
01:04:03other minority communities singled out,
01:04:06Nazi salutes in the street,
01:04:09attacks on the police,
01:04:11wanton violence alongside racist rhetoric.
01:04:15So, no, I won't shy away from calling it what it is,
01:04:20far-right thuggery.
01:04:23To those who feel targeted,
01:04:26I won't shy away from calling it what it is, either.
01:04:30It is not only far-right thuggery.
01:04:34It is a complete and total collapse of leadership
01:04:38within the United Kingdom.
01:04:40That is what is causing the problem.
01:04:45The people have had enough,
01:04:48and they're taking matters into their own hands.
01:04:53That's the problem.
01:04:55Now, do I agree with what he said was far-right thuggery?
01:05:05No, I don't.
01:05:08I am 100% against that.
01:05:11I am 100% against the Nazi salutes.
01:05:15I am obviously against Marxism, Socialism, Communism, Fascism,
01:05:21Antifa, and Black Lives Matter.
01:05:25I'm not in favor of any of those groups.
01:05:29But what did I tell you a few minutes ago?
01:05:33Adolf Hitler came to power
01:05:36when there was a collapse and failure of leadership
01:05:40within the nation of Germany,
01:05:43which allowed these various groups to fight each other,
01:05:48and that created massive instability.
01:05:53And that's how Adolf Hitler came to power.
01:05:57Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor.
01:06:00He had the will of the people.
01:06:03The Nazi Party was the most popular political party
01:06:07by the time he came to power.
01:06:10He took over legally.
01:06:13And when you have any nation that refuses to govern
01:06:18the way that they are supposed to govern,
01:06:22I'm thinking of Proverbs 29.
01:06:27Turn to Proverbs 29, verse 2.
01:06:31Proverbs 29, 2.
01:06:34When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice.
01:06:38But when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn.
01:06:43Now, we've been telling you for years,
01:06:47and when I first played the clip
01:06:50that I'm about to play for you now,
01:06:53when I first played this clip,
01:06:56people had a very strong reaction to it.
01:07:00Some people agreed with it, and that was good.
01:07:04Other people said that this clip that you're about to hear
01:07:10is a xenophobic and racist statement.
01:07:16Well, there is nothing xenophobic or racist about statistics.
01:07:22And from a statistical perspective,
01:07:25over the last 20 years, in the nation of England,
01:07:30the power base has been shifting in favor of the Muslims,
01:07:36and there's just no way around it.
01:07:40I first played this clip 10 years ago.
01:07:44I'm going to play it for you right now.
01:07:47Take a listen to how Muslim demographics are changing the world.
01:08:01According to research,
01:08:03in order for a culture to maintain itself for more than 25 years,
01:08:08there must be a fertility rate of 2.11 children per family.
01:08:13With anything less, the culture will decline.
01:08:17Historically, no culture has ever reversed a 1.9 fertility rate,
01:08:23a rate of 1.3 impossible to reverse,
01:08:27because it would take 80 to 100 years to correct itself,
01:08:31and there is no economic model that can sustain a culture during that time.
01:08:36In other words, if two sets of parents each have one child,
01:08:41there are half as many children as parents.
01:08:44If those children have one child,
01:08:47then there are one-fourth as many grandchildren as grandparents.
01:08:51If only a million babies are born in 2006,
01:08:55it's hard to have two million adults enter the workforce in 2026.
01:09:00As the population shrinks, so does the culture.
01:09:05As of 2007, the fertility rate in France was 1.8,
01:09:11England, 1.6,
01:09:14Greece, 1.3,
01:09:16Germany, 1.3,
01:09:19Italy, 1.2,
01:09:22Spain, 1.1.
01:09:26Across the entire European Union of 31 countries,
01:09:31the fertility is a mere 1.38.
01:09:35Historical research tells us these numbers are impossible to reverse.
01:09:40In a matter of years, Europe as we know it will cease to exist.
01:09:46Yet the population of Europe is not declining.
01:09:50Europe as we know it will cease to exist.
01:09:56Ten years ago, people said that that was a racist and xenophobic statement to make.
01:10:06And here we are in 2024,
01:10:10and the Muslims and the Brits are rioting with each other in the streets.
01:10:20How did that happen?
01:10:22Not declining. Why?
01:10:25Immigration. Islamic immigration.
01:10:29Of all population growth in Europe since 1990,
01:10:3390% has been Islamic immigration.
01:10:37France, 1.8 children per family.
01:10:41Muslims, 8.1.
01:10:44In southern France, traditionally one of the most populated church regions in the world,
01:10:50there are now more mosques than churches.
01:10:5330% of children ages 20 and younger are Islamic.
01:10:58In the larger cities such as Nice, Marseille and Paris,
01:11:02that number has grown to 45%.
01:11:05By 2027, one in five Frenchmen will be Muslim.
01:11:11In just 39 years, France will be an Islamic republic.
01:11:19In the last 30 years, the Muslim population of Great Britain
01:11:23rose from 82,000 to 2.5 million, a 30-fold increase.
01:11:30There are over 1,000 mosques, many of them former churches.
01:11:34In the Netherlands, 50% of all newborns are Muslim,
01:11:38and in only 15 years, half of the population of the Netherlands will be Muslim.
01:11:44So let me just stop that right there.
01:11:48You just heard this man, this narrator,
01:11:52tell you that when this video was made,
01:11:56that the Muslim population of Great Britain, of England,
01:12:02was 2.5 million people.
01:12:06Well, I am on the website called
01:12:10the Office for National Statistics in the UK.
01:12:16As of 2021, that's three years ago,
01:12:22there were not 2.5 million Muslims living in Great Britain.
01:12:30As of three years ago, there was nearly 4 million Muslims.
01:12:36So since this video was made,
01:12:40and he told you about 2.5 million Muslims
01:12:44living in the capital city of London,
01:12:48now that's 4 million people, not 2.5 million people.
01:12:54That's a huge increase.
01:12:58In Russia, there are over 23 million Muslims.
01:13:02That's one out of five Russians.
01:13:0440% of the entire Russian army will be Islamic in just a few short years.
01:13:12Currently in Belgium, 25% of the population
01:13:16and 50% of all newborns are Muslim.
01:13:20The government of Belgium has stated
01:13:22one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families by 2025,
01:13:28just 17 years away.
01:13:32So this video was made in 2015.
01:13:40Wow. No.
01:13:44This video was made in 2005.
01:13:50And everything that you're listening to this guy talking about has come true.
01:13:58And in some cases, it's worse than what he said was going to happen.
01:14:04And he talks about things happening in 2025.
01:14:08And when he made this video, that was two decades away.
01:14:14You know how close we are to 2025 right now?
01:14:20We are three and a half months away from 2025, not 20 years.
01:14:26The German government, the first to talk about this publicly,
01:14:30recently released a statement saying,
01:14:32the fall in the German population can no longer be stopped.
01:14:36Its downward spiral is no longer reversible.
01:14:40It will be a Muslim state by the year 2050.
01:14:46Mormar al-Qadhafi of Libya said,
01:14:48there are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe
01:14:52without swords, without guns, without conquest.
01:14:56We don't need terrorists.
01:14:58We don't need homicide bombers.
01:15:00The 50 plus million Muslims in Europe
01:15:03will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.
01:15:10There are currently 52 million Muslims in Europe.
01:15:14The German government said that number is expected to double
01:15:17in the next 20 years to 104 million.
01:15:23Closer to home, the numbers tell a similar story.
01:15:27Right now, Canada's fertility rate is 1.6.
01:15:31Nearly a full point below what is required to sustain a culture.
01:15:35And Islam is now the fastest growing religion.
01:15:39Between 2001 and 2006, Canada's population increased by 1.6 million.
01:15:471.2 of those, immigration.
01:15:51In the United States, the current fertility rate of American citizens is 1.6.
01:15:57With the influx of the Latino nations,
01:16:00the rate increases to 2.11,
01:16:03the bare minimum required to sustain a culture.
01:16:07In 1970, there were 100,000 Muslims in America.
01:16:12Today, there are over 9 million.
01:16:16The world is changing.
01:16:18It's time to wake up.
01:16:23Three years ago, a meeting of 24 Islamic organizations was held in Chicago.
01:16:28The transcripts of that meeting showed in detail their plans to evangelize America
01:16:33through journalism, politics, education, and more.
01:16:37They said, we must prepare ourselves for the reality that in 30 years,
01:16:42there will be 50 million Muslims living in America.
01:16:46The world that we live in is not the world in which our children and grandchildren will live.
01:16:53So, that video made about 20 years ago, man, that's telling you what the truth is.
01:17:01That's the reason why you have all these problems in England.
01:17:06I don't agree with vigilante justice.
01:17:09But look, the entire police structure in the nation of England,
01:17:19they gave up a long time ago.
01:17:25They took guns away from the police.
01:17:30Have you ever watched videos of police officers in England
01:17:39attempting to arrest somebody who has broken some law or committed some type of crime?
01:17:49And it is absolutely keystone cops.
01:17:54Nobody's afraid of the police in England.
01:17:58They don't have guns.
01:18:00They don't really have weapons.
01:18:03They have handcuffs.
01:18:05Some of them have tasers.
01:18:08Some of them have nightsticks.
01:18:11And it's absolutely ridiculous.
01:18:15And these type of things have led to incredible instability within the nation of England.
01:18:24That was the whole point. That was the purpose.
01:18:27This is the Cloward-Piven strategy.
01:18:31This is how you take down a nation.
01:18:34England is also in the process of falling.
01:18:39Now, I want to play this clip for you in closing.
01:18:46This is what it would be like if Kamala Harris becomes president.
01:18:52These are her policies.
01:18:55This is how she understands the incredible challenges facing Americans in 2024.
01:19:05Take a listen to Kamala Harris explaining inflation.
01:19:10What else are you going to do to fix this problem with inflation?
01:19:16Well, let's start with this.
01:19:21Prices have gone up.
01:19:24And families and individuals are dealing with the realities of that bread costs more, that gas costs more.
01:19:36And we have to understand what that means.
01:19:39That's about the cost of living going up.
01:19:42That's about having to stress and stretch limited resources.
01:19:47That's about a source of stress for families that is not only economic, but is on a daily level something that is a heavy weight to carry.
01:19:56So it is something that we take very seriously, very seriously.
01:20:00And we know from the history of this issue in the United States that when you see these prices go up,
01:20:06it has a direct impact on the quality of life for all people in our country.
01:20:11So it's a big issue, and we take it seriously.
01:20:14And it is a priority, therefore.
01:20:16Now, is she really that ignorant?
01:20:20Is she really that simple minded?
01:20:23Is she really that stupid?
01:20:26Are the Democrats really that stupid?
01:20:30Or is the whole thing intentional?
01:20:35Can you imagine that becoming our president?
01:20:39You'll wish for the days of Joe Biden.
01:20:43You'll wish for the days of Barack Obama.
01:20:46If that becomes our president, it's over, baby.
01:20:53It's absolutely over.
01:20:56And again, that's the whole point.
01:20:59That's the whole plan.
01:21:01And when they have her say things like that, they're mocking us is what they're doing.
01:21:12They're looking us right in the face, and they are telling us in not so many words,
01:21:18we are tearing this nation down, and there's nothing that you can do about it.
01:21:25Well, there is something that you can do about it.
01:21:28If you're a Christian, if you're saved, if you're born again,
01:21:32you can get busy about the Father's business.
01:21:35You can help us to hand out Bibles.
01:21:38You can buy some gospel tracks and go to the street corner where you live
01:21:44and start telling lost people about Jesus Christ.
01:21:47You can help us to put up more gospel billboards.
01:21:51There's lots of things that you can do from a Christian perspective.
01:21:56But as far as America is concerned and the nations of the world,
01:22:02the Bible says that they are the drop of a bucket.
01:22:07And soon and very soon, we're going to hear the Lord Jesus calling us by name into the clouds,
01:22:15and we're going to be out of here.
01:22:18Don't let your focus be politics.
01:22:21We do these podcasts so that you know what's going on, so you know what time it is,
01:22:27so you know how late the hour actually is.
01:22:31But don't get sucked into it.
01:22:35Spend your time getting something done for the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:22:41That's what we can do as Christians.
01:22:44And with that, we've come to the end of our time for today.
01:22:48Thank you so much, as always, for being a part of the NTEB global family
01:22:53across America and around the world.
01:22:56Last night, we had problems with the static electricity due to the impending hurricane,
01:23:03and the last half of the Bible study got cut off.
01:23:06We are going to do it again, Lord willing, tomorrow night,
01:23:11and we're going to redo that Bible study.
01:23:14So that's why it's not posted.
01:23:18The quality could not be saved or preserved.
01:23:21There was just too much static electricity.
01:23:24So join us here tomorrow night, 7 p.m.,
01:23:28and we're going to attempt to redo last night's Bible study.
01:23:33Have a great day, everybody, and keep looking up, because the King is coming.
01:23:39I wonder if you know him.
01:23:42Don't try to mislead me.
01:23:44Do you know my King?
01:23:49The Bible says he's a king of the Jews.
01:23:52He's a king of righteousness.
01:23:54He's a king of the ages.
01:23:56He's a king of heaven.
01:23:58He's a king of glory.
01:24:00He's a king of kings, and he is the Lord of lords.
01:24:05Now that's my King.
01:24:07Well, no barrier can hinder him from pouring out his blessing.
01:24:13No means of measure can define his limitless love.
01:24:18No far-seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of his surely supply.
01:24:25Well, he's enduringly strong.
01:24:28He's eternally steadfast.
01:24:31He's immortally graceful.
01:24:33He's empirically powerful, and he's impartially merciful.
01:24:38That's my King.
01:24:40He's God's son.
01:24:42He's the sinner's savior.
01:24:44He's the centerpiece of civilization.
01:24:47He's unparalleled.
01:24:49He's unprecedented.
01:24:51He's preeminent.
01:24:52Well, he's the loftiest idea in literature.
01:24:55He's the fundamental doctrine of true theology.
01:24:59He's the miracle of the age.
01:25:01He's the superlative of everything good.
01:25:04He's the only one able to supply all of our needs simultaneously.
01:25:11He's available for the tempted and the tried.
01:25:14He sympathizes and he saves.
01:25:16He heals the sick.
01:25:18He cleanses the leprous.
01:25:20He forgives sinners.
01:25:22He delivers the captives.
01:25:24He defends the feeble.
01:25:26He blesses the young.
01:25:28He serves the unfortunate.
01:25:30He regards the aged.
01:25:32He rewards the diligent, and he beautifies the meek.
01:25:36Do you know him?
01:25:38Do you know my King?
01:25:40Well, my King is a King of knowledge.
01:25:45He's a wellspring of wisdom.
01:25:48He's a doorway of deliverance.
01:25:50He's a gateway of glory.
01:25:52He's a pathway of peace.
01:25:55He's a roadway of righteousness.
01:25:57He's a highway of holiness.
01:25:59His promise is sure.
01:26:02His life is matchless.
01:26:04His goodness is limitless.
01:26:06His mercy is everlasting.
01:26:09His love never changes.
01:26:11His word is enough.
01:26:14His grace is sufficient.
01:26:16His reign is righteous.
01:26:18His yoke is easy, and his burden is light.
01:26:22Do you know him?
01:26:24Well, he's incomprehensible.
01:26:27He's invincible.
01:26:29He's irresistible.
01:26:31I'm proud to tell you, the heavens of heaven cannot contain him,
01:26:36let alone a man explain him.
01:26:38You can't get him out of your mouth.
01:26:40You can't outlive him, and you can't live without him.
01:26:45Well, Pharisees couldn't stand him, but they found out they couldn't stop him.
01:26:52Pilate couldn't find any fault in him.
01:26:56The witnesses couldn't get their testimonies to agree.
01:27:00Herod couldn't kill him.
01:27:03Death couldn't handle him, and the grave couldn't hold him.
01:27:07That's my king.
01:27:09He always has been, and he always will be.
01:27:14I'm talking about he had no predecessor, and he'll have no successor.
01:27:19There will be nobody before him, and there will be nobody after him.
01:27:23Euclidians seek him, and he's not going to resign.
01:27:26That's my king.
01:27:29Do you know him?
01:27:31He's the master of the mighty.
01:27:33He's the captain of the conquerors.
01:27:35He's the head of the heroes.
01:27:37He's the leader of the legislators.
01:27:39He's the overseer of the overcomers.
01:27:42He's the governor of governors.
01:27:44He's the prince of princes.
01:27:46He's the king of kings, and he's the lord of lords.
01:27:50That's my king!
01:27:55Thank you for coming.
01:27:57That's my king.
01:28:35© transcript Emily Beynon
