Nicklaus Flaz vs Alfredo Escarcega (10-07-2024) Full Fight

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00:00No low blow, no behind the head, no holding.
00:02I stop, I stop, I break, I break, okay?
00:04Touch him up. Touch him up.
00:07Okay, good luck.
00:14Yeah, showing the flashes of greatness
00:16here on Pro Box TV.
00:17Nicolas Flaz, last time out,
00:19knocked down in round number one
00:20before he knocked out in round number six.
00:24Dude has real power, but the question tonight,
00:27Chris, he gets it with his feet.
00:29He gets it with his range.
00:31Can he do that against a much taller opponent?
00:32I mean, we'll see. I mean, this is a great matchup.
00:34This is what Pro Box TV is all about.
00:36Nicolas Flaz looked fantastic on our air last time.
00:38You know, he's one of those guys,
00:39he's the definition, you got to look past the numbers.
00:41Look at his record, yeah, 12 and two,
00:43eight knockouts, that's a decent record.
00:45He's good. He's really good.
00:48When he's on, he's good.
00:49That's the thing, he's been a bit inconsistent,
00:50but that's why he's got the two losses.
00:51He's good in the middle of nowhere,
00:53and maybe you don't get the same guy,
00:54but when this kid is on, he's on.
00:55Nice little left hand there from Viscoso.
00:58Right now, Flaz putting the pressure on.
00:59He's in the pink and purple.
01:01Escarcigal Jr. in the teal, green, and black.
01:04Guys, Escarcigal is a starting partner
01:07for Mikey Garcia for quite a long time,
01:09so you know he can fight.
01:11You know he can take a shot as well.
01:12Yeah, that's right.
01:13Good shots from Flaz upstairs.
01:16Flaz has those subtle distance changes,
01:19right in and out of range,
01:20where he just confuses just a little bit
01:22and sets up his attack deceptively.
01:24That athleticism, gentlemen, he's able to pop in and out.
01:27He's got a beautiful little float.
01:28He floats in and out, lets his punches go
01:30very athletically, very smooth.
01:32Good shots there, keeping that 40-footer in there.
01:35Big on the southpaw.
01:36A lot of room for that right hand,
01:37and Flaz, so far, putting it to good use.
01:42Flaz is also one of those guys,
01:43he's been brought in many times in his career
01:46as a B-side against undefeated opponents,
01:48and then gets the win.
01:51Looks like our main event.
01:53Akitsuki says, I'm always on the B-side,
01:55doesn't mean to lose.
01:57I go out there to win every time,
01:59that is definitely Nicolas Flaz.
02:03Got to go talk about the one loss of his career,
02:05he said, that was destiny,
02:06that was a plan to make me better, and it did make me better.
02:10Flaz is also interesting, because as you watch him,
02:11you look at him, the guy doesn't look like he hits that hard,
02:13but he builds his power as he goes.
02:15With that floating style, he comes in and out,
02:17comes in and out, finds his feet,
02:19and then really puts his punches together
02:20with some good power.
02:26Oh, the count of voice.
02:29Iskacica trying to get to the body,
02:31but at times, Flaz will make him pay with a head shot.
02:34There it is again, when you go to the body,
02:36you have to expose at times,
02:37so you got to be careful the way you go to the body.
02:39Definitely need to pay attention this night,
02:41these guys are punching with each other a lot.
02:44And I'm curious, Paulie, what you think of Iskacica,
02:46he's lowering himself a lot,
02:47he's kind of taking away that height advantage,
02:48he's going to be hunching over.
02:50Yeah, he's got to get a little closer
02:51when he goes down to the body,
02:52that lowering yourself a lot of times on the ground
02:54is because you're punching from a little bit too far out.
02:56Paulie, I know you love that term,
02:58your turn, my turn, these guys are not bad.
03:00No, they're punching with each other.
03:01It's our turn, and it's a skill that you need to have
03:05if you want to go up the levels,
03:06is you got to know how to punch with guys
03:08and in between guys.
03:10And although Iskacica is having a good success,
03:16it just looks like he's working way harder.
03:20Flaz has a couple of extra dimensions to him,
03:22very versatile fighter.
03:23Flash aheads.
03:25Flash aheads and they're traded some body shots
03:27at the end of round number one.
03:29Come on.
03:31Come on, Iskacica.
03:32Come on, Iskacica.
03:34Come on, Iskacica.
03:36Come on, Iskacica.
03:37Come on, Iskacica.
03:39Come on, Iskacica.
03:42How are you feeling?
03:43I'm good.
03:44You started very warm, that's not the plan A.
03:46The plan A is half long and half short,
03:48making you fall.
03:50He is insisting on your left,
03:52And every time you throw to the left, you're pulling hard on the hook.
03:54You have this hand very low.
03:57You're not throwing with the line.
03:59Sorry. You're not throwing with the line.
04:00You're throwing back and down. Don't throw.
04:03Welcome back to Pro Box TV.
04:04You're looking inside the corner of Nicolas Flaz.
04:07This corner... You're starting too hot.
04:09This is one of the slow-building kind of fight, right?
04:12You're starting to... Slow it down a little bit.
04:14Slow it down. Paul, what do you think of that advice?
04:15Yeah, you know, it is a long round.
04:17It's a long fight, and, you know, there's...
04:19You don't want to let the face get too far ahead of you.
04:22So I think that's where that advice will come in handy for Flaz.
04:26But he had to give himself a good round.
04:28Gentlemen, it's always funny sitting in your seat doing color.
04:30People go, what should this guy do?
04:31Well, I don't know what he trained.
04:33I don't know what game plan he trained.
04:34And the corner not liking him starting a little too hot,
04:37although he did have success in round number one.
04:39Nicolas Flaz, the pink and purple.
04:42As Karcega Jr. in the teal, green and black.
04:44You start round number two.
04:46Jimmy, I may not know what he trained, but I know what he's good at.
04:48And I would agree with the corner.
04:49I would imagine they would want to start...
04:51So like I mentioned, like, he's got that flow.
04:52He finds his rhythm. He finds that power later on.
04:55He started out a little fast, a little hot, just like his corner said.
04:58And he got hit with some shots he probably didn't need to get hit with.
05:10Oh, good body shot there from Flaz.
05:12Once again, as Karcega, late notice opponent change,
05:15but he's going to have no problem.
05:17I want this opportunity.
05:18He knows what it means to fight in a co-main event.
05:20Roblox TV, action-packed fighter.
05:23That's been a hallmark of his career so far.
05:27He's going to the body, back and forth.
05:29And Flaz is trying to dictate the pace a little bit.
05:31Backing up as Karcega consistently.
05:33Trying to get in his head there.
05:35He definitely wants a shootout, but right now,
05:38Flaz having more success with that straight right hand.
05:41Flaz is just so comfortable, so calm.
05:43Finds the openings.
05:45And Flaz continuing to back up as Karcega nicely.
05:47Jimmy, we mentioned that as Karcega,
05:49six-foot-long southpaw.
05:50Well, he's completely given up his height,
05:51so that's not a problem at all.
05:54That's why I asked Pauly about that.
05:55Seemed a little strange, kind of hunching over,
05:56giving away his height advantage.
05:58He's getting on par, like, height-wise with Flaz,
06:01and just punching with him.
06:02Not using that height.
06:03He's tall, but he's not fighting tall.
06:06Fighting hunched over.
06:08Luis Santamaria was that six-round knockout for Flaz.
06:12That was sweet.
06:14Last time out on Roblox TV.
06:16Again, knockdown in round number one,
06:17knockout in round number six.
06:19These guys have to be careful with their heads.
06:21There he goes.
06:22The head is just part of the combination.
06:24It's like, two, three, four, head, five, six.
06:28No lo blo, no lo blo.
06:29Flaz is just so smooth.
06:31Clean slides and rolls.
06:32Even when he gets hit, he doesn't change his movement.
06:35He doesn't change his rhythm.
06:38Karcega so far putting some money in the bank
06:40when they're exchanging.
06:41A lot of his shots go into the body.
06:43Yeah, they got smart.
06:44You got a guy who moves as much and as smoothly
06:46as Flaz does.
06:51Flaz's corner told him to control the pace.
06:53He's going on pace.
06:54I don't think he listened.
06:56This has been a quick pace at this finish round.
06:57Ignoring that completely.
06:59Going back to activity and power punches.
07:01Good combination in the corner again.
07:03And he's going hard, too.
07:04Yeah, he is.
07:06Puerto Rico feeling everything go his way.
07:08That's what I said about him last round.
07:10Early in the fight, it didn't look like he punches hard.
07:12And then all of a sudden, he starts to set down.
07:14And he starts to let those hands fly with him.
07:17Chris, one thing when you study this guy, you go, man,
07:19the knockout comes from the feet, not the hands of this guy.
07:21He just floats perfectly into his shots.
07:23And on the bottom.
07:24Super athletic, nice and smooth.
07:25I bet you he's a good dancer.
07:26The way he moves, he's got some rhythm.
07:29Puerto Rico's got the feet as we end round number two.
07:31Round number two.
07:55Estoy en tu distancia.
07:56Tiro the surla.
07:57Y dejate caer.
07:58Y ahi te vas a cachar.
07:59Okay, okay
08:05Okay, Mona Sandley takes the left, that's when you catch him
08:11Trying to calm their fighter down in class flies welcome the corner
08:30Begin round number three
08:32The so far been controlled by the punch
08:35Very accurate with the right hand that footwork
08:39Impressive throughout. You know what? I like to pace this fight. It's entertaining
08:44What we like near Pro Box TV
08:45I'll tell you what it's also referees like Masi Montanini has not been had to do that much of a job here getting in
08:50Between these guys and breaking them all day up for a great action fight
08:53It's it's the kind of fight the referees also like the referee stay out of the action
08:57Let the fighters just just go at it and bang away. I don't do these guys get less than 30 fights
09:01But but you can see the class
09:08Speaking to the black
09:10That's good, you know
09:11sometimes they'll be trying to assert themselves a little too much on something you staying outside outside of this and
09:16These guys work and entertain the crowd the bottom flies briefly switching softball back to Orthodox
09:25Chin tends to let that chin up really high
09:33Lost against the guy who actually fought on our air Boca Chica and Boca Chica. Hey got caught that's a Mohegan Sun round number
09:38We're gonna flatten that
09:41Book a ticket does hit you
09:45Not the busiest guy
09:48Oh shot day my father you lost was like really good like power champ
09:56Doing well to take the whole right got the money shots though body shots
10:01Doesn't that it's got to go putting money in the bank
10:04Yeah, it's got a guy who's really going to the body and it's laws that I got there not there with more power
10:11Shot I was a snake out of the middle of around to the shots. It's all sneaky
10:18It's hard to see the
10:20Anticipation, you know a lot of defense anticipation aren't anticipate flossing off a really deceptive rhythm
10:28Looking like a guy might be waiting for that Bell
10:30Look at his face. He's trying to get it back gentlemen
10:35Folks are sitting home. That's an eternity. Yeah, I just crushed your ribs Oh
10:41Big Bronte
10:44Trying to get that wing back, but it just takes it just takes time and time to something
10:48He does not have 40 seconds left to go in round number three
10:55Everything going the way of Nick the flies
10:58Puerto Rico 13th win of his career
11:04Still with the pace to still
11:07Remember as guys I got took his fight
11:08I'm sure Noah's he's you can see the body language of him to start with or away
11:13He doesn't have a lot left. I don't know if he's gonna be able to go many rounds the floss keeps this up
11:17He's looking more and more like a guy
11:20That's another two is but can't build your core
11:24Chopped away by Nicholas flaws. Will we see the Bell?
11:39Great round again from Nicholas flaws this time with a knockdown
11:43Yeah, I mean, he's got this brilliant
11:45Rhythm from the outside. It keeps his head moving
11:47It's hard to see where the punches are come from almost impossible to anticipate nice shot there
11:52And it's does not forget the body is as well
11:55That was
11:57Nice inside uppercut, that's like a stamp, bro. It's like you're taking you a knife and jamming
12:04Involuntary CPR
12:07Right through the center look a plus cool comic like to the corner breathing hard
12:13These guys are very two different places
12:18One guy's winning one guy
12:25The Nicholas flaws in his corner looking like he just got out of bed
12:32That's got a cigar jr. Phoenix 15 1 and 1
12:36Down in the last round that solar plexus shot. How much did he get back in one minute?
12:42We all know from painful experience. That's not a lot of time to recover from a body shot
12:46Yeah, so those day we know this bill stays we don't stay with you. They stay with you
12:50Some of those stay with you for a couple days
12:54A body shot that I felt all weekend
12:58To your point champ, you know, it's going back to that demeanor not trying to rush anything
13:03Hey, you'll get a shot, but she's done so successfully so far. Yeah, and also it speaks to his conditioning. He's not getting tired
13:11Corner he looks very very calm not breathing hard
13:18He's testing but not chasing now test if your opponents back 100% but don't chase him he's certainly not doing that
13:24Plus is a guy. Also. He just looks like he's having fun
13:28Very rhythmic. He's smiling
13:31Having a good time
13:34You never listen he's trying hard now, he's throwing a hundred around yeah, and they're hard, too
13:39And he's got the corner telling him to slow down anytime. He doesn't even look like it's really
13:44Bothering him the big fight at that pace and he actually initiates and creates that pace
13:49Around the right eye of Nicholas flaws. Meanwhile, let's go Sega. Looks like he's running a marathon
13:55so hard
13:57It's partisan bring up in almost exactly the mental pressure, right?
14:01The mental pressure of having something in front of you all the time clauses doing that
14:04Yeah, he sure is and another thing about the mental pressure. It's so relaxed to it
14:09He's able to both conserve energy and burn it because he's so relaxed in the way. He he has his rhythm going
14:15Sometimes it's hard to explain I can fight at this pace
14:18But yet at the same time it's not heavy because the way he goes about it is in such a relaxed manner
14:23You know, he's doing his punches. He's almost in an effortless manner
14:26When the guys really try too hard to throw too fast to throw too hard
14:30That's when the pace starts to really affect you when you do like floss
14:33Almost like an effortless smooth way another knockdown
14:38Another body shot this might be it
14:46Their heads are coming together quite a bit off to keep going but 40 seconds left in round number four second knockdown of the fight
14:55Buddy body shot again from flaws and you can really hear those
15:05Just for a check he's trying to his hardest to win the fight
15:11Down of the round
15:13Corner is up on the ring post. I think this is over and it is gotta say he's been too brave
15:21Cornerman is up. They have stopped the fight. I think a very
15:25Compassionate decision ladies and I think at the right moment, you know
15:28You gave you gave him all the chance you could to let him, you know
15:31Be brave and be a man about and he was he reacted the right way
15:34But at the same time there came that moment with somebody had to rescue him because he was being too brave and he didn't look
15:39To be saved either
15:40He wasn't like looking at the corner tell him to stop at his corner made the decision and it was a good one
15:43Yeah, I thought it was just an exact right moment. Perfect. Stop
15:46It's perfectly timed and some of the replays that body attack by flaws and again
15:50You know, he even knows what the what punches to select as a scotch that was going away
15:54He realized the head is open. He goes to the head as well that hook another impressive performance by Nicholas flies. This kid is a problem
16:00Yes, yes at ringside. You can just hear him. You could feel him
16:04They were so funny and get sonic booms on those shots leading into every shot, but as you said
16:12Right champ, it was like he's growing big movement looks like he's dancing just so smooth
16:16So I like that's why I mentioned the dancing. I'm like, but she's great dancer. You can just see his rhythm everything flows off itself
16:23Really really impressive performance once again on our air. He looked great last fight
16:27I mean, he really impressed me did it once again tonight?
16:30It's gotta scare us kind of sick. I came to win can't deny that but
16:36Heart guts determination, but out skilled tonight by the superior fighter
16:49Performance yet again
16:57Mark he fight at 147. This is a guy I'm gonna be thinking about
17:01unbelievable performance tonight
17:05So wipe out multiple knockdowns Jim Sorensen make it official for us
17:14Ladies and
17:16Gentlemen after six hard-fought rounds we go to the
17:21this fight is
17:23called by
17:25Massimo Montanini in the sixth round at two minutes 48 seconds for your winner by technical knockout and
17:34WBA Continental USA champion Nicholas Nico
17:45Another knockout with multiple knockdowns
17:49Most impressive we've seen so far in Pro Box TV from him. Yes. No
17:52Um, I don't know if it was the most of practice that was really impressed last fight
17:56But this this one I mean you get it late Ripley placement. He did he was supposed to do he attacked the body look smooth
18:02He still got hit with some shots that kind of that make me nervous
