Charcuterie boards and cheese scones make up the modern day picnics

  • 4 weeks ago
British picnickers are upgrading their outdoor dining with charcuterie boards, homemade sausage rolls and cheese scones.

Research polling 2,000 adults found one in five will serve up a selection of cured meats when eating al fresco, while olives (25 per cent), paté (15 per cent) and sushi (10 per cent) are also among the more favoured food items now served at picnics.

But it’s not just food having a glow up, as cider (15 per cent), prosecco (15 per cent), and iced coffee (10 per cent) are also proving popular.

It also emerged 11 per cent want to impress pals with a posh picnic, while 29 per cent agreed classic picnic dishes are being shunned for modern alternatives.

The study was commissioned by Aspall Cyder which has partnered with etiquette coach, Jo Bryant, to share tips on how to ‘picnic properly’ - marking the launch of its new Crisp Apple Cyder slimline can this summer.

Jo Bryant said: “Whether you’re heading to a picture-perfect spot, on the beach or just popping out to relax in your back garden, here in Britain we love a good picnic."
00:00Whether you're going to the beach, a secluded spot, or just popping into your back garden,
00:04in Britain we love a picnic. And new research by Aspall Cider shows that this summer we're
00:09poshing up our picnics. We're getting rid of the traditional fare and instead we're opting for more
00:14luxury and artisan food and drink to impress our guests. So you may be wondering what's the best
00:20picnic etiquette? Well I've teamed up with Aspall Cider to provide you an etiquette guide on proper
00:26picnicking and here are some of my top tips. First things first, you need to think about the
00:31position of your picnic. The idea of a picnic is to be at one with the great outdoors but you also
00:37need to think about your guests comfort. Some might like shade, some might like sun. So the
00:43protection of a tree can provide comfort for everybody. Once you've chosen your picnic spot
00:48you need to think about making everybody feel comfortable. The trusty picnic blanket is the
00:53obvious choice but why not elevate the comfort levels with some scatter cushions or for smaller
00:58gatherings you could bring along some picnic chairs. Now on to the most important part, the
01:02food and drink. Picnic food should be seasonal, tasty and really easy to eat. Keep it simple for
01:08your guests, we don't want to be balancing plates on our lap trying to cut food up. Instead aim for
01:13some finger food, charcuterie boards or tapas style food that is simple and easy for everybody.
01:19Drinks should arrive chilled and they should stay chilled while you're picnicking.
01:23The best idea is to supply an ice bucket filled with ice and also individual cans of cider or
01:29other drinks. Guests can then help themselves. Glasses should be made of real glass if permitted
01:34for where you're picnicking or really good quality plastic and avoid glasses with a stem. Nobody wants
01:40to be balancing their drink on a picnic rug and having it topple over. So there you have it, some
01:45top picnic etiquette tips. It was once said that a picnic equals happiness and so it should,
01:51especially if you get it right.
