Gentleman Episode 11

  • last month


01:03You are welcome.
01:13Is it morning?
01:15You slept in the morning.
01:17It's afternoon now.
01:22Do you remember?
01:25I slept as soon as I came.
01:27Yes, you did.
01:28Yes, you did.
01:30You woke up after 15 minutes and said, you are welcome.
01:33It was 5 in the morning, but you didn't wake up.
01:36I gave you some snacks and put you to sleep.
01:39Still, you woke up after 15 minutes and said, you are...
01:42You are welcome.
01:47Let it be.
01:49For the first time, he said thank you, Iqbal Munna.
01:58Brother, I saw last night, you were not Iqbal Munna.
02:08I wasn't Iqbal Munna?
02:10It was love.
02:12From head to toe, it was love.
02:15Last night, I saw love live.
02:18Live means like a movie.
02:25How was it looking?
02:26How was it looking?
02:28As it is.
02:30The way it looks.
02:35Female type?
02:37No, no.
02:39Love is not male-female.
02:42But it is like a friend.
02:45The way a friend looks at her.
02:48Her face is visible on her face.
02:51Wow, wow.
02:54Am I right, brother?
02:59Take it.
03:08You will become a Sufi, brother.
03:10Gentleman type.
03:12You will threaten those who suffer in this.
03:15Then they will be healed.
03:19You will make me die, Dilbar.
03:21You are talking big.
03:23And if God feels bad,
03:26He will send Mauzam to kill you.
03:30Now even I am convinced
03:32that Mauzam will not kill you.
03:50Forgive me, Dilbar.
03:56What have you done?
03:59I did not help you in Bushra's case.
04:04Shubh Gupta.
04:05Yes, him.
04:15Forgive me, brother.
04:18Have breakfast.
04:27Did you tell Faris?
04:37He was very happy.
04:40He has been posted there again.
04:42He was sitting in his government house and celebrating.
04:47I thought I should not disturb his happy moment.
04:51Are you out of your mind?
04:54Are you out of your mind?
04:56This is not a small thing.
04:58It is a small thing, father.
05:00It must be a big thing for you.
05:02It is such a small thing for someone
05:04that it feels like there is no need to tell any government official.
05:14Really, father.
05:16Now the world is not like your childhood.
05:19Now the decisions will be made there
05:20where the criminal will be punished by shaking his head.
05:24There will be no lawyer, no judge, no police investigation.
05:29What nonsense are you talking?
05:33On top of that, Munna came there, father.
05:36Iqbal Munna.
05:38He caught the criminal there,
05:40filed a case there
05:42and gave the punishment there.
05:43To whom?
05:44To Muazzam.
05:46He took out a pistol and placed it on Muazzam's forehead and said,
05:48tell him,
05:50sister, you go.
05:52And he said,
05:53sister, you go.
05:55But Munna himself is Rehmati's man.
05:57He is not Rehmati's man.
06:00Rehmati dismissed him.
06:05They also do this.
06:07They dismiss someone, suspend someone.
06:10They don't even have the right to go to the court and take a stay order.
06:18They have a very interesting bureaucracy.
06:22Now you have started considering hooliganism legal.
06:25Not at all.
06:27Not at all.
06:30But to tell you the truth, father,
06:32I have started thinking.
06:35Who is the real hooligan?
06:37Iqbal Munna,
06:46and Faraz.
06:49What are you saying?
06:56We will talk about this later.
07:01He is coming at night.
07:05Why did he come in between?
07:07I am talking about the man you went to meet last night without telling me.
07:13I told you,
07:16we will talk about this later.
07:18We will talk about this later.
07:23He is coming at night.
07:24Fix the wedding date.
07:25That's it.
07:26He won't come.
07:27I told him not to come.
07:29What happened?
07:35Because now he is not the same man
07:38whom I went to meet
07:40or whom you are waiting for.
08:29Did you tell father that you are coming at night?
08:32Not at night, in the evening.
08:33I will come to you straight from the office.
08:36You won't come.
08:37What do you mean?
08:38I mean you won't come here.
08:42I think it's very simple to understand Mr. Faraz Ahmed.
08:45You are not allowed to come to our house.
08:47Is that clear?
09:16I heard this from a pigeon, Dilbar.
09:19Pigeons are peace loving.
09:24They don't hesitate to kill anyone.
09:29Don't agree?
09:32No, no, agree, agree.
09:41I am not like that.
09:42I am not like that.
09:47I saw at night
09:50that I can kill anyone.
09:55Think again, brother.
09:57You must have thought that you can kill.
10:01You are in love, brother.
10:03Who kills in love?
10:05Did you have any feeling?
10:06Did you have any feeling?
10:10When the accused stopped your way, you got angry.
10:13You thought that you will kill.
10:17Shall I tell you one thing?
10:19You are only bothered about the accused.
10:22You are really angry at Rehmati.
10:26My heart says that you will kill Rehmati.
10:30No, Dilbar.
10:32Rehmati is my brother.
10:34Elder brother.
10:36I can fight with her but
10:38I can't kill her.
10:43Hey, your phone is ringing.
10:45It's not mine, it's yours.
10:47Check it.
10:49It's your brother's phone.
10:55he has a long life.
11:00Hello, brother.
11:02How are you, Munna?
11:03I am fine, brother.
11:04How are you, brother?
11:06I am fine.
11:09You are great in every way.
11:13Love you, brother.
11:16Munna, I really enjoyed one thing.
11:19When you told Mausam that
11:22you want a sister,
11:24I really enjoyed it.
11:27Yesterday he was saved, brother.
11:29The bullet had reached the barrel of the pistol.
11:32Otherwise, Mausam would have been dead by now.
11:35Where are you?
11:37I am at home, brother.
11:39I am feeding the pigeons.
11:43You are very peaceful.
11:46Isn't it, brother?
11:48That's what I was telling Dilbar.
11:53Who makes good tea at your house?
11:57Tell her to keep the kettle on the stove.
12:01I am coming.
12:04Are you coming to my house, brother?
12:08No, brother.
12:11I was surprised when you came for the first time.
12:14I will be there in five minutes.
12:18Come, brother.
12:20I am looking for the way.
12:26Brother is coming.
12:30Are you coming to catch up?
12:35Where is Babu?
13:01I am happy, brother.
13:03I feel honoured.
13:05You are my son.
13:09Send flowers to brother.
13:11It's fresh, brother.
13:15Step forward, brother.
13:32It's just you and me.
13:35One on one.
13:38Is Dilbar okay, brother?
13:42Not at all.
13:44Okay, brother.
13:47Send the tea and breakfast inside.
13:55All three of you meet me.
13:57We will have tea together.
13:58But if anyone touches the tea pot,
14:01I will shoot him.
14:13Yes, brother.
14:29How much will your house cost?
14:32I don't know, brother.
14:37Tell me the estimate.
14:39The estimate is such that no one can buy it.
14:49I am telling the truth, brother.
14:52Come on.
14:54It's not more than 5-6 crores.
14:56Is it?
15:07This is the price above, brother.
15:11You don't know the price inside.
15:17What is the price inside?
15:19The same price, brother.
15:22Which is of your heart.
15:24It's not of anyone else's.
15:27It's not of anyone else's.
15:30I made it by adding bricks, brother.
15:34I have paid the price by putting my life on the line.
15:39As long as father lived,
15:41he kept yearning for the house.
15:44Looking at this, I feel
15:47I have fulfilled his desire.
15:50So brother,
15:51desire doesn't sell.
15:53It's not sold.
15:55That's why no one can buy it.
16:05Shall I give you 10 crores?
16:10Tell me.
16:16Bring tea, Zulmi.
16:20Tea is ready.
16:25Keep it here.
16:38Give me a cigarette.
16:46Sorry, brother. I started smoking in front of you.
16:49I am sorry.
16:51I am sorry.
16:52Sorry, brother. I started smoking in front of you.
16:54Light it.
17:05I am sorry, brother.
17:10Drink it.
17:15You won't get tea like Zulmi anywhere.
17:19Drink it, brother.
17:23You won't get tea like Zulmi anywhere.
17:31Will you eat 15?
17:34Don't do it, brother.
17:37Greed will come.
17:46That's it.
17:48Finalize at 20.
17:50Brother, you drink tea.
17:53Drink it.
18:01It's good, isn't it?
18:10Come here sometimes, brother.
18:12It feels good.
18:14Brother is sitting in my house.
18:16Drinking tea.
18:18It feels great.
18:23This is the last one.
18:30Take my heart, brother.
18:34Don't buy my heart.
18:37You won't get it by buying it.
18:42We will lose 25 by tomorrow night.
18:45Just take the money.
18:47I will catch you.
18:57Don't do it, brother.
19:00You are throwing the kid out of the house.
19:03I will have to go.
19:07I will have to go.
19:14Do you know, brother?
19:16I was talking about you when you called.
19:19I said, Dilbar.
19:20You have a long life.
19:24Dilbar said he will patch up.
19:26I said no, Dilbar.
19:30Brother will threaten.
19:39Drink tea, brother.
19:41It's getting cold.
19:43You won't enjoy if it gets cold.
19:51You are a big man, brother.
19:54Minister type.
19:57The rest are your subjects.
19:59If you threaten your subjects,
20:01they won't love you.
20:06Will you teach me?
20:08No, brother. Never.
20:10I learn from you.
20:12You taught me love.
20:14Now you are teaching me hatred, brother.
20:16Don't teach that.
20:17I am a man who feeds pigeons, brother.
20:23I won't be able to learn hatred.
20:29Take something with you, brother.
20:31No, no.
20:36Brother, that scoundrel,
20:40I have to scold him, brother.
20:42He has blocked his way yesterday.
20:43I reached on time, brother.
20:46Otherwise you would have been insulted a lot.
20:51You made the same mistake.
20:55You shouldn't have reached there at that time.
20:58And if you had reached,
21:00you would have passed away.
21:03What are you saying, brother?
21:07You also said the same thing.
21:09I didn't say anything.
21:11Did you send him?
21:16I swear on you, brother.
21:18If I had known
21:20that you sent him,
21:24I would have buried the entire magazine in his head.
21:30What did you say?
21:32Have some biscuits, brother.
21:34These are sweet.
21:41I will leave now.
21:43No, brother. Wait.
21:45You will leave after hearing the whole thing.
21:50I will order some more tea.
21:52Shut up, scoundrel.
21:54I don't want to drink any more.
21:56Don't get angry, brother.
22:01Actually, brother,
22:04whenever you want, you can pay for my house.
22:07Take my hand and throw me out.
22:09No problem.
22:11But brother,
22:13if I hear that Mauzam has entered the lane again,
22:17he will die at the time of duty.
22:20I will drag his dead body and leave it at your door.
22:38Don't I look merciful?
22:41You look merciful, brother.
22:46If I look merciful,
22:50then why aren't you scared of me?
22:52I am also scared, brother.
22:56I have said it with a lot of courage.
22:59I am sorry, brother.
23:03To respect ladies.
23:08Send her a proposal.
23:12If she agrees, I swear on you,
23:16Munna will dance in your wedding.
23:19Don't scare her, brother.
23:23She is a delicate girl.
23:28She is engaged to her cousin
23:32and she is ready for that engagement.
23:34If she is ready for the engagement with her cousin,
23:38then who am I?
23:40And who are you, brother?
23:50There are 25 cokes in the car outside.
23:55Take it.
23:59Take it, it's good.
24:03Even if I take it, what is the use, brother?
24:08Death is on both sides.
24:12If I don't take money from you,
24:15then you will kill me by 12 tomorrow.
24:19If I take the money, then I will die of shame today.
24:26That's why I have decided, brother.
24:28I will live till 12 tomorrow.
24:59I am your son's brother.
25:02Zulmi, brother.
25:07Say thank you to her.
25:11Okay, brother.
25:13It was fun.
25:18Come here, brother.
25:37Take care of yourself.
25:46Live quietly.
25:59Live quietly.
26:10Oh wow.
26:12A wife's lipstick looks like a dagger on her husband's chest.
26:18Then he picked up the cup and threw it down.
26:22When are you understanding him?
26:25He has picked you up and thrown you down.
26:27And you are coming straight to my side.
26:30You had promised that you won't say anything against him.
26:33So I am not saying anything against him.
26:35I am a professional psychologist.
26:37I am telling you about the patient's condition.
26:42Anyway, I will still go to his house.
26:47Then go.
26:48Then go.
26:53Do you know that there is no difference between a stubborn man and a dog running after a car?
27:02Don't be angry.
27:05It's all psychological.
27:08When we are stubborn, we forget how low we have fallen from our pedestal while chasing someone or running after someone.
27:18You must have seen dogs running after cars on the national highway or on the roads of Ladkana.
27:26They were the same fools who used to run after cars.
27:31So you go.
27:33I won't stop you.
27:37And what are you watching quietly?
27:41You can say anything.
27:44Now even if I want, I can't get you transferred for six months.
27:49What is our future?
27:53Our marriage?
27:56You will kill me.
27:58I will also kill you.
28:01You decide.
28:03Do you want to save yourself from me or Zarnab?
28:07We are just good friends, Mithra.
28:11We used to be good friends, Faris.
28:13Now we are not.
28:16And I guess now you won't have much problem in making a decision.
28:21How is that?
28:23Do you know what I would have done with you if I was in her place today?
28:28Ask me what I would have done.
28:30What would you have done?
28:32I would have done what she would have done with you today.
28:35What would she do?
28:37She would have done the engagement.
28:38She would have done what she would have done with you today.
28:41What would she do?
28:43She would have removed the engagement ring and hit you on the face.
28:49So it is easier to make a decision now.
28:56You won't go without giving me an answer.
29:06Then what will you do?
29:08Will you come and tell me that you love her?
29:17Let's see.
29:39What are we doing?
29:41We will find out in some time.
29:47There is no need for this.
29:50Then why are you so scared?
29:56The place where we are going,
29:59there is a weapon.
30:01We have to go there.
30:03What weapon?
30:04The place where we are going,
30:07there is a weapon.
30:13Where is sister-in-law going?
30:16Call her sister-in-law.
30:20She is like a sister-in-law.
30:22I will call her sister-in-law.
30:24I like it.
30:29Go and ring the bell.
30:31Tell them to meet Mr. Waqar.
30:44It's time to fight.
30:46Trust me dad.
30:48Aumil doesn't deserve to fight.
30:50Whatever you want to talk, call him inside.
31:05Who is it?
31:07Iqbal Munna.
31:09He has come to meet your father.
31:21Where is Munna?
31:27He is not here.
31:29Where is Munna?
31:31He is not here.
31:33Where is Munna?
31:36Hi Munna sir.
31:41I will bring him.
31:46Oh chilling.
31:48He is not coming.
31:50What happened?
31:51She is standing at the door.
31:55Hold my hand.
31:57Hold my hand.
32:02Why are you feeling shy?
32:14How can I kill him?
32:16He is my child.
32:18I have brought him up.
32:21I will scare him.
32:25He has gone astray.
32:30It is very important to take this phone.
32:37Yes Mohsin, tell me.
32:39Munna has just gone to sister's house.
32:42Which sister?
32:44Our Zarnab sister.
32:48Did you check properly?
32:51He has gone inside in front of me.
32:53His jeep is also parked downstairs.
32:55Is it?
32:57Did you call him inside?
33:00Both of them went inside together.
33:02That means he is the one.
33:04Force him.
33:06Give me a confirmed report.
33:11Munna is too much.
33:15What were you saying?
33:18You were saying that Munna has gone astray.
33:23He has not gone astray.
33:25He has gone very astray.
33:28He has gone very astray.
33:53Tell me Munna.
33:55I thought I am your bodyguard.
33:59That means no goon has the courage to stop you or come to your house.
34:07But what?
34:14We goons are not more than 36-37 years old.
34:19What if I die tomorrow?
34:22Or someone kills me.
34:24So I have come to say that...
34:34Then what will you do?
34:37His fiance is an assistant commissioner.
34:40Isn't that enough?
34:42It is not enough.
34:44Government people always reach after the well.
34:47The thing is, if it was a matter of life, it was not a problem.
34:52It is a matter of respect.
34:54Whose respect?
35:02He is there.
35:03He will handle it.
35:06That is fine.
35:09But he is mercy, Mr. Waqar.
35:12He is more than an assistant commissioner.
35:16Have you come here to scare us?
35:21Why will anyone scare you when I am there?
35:25I have just come to tell you that...
35:29What if I am not there?
35:31What do you think?
35:32Are we sitting here on your trust?
35:37Why are you getting angry?
35:41Just a month ago, Rehmati came to your house.
35:44Scared you.
35:46Stabbed you.
35:48So what did your assistant commissioner do?
35:51If I was in his place, it would have been a month since Rehmati died.
35:55I am sorry, but...
35:56No, you are right, Munna.
36:01Dad thinks you are Rehmati's man.
36:03I am.
36:05I am Rehmati's man.
36:08But before that, I am my father's son.
36:13He used to say...
36:14He used to say...
36:19Respect is more precious than life.
36:23If you die saving a respected person,
36:28I will call you a martyr, Munna.
36:37Yes, don't trust me.
36:40But be careful.
36:41Wherever there is a connection, tell them that you are in danger from Rehmati.
36:44And there is danger, Mr. Waqar.
36:47But not until I am alive.
36:52Will you stay alive, Munna?
37:00Fifty percent.
37:02What do you mean?
37:03I have a fight with Rehmati because of you.
37:05She dismissed me for that.
37:08Now she has asked me to leave Kurangi by midnight tomorrow, Munna.
37:11Then leave her.
37:16I will leave her if you get married.
37:21And what if she really kills you tomorrow?
37:27I will kill her.
37:29I will kill her.
37:34Then father will say that you are a martyr, Munna.
37:37And father is already a brother.
37:46Why are you fighting so much for me?
37:52When I faced you three to four times,
37:56you thought that Munna is not a good man.
38:00You wanted to change your image.
38:08I have changed my image.
38:11Leave Kurangi.
38:14If I leave Kurangi, my image will be ruined in my eyes.
38:24Father used to say that
38:27it's okay if a man falls in someone's eyes.
38:31But if he falls in your eyes,
38:37he will die.
38:45Now just pray
38:48that I stay alive till you get married.
38:54I will leave now.
38:55Have tea first.
38:57I will have tea.
39:00When Mr. Waqar calls me.
39:33Wait here for a minute.
39:50Put your arm forward.
39:53Put your arm forward.
40:00Take this.
40:02Nothing will happen to you now.
40:04God will protect you.
40:30I won't meet you after meeting you.
40:35I swear on God,
40:40it's a big punishment.
40:46What should I do if I can't get out of your eyes?
41:00I won't leave you.