The Herring Gull: Close Up HD Footage (Larus argentatus)

  • 2 months ago
Herring Gulls, or Larus argentatus if you want to get all scientific, are pretty common seabirds you'll spot around the UK. These big, noisy birds love hanging out on the coast, but they're not fussy - you'll see them inland too. They're about the size of a duck, with white bodies, grey wings, and yellow beaks with a red spot.
These clever birds are proper scavengers. They'll eat almost anything, from fish and crabs to chips nicked from unsuspecting tourists! They're famous for being cheeky and pinching food, so watch your sandwich at the beach.
Herring Gulls are tough cookies. They can live for over 30 years and mate for life. Every spring, they build nests on cliffs or rooftops and lay 2-3 eggs. Both parents look after the chicks.
Sadly, these gulls are having a hard time. There are fewer of them now, mainly because we're overfishing the seas and messing up their habitats. So, even if they can be a bit annoying sometimes, remember they're important for our ecosystems!

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