INDEF: Konsumsi Masyarakat Harus Ditingkatkan

  • last month
Positif dan stabilnya perekonomian Indonesia di triwulan kedua sebesar 5,05%, dan semester I-2024 sebesar 5,08% dinilai tidak dibarengi dengan pertumbuhan daya beli dan konsumsi masyarakat 3 bulan terakhir yang meningkat. Di mana Kepala Pusat Industri, Perdagangan dan Investasi INDEF, Andry Satrio Nugroho menilai, pergerakan daya beli dan konsumsi masyarakat dalam 3 bulan terakhir sedikit mengalami perlambatan.


00:00Indonesia's positive and stable economy in the second trimester was 5.05 percent,
00:11and in the first semester of 2024, it was 5.08 percent.
00:16This is not compared to the growth in purchasing power and consumption in the last three months.
00:22The head of the Industrial Trade and Investment Center, Andri Satrionugroho,
00:28assessed that the movement of purchasing power and consumerism in the last three months has slightly delayed.
00:35Therefore, Indef hopes that the government will continue to implement policies that accommodate the condition of economic stability
00:43so that it remains in the middle of the coming transitional period for the government.
00:50One thing that pushes it is related to the weakness of purchasing power that is currently happening.
00:57So, we also know that for the past three months,
01:00deflation is one of the indicators that can quite reflect
01:06why the economy in the second trimester is likely to slow down.
01:14And we can also see that from the business sector,
01:20both from the manufacturing industry,
01:23trading, and also agriculture, there is a high possibility that there will be a slowdown.
