That's Marriage! 05: Maintaining Marriage

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That's Marriage! 05: Maintaining Marriage


00:00Who should you maintain a very strong relationship with
00:03if you want to maintain love in your marriage and in your spousal relationship?
00:10Who created us?
00:12Who puts love in our hearts?
00:15That's it, that's all you have to know, that's all you have to understand.
00:17So if Allah is the one that created all of us,
00:20He created you and your spouse or your future spouse inshaAllah.
00:24And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the one who has put love in your hearts
00:28or will put love in your hearts if you're not married yet.
00:31Then that means, who should you maintain a very strong relationship with
00:35if you want to maintain love in your marriage and in your spousal relationship?
00:41You got to stay good with Allah
00:43if you want to stay good with your other relationships.
00:46Because that's where barakah, that's where blessing comes from.
00:48Allah is the source of barakah, Allah is the source of blessing
00:50and Allah is the source of love.
00:53Allah is the source of mercy and rahmah.
00:55So if you want to maintain love, mercy, rahmah, blessing, barakah in your marriage,
01:00in your personal relationship,
01:01you will maintain your relationship with Allah
01:04and you will make sure that your relationship with Allah stays strong and it stays sound.
01:08There's a very powerful ayah in the Qur'an in Surah Al-Baqarah, ayah number 238,
01:11where Allah says,
01:12very carefully, very cautiously, very diligently,
01:16watch over the prayers.
01:20But what's very interesting about that,
01:22it sounds like very straightforward advice, right?
01:24Take care of the prayers.
01:25Got it.
01:26But what's interesting is,
01:28that that ayah is in the middle of a passage which talks about divorce.
01:33Ten ayahs before that start talking about divorce
01:37and the next three, four ayahs continue talking about divorce or marriage ending and things like that.
01:42Now, the question begs,
01:45what does,
01:47watch your prayers,
01:49all of a sudden have to do with the topic at hand.
01:51It's almost like an interjection, it's like a tangent.
01:53But the problem is Allah doesn't have tangents.
01:55This is the Qur'an, everything is divine and precise.
01:58Why did Allah bring up the prayers in the middle of a conversation about divorce?
02:02Well, because the scholars,
02:04the mufassirun, the scholars of tafsir, they explained to us,
02:08that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is reminding us about the prayers
02:11because when a couple is going through a rough patch
02:14and they're at the brink of divorce,
02:16maybe what they need to do in order to start fixing their relationship
02:20is go back and look at their relationship with Allah.
02:23Maybe they're struggling in their relationship with Allah
02:25and that has stripped their home, that has stripped their marriage,
02:28that has stripped their relationship of its barakah and its blessing and its love and its compassion and mercy.
02:33So go back and inject some love and compassion and mercy and barakah from Allah back into your home,
02:38back into your relationship by fixing your relationship with Allah.
02:41Spirituality strengthens relationships.
02:45Pray, make dua, connect with Allah and that will help you in your personal relationships.
02:52It's something really really important to think about.
02:54I'll leave you with this last hadith of the Prophet ﷺ that emphasizes this point.
02:58It's like all in one, beautiful.
03:00The wisdom of the Prophet ﷺ, everyone say,
03:02Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
03:05Prophet of Allah ﷺ says,
03:07رحم الله امرأً
03:09May Allah have mercy, may Allah bless,
03:11may Allah shower and rain His mercy down upon a husband
03:16who when he wakes up for fajr, to pray in the early morning,
03:21and he finds his wife still asleep having difficulty waking up,
03:26he goes ahead and helps her out and wakes her up to pray with him.
03:31And then he turns around and he says,
03:32May Allah bless, may Allah have mercy,
03:34may Allah rain and shower down His blessings and His mercy upon the wife
03:40who wakes up to pray.
03:42And she finds her husband having a little bit of trouble waking up.
03:46And she helps him up and she wakes him up to pray with him.
03:49That's marriage.
