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00:004 sorelline che sono qui con me e con te, 4 amiche sempre con noi, 4 amiche, 4 stili,
00:274 animi gentili di che in gamba si come voi.
00:32Certe volte nasce qualche pisticcio, ma in un attimo è finito di già.
00:40L'allegria ritornerà, niente mai ci separerà.
00:48Tutte per una, una per tutte, vieni anche tu e saremo una in più.
00:56Una per tutte, tutte per una, chi arriverà, beppeluto sarà.
01:04Tutte per una, una per tutte, vieni anche tu e saremo una in più.
01:12Una per tutte, tutte per una, chi arriverà, beppeluto sarà.
01:20Tutte per una, una per tutte, vieni anche tu e saremo una in più.
01:31Una per tutte, tutte per una, chi arriverà, beppeluto sarà.
01:39Tutte per una, una per tutte.
01:50Abbiamo appena ricevuto la seconda lettera della mamma.
02:07Allora, posso cominciare ?
02:11Mie cara, spero che a casa stiate tutte bene.
02:14Io godo di buona salute, sebbene le lunghe veglie notturni al cappezzale di papà mi stanchino molto.
02:19Piano piano le condizioni di vostro padre cominciano a migliorare.
02:24Quanto vi dico, non è dettato solo dalla mia speranza di vederlo guarire.
02:27Anche il medico è convinto che vostro padre si riprenderà presto.
02:31Meno male.
02:33Che sollievo, papà è fuori pericolo.
02:45Sentite, perché non scriviamo una lettera in risposta ?
02:47Sì, mi sembra un'ottima idea.
02:49Stavo giusto pensando alla stessa cosa.
02:52Ma scrivere a chi ?
02:53A chi ? Alla mamma naturalmente, chi altri se no ?
02:56Non so, io pensavo al papà.
02:58Sì, potremmo scrivere anche a lui, ma avete letto la lettera ?
03:01La mamma è molto preoccupata per noi e poi passa moltissimo tempo al cappezzale di papà.
03:06La cosa migliore sarebbe scrivere una bella lettera indirizzata alla mamma.
03:09Così la tranquillizzeremo sul nostro conto e con le nostre chiacchiere l'aiuteremo a passare il tempo.
03:14Io penso che Joe abbia ragione.
03:16E poi la mamma leggerà sicuramente la nostra lettera al papà.
03:19Così sarà come se l'avessimo scritta ad entrambi.
03:21A me sembra l'idea migliore, non sei d'accordo anche tu, Amy ?
03:39Ehi, Beth !
03:40Sì, che c'è ?
03:41Sai come si scrive contraddare ?
03:43Ma sì, non conosci questo termine ?
03:45No, mai sentito.
03:47Mammina cara, non devi stare in pena per noi, ti prego.
03:50Qui a casa sta andando bene.
03:52Io studio con impegno, non stare in pena per noi, ti prego.
03:55Pensa, faccio i compiti tutti i santi giorni e cerco di non contraddare mai le mie sorelle.
03:59E cerco di non contraddare mai le mie sorelle.
04:02Ah, ma certo, contraddire.
04:04Contraddire ?
04:05Tu volevi dire che fai di tutto per non irritarci, giusto ?
04:08Sì, più o meno.
04:10E allora il verbo giusto è contraddire e si scrive così.
04:19Oh, grazie Beth.
04:22Ah, senti Amy.
04:23Sì ?
04:26Mi sembra che nella tua lettera tu abbia scritto due volte non stare in pena per noi, ti prego.
04:32Mammina cara, non devi stare in pena per noi, ti prego.
04:34Qui a casa sta andando tutto bene.
04:36Io studio con impegno, non stare in pena per noi, ti prego.
04:39Pensa, faccio i compiti tutti i santi giorni e cerco di non contraddire le mie sorelle.
04:43Perché è sbagliato ripeterlo due volte ?
04:46No, non è che sia sbagliato, ma...
04:48In fondo scriviamo alla mamma perché non vogliamo che stia in pena, giusto ?
04:51Senti, hai scritto altre volte la frase non stare in pena per noi, ti prego.
04:54Sì, certo.
04:55Ieri hai aiutato Anna a fare il bucato, non stare in pena per noi, ti prego.
04:58Dici che l'ho ripetuto un po' troppo ?
05:00Amy, sei un disastro.
05:01Sì, ho capito.
05:02Stai cercando di dirmi che non devo ripetere la stessa frase più di una volta.
05:05Vediamo come si può fare, dunque.
05:07Ieri hai aiutato Anna a fare il bucato, non preoccuparti per noi, ti prego.
05:11Ecco, l'ho cambiata.
05:13Grazie per il consiglio.
05:15Buongiorno Anna.
05:18Buongiorno, ci siamo alzate presto stamattina.
05:21Sta cercando Amy, ancora in casa ?
05:24Sì, è ancora in casa.
05:34Ciao, bene alzata ?
05:39We got up early this morning.
05:41Is Emmy still at home?
05:53Good morning.
05:54Good morning, Jo.
05:55Hi, welcome.
05:56Hi, I was just looking for you.
05:57Have you finished the letter?
05:58Of course I have.
06:01Here it is.
06:03My compliments.
06:04Give it to me, so we can send it to the others together.
06:06Wait, I'll give you mine too, Jo.
06:08Yes, of course.
06:12You're welcome, Meg.
06:16Why did you ask if I had finished the letter?
06:19Because I didn't doubt the other two.
06:21Oh, is that so?
06:22Do you think I'm an idiot?
06:23No, but you're usually more difficult than the others.
06:27So, you thought I wouldn't be able to finish it?
06:30No, I just thought that maybe you wouldn't be able to finish it in time.
06:33Instead, I was wrong and I gave you my compliments.
06:36In fact, I wrote a beautiful letter.
06:38Do you agree, Beth?
06:40Of course.
06:41I'm sorry, I always tend to underestimate you.
06:44But to show you that I'm sorry, I'm ready to read your letter.
06:47Read it, read it.
06:49Jo, I don't think we have a good idea.
06:53I'm convinced of the opposite.
06:57I'm sorry if I insist, but I wouldn't do it in your place.
07:00Why wouldn't you do it?
07:01Mom will have fun reading our letters without looking at how they are written.
07:05And the fact that they're different from each other will make them even more pleasant.
07:09Of course, I understand.
07:10Jo, you're a writer and you choose every word carefully.
07:13And maybe you don't like the style I used in my letter at all.
07:16Just like Emy's.
07:19I think you're right. I won't read your letters.
07:22I think it's much more prudent not to do it.
07:35I'd like to send it by express.
07:39Wow, what a big letter.
07:41It's 20 cents.
07:42I think it will arrive by tomorrow.
07:44Where it goes to Washington.
07:46Well, probably yes, miss.
07:49Here are the 20 cents.
07:54An espresso, please.
07:55Very well, sir.
07:56See you tomorrow.
08:03Very well, sir.
08:04Let's see...
08:0625 cents.
08:07What are you doing here?
08:08Did you come to send one of your novels to some publisher?
08:12Remember, however, that if you have written a new novel,
08:14you must first have it read to the subscriber.
08:16It was just a letter to my mother.
08:18My father is very ill and had to go to Washington to assist him.
08:21Your father is very ill?
08:27If there's anything I can do for you,
08:29don't hesitate to let me know.
08:30I'll move seas and mountains.
08:32You're very kind.
08:33Even if there's some heavy work to do at home,
08:35I'm at your service.
08:36No, thank you.
08:38And anyway, there are always the Lawrence's
08:40ready to give us a hand in case of need.
08:42Are you referring to that little boy called Laurie?
08:46You know, he's a very available person.
08:48Joe, I'm serious.
08:50If there's anything you need,
08:52you just have to ask me.
08:54I'm as strong and available as your Laurie,
08:56if not more.
08:57Think about it, Anthony.
08:58Is there anything you could do for me?
09:00Listen, I'm all ears.
09:02I think we should paint the house
09:04before winter starts.
09:05Paint what?
09:07The house, of course.
09:09You'd like to paint your house?
09:11All of your house?
09:13Yes, and I'd like to paint the interior,
09:15so when dad comes back from the front,
09:17he'll find it all nice and clean.
09:18Should I do it?
09:19Why not?
09:21I should paint the whole house by myself.
09:23It's incredible.
09:24Can you do it?
09:28So, yes or no?
09:31Oh, I get it.
09:33I knew it.
09:34I'll have to ask Laurie.
09:35Joe, wait.
09:36Wait a second.
09:38April Fools!
09:40I was just kidding.
09:41You're so silly.
09:42You were so silly when you got scared
09:44and you were so excited
09:45that I decided to teach you a lesson
09:47and I couldn't resist.
09:48You're a monkey.
09:49What did you make me do?
09:51If there's one thing I can't stand,
09:52it's painting the walls.
09:54Really? Why?
09:56When I was little,
09:57my mother always made me paint my room.
09:59I can assure you
10:00that it's the most stupid and boring job
10:01in the world.
10:02You said you'd do anything for me.
10:04For a ready-to-do person,
10:05you're pretty funny.
10:07It's true.
10:08I'd do anything for you,
10:09except painting.
10:10All right, you're forgiven.
10:11But tell me,
10:12what did you do at the post office?
10:13You're curious, aren't you?
10:14I'll make you happy right away.
10:15I sent my article
10:16to a newspaper in New York.
10:19You'd do anything to go to New York?
10:22That city is developing
10:23at an impressive rate.
10:25Very soon,
10:26all major states of the nation
10:27will move to New York.
10:29The great and active New York.
10:31That's where the heart of America beats.
10:36Come in.
10:42Here, Laurie.
10:43This is Mr. Brooke's letter,
10:44which arrived today.
10:45There are the latest news
10:47about Captain March's health.
10:48It's addressed to you, too.
10:50So read it,
10:51and then bring it to our neighbors.
10:52They'll be waiting for it.
10:53Yes, all right.
11:01You also received a letter
11:02from Mr. Brooke,
11:03are you sure?
11:04Yes, it was for Meg.
11:05For Meg?
11:06Of course.
11:07Mr. Brooke was very kind
11:08to send us news of Dad.
11:10Yes, undoubtedly.
11:14And so it seemed superfluous to me
11:16to have them read this letter, too.
11:18Yes, you're right.
11:19Mr. Brooke is a very kind man,
11:21don't you think?
11:22Yes, and Meg is a very funny girl.
11:25It seems that my instigator
11:26has given himself a lot to do
11:28at the hospital for Mr. March.
11:29How do you explain that?
11:30Well, it's natural, Laurie.
11:32Anyone would be very happy
11:33with their future mothers-in-law.
11:44Our mother is a fantastic woman.
11:46Why? What did she do this time?
11:49Mr. Brooke admires her a lot.
11:50He says she's a unique woman for him.
11:52At the hospital,
11:53Mom doesn't just take care of Dad,
11:54but she's always ready to help others.
11:56She has a word of comfort for everyone
11:58and the sick love her.
11:59Yes, Mom is wonderful.
12:02Mr. Brooke writes that Dad's condition
12:04has improved significantly,
12:06but it will still take time
12:08before he can fully recover.
12:10It is unlikely that he can be
12:11dismissed from the hospital soon.
12:16Listen, Meg,
12:17do you think Mr. Brooke
12:18will continue to keep us informed?
12:20Of course.
12:21He says he'll try to write to us regularly.
12:23He's a very kind boy.
12:25In his letters,
12:26Mom never talks much about herself.
12:28Now, thanks to Mr. Brooke,
12:29we'll finally have complete news.
12:31Of course, you're right.
12:32Please, Meg,
12:33thank Mr. Brooke on our behalf too.
12:36Okay, I'll write to him
12:37that we're all grateful for his letters.
12:42Come in.
12:45Hi, Anna, come in.
12:48I have a big favor to ask you.
12:51Really, what is it?
12:53Well, I'd like to write a letter
12:56to Mrs. Mary.
12:58And of course,
12:59you'd like me to write it to you, right?
13:01No, not really.
13:02You'd just have to write
13:03what I told you, that's all.
13:05So, you'd like me to make you a secretary?
13:08Well, I didn't mean that.
13:10Would you do me this favor?
13:12Yes, of course.
13:14Go on.
13:16Come on, Anna, come.
13:22You can tell me.
13:26Dear Mrs. Mary.
13:29No, you don't have to put in good.
13:31Really? Why?
13:32Because usually,
13:33you don't use a lot of adjectives
13:34when you start a letter.
13:36And you've known Mom for a long time,
13:38so you don't need to use a lot of adjectives.
13:41All right.
13:42So, what do you think I should say?
13:44Let's see.
13:46I don't know.
13:47I was thinking something like,
13:48Dear Mrs.
13:50To be honest,
13:51it doesn't convince me.
13:52It's a little too detached.
13:55What if we put,
13:56My dear Mrs.
13:57Oh no, it's not good.
13:58It's too confidential.
13:59What do you think of dear and kind Mrs?
14:01That your mother is kind,
14:03there's no doubt about it,
14:04but I don't think it's the right way
14:05to start.
14:06It didn't seem bad to me, you know.
14:09All right, let's do as you say.
14:11Dear and kind Mrs. Mary.
14:15Go on.
14:16Sorry if I took the liberty of writing them.
14:19But it's a very formal sentence.
14:21And elegant.
14:22What do you think?
14:23That I'm not able to write a letter properly?
14:25No, you're very good.
14:26Come on, go on.
14:28The girls are all well,
14:30and things are going well.
14:32Don't worry about us,
14:33just think about dear Mr. Marcia
14:35and don't get too tired.
14:37Meg is making a lot of progress.
14:38Easy, easy.
14:39Wait, I can't keep up with you.
14:41So, where were we?
14:42Meg is making a lot of progress.
14:44Yes, I'm here.
14:45Go on.
14:46And she'll become a great masseuse.
14:48She's careful, precise,
14:49and keeps the family balance under control.
14:52Joe, on the other hand...
14:54What would you like to tell my mother about me?
14:57Joe, on the other hand,
14:58hasn't changed at all.
14:59He's still the usual troublemaker.
15:01He's generous, impulsive,
15:02and enthusiastic,
15:03and he really does a great job.
15:04The results, of course,
15:05are the ones you want.
15:06Let's take what happened last Friday.
15:09You really have to tell him.
15:11Well, it seemed fun to me.
15:13All right, as you wish.
15:18All in all,
15:19I don't mind these definitions at all.
15:22So, last Friday,
15:23Joe wanted to make you the bouquet,
15:25the result of the operation,
15:26unwashed clothes,
15:27and a pink shirt that turned blue.
15:30My pink shirt!
15:31You say it turned all blue!
15:37did Grandpa come back?
15:39No, miss.
15:40Did you get another letter?
15:42Yes, sir.
15:43Let me take a look.
15:47Look, look,
15:48another letter from Mr. Brooke.
15:59But the envelope is addressed to me.
16:03Does that mean
16:04the letter is addressed to someone else?
16:07Of course, not knowing it,
16:08I started reading it,
16:09but then I realized right away
16:10that it was addressed to Mr. Lawrence.
16:12How can that be?
16:15the letter Mr. Brooke wrote me
16:16will be locked in a envelope
16:17addressed to Mr. Lawrence.
16:19Yes, you're right.
16:20It can't be that.
16:21Evidently, Mr. Brooke got confused
16:23when he put it in the envelope.
16:25Maybe it's because of the rush.
16:27And so we found out
16:28that the serious instructor
16:29is also a pain in the ass.
16:31And now, Joe,
16:32what can we do?
16:42You're right.
16:43I'd say there's no doubt about it.
16:45This is a letter addressed to my grandfather.
16:47But the envelope was addressed to Meg.
16:49Let me think for a moment.
16:50A little while ago,
16:51another letter from Mr. Brooke arrived.
16:53So there's something in that envelope.
16:55You're right.
16:56There must be a letter for Meg.
16:58Can you imagine your grandfather's face?
17:01I don't find it funny at all.
17:02That poor Brooke
17:03will get a head wash.
17:05If there's one thing
17:06your grandfather can't stand,
17:07it's carelessness like this.
17:12Isn't there something
17:13we can do to help him
17:14before your grandfather comes back
17:15and notices the mess?
17:32Here it is.
17:43Hi, Grandpa.
17:44Welcome back.
17:51I heard the doorbell.
17:52Is your grandfather back?
17:55If our assumptions are correct,
17:57there should be a letter for Meg in here.
18:00The fact is,
18:01to be sure,
18:02we'll have to open it,
18:03you know?
18:04Yeah, but how?
18:05If you rip this envelope,
18:06Grandpa will notice right away
18:07and he'll be furious.
18:10Maybe if we use the steam,
18:11we'll be able to open it
18:12without too much damage.
18:13Do you think it could work?
18:15I'm not sure,
18:16but we have to try.
18:18Of course,
18:19we're worried about it,
18:20dear and calm Mr. Brooke.
18:22Hey, where are you going?
18:23To the kitchen, of course.
18:24I need steam.
18:29Come on.
18:47Come in.
18:52Good morning, Mr. Lawrence.
18:55Good morning.
18:56Where's my grandson?
18:58he's going to make you some tea.
18:59But how?
19:00With all the servants we have?
19:01Good heavens,
19:02what timing!
19:05I almost forgot.
19:06I just received a letter from your mother.
19:09I'm glad to learn
19:10that Dad is getting better.
19:12Thank you,
19:13he's very kind.
19:16Is there anything I can do for you,
19:17my dear?
19:20Thank you very much,
19:21Mr. Lawrence.
19:22Well, goodbye.
19:50Yes, there's no doubt
19:51this letter is for Meg.
19:53let's exchange them.
19:59But where...
20:00where did I put the glue?
20:01It should be somewhere around here.
20:14Wait a minute.
20:15If I gave this letter to Grandpa now,
20:17he might get suspicious
20:18and smell something fishy.
20:20You're right.
20:21Put it in tomorrow's mail.
20:23No, it won't work.
20:24The mayor knows it arrived today
20:26and sooner or later
20:27Grandpa will find out too.
20:29Laurie, we have to find
20:30another mailman.
20:31Do you have any ideas?
20:33Let's hope so,
20:34because I don't have any.
20:39Thank you again, Laurie.
20:40Meg and Mr. Brooke
20:41will be very grateful
20:42for what you did for them today.
20:44To tell the truth,
20:45the mission is not yet completed.
20:54Mr. Lawrence would like
20:55to see you right away,
21:03Come in.
21:09You wanted to see me, Grandpa?
21:10What is it?
21:11I just heard from Johnson
21:13that in today's mail
21:14there was also a letter
21:15from Mr. Brooke
21:16addressed to me.
21:24Ah, yes, yes, it's true.
21:25In fact, I saw that letter
21:27when I took a look
21:28at today's mail.
21:30Very strange,
21:31because it's gone.
21:33But it's not possible, Grandpa.
21:41Look, there it is.
21:43It fell to the ground.
21:44That's why you didn't see it.
21:48I didn't notice it.
21:49Of course,
21:50with everything you have to do.
21:52How did it fall to the ground?
21:54If you read it right away,
21:55I'll open it for you, Grandpa.
22:18At that point,
22:19your father had already
22:20drunk a cup full
22:21of boiling broth,
22:22but evidently
22:23it wasn't enough for him.
22:24In fact, he turned
22:25to your mother and said,
22:26I could have
22:27another cara
22:28or a wolf's hunger,
22:29but she replied
22:30that it was the usual
22:32that should not be exaggerated.
22:33You know, Meg,
22:34I'm so happy.
22:35I've known your father
22:36for a short time,
22:37but he's a man
22:38so worthy of esteem
22:39that his improvement
22:40fills my heart
22:41with sincere joy.
22:42In his letter,
22:43Mr. Brooke
22:44described so accurately
22:45the hospital
22:46and the way
22:47the parents
22:48spend their days
22:49to make them
22:50feel closer.
22:51Oh yes,
22:52Mr. Brooke
22:53has a golden heart.