
  • 2 months ago


00:00But it's late, it's midnight, and I can't find a place to stop it in the mornin'.
00:05After all, tonight is...
00:07Standing Room Only!
00:10Why don't you stand in line and wait?
00:12To see a show tonight
00:14Where crowds don't even hesitate
00:16It must be first rate
00:18That's why it's got to be
00:21Standing Room Only
00:26Who is it that you'd like to see?
00:28Come on, all you groups, let it be
00:30We're waitin' for such a novelty
00:32Oh, here's Johnny
00:34What are you standing for?
00:37Standing Room Only
00:42Long live
00:46Big Ben
00:51And Son-O
00:54Long live
00:59And Son-O
01:02We're singing to the best in entertainment
01:09Why don't you stand in line and wait?
01:11To see a show tonight
01:13Where crowds don't even hesitate
01:15It must be first rate
01:17That's why it's got to be
01:20Standing Room Only
01:26Standing Room Only
01:39Take us all back to the front of the room
01:42Where you can see as many heads as on the bill
01:45I'd love to see Big Cabaret
01:48Or Eddie Cantor
01:50Listen to us sing
01:56It's 1912
01:57Eddie Cantor
01:58And Big Cabaret
01:59On Bill
02:02If you knew Susie
02:04Like I know Susie
02:06Oh, oh, oh, what a girl
02:09But not so classy
02:11As this fair lassie
02:13Oh, oh, oh, my goodness, what a jazzy
02:16Jazzy feet like Friday
02:18She didn't walk from the country
02:21I'm the one that had to walk
02:23If you knew Susie
02:25Like I know Susie
02:27Oh, oh, oh, what a girl
02:32Ah, she's making eyes at me
02:35Ah, she's awful nice to me
02:38Ah, she's almost breaking my heart
02:42She's besides me
02:44She let his arms sky-high fall
02:46He wants to marry me
02:49He's my honey
02:52Every minute he is over
02:54He's leaning on my shoulder
02:56Ah, he's in love with me
03:02Who would think that if it's tricky to say
03:04With Eddie Cantor and his crew in the Kid Cabaret
03:07Or if it's tasteful vodka where you're looking for answers
03:09See the cakewalking act of the Newcastle dancers
03:20Hello, my baby, hello, my honey, hello, my ragtime gal
03:23Send me a kiss, my wife, baby, my heart's on fire
03:27If you're with me, honey, with me, then you'll be left alone
03:30Take each elbow and tell me I'm your own
03:39Take each elbow and tell me I'm your own
03:42Take each elbow and tell me I'm your own
03:45Take each elbow and tell me I'm your own
03:48Take each elbow and tell me I'm your own
04:02Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Snoggle, let himself Jimmy the Rampage!
04:09Hink, a-dink-a-doo, a-dink-a-dee, a-dink-a-doo
04:16Oh, what a zoo for a crew, dink
04:23Hink, a-dink-a-doo, a-dink-a-dee, a-dink-a-doo
04:30It's got the whole world to lose, dink
04:36Hink, a-dink-a-doo, a-dink-a-dee, a-dink-a-doo
04:43Simply means dink, a-dink-a-dee, a-dink-a-doo
04:56It's all back to the bottom crew
04:59Where you can see as many answers on the playroom
05:03So if you know a word, until you have seen
05:06All the programs in a bar, little routine
05:14It's your lucky night, folks
05:16Live on our stage, now entertaining the family of performers
05:19The Co-Hits!
05:21H-A-R-R-I-G-A-N spells Harriet
05:28Proud of all the Irish blood that's in me
05:31Give them a bang and say the word again, me
05:35H-A-R-R-I-G-A-N, you'll see
05:41It's a name that a shame never had
05:44It's a name that's Harriet, that's me
05:56I'm a Yankee Doodle, baby
05:59A Yankee Doodle, we were proud
06:02A wayward wife, and we loved my uncle's dad
06:05For a good point of July
06:08I've got a Yankee Doodle sweetheart
06:12She's my Yankee Doodle toy
06:15Yankee Doodle, Yankee Doodle, I'm just a ride or go
06:18I am a Yankee Doodle boy
06:25I'm a Yankee Doodle, baby
06:30A Yankee Doodle, you and I
06:37A wayward wife, and we loved my uncle's dad
06:40For a good point of July
06:44I've got a Yankee Doodle sweetheart
06:47She's my Yankee Doodle toy
06:50Yankee Doodle, Yankee Doodle, I'm just a ride or go
06:53I am a Yankee Doodle boy
07:14Vaudeville, wow, it must have been great to be an audience member
07:17During those great days of live entertainment
07:20Oh, I think it was, but isn't it exciting that every night
07:23At dozens of theaters, people continue to buy standing room only tickets
07:26To see real musical theater
07:28What do you mean?
07:29Well, I mean, on only one street in the world
07:31Can you go see and hear the best entertainers in the world
07:34Sing and dance to the music that has become an important part
07:36Of the American way of life
07:38You mean Fiddler on the Roof?
07:40You mean Hamilton?
07:42Of course, I mean Broadway
07:52There's a bright golden haze on the meadow
07:57There's a bright golden haze on the meadow
08:03The cornies and I fell up inside
08:08And it looks like it's climbing clear up to the sky
08:17Oh, what a beautiful morning
08:21Oh, what a beautiful day
08:25I've got a beautiful feeling
08:29Everything's going my way
08:33Oh, what a beautiful day
08:47Love will bring the pain
08:48Love will bring the pain
08:49Love will bring the pain
08:50Love will bring the pain
08:51Love will bring the pain
08:52It sure smells sweet
08:54When the rain comes
08:55When the rain comes
08:56Riding on the rain
08:57Riding on the rain
08:58Every day
09:00Oh, yes, I know I'm gay
09:03So don't be saying
09:04Don't be saying goodbye
09:05Oklahoma, Oklahoma
09:30Kiss today goodbye
09:35Your sweetness and sorrow
09:41Wish me luck the same to you
09:50Won't forget, can't regret
09:53What I did
09:57For what?
10:07Oh, the rain's passing by
10:11I'm gonna go and face
10:13Saturday's highlight
10:15Oh, the rain's passing by
10:19I'm gonna get some light
10:21Back into my life
10:22I'm not any good at it yet
10:26I cut it down low
10:28Just passing my line
10:30With the best of them
10:32With the best of them
10:34I'm gonna hold my head up high
10:38For I'm gonna go again
10:40I'm gonna try again
10:42I'm gonna feel my heart
10:44Woken alive again
10:46People in Parade
10:50People of the parade, rise up high!
10:58That's it, boy!
11:20Alright, good evening everybody.
11:34If you don't know me, my name is Marcelo Garcia and I am the president of this year's third period drama.
11:48You turned my mic off.
11:50Oh, I'm so sorry.
11:53So, before I get into my very exciting announcements, I want to just commend this class for all the hard work they put in.
11:59Every day they make me so proud.
12:01And, Amy Sr., it's just bittersweet that this is the last first play of the year.
12:05So, how about we just give them a little hand for that.
12:12Now, into some very exciting announcements for all of you.
12:17We ask that you please do not eat or drink anything during the show.
12:20Water is fine, but it has to have a cap on it.
12:23And, we ask you to be courteous to all of our actors tonight.
12:26Please keep your phones on silent and off.
12:28Now, I know there's a lot of family members here and you guys might want to take pictures and videos.
12:31That is totally fine, just keep your flash off.
12:34Now, usually I would say, applause is great, we love applause.
12:39But, applause is not the only thing we welcome you to tonight.
12:42Give me a second, I wasn't prepared for this.
12:50Alright, you all know what you guys came here to see, at least I hope so.
12:54If you're not coming here to support your kids, you came to see a great show, right?
12:59Well, we strongly, strongly, strongly encourage cheering for the actors.
13:03Now, this play was an old English play.
13:06So, a lot of times traditionally, when someone did something of great accomplishment,
13:09they would say, hip hip hooray.
13:11So, I want to say hip hip, I want you guys to say hooray.
13:14Ready? Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!
13:20You guys are great at this.
13:22Alright, we also have some court jesters that will be coming out with signs.
13:26So, when they come out with a sign, I would like you to do whatever the sign says,
13:30but the moment the sign goes down, be quiet.
13:32You guys ready?
13:36Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!
13:43You guys are great.
13:45And I think the stage is all set, and I think our performers are ready.
13:49So, without further ado, begin your third period.
13:54That's the play we're doing.
14:06Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!
14:24Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!
14:54Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!
15:15Attention class, settle down.
15:18Okay guys, we only have three more days of perfect attendance in our drama class
15:22before Mr. Thompson gives us pizza.
15:26Elizabeth, would you please read the role?
15:28I volunteer today.
15:34Okay, today we are going to finish up our monologue performances.
15:37We still have three people who need to perform.
15:39Ally will go first, followed by Cadence, and then Jess.
15:41After that, we'll do some improv. Ally, you're up.
15:52That's a big crowd.
15:58Hi guys, it's tough being up here.
16:05It's hard, you know, right?
16:07I mean, you don't come to think of it, I don't even know why I'm supposed to be up here anyways.
16:14I can't think of anything worse than being up here.
16:17There's nothing worse than being up here.
16:21Okay, well.
16:22If you were strapped to a chair while an evil dentist was drilling holes into your teeth without any novocaine
16:28and sticking ice on them while a prison guard warden was pulling out all your toenails with a pair of pliers,
16:34ugh, that would be worse.
16:36Or, if you were playing with the scalpel and accidentally cut open your chest cavity from staring at the navel
16:43and all your heart and lungs and guts and everything spills out on the street.
16:52And then the truck squashes up again.
16:58But it gets worse.
16:59Parts of your small intestine gets caught on the axle of the truck.
17:04You get dragged 14 miles because the truck driver had 102.7 FM cranked on the radio,
17:14calling some almonds to Salina.
17:18That would be worse.
17:21Or, if you were home alone at night on Friday the 13th and you hear a mysterious knock
17:30and it comes, it's Barney!
17:34That big purple dinosaur guy.
17:39That would get worse.
17:41That would be terrible.
17:44You know, cops are big, but I guess it's not that bad being up here.
17:54What did you see that you liked?
17:56I thought it was funny when Caden's voice sounded kind of nervous.
18:00Yeah, I liked the way she got faster and slower, louder and softer.
18:04Good comment.
18:05Caden's here next.
18:12I'll be doing a scene from Romeo and Juliet.
18:15Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
18:18Tis not thy name that is my enemy, but what's in a name?
18:22A rose, by any other word, would smell just as sweet.
18:25So Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
18:28I see a connection she owes without that title.
18:31So Romeo, thought thy name, it's one I knew not to love her to be.
18:34Take all my sun.
18:42Great job.
18:43What did you see that you thought was effective?
18:45I thought she was really able to capture a feeling of romance.
18:48She really sounded like she loved me, like, I'm here!
18:53That was actually sick.
18:54Oh, you're just jealous.
18:56Okay, our last monologue before we do some improv will be performed by Jeff.
19:11Stage one, Jeff's here.
19:12Hey, that floor is hot.
19:16The king's name is a tower of strength.
19:21And by it, or was it on it?
19:24I think it was someplace near it.
19:26Forget your line?
19:27No, I didn't forget my line.
19:29I just forgot what I was supposed to say, I guess.
19:33Okay, well, we'll try again tomorrow.
19:41Okay class, now it's time for improv.
19:43Some actors use the movements of animals to give them ideas on how to act.
19:47For example, if you're playing the part of a king, you might study a lion's strong, courageous moves.
19:51Or if you're playing the part of a sly, clever man, you might study the movements of a fox.
19:56So today, I'm going to point at someone or a group of people, then they are going to immediately jump up and act like that animal.
20:01Are you guys ready?
20:03You two, ducks.
20:05You, a dog.
20:08You, a monkey.
20:13You, a cow.
20:14Really? A cow?
20:16Why do you always give me the stupid part?
20:19Don't make me be a cow.
20:22I have an idea for improv.
20:23What if we do a player's story that we all know?
20:25Like, Tangled or Cinderella.
20:29Okay, but can we not do a fairytale?
20:30How about like a real historical event?
20:32Robin Hood!
20:34What the hell a fairytale is?
20:38Robin Hood is not a fairytale, but an actual story with actual hoops of poop.
20:43I think it means we're really having fun.
20:45In 1200, King Richard left on a crusade in search of the Holy Grail.
20:49I just so happen to have a picture of it.
20:54While he was away, his evil brother, Prince John, tried to take over the country.
20:59How come all the problems are running in his head?
21:01I don't think it was the problems Prince John wanted.
21:03I think it was the tax money.
21:07Let's do it. I think this could be fun.
21:09I'll be Robin Hood.
21:10I'll be Pink Marion.
21:11I'll be Prince John.
21:12I'll be Prince John.
21:13I could use some tax money.
21:14I'll help you collect it.
21:15Cool, this is a story.
21:16Yeah, I don't want to be a dumb cow or something.
21:20Well, let me see.
21:22You could be Robin, the king of the forest.
21:24You could be Robin, the king of the forest.
21:28Now you need a little job, Robin's best friend.
21:30Someone who is big and brilliant.
21:37You're Tuck, the man of the church, and a pretty girl for Mid Marion.
21:43We steal from the rich, all that we can.
21:45And we steal from the rich, all that we can.
21:48We steal from the rich, all that we can.
21:51And give it to the poor when we are done.
21:57Now we need a sheriff with lock and man.
22:00Some people to be on his side.
22:04You can be Prince John, a brave, brave ruler.
22:06Till there's danger and you're running out of time.
22:12We will be the tale of the mystery who sings this song.
22:17We will be Prince Joseph and how he's in love.
22:21Now we are the people of Miami.
22:24And that's all just what we'll be.
22:28We'll give way to the poor and our friends.
22:30To the rest of the not-forgotten kings.
22:36King Richard, he's off on some dumb crusade.
22:39What a crummy part. I want a big part.
22:42Would you rather be a cow?
22:47Robin Hood and his merry men.
22:53Little John Fred, Tuffy, Meg, Marianne.
22:56And Mitchelton, Prince John, the sheriff and his men.
23:00Townspeople all in place and ready to begin.
23:07Robin Hood.
23:11Robin Hood.
23:13Robin Hood.
23:15Robin Hood.
23:17Robin Hood.
23:19Robin Hood.
23:21Robin Hood.
23:25King Richard's gone on a crusade.
23:28Leaving behind this song.
23:32To the poor and to the freedom.
23:36Life was no longer fun.
23:40Taxes got bigger and bigger.
23:43Soon everybody was poor.
23:47John was raised with lots of love.
23:49Everyone else was hungry and poor.
23:51They'd go to the woods and steal and rob and rob and rob.
23:57Robin Hood.
23:59Robin Hood.
24:01Robin Hood.
24:03Robin Hood.
24:05Robin Hood.
24:07Robin Hood.
24:09Robin Hood.
24:11Robin Hood.
24:13Robin Hood is Tempted And Hooks Again.
24:15Robin Hood is Tempted And Hooks Again.
24:19Brave Robin Hood is the forest.
24:24That's wise and brave and true.
24:28Taking the gold from the wealthy.
24:31Doing the good they could do.
24:36Living free, day by day, no one can be as happy as standing next to the one who's standing next to Robin Hood.
24:47Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, Robin
25:19Team One, the village, Rick, New Lover.
25:35Boy, what a joke. Look at these low-class clothes.
25:38Yeah, wouldn't it be great to be Robin Hood?
25:41These high-ball parts aren't that bad, except for broke.
25:44They tax this, they tax that. Prince John and his lousy tax.
25:48Don't look now when you're Prince John's tax collector.
25:51Sheriff, more bad news.
25:53Good day, kind townsfolk. Good day if you have tax money for me.
25:58Please, Sheriff, I need this money to buy food to feed my family.
26:02My dear neighbor, without food, you shall become weak.
26:05And remember, the weak shall inherit the earth. Or something like that.
26:11Good Prince John, nothing but crust.
26:14I heard that, Baker. I happen to know that no one will be buying your breads for the next week.
26:18So you won't be needing your dough. Hand it over.
26:26How about the blacksmith?
26:28I have nothing to give him, Lord. Even my steed has no horseshoes to protect his hooves.
26:32Your shoes will do a fine contribution.
26:35Even the laces?
26:36Hey, you can't do that. That's not nice.
26:40Jeff the King doesn't come on until later. We'll tell you when.
26:45We'll all say, one, two, three, now. And then you'll come along.
26:49One, two, three, now. Big deal.
26:57How about the butcher?
26:59I have no money. Only a few knives and a paper.
27:02They'll do.
27:03But without them, I'll have no way to cut my meats for market.
27:06That is a problem.
27:08I know. I'll take all that worthless meat, too.
27:11Your problems are solved.
27:13Sometimes, I think I'm too good to offer you.
27:15Prince John will be so pleased.
27:17Tax Max!
27:19If you had a pair of shoes, my good sir, I'd cut your tongue out.
27:28Ever since King Rich left, everything's been a shamble. Prince John's so wicked.
27:32You know what? These tempo parts aren't much fun.
27:39Life in Nottingham wasn't very pleasant, happy or relaxing.
27:44Between Prince John and the Wicked Sheriff, life was very taxing.
27:59Life in Nottingham wasn't very pleasant, happy or relaxing.
28:04Between Prince John and the Wicked Sheriff, life was very taxing.
28:14Prince John loves to count his money, then go out and spend it.
28:18He says he can't buy happiness, but he sure as heck can rent it.
28:27See to the castle.
28:34Three thousand seven hundred twenty-four.
28:37Three thousand seven hundred twenty-five.
28:41Prince John!
28:42Not now. Can't you see I'm busy?
28:45Three thousand seven hundred twenty-six.
28:48But I have something for you.
28:50Will thoust please be quiet?
28:52But, sire.
29:00Three hu-
29:03Seven hun-
29:05No, no, no!
29:07You royal raghead! Now his and I must start all over!
29:11It's all right. Daddy's here.
29:14Sire, I collected today's tax money. The people were so cooperative.
29:18I see. I'm nice. But we have a problem.
29:23You mean Robin Hood?
29:24Robin Hood? Oh, Sheriff!
29:27That little sneak is our frightening least.
29:31Here, your highness. It's tea time.
29:33Yes, so it is. Be quick about it.
29:38What's the problem now?
29:40That big brute of a brother of mine is being held captive in Vienna.
29:44And I supposedly want ransom for him?
29:48One hundred thousand pounds. Him and his foul crusades.
29:52Why couldn't he play the piano or collect stamps?
29:56Here are your cookies, sire.
29:57Thank you, my dear. Here you go, Hiss. That's a good sneak.
30:01Oh, brother.
30:02Now those peasantry people of Nottingham, what money raise for Richard's return?
30:07What if we do, Hiss?
30:09What if we raise it ourselves?
30:11Yes. Go on.
30:14And while the money's been sent to Vienna, my men, dressed as Robin Hood's men, can steal it back.
30:19Yes. And?
30:21And then the people will think Robin Hood stole it, betray him, and be loyal to us.
30:26Ooh! I like it. No, I adore it! I'm so glad I thought of it!
30:32Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!
30:36Let us go tell the village fools we're raising money for Richard's return.
30:40Oh, servant! Worthless servant!
30:44Yes, sire?
30:46Bring this money to the royal vault.
30:49But don't be tempted to take any. I know exactly how much there is.
30:53Yes, your highness.
30:55I must get rid of Robin Hood.
30:57Maybe I can help.
30:58Little John!
30:59Shh! Not so loud. That must be Robin Hood.
31:03Little John
31:07Me and Mary had a funny funny day
31:09So she told Little John what to say
31:13Then she and Little John went to tell the boys
31:15What a lie, what a lie, what a day
31:19What a lie, what a lie, what a day
31:26What a lie, what a lie, what a day
31:32Find a servant for me, small business man
31:34Laughin' and a-talkin' just about the time of day
31:38Time to be back and forth about every adventure
31:40So what a lie, what a lie, what a day
31:44Mary played Robin Hood, first man
31:46Now John rides on a bridge they can't have to play
31:49Hey! How's your horse?
31:50How's your horse?
31:51Oh, he's all right.
31:53What a lie, what a lie, what a day
31:57What a lie, what a lie, what a day
31:59What a lie, what a lie, what a day
32:01What a lie, what a lie, what a day
32:03What a lie, what a lie, what a day
32:05What a lie, what a lie, what a day
32:09The taxman's in charge, looking for Mary
32:10No more reason to tell Robin Hood, the great businessman
32:15The taxman has a house in Hull
32:17He's the one they call the Pound
32:19The sheriff collects the taxes
32:23Doesn't matter who you are, you have to pay
32:26You just have to, just take it
32:28There's lots of work you can find
32:30There's lots of money, girls, that's what you do
32:32What a lie, what a lie, what a day
32:35What a lie, what a lie, what a day
32:37What a lie, what a lie, what a day
32:40What a lie, what a lie, what a day
32:46It's gonna take you a long forever
32:48But you better give it another go
32:51Maybe you'll only think of something
32:54To help brighten up a rotten day
32:58Here you are, butcher, baker, knives, tongs, and bowls.
33:16Here, take and use this one, always.
33:17Thank you, Robin.
33:18Without you, we could not survive.
33:19Three cheers for Robin, the king of the forest!
33:20Hip hip!
33:22Hip hip!
33:24Hip hip!
33:26Hip hip!
33:29What a day!
33:30Listen, people.
33:31money is helpful, but what is anything without our King Richard Gims?
33:34True, true, and Prince John is here.
33:37We must give all of this money towards the safe return of our King Richard.
33:41Gee, it's real nice of y'all to do that for me.
33:44Jeff, jump, will you get outta here?
33:46Yeah, we're supposed to be locked up in some prison, Vienna.
33:49Yeah, but would you guys believe I just came back for a couple of things?
33:53You know, I think I left the stove on at home somewhere.
33:57I know! One, two, three, now!
34:01Look, we're working on your ransom in the next scene. Don't worry, you'll get your shot.
34:06I'd rather be a cow.
34:11We'll do all we can to raise 100,000 pounds for King Richard's return.
34:14We only wish we could help more.
34:16Your loyalty is helping us.
34:18Thank you, Ronan!
34:22Another day, another round.
34:24I've got some news.
34:26Oh, Eric, it's good to see you again.
34:29Pleasure to find you, Ronan.
34:30You know, I hate to interrupt you two little lovebirds, but the Prince and Sheriff up to no good.
34:34Way to go, John.
34:35They're planning on taking King Richard's ransom and keeping it for themselves.
34:38They'll never get away with it.
34:40As far as it's us, they will.
34:41They're going to dress up like us and tell people we stole the money.
34:45That's the plan. I heard it myself.
34:49If Prince John wants to make it look like we stole the money, then why don't we?
34:54And we'll deliver King Richard ourselves.
34:56Good plan, Robin. King Richard's almost home.
34:59Oh, Robin, you're so clever.
35:00May I talk to you for a moment in private?
35:02Of course. Let's go.
35:05Looks like those two are happy with one another again.
35:07Ah, love. Sweet, sweet thing.
35:09Sweet? That reminds me. I found some marshmallows.
35:13I love marshmallows.
35:15I always want mine.
35:18No time for marshmallows. We've got to get the stage ready for the next scene.
35:21Townsfolk, let's go. Village scene's next.
35:24I guess there's time for one.
35:37We must be on the lookout for Robin and his merry men.
35:40Don't worry, Prince John. Everything shall go according to plan.
35:43I'm not worried, Sheriff.
35:45It shall not be my head that rules if things go wrong.
35:48Such a sight. Such a cut-up.
35:51All right, let's go.
35:53Good people of Nottingham.
35:56We need a race for King Richard's return.
35:59A hundred thousand pounds.
36:01Why not use a crane?
36:06You're late. We've already started scene four. Go away.
36:12I hope you count Richard's return.
36:15As do I. Here, Your Highness.
36:20See? I told you the townsfolk would come through.
36:23I give my last pound, sire.
36:25Thank you. We can use the money, if all riches return.
36:30What about you, gentlemen?
36:32Oh, sorry. We gave up the olives.
36:35Why are you keeping your eyes peeled forward for Robin Hood?
36:37Check everywhere. He may be disguised as somebody else.
36:40Don't worry. There's no way he's getting by me. No way.
36:45We give all that we can, Your Highness.
36:47We give all that we can for Richard's return.
36:50I'm sure the fool is thankful. I mean, full of thanks, Sheriff.
36:55What a whore, Prince John. You're going to have money to be on Easy Street forever.
36:58Excellent. Now for phase two of my plan.
37:02I'll get the men ready.
37:03His and I will stay with my money.
37:06Wait. It's gone. Where's my moolah?
37:10Ah, there's that Robin Hood.
37:12Sheriff, may I say you're barking up the right tree with that one?
37:17I think you'd better leave.
37:21Piss. We've been robbed.
37:23It was Robin Hood. He took the money.
37:25He's a crook.
37:26What are we going to do, Prince John?
37:27Do? I think they want to handle this themselves.
37:30Yes. They know where Sheriff Forrest is.
37:32Then let's go get him.
37:36We've been fooled by Scoundrel Robin Hood.
37:38He tripped us and stole our dough.
37:42Now we've been handled by Freaking Richard.
37:44How could Robin Hood do so low?
37:49Let's go out and share with Forrest
37:51And tell Robin Hood just what we think.
37:55If we all just stick together
37:57We can get our money back from that bank.
38:17There's the robber!
38:19Get out of here!
38:21Easy on your friend there, dear people.
38:23What seems to be the problem?
38:25Robin Hood and Little John stole the money from Freaking Richard's ransom.
38:28Whoa. Did you give them a chance to explain?
38:31We want their necks, not their lives.
38:34Look, I stole this money to keep it out of the hands of that wicked Prince John.
38:39Prince John?
38:40He was going to keep it for himself.
38:42Listen, some men are leaving for Vienna soon.
38:45You are welcome to accompany them and ensure that everything is delivered.
38:48No, we've trusted Robin Hood before.
38:50Yeah, we should ask questions before we jump to conclusions.
38:53Well, in any case, King Richard will soon return.
38:56Prince John?
38:57We'll have our wealthy back.
39:01Before that phony Bologna gets taxed.
39:04This calls for a celebration.
39:09All the world will sing of the English King a thousand years from now.
39:14And happy days he has in all the land that loves me now.
39:18While the phony Bologna King Richard leads the great crusade he's on.
39:22We'll all have to slay away the good-for-nothing John.
39:26Incredible as he is, we'll never fall in his trap.
39:31Robin Hood, the king of England.
39:35The hot son of a wicked king of England.
39:43He taxes us to pieces and he robs us of our bread.
39:48King Richard's crown he's tipping down on that wretched head.
39:52Bologna dares to marry men in robes and money-packed.
39:57They steal our money-packed.
40:00The baby's born, he needs a new robe.
40:03Snatches underwear, crazy.
40:09Silly, slyly.
40:11Slippery, bobbery.
40:13Easy, peasy.
40:15Jiggery, jaggery.
40:17Fluttering, flying.
40:19Reeling, dealing.
40:21Prince John.
40:23Prince John.
40:28This money we're sending is really no loss.
40:32King Richard is able to assume we are lost.
40:37When Richard returns to get lost and we're gone.
40:41He'll see you, dear brother, and then bye-bye Prince John.
41:24Prince John, don't you give up!
41:27Ah ha!
41:29Here you all are!
41:33I'm so glad you all got along so well.
41:37You can all keep each other company in prison.
41:40Prison? On what charges?
41:42Charges? Yes, the charges are?
41:44Tax evasion.
41:45Right, and aiding the criminal, the robberhood and his men.
41:48Now, where are they?
41:51Now, where are they?
41:53Men, haul these people off to prison and find Robin Hood.
41:56Everyone should be questioned.
42:10Excuse me, my well-dressed friend.
42:13Have you seen Robin Hood?
42:17Do not be afraid to answer.
42:19You can be afraid if you don't answer.
42:21Guards, I want this man questioned.
42:29Sir, that man is a dummy.
42:32I know, he doesn't even know his own name.
42:36Sir, is that Robin Hood, our little John, out here?
42:40Those slimy cowards.
42:42What is it?
42:50Dear audience, have any of you seen a dear friend of mine, Robin Hood?
43:03No? Alright, then how about little John, little John?
43:14He went that-a-way!
43:17Oh, thank you. There's two loyal people.
43:22Sheriff, make sure these two get tickets to our next show.
43:47I've numbered the town
43:51Not a money can
44:08It's hard to believe
44:13If only we could
44:17We are happy
44:21That he brings joy
44:23The trouble he brings
44:27We miss Jerry June, we miss our King
44:32We are happy in here
44:34Except ourselves
44:38Here in Nottingham
44:43Little John, we have to save the poor people of Nottingham.
44:47We need shoes.
44:48Not intentionally.
44:50Well, we needed a player.
44:52What if we dressed up like twosies?
44:54I think you need a vacation, Robin.
44:56No, no, no, no, this could really work.
44:58Now you boys want it.
45:02Too many walls
45:06Are making us down
45:10We are the watchdogs
45:15We're the rest of your staff
45:28Soon, Robin put it in.
45:29They told John we'll try to rescue those worthless villagers
45:32And they fall right into our trap.
45:35They wouldn't risk their necks to save a bunch of nobodies, would you?
45:38Snakes don't have necks.
45:41What if we bait the trap with Maid Marian
45:44And then throw her into the dungeon also?
45:47Excellent, sir.
45:48He'd even risk Little John's neck to save Maid Marian.
45:51I'll go get her.
45:57Will Robin's plan work?
45:59Or will he and Little John be captured along with everyone else?
46:01Will the townspeople ever see the light of day again?
46:04Will Maid Marian ever see Robin again?
46:06Will any of you ever come see any of our shows again?
46:16No time for dilly-dallying.
46:18Come now, follow me.
46:21Just follow my lead.
46:24What's your name?
46:25What are you doing here?
46:32What is that awful noise?
46:36What's going on here?
46:39Hello, Juanita.
46:41Is that you?
46:43Prince, tell me.
46:44Even better.
46:45Prince, tell me.
46:47I am Robita, and this is Juanita.
46:50We are travelling fortune tellers.
46:53What seems to be the problem?
46:55Oh, no problem.
46:56We are rejoicing because our enemy, Robin Hood, will soon be captured.
47:01Yes, the nobodies never let the tree Robin Hood.
47:06And how do you know Robin Hood will soon be captured?
47:10Robita and Juanita know all.
47:13Your great and powerful majestic ruler will soon be king of England.
47:18Well, I guess you do.
47:20Could you predict my future?
47:22That wouldn't be hard, you little snakes.
47:24And you too, your highness.
47:27All right.
47:28How much would it cost?
47:29Oh, be it in your essence.
47:33His costume.
47:36All right then, dear ladies.
47:38Get on with it.
47:40First, close your eyes.
47:42Extend your hands.
47:44And think of nothing but yourself.
47:46That shouldn't be hard.
47:48All right.
47:49Now what?
47:50I see big things in your future.
47:53Do you like surprises?
47:55Adore them.
47:56You're in for a good one.
47:58Oh, goody.
47:59Sir Hiss, did you do that?
48:01Who's it from?
48:02Someone you know very well.
48:04He goes by the name of...
48:07Robin Hood!
48:08Robin Hood?
48:09Robin Hood!
48:11Robin Hood!
48:12Robin Hood!
48:13Robin Hood?
48:14Just call me Robita.
48:16Yes, yes!
48:37King Richard has returned!
48:42Three cheers for King Richard's return.
48:44Hip, hip!
48:46Hip, hip!
48:48Hip, hip!
48:50It's a good thing King Richard is here, Prince John.
48:53For us we'd be shish kebabs right now.
48:57Long live King Richard.
49:01Oh, Jack, now's your chance.
49:03Let's say now, everybody, on the count of three.
49:07One, two, three, now!
49:18Dear people of Nottingham,
49:20I just wanted to...
49:28I just wanted to say that...
49:35I just wanted to say boo.
49:38All right, class is dismissed until tomorrow.
49:45You little snake!
49:53Geoff, there wasn't a better cow in the whole play.
49:58Aw, thanks, guys!
50:11Fighting for rights, all through history,
50:13until all his banners are blown.