Dallas Cowboys @ Oakland Raiders ( 1995 Week 12 ) - 4.Quarter

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00:00Alice 31 the Raiders 14 Cowboys about the punt the first play of the fourth quarter John Jett
00:10Back deep
00:16Raiders trying to set up a return. It's a good kick to Brian
00:23He goes at about the 16 good coverage
00:27Darin Smith down to make the hit
00:34Yeah, we look at Kevin Williams now, they're they're taping his ankle they started checking his knee and now they're working on his ankle
00:45Here's the old practice that's not the field
00:48Well, that's behind that that's part of the fence to feel you kept your players inside. Yeah, right
00:54This was the practice field where we where we practiced and I think the new Raider
00:59Practice facility is going to be in this same location
01:03When they move back here, there's no practice in in Los Angeles, but they'll be back here next year
01:09We're building a new training facility
01:12There's been seven
01:17That's Larry Brown made the stop
01:21Hey one thing that the Cowboy defense is talking about now with Vince Evans in there
01:27You're no matter what happens don't think that it's over until you see the ball or the whistle blow
01:32He's brought him back before a lot of time right in the Raiders are going no
01:37Didn't huddle up on this point second at five
01:47Moves out of the pocket by this sometime a lot of it
01:51Gets the first down but a flag on the play
02:01He's remarkable that's Evans Howard row is the referee student again the officials going one official short
02:08I think under those circumstances doing a pretty good job today, but the thing that's always amazed me about Vince Evans is
02:16Is the fact that?
02:18That he's the oldest quarterback I can say and and you and you always tell your defense you got to watch him
02:23You got to keep him contained. You have to watch out for him running
02:26Those two things don't normally go together. Oh
02:31This doesn't either
02:34Holding number 24 on a defense
02:39Result of the play is a completed pass for first down a
02:43Completed pass. I don't know what he's talking about because this was a run
02:48He was saying that the hold is right there by Larry Brown. It was right here
02:53But there was no completed pass Vince Evans ran with the ball
02:57He ran and got the first down so I don't know that there can be defensive holding then either
03:01I don't know how it can be once he leaves the pocket and the runner the officials are talking again now
03:06But maybe because he was held he couldn't throw the ball
03:12Any case it's first down
03:15The Raiders and Evans is back to throw again the Cowboys blitz, but he still gets it off
03:20But James Jett incomplete Larry Brown on the coverage and an excellent job. I
03:27Think when James Jett comes in the game, they know that he's going to go deep on an upper a post
03:32So they just start running watch Larry Brown. He knows Jeff's gonna go deep
03:37He's not worried about an in and out or a hook. He's just running right to the post
03:41He just races him to the post very intelligent if jet comes in there
03:45It's going to be a deep pass pattern. It's going to be a deep pass pattern. It's going to be upper post
03:50He ran to the post and brought a little of that
03:53football field back in his helmet
04:06Chad Hennings and Hervin McCormick
04:12This is a blitz daddy
04:14What the what the Cowboys are doing is is they bring Darren Woodson?
04:18You see him coming from the corner. They bring the guys up the middle Haley from the outside
04:22They're trying to get not only pressure but containment on Vince Evans pressure from all areas and
04:29Containment on the outside the two tackles made the penetration
04:34Hennings and McCormick
04:37There's Evans again Haley's got him by the shirt he got away
04:44Gets it to Harvey Williams flag on the play
04:49Penalty marker down
04:51Well upfield as Evans shook
04:55Charles Haley
04:57Like someone grabbed Charles Haley to the chip Charles Haley
05:01Like they grabbed Charles Haley and he had been seven watch Charles Haley here again
05:06He's going to be he's going to be right there chip
05:09You see that's the chip and he gets by the block and the chip and he gets a hold of Vince Evans
05:15Can't bring him down
05:21Again the defensive holding penalty gets the Raiders the first down
05:25That was against a Lundis Bryce, I think so that'll be an automatic first down for the Raiders
05:33Haley gets a rest Shanti Carver who has a broken hand replaces him
05:49Rush doesn't get there
05:53Fires deep for Darrell Hobbs again. Let's send you back to Los Angeles to Hollywood
06:00McDonald's up break
06:02All right, man
06:03I tell you the Vikings are doing it every way Scottie Graham
06:05Pounding his way through for his first touchdown of the season as the Vikings continue to pound the Saints 43 10
06:12It'll be the Vikings and Lions Thanksgiving Day pregame show 12 noon Eastern back-to-back and John
06:19Napoleon Kaufman
06:26Pass complete
06:28The James jet that time he didn't go deep
06:32The pass is complete flag on the play again
06:35Yeah, but it's right back in that area of offensive holding against the Raiders and that's what it is
06:41Well, I'll tell you that you just watch this thing and just anytime they get something going whether offense or defense
06:47They always have those penalties. They're just killing them
06:53Vince Evans has done his part. Yes. He has thrown the ball was tackled zipping it illegal hands
06:59number 78 to the face
07:0110 yard penalty
07:03Repeat second act that's Greg stripping act. He's right here. He's the he's the right tackle
07:10And they're saying that it wasn't holding but it's it's hands to the face
07:15See that right hand he gets that right hand up there on Tony Talbert and
07:19Usually if you get it up there and take it out, it's okay
07:22If you leave it up, there's when you get in trouble
07:24Scrubbing that look like he pulled it back out
07:28But it's second at 20
07:32Gets to Napoleon Kaufman
07:36He's out to about the 27
07:4114 Dallas leading the Raiders
07:45That looked like a touchy call to me
07:47I mean, I don't know, you know scrubbing that looked like he got that hand up there, but he brought it right back
07:54No huddle
07:56Third down
08:00Yardage they need
08:09Passes caught by Ismael
08:14As he stretched out right in front of the Raider bench
08:17And Larry Brown fell down on that one. You see that he started to the inside Larry Brown tripped and fell down
08:25And rocket Ismael did stretch out and kept both feet inbound
08:29That was a heck of a catch was a heck of a move on Larry Brown to remarkable
08:34First and ten they got the clutch first down
08:391210 left to play the Cowboys showed glitz and then didn't
08:45Intended for Ismael
08:48I'll tell you in Scott case was coming over and there was going to be a heck of a collision there
08:54There was that double zone where the corner hits him and the safety comes over and they tried to hit in
09:00Between the rotated corner Larry Brown and Scott case the safety no huddle again
09:07Raiders ready
09:10Harvey Williams deep
09:15Evans back
09:22It was funny we're talking to Jeff Hostetler last night
09:25He said that was one pass that you don't want to do on Dion that like 10 or 12 yard out
09:31And that was the pass that Hobbs just caught on Dion Sanders
09:36He said that's that's the one that will make a tackle route if you throw that he said there
09:40There was some things they thought they could do to Dion, but that 12-yard out wasn't one of them
09:48Now he said they had they felt they had some talented people who wanted to challenge Dion I
09:54Wouldn't want to challenge him too much. Yeah, if you know a guy like Tim Brown, I mean, you know Tim Brown
10:00Notre Dame Heisman Trophy number one draft choice and
10:04He'd like some of himself in there, I think
10:09What's Dion he's playing off more than he usually does
10:12I mean Dion Sanders even though they're playing a nickel they have seven defensive backs in there
10:19I don't think Dion Sanders ever has to play that far off
10:24First down Raiders at the Cowboy 45
10:293114 Dallas leaving leading
10:32And that's those back
10:37Recovery by Darren Woodson brought him down
10:41The blocker around his feet
10:43Woodson shed him made the stop this game is presented by authority of the National Football League is intended for the private use of our
10:50Any rebroadcast or other use of this telecast without the express written consent of the Oakland Raiders and the National Football League is prohibited?
10:59No huddle again
11:06Got a short for jet
11:12The final there's a penalty
11:17Dragon Russell Maryland was new ski grabs, Maryland
11:21That's Gogan. You see Gogan. I'm saying I'll see you after look he's talking talk talk talk. He pointed. I'll see you after bye-bye
11:29Like that deal about talking yeah, I'll see you after school
11:32That's a chop block there
11:34See, that's what they hated right there that chop block and then Maryland pushed Gogan and then Gogan and Maryland get into it
11:44And they threw the penalty against Maryland right there when Russell Maryland hit Gogan with that right hand
11:49We see it all started over that chop
11:52Unnecessary roughness on number 67 defense. That's a 15-yard penalty first down
12:00That's when they saw and it's going to start with a chop block watch here watch Kevin Gogan here
12:06You see when he goes down right there
12:08You see when Tolbert jumps up Gogan goes down for the knees Russell Maryland saw it and says you don't do that
12:16Gogan and Maryland were ex-teammates. The penalty was for Russell Maryland throwing that right hand at big old Gogan and
12:24Maryland left the game. They didn't throw him out
12:28Hervin McCormick took his place
12:37Williams down to the 20
12:40But again the thing that Russell Maryland was fighting for he was fighting for Tony Tolbert
12:45Because he felt that Gogan when Tolbert was up in the air and chopped him at his knees
12:51You don't see him get mad very often, but I'll tell you defensive linemen hate that when anyone chops their knees
13:02James Jett slipped down again. By the time he recovered the pass was bouncing off his hands
13:11We've seen more of this today, you know
13:14Again, I think I think when you play on a field like this
13:17You have to practice on a field like this and you have to know this field better than your opponents
13:23I remember Fred Blitnikoff right in that area every Saturday
13:27He would go down both sides and run all his patterns and make sure he had the right shoes the right footing and know this
13:34feel perfectly
13:39Harvey Williams
13:41Gets the Raider first down
13:44Ten and a half minutes left to play down
13:513114 Dallas leading and again the Raiders and Vince Evans
13:55Falling a lot of these plays because he's doing it without a huddle
13:59Williams is the deep back
14:03Evans looking deep look at the
14:07Very cash the tight end
14:10Made the catch the Raiders move closer
14:14And everyone say why'd they wait this late? Why didn't they just start throwing every down? That's the way to get the Cowboys
14:20Why didn't they just start Vince Evans?
14:23Moving and getting away from tackles and completing passes when he's going down
14:28But also also just just stay in in the game and just throwing every play
14:34Jaeger for the extra point
14:37Jaeger for the extra point
14:41Which is good and it's the Cowboys by 10
14:473121 a lot of time left
14:56Fox NFL Sunday is brought to you by Black & Decker
14:59It's how things get done by Sega makers of Genesis color game gears Sega CD and the fastest coolest video games ever and by
15:07McDonald's the official restaurant of the National Football League
15:13They wrapped Kevin Williams ankle
15:17He's back on the kickoff return again
15:22by Deion Sanders and Brock Marion
15:25As kickoff so far I've been very short and here's another one
15:30And it's trying to set up a reverse
15:35To Deion Sanders
15:38And back again to the touchdown
15:41Let's watch Gary Cash. He's here
15:43He's going to run a corner pattern
15:45But it seems like every time Scott case is in the game on this prevent defense or the six defensive backs or whatever
15:52He's the guy that's getting beaten
15:54And at the end, he's there. He just can't get there to that corner when the tight end carry cash runs the pattern
16:01Cowboys first down at their own 29 the Raiders have moved to within 10 and the crowd starting to get back into this
16:17Over check in motion gets to him at Smith who slipped in the backfield
16:25As the Raider defense
16:28led by Albert Lewis
16:30Takes him down behind the line of scrimmage
16:32See now when Vince Evans comes and they change the tempo and the Raiders get within 10 now this crowd can get in the game
16:39This is what they've been waiting all day
16:40They were here at 930 in the morning getting ready to be able to do these kinds of things
16:46Those guys were here at 6 in the morning didn't ready to do this. I didn't know they were your Raiders
16:51There's just just a guy or two maybe still laying around they go run run Jones is down there
16:59We visited with him before the game
17:03Second a little over 10 Aikman gets it to Darrell Johnston who gets the first down
17:11Greg Beaker
17:13Knocked him down
17:16Well, I'll say this these these two tackles for the Cowboys mark two and a and Eric Williams have really done a job on Pat
17:23Swilling they really have because if there were you know
17:26They've had a little pressure in the middle and that's been a good battle between the center and the two guards in the middle
17:32But Pat's swilling especially on the pass rush has been silent all day
17:37Sanders Deon Sanders splits wide to the right
17:40Irving to the left here's Aikman to throw it
17:45Has to get rid of it a flag on the play and Aikman went down just as I said it the guy that put him
17:50Down was Pat's willing you just say that that he's been quiet all day that no one has knocked Aikman down
17:57Then the guy that you said has been quiet
17:59Knocks the guy down that you said hadn't been knocked down and there's a penalty of flag
18:06Against the Raiders
18:09Against the Raiders
18:13Maybe he knocked him down a little too late. Yeah, it was kind of simultaneous. It was very close
18:20Number 20 defense
18:23First down all against Derrick Hoskins
18:27So that had nothing to do with swilling but swilling really did put a hit on on Troy Aikman watch him here
18:34He's gonna start up the field then he's gonna come underneath you see right there
18:38He gets away from two and a comes underneath and puts a hit on Troy Aikman just as he throws the ball
18:43Then tries to pin him
18:46First and ten
18:49The Cowboys get at the Emmett Smith he gets near the midfield Greg Beecher made the stop
18:59It's tough with that big Chesterton in there that you know that it's darn near when he and Jerry ball are in there together
19:06It's darn near impossible to run in there
19:10And that Chester McLaughlin is so big number 91 there and so strong
19:15And he just takes off on every play and he takes his shoulder. He just doesn't take all of you
19:20He takes one party. He takes your shoulder boy. You better have a big old strong shoulder
19:27There's not worried about that big old strong shoulder second and eight
19:35It's a catch
19:36I'll tell you the guy that had the big old strong shoulder and Chester McLaughlin on that play though was Nate Newton
19:42You saw that
19:44If you saw that ain't old Nate Newton put him down
19:46But here's here's the thing that Michael Irvin does better than anyone he uses his hands right on the line of scrimmage
19:53Again as Michael Irvin makes that cut again Terry McDaniel slips
19:59His ninth 100-yard plus receiving game tied for a second all-time
20:06First down Dallas. It's a big defensive series for the Raiders
20:12That's Novacek on the move
20:17Big Chester McLaughlin
20:20Yeah, he jumped or somebody pulled him yeah on that play before Nate Newton got him no Nate put him down on the play before
20:28And a baited move toward a quarterback number 91 on defense unabated five-yard penalty
20:34repeat first down I
20:37Guess you have your baited moves and you're unabated
20:41Baited is when one of the offensive linemen move I get bait you. Yeah bait your you know taunt you're like taunting and baiting
20:48Unabated means that some of these officials never heard that word before yeah
20:53So they wait so wait a minute. I don't know about that unabated
20:57Maybe it was baited see that's what they're saying now
21:01Coming up following football
21:05Except on the West Coast space above and beyond
21:09Right now the discussion continues
21:15Think the discussion is still about baited and unabated could be he said unabated and maybe it was baited
21:23After further conference the play stands unabated move toward a quarterback number 91
21:31It's still unabated
21:32That's who they call it on Chester McLaughlin there
21:36And we'll see if there's any bait or not. Oh and unless he's calls that bait up there on top
21:41You see it looked like Eric Williams moved on the other side away from where Chester McLaughlin went
21:48It's first and five they walked the penalty off
21:52And the clock is running with
21:55Close to seven minutes now before they run this next play
21:58The handoff is to Evan Smith and Emmett burrows down to about the 32
22:03Yeah, now they are really getting on Chester McLaughlin now if they're gonna run inside that time
22:08It was Ray Donaldson and Nate Newton. That's about about 700 pounds a guy on a guy now watch
22:15Here's Donaldson. Here's Nate Newton and they're gonna get on Chester McLaughlin there and they get him
22:20They get him up and they get him turned and then they get him going back. Yep
22:25And if you're gonna run in the middle
22:27You have to do that. You have to get him standing up then you have to get him going backwards second and two
22:44Down to about the 27
22:47Big Eric Williams says that's the first down
22:50Talking to the Cowboys yesterday about his condition. He was injured came back from that really bad
22:59Accident last year
23:01Michael Irvin's records
23:03Too numerous to count almost he sets one every time he makes a reception but back to the big E
23:08He's not quite where he was. Yeah, but he's playing better today
23:12I think he kind of likes this grass and like I said Pat's willing
23:17Was unheard from today
23:18But the one time he was was on this other side and he hasn't gotten no one has gotten anything over there on Eric Williams today
23:25Again the flag on the play
23:29Intended for Novacek, but I think the Raiders might have come across the line early
23:39With Anthony Smith in there and Andre Bruce
23:44Winning big today Detroit's already won that sets up the match
23:50number 55 on Thanksgiving Day
23:53Repeat first down Folston
23:58Hey, that's that's the thing that's killed the penalties
24:01I mean, here's Folston right down here
24:03The thing that has really killed killed the Raiders all day have been the penalties penalties turnovers
24:08Just all those kind of things that you can't do it against an average team
24:14All Cowboys obviously aren't an average thing no the Raiders have been penalized 12 times for over a hundred yards
24:24Slipping and sliding in the backfield
24:27and finally
24:28Emmitt's down
24:29Yeah, and that's what the Cowboys have done so well here the Raiders the crowd got back into the game
24:34They got within ten points and now the Cowboys have just taken this ball and methodically gone down the field
24:40And they're just in essence just playing keep away this drive
24:47And the people who can execute a drive like this is really the mark of a of a fine football team
24:55Second about six flag on the play Aikman has double check for a touchdown
25:01But a penalty marker down. I think Tim Kendall Watkins was in motion
25:08They J Novacek was wide open boy
25:15You're right it is against the Cowboys
25:18You're right it is against the Cowboys
25:25Illegal motion on number 83 offense moving toward the line of scrimmage before the snap
25:31five-yard penalty repeat second down
25:35You see what it is is is here's Kendall Watkins here now when you go in motion
25:40You have to go parallel. You can't turn up before the ball snap you see him turn up
25:44You can't turn up before the ball snap you see him turn up right there. Oh, yeah, he was he was way in motion
25:50Yeah, that wasn't even close sometimes. They just dip a shoulder or something
25:54Kendall Watkins on that play he turned all the way and started running up second and 11
26:02Pass to Moose Johnston
26:07And knocked down again by Chester McLaughlin
26:10I'll tell you Aikman is going to be very upset for Watkins and moving on that play
26:15Watch Troy Aikman here. He's gonna. He's gonna get knocked down Chester McLaughlin straight up the middle
26:20It goes right by Larry Allen, and he hits Troy Aikman just as he throws the ball
26:25And Troy saying I shouldn't even been in there throwing that ball because the one before should have been a touchdown to Jane over check
26:33third and three
26:35two tight ends again
26:38Urban split wide left Smith is deep
26:40Deflected intended for Daryl Johnston, but it never made it
26:48Bonio will try
26:50Right now the Raiders are within ten points, which would mean a touchdown and a field goal
26:55Now if the Cowboys make this field goal the Raiders will need two touchdowns with three minutes 58 seconds to go
27:04Bonio from about 39 yards out
27:10He's been hot
27:13And he stays hot they call it 38 yards and Chris Bonio again knocks it through
27:22Reason for Barry Switzer to celebrate his first touchdown
27:26Bonio again knocks it through
27:32Reason for Barry Switzer to celebrate 34 21 Dallas
27:41The MetLife blimp Snoopy to under the command of captains Tony Stevenson and Lee Bradbury
27:50MetLife blimp typically cruises at the speed of 35 miles an hour altitude of 1,200 feet
27:57Marvelous view of the Oakland Coliseum
28:02Kickoff fielded at the 15
28:06The boy Napoleon Kaufman
28:10Today's game is being produced by Bob Stenner and directed by Sandy Grossman
28:15Studio produced by Scott Atkinson directed by Bob Levy executive producers of Fox Sports Ed Gorin and David Hill
28:27Cowboys 34 the Raiders 21
28:36Limp overhead getting that do you just saw their close overhead?
28:44Here's been seven
28:46He got rid of it again on the way down this time. They say he was down
28:52You know that that that blimp you were talking about I smoked that one last week did you yeah, yeah we were in
29:00Dallas yeah
29:02Challenger to a race accepted the challenge the last thing I looked we were riding riding riding
29:07And I saw them stop and turn around now look for him over Arizona didn't see him
29:13They accepted the challenge and then and then they quit
29:20Told him where I was going. I was in Dallas. I was going across. I was gonna go on on
29:2540 and then I was gonna go on 20 and then 10
29:30I was going through Texas. I was going through New Mexico, Arizona into, California. Come on. Let's go. We're ready
29:36I'm ready got my guys. We're ready. We're going to go and going I look back
29:40I couldn't find him when we smoked him so far. We were still in Texas. We were like in Van Horn, Texas
29:45I think you've got a bigger tank than I do. Yeah
29:49First down Evans pump fake
29:57Attended for Ismael
30:00Again broken up by Sanders
30:03Yeah, that's what Deion Sanders does now when they know that they're gonna go deep watch rocket Ismael coming here
30:09He gives a little move there. He gets D and then D. I just puts his head. Yeah
30:14Oh, I know what this one is. I'll just beat you to the point where the ball's gonna get dead and he does I
30:20Mean, that's the thing. You know, that's recovery speed. He could go for a move and then turn and still beat you to the ball
30:34That's taken down by Robert Bailey
30:37Well, the Raiders have to think here of getting two touchdowns now after that field goal
30:42They need two touchdowns
30:43So they have to get a score and they're gonna have to get an onside kick and then they're gonna have to get another score
30:49Don't forget coming up
30:51following football coverage space above and beyond except on the West Coast
30:57Third and five that's what we were last week. They were above and I was beyond
31:03They were in space
31:13Tackler and gets the first down
31:21If time permits
31:23When this is over we may have a brief postgame show get you up-to-date on the scores from around the league
31:30Again, there's an injured cowboy
31:35That's Robert Bailey
31:39That looks like a cramp
31:42And they had a cramp or a hamstring it's always
31:45You know and one of those things the good news is it's they put just in front of a cramp
31:50It's just a cramp. The bad news is it's a it's a pull
31:55Real bad news is it's a tear
31:59And he looks like he wants to stretch that out I'll tell you what this has been
32:03We've been a long game and a lot of passing there's a lot of tired players out there because
32:08the toughest thing you have to do I think physically or you know on your
32:13Conditioning is is rush the passer and cover for deep passes
32:19As you said way back in the beginning. This is sort of a heavy field
32:24and it
32:25Requires more of an effort to run and to rush the pass
32:33Fox NFL Sunday is brought to you by the all-new Plymouth Voyager the next generation of the minivan
32:48Again coming up
32:50following football coverage space
32:53About and beyond except on the west coast look at those two balloons going headed for space
33:03Here's Vince Evans back to pass
33:06Passes caught by Darrell Hobbs
33:10Brock Marion made the stop the Raiders going no huddle they have plenty of time because again they need two scores
33:16But they do have all three timeouts
33:19They're gonna need all those timeouts and they're gonna need an onside kick if they get a score
33:24They don't have enough guys on the field now. They finally got him
33:40The band stops the clock
33:42245 left and again Deion Sanders over there on Darrell Hobbs playing off
33:49And they did that earlier the last time they had the ball you see Deion deep back there
33:55Hobbs just comes up and runs that 12-yard out
33:57That's not even a good pattern
33:58But Deion is so far off him with no bump or anything as long as he does that they can get that pass all day
34:06Well, if the score were different he wouldn't do that
34:09Yeah, but I mean
34:12Raiders can get a score here and then get another score
34:18Here's Evan
34:25Then sevens is never gonna be your passer who
34:30Has high percentage marks and number of completions as opposed to the number of attempts
34:34Yeah, because he shoots it for the end zone. He does what he has to do. I mean, that's what they have to do
34:39They don't need any two-yard passes anymore
34:41I mean, you know, they talk about that West Coast offense that short pass
34:44I mean is that's fine as long as you're ahead and you have everything under control
34:49But when you get behind there, sometimes you have to loosen that defense up there
34:52Sometimes you have to score and you can't spend a lot of time
34:56Just you know flopping around the line of scrimmage. He's 13 out of 27
35:03And he hits Tim Brown
35:07Darren Woodson
35:09Not brown out of bounds, but it's gonna be first and goal for the Raiders
35:13You know, if you throw passes over 10 yards, all you have to do is complete one out of three
35:19That was 18
35:22Aaron Woodson hurt his leg earlier
35:25Looked as if it might have been much more serious than seeing him back playing now
35:30First and goal from the six and the the other thing that the Raiders are doing now
35:35They're driving the ball down the field, but they're also driving the ball around the field quickly
35:40And getting out of bounds and stopping the clock 235 left
35:46Williams behind Evans
35:49Might have taken too much time
35:53I think he did
36:03Ron Blum
36:06five yard penalty
36:08Repeat first down, you know in this situation that doesn't hurt you though, because he's still gonna throw the ball
36:13Still gonna throw it to the end zone. He's still gonna throw it to the end zone and adding five yards doesn't hurt
36:19Tim Brown has 10 catches for a hundred and fifty-five yards on touchdown
36:29113 yards now Raiders have been penalized
36:36That's what's killed the Raiders, yeah
36:41That a hot day by Aikman and Emmett Smith's three touchdowns
37:07Don't know you must have thought debates grab someone
37:11Much Bates is down there. He plays the seventh defensive back or like a middle linebacker. The ball is deflected. Oh
37:19And that's what he saw
37:21He saw Bill Bates come up and just spear Tim Brown
37:26He was looking they he wasn't talking about the tip or anything. He saw that spear by Bates on Brown
37:36Jet covered by Larry Brown
37:40Bill Bates was looking at Tim Brown and you know last week Jerry Rice came on a crossing pattern and Bill Bates missed him
37:48Bill Bates usually zeros in on things. He probably says I'm not gonna miss anything anymore
37:53This is really a short pass here
38:01Evans is upset
38:03Must have been a wrong pattern or something because he just he just kind of threw that one out of bounds Darren Benson
38:11Tackle with a cowboy
38:14Has his past picked off by Woodson
38:18And the Cowboys will take over at about the 12-yard line
38:23Now we talked about Darren Woodson and how valuable he is because when they play regular defense
38:29He can be a safety when they go to the nickel or seven defensive backs
38:33He can be a linebacker and he has that speed and he has the hitting ability here
38:38I don't know what that was. It's just like he was just playing zone. He was just underneath Vince Evans throws it right to him
38:45He starts to misdirect someone and just sits right there
38:48I don't know if Evans obviously Vince Evans didn't see him because he just threw it right to him didn't think you're gonna sit
38:53Right there. I think he saw Hobbs cutting across the middle
38:57All of a sudden there was somebody at a white uniform in the way
39:00And he probably thought he was going to go with him and all Woodson did was bump him
39:05Again a reminder that coming up next following football space above and beyond
39:12Nova check in motion
39:14And a handoff to Emmitt Smith
39:17Emmitt over 100 yards
39:20Again today Anthony Smith made the tackle
39:24timeout Raiders
39:26217 216 left. Yeah, that's the first time out of the Raiders. They're gonna they're gonna use them all now
39:35Don't forget Thanksgiving Day
39:39Minnesota and Detroit both won today
39:44And John and I'll be in Detroit for that Thanksgiving matchup and that
39:51NFC Central always
39:53You never can figure what's gonna happen. Well, you know a seven and four lead right in Detroit won today a Minnesota
40:00Today and even the you know, last team is only two plays, you know
40:05You know two games away from the first team Tampa Bay won today by a point
40:12And you know you go back in the history and the tradition of the Thanksgiving Day game that's always been in Detroit remember
40:19Years ago, it used to be the Green Bay Packers in the Detroit Lions. Oh, yeah, always
40:24And Vince Lombardi didn't want it anymore. So it's not the Packers anymore, but it's still the lion
40:28There's Emmitt Smith
40:30And he gets it out to about the 22
40:35Albert Lewis made this stop
40:40And we near
40:42by another hour
40:44I know we're we're looking at him over. I mean one thing one thing you have to keep in mind when you're looking at
40:49I see a six-legger in there. I'm looking for an eight-legger. I saw a six-legger in there
40:55I got one picked out. You got him picked out. Yep, right in there
40:59Right if you come in this and point right down there, that's where he was. I
41:05Wonder if he knows he's been singled out
41:08He may have some friends that I'm gonna bring with me
41:13Wonder if he knows he's been singled out. He may have some friends. I'm gonna bring with me
41:20two minutes left
41:26Think you're tough enough to play with young
41:28Marino or Elway then tune in to Fox this week for your chance to become a backup quarterback to an NFL superstar
41:36Visa's NFL quarterback club week bit on Fox begins this Wednesday brought to you by Visa
41:42the official card of the NFL
41:54Slips and gets close to a first down
41:58Is Don Mosbar
42:02Remember he was the great center for the Raiders 13-year veteran in a scrimmage this year in Austin, Texas against the Cowboys
42:10He had his left eye injured had numerous surgeries almost
42:15Lost the eyes
42:17Still doesn't have his sight back in it
42:20We're in a scrimmage was Chad Henning somehow got his hand inside his mask
42:25Chad Henning still doesn't remember how it happened neither does Don Mosbar
42:30And he said he can kind of see shadows out of that left eye
42:33But nothing more and they you know, hope that you know in time that it's going to come back and keep getting better
42:40They'll evaluate again
42:42When this season is over they say, you know
42:45The Raiders only had three centers in their history Jim Otto be in the first Dave Dalby
42:50Who's also here today be in the second and Don Mosbar the third and one thing about a Raiders center
42:57He gets that job and gets that ball and stays with it for a long long time
43:04Dan Turner now the center
43:09Any team that's been as a successful as the Raiders have usually
43:15That's a pretty good indication
43:17And they're all here today
43:22bounces over the head of Tim Brown I
43:25Don't know if it hit him or not if it did
43:27They can't advance it. They can't recover it Billy Davis
43:31Is the man down I'll tell you if Tim Brown would have caught that ball though
43:36He would have picked up about 20 yards of field position
43:39You know, he didn't want to take that chance because he didn't get 20 yards of field position
43:44He didn't want to fumble or let the Cowboys get the ball
43:47Well, he figures with Vince Evans. What the heck is 20 yards just one pass
43:51We can get that turns out to be a 46 yard punt by a jet
44:03Jill bugle next to Mike white
44:06No bugle the assistant head coach. Remember the great job. He did with the Hawks and Washington Redskins
44:12He kind of calls the running plays Jim Fossil calls the past plays
44:18It's kind of a calling plays by committee
44:21Three man rush on Evans to Brown out of bounds complete
44:26Yeah, one thing we talked about early the confidence in this game that the
44:31Cowboys come in and they had a question their confidence because they were knocked out last week against the 49ers
44:37But I think you know if they really did lose it. I think they got it back today
44:41I don't think it's affected the Raiders. I don't think the Raiders
44:44Fielded right over here whatever happens here that they can play with anyone in this place
44:49Here's Evans back to throw
44:56Do you think
44:57We don't know obviously how
45:00How badly Jeff Hostetler is hurt we talked about Vince Evans being a change of pace
45:06Do you think day in day out week by week Vince Evans can get the job done?
45:11No, they have to have Jeff Hostetler
45:13I mean, I think they need I'm not saying Vince Evans couldn't do the job
45:17But they need the combination of you know, Jeff Hostetler and Vince Evans. We're talking about our centers
45:22There's one right there Dave Dalby
45:25Jim Otter was the first one. Dave Dalby was the second one. Don Mosbar was the third third and five
45:34Gets the ball to carry cash is tight in
45:39Londis Bryce on the tackle. Here's what happened to Jeff Hostetler
45:44But again, you know that left shoulder was really bothering him before the game
45:49You can see Chad Hennings hits him and he comes right down on that left shoulder
45:53I don't although I don't think because it's his left shoulder. I don't think that's an injury
45:57That's going to keep him out for a long time
46:02Cash makes the reception from Evans and gets out of bounds
46:06Bryce again, don't forget coming up following football space above and beyond except on the West Coast
46:13Jeff Hostetler is one of those guys that you has had so many injuries. I mean he had that that fractured the throat injury
46:20He has the broken left hand. He has the shoulder and he's a he's a tough guy. He always comes back from these things
46:30Michael Irvin who we saw there was in a funk ball last week today. He probably came out of his fun second
46:39Incomplete nearly intercepted
46:43Intended for cash
46:45Woodson almost came up with it again
46:47you know, in fact when you talk to the Cowboys about the Cowboys last week the two years the
46:52Two words that they used most were a funk and a hangover
46:57And they you know talked about Michael Irvin. I think they were all affected by I mean losing stuff
47:02There's no way that losing is easy. There's no way to make it easy. There's no way you can accept it
47:07I mean if you ever do then then you're just you're not even a competitor
47:11There's no way it's easy, but some people take it a lot tougher than others and some people just can't get over it
47:17They take it too long
47:24Gets the first down
47:27Inside the 35
47:30Now what is this I mean this doesn't look like Oakland no, no, I mean if the guys came back, you know
47:35I mean like the old day like Bronco Nagurski and those guys and they saw that at a foot if they saw this football
47:41Stadium and this grass and stuff. They'd love it. They would say what the heck's that all about?
47:47This pass intended for jet
47:49Incomplete he slipped down about five times. Yeah, they
47:53They really don't understand this field
47:55I mean they have the wrong shoes or or they don't have control of their speed or something because that's happened
48:01Way too much to him and you say that it'll happen more to defenders because they have to react but it's happened to the Raiders
48:09on both sides of the ball
48:12Dallas 34 Oakland 21 the Cowboys at one time led 31 to 7
48:22And he just runs out of bounds stops the clock with 17 seconds left
48:35Well, the Cowboys seem to have the number of the AFC but you know
48:40The Cowboys have won eight straight against AFC teams on the road, but you know, they've they've beaten everyone
48:46I mean sure you say who's the best team in football right now the Cowboys are so they're gonna have
48:51That record against all teams and all situations to pass complete to Brown
48:59Timeout Raiders, that's their last one
49:01That's the last time they can stop the clock other than getting out of bounds
49:05But the one thing that this Cowboy team knee knows and this guy here Barry Switzer knows
49:10I was playing on they have to beat the 49ers
49:12If they're gonna be the best team
49:15They have to beat the champion and the champion right now is the San Francisco 49ers and the San Francisco
49:2249ers have beaten the Cowboys three straight
49:26Here are the standings in the NFC East
49:29Dallas with this win today will improve their record to nine and to the Eagles seven and four
49:34they still have to play each other and
49:37Then the Giants the Redskins and Arizona
49:44Here's where the Raiders stand in the AFC West Kansas City with the best record of anybody nine and one
49:50The Raiders will be eight and three Denver one today six and five Seattle five and six
49:56They've turned things around to a degree and San Diego four and seven
50:00And that Kansas City Oakland thing isn't as widespread as it looks because one thing Kansas City has to play these Cowboys
50:07Thanksgiving and number two, they have to play the Raiders again
50:16And the jump ball is intercepted by Brock Marion, I believe but I think the whole show was out of the end zone
50:23Maybe still have three seconds left. The whole show was out of it. The whole bunch of them just went out of the end
50:29They took their show down to the end zone and all flopped out of it
50:36The owner of the Cowboys he came under a lot of heat this past week
50:40He did he and Barry Switzer Barry Switzer said he'd take it all
50:46Val Davis, you know right in front of him. There's Jim Otto
50:50You know
50:50we were talking about the Raider centers and we showed Don Mosbar and we showed Dave Dalby and
50:57Then there was Jim Otto there who was the first Raider Center and behind him the guy who put it all together the franchise
51:04And both of them are in the Hall of Fame
51:07Both of them should be both of them super guys. I'll tell you I have as much respect for
51:13Al Davis as anyone in this game
51:17Welcome back
51:21That will do it
51:24Time runs out on the Raiders
51:27and the Cowboys
51:29are victorious
