مسلسل ساحرة الجنوب جزء 2 ح 8 ياسر جلال - حورية فرغلي

  • last month


00:18And I'm a shower
00:23And I want to
00:26Look at Ali
00:35When my watch
00:39And I've got my hands and I've got
00:42The Bikini
00:46When you look at me I mean
01:42Laugh at Khalil Aleyha Khalid must have rubbed
01:45As much as a lot of them. I mean, we should be happy
01:49But yes, if I hold on to me I'm a little kid
02:51Should we go to Bakhita?
02:53Of course, we have to go.
02:55Let's go.
03:17My bones have left me.
03:20My feet have left me.
03:24The sea water has left me.
03:29My legs...
03:36My whole house...
03:40To come back to me.
03:47I'll wait for you here.
04:06I'm coming to you, Hassan.
04:09I don't want anyone to ask me where I'm going.
04:16I don't want anyone to ask me where I'm going.
04:29Answer me, Aad!
04:37Come here.
04:46Mrs. Bakhita, peace be upon you.
04:50I'm with Ibn Khalid. Can we come in?
04:54Come in.
05:10Peace be upon you.
05:13And upon you.
05:16I don't have an answer to your questions.
05:19So you can't tell us where we're going now?
05:27Go to heaven.
05:30Or to the sea.
05:33All of that is beyond our Lord's power.
05:39But she thought...
05:42That she had everything.
05:47One king.
05:50No one else, my son.
05:53What does that mean? I don't understand.
05:56Did Jalal do something to her?
05:59Jalal will keep his promise.
06:02Neither with my hand nor with yours, my son.
06:05My mother?
06:08You can't lie to us.
06:11When was the last time you saw her and told her that?
06:13When was that?
06:16When the evil swept the earth
06:19and swallowed the waters of the sea.
06:22The heavens shone and the clouds roared.
06:25That's not important, Khalid.
06:28Lighten us, may God rest your soul.
06:31When a servant turns and rides a horse,
06:34the whole world must turn.
06:40When a servant
06:43turns and rides a horse,
06:46the whole world must turn.
06:51Please, explain this to me.
06:54You mean to say that when the evil
06:57sweeps the earth
07:00and swallows the waters of the sea,
07:03anything can happen?
07:06The heavens shone and the clouds roared.
07:09The heavens shone and the clouds roared.
07:11So it's the spirit that did all this, Khalid?
07:14You don't have a soul, Saleh.
07:17You're not the only one who raised her.
07:21And you're not the only one who brought her to you.
07:30Listen, my son.
07:35And you, my son.
07:42Remember the iron man and his son.
07:46If she went away,
07:49she would come back to us all.
07:52And if she didn't,
07:56God would come back to us all.
08:04What do I do?
08:08I don't want anyone with me, Wasl.
08:11I don't want anyone with me.
08:17How's that?
08:42Did you see and hear
08:45what came out of her mouth, Hussam?
08:48Yes, I saw and heard.
08:51So it wasn't a dream or a nightmare?
08:54I did what I did when I left her for the first time.
08:58I don't know if what I saw was a dream or a nightmare.
09:01It's clear, Iron Man,
09:04that the spirit can do evil,
09:07sweep the earth, the heavens and the waters.
09:10I mean, she went to the desert,
09:13no matter how many people came to her,
09:16and she got to this point.
09:19I can't believe it.
09:22She went to her heart, like an egg in an eggshell.
09:25But we agreed, Jamal,
09:28that what happens to her is not her fault.
09:31We said we'd find a way to help her.
09:34And you were the one who went to the desert.
09:36Iron Man says she won't do it again.
09:39Iron Man, it's not a Qur'an.
09:42Whether it's us or the spirit,
09:45or even Iron Man,
09:48we all follow God's will.
09:51No one can change it.
09:54Oh, God.
10:01Take my heart and my soul with you,
10:03as you do with my soul.
10:09Where will I find you,
10:12the one who brought me luck,
10:15the one who carries your worries and your sorrows?
10:21I want you to be well.
10:25I want you to be well.
10:33I want you to be well.
10:45Let's go, my friend.
10:51Mother, thank God you're safe.
10:54Oh, Danaya, my love.
10:57Forgive me, Mother. I was rude to you.
11:00You didn't do anything to anger God.
11:04It's all in God's hands.
11:07Don't hold back, Mother.
11:10I missed you, Mother.
11:13I missed you so much.
11:16I missed you so much.
11:19God won't deprive me of you.
11:22Tell me, Mother, did you meet a spirit?
11:25You met it once, and then it disappeared.
11:27Before you continue,
11:30I want to tell you that Jameel is on my mind.
11:33Jameel? What about Jameel, my son?
11:36He's the one who brought you luck.
11:39It was your fault, Mother.
11:42I blamed you and I blamed you.
11:45It's your right, Mother.
11:48There's a right between a mother and her son.
11:51Wait, I'll change my clothes and tell you what happened.
11:54I'll tell you what happened to me there.
11:57It was terrible!
12:01Don't worry about anything.
12:04I'll arrange everything and everything will be fine.
12:08I'll give you exact details.
12:11But first, find me Hassan Gioux and tell me how to get him.
12:16That's it. I'll arrange everything
12:20He's not here now.
12:27What are you saying, old man?
12:28Get rid of her, her son and her daughter, you idiot!
12:32No one in this family deserves her.
12:36Do you understand, you son of a bitch?
12:43What's wrong with you?
12:45Or do I have to show you my red eyes?
12:52What's up?
12:54I'm fine.
12:55I think he's been sitting here for a month.
12:59That's enough, old man!
13:03This story has hurt me a lot.
13:06It's a nightmare.
13:09I don't know how to get up or sleep.
13:11Nadine is asking me a lot of questions.
13:13She's going to go crazy.
13:14She has a point, old man.
13:15I don't want her to go crazy because of you.
13:17The problem is that we don't know where Hussam is.
13:19So what?
13:20She's been running away from us for a long time.
13:22Do you want us to tell her where Hussam is?
13:24She'll go crazy.
13:25She'll say she doesn't want to talk about this anymore.
13:27Believe me, all of this is true.
13:29There's something going on.
13:30No, I don't think Hussam...
13:31What you're saying isn't true.
13:33He's our father's son.
13:35The problem is in his family.
13:37He's playing a big game with his mother.
13:39And she forgave him.
13:41And she's been taking care of us all these years.
13:44My dear mother.
13:46May God help you.
13:49Open your mouth.
13:51For my sake.
13:52For my sake.
13:54You can't do this, Maria.
13:55You can't do this, my dear.
13:57You won't give your father anything for God's sake.
14:00Didn't you see the blood that came out of you?
14:03It was a lot.
14:05Yes, it was a lot.
14:07I can't talk.
14:09I can't believe I did it.
14:12Why did God do this?
14:14What did I do?
14:16What did I do?
14:20Don't be like this, Maria.
14:22Please, my dear.
14:24Don't be sad.
14:25God will help you tomorrow.
14:28And you're still young.
14:31And you have a long life ahead of you.
14:34What is this?
14:36He gave food to Maria,
14:37and I can't find my beautiful mother?
14:40Do you want to eat without me?
14:41No, I'm with you.
14:42Come, my dear.
14:43Eat with us.
14:44Maybe you'll encourage her to eat.
14:46Would anyone refuse food made by her beautiful mother?
14:49That's enough, Maria.
14:51You'll get used to it.
16:00My dear.
16:03My dear.
16:11I missed you a lot.
16:14I didn't see this nightmare.
16:19I'll come back this time.
16:22When you're gone, I'll go.
16:32God is the Greatest.
16:41I put my trust in God.
16:43There is no power or strength except with God, the Most High.
16:46I put my trust in God.
16:47There is no power or strength except with God, the Most High.
17:01You killed him!
17:02You killed him!
17:04You killed him!
17:05I killed him!
17:06I killed him.
17:07I killed him.
17:10I'm dead.
17:12Did you forget me?
17:15I'm glad to see you.
17:18Why are you here?
17:19What brought you back?
17:21God is the Greatest.
17:25Time has changed.
17:28I don't have a place to go.
17:30Life is hard for me.
17:34Don't worry, brother.
17:36Don't worry, Mansoor.
17:38God will help us.
17:41You know, brother.
17:42This place is good.
17:44It's good for both men and women.
17:48This place is good?
17:50It's good for both men and women.
17:53It's good for both men and women.
17:56I can't sleep at night.
18:01Are you saying something, Mansoor?
18:03No, no.
18:04I was saying...
18:06If there's water, it's good.
18:09And if there's tea, it's good.
18:13I don't have a cup of water, Waleed.
18:16Weren't you working at Abu Pasha's castle?
18:20Why did you do that?
18:22Did you do something bad?
18:25Did Mansoor do something bad?
18:28No, no, no.
18:30Abu Pasha didn't know...
18:33that his share of the world...
18:36is in his head.
18:38He doesn't want to lose it.
18:40Whose share?
18:42Abu Pasha's share?
18:45Are you crazy, Mansoor?
18:48Abu Rida.
18:50Come here, Abu Rida.
18:53What is it, brother?
18:55Give me your hand.
18:57Anything else, brother?
18:59Come in, Abu Rida.
19:01Okay, okay.
19:03Eat, Mansoor.
19:05No, no.
19:06I'm upset with him.
19:09You used to say he's crazy.
19:11Well, he's right.
19:14He's not Jalal al-Assad.
19:17Eat, Mansoor.
19:20Your head is going to explode.
19:23I'm going to tell you a story...
19:25that will make you believe me.
19:31Don't come in,
19:34so I can tell you a story about me.
19:42Leave me alone.
19:44I'm going to die here.
19:46Dr. Subha will tell you.
19:49You want to get back with her?
19:51Yes, I do.
19:53I didn't follow her.
19:57Who are you?
19:58We didn't do anything to you.
20:01I know.
20:03You're more important than us.
20:10What's with the car?
20:13You want to take me to a cave?
20:15You're a good guy, Fahad.
20:17I'm not sending you the money.
20:19It's a shipment from him.
20:21I don't need it.
20:23I don't have black or white.
20:25Go to Khalil Bey.
20:27He'll give you what you want.
20:29His story,
20:31and the money.
20:42Eat, Eid.
20:43Eat, Eid.
20:44Eat, because this is what you want.
20:47Yes, yes.
20:49When you're hungry, you look at this.
20:52And when you're hungry, you look at me.
20:55This is Haneen.
20:57She's been carrying you all your life.
20:59Oh, Aweel.
21:00Oh, Jalil al-Assad.
21:02Look at you again and again.
21:05That's it.
21:06What's done is done.
21:08Hey, you.
21:09Hey, you.
21:10Come and feed me.
21:12I'm starving.
21:13So that I don't have to carry another person.
21:16Come on, Mom.
21:17Come on.
21:18Let me feed you.
21:24Eat, Dad.
21:27If the man had done a good job that day,
21:30his wife would have been happy.
21:33Eat, Dad.
21:35May God protect us.
21:37May God protect you.
22:10What's wrong with you?
22:11What's wrong with Dad and us?
22:13I'm not in pain.
22:14My heart is in pain.
22:15I just want to go.
22:17I want to find a way.
22:19Go and find her.
22:21I don't want to divorce her.
22:23I want to get back to work.
22:25Dad wants to give me...
22:27Oh, God.
22:28Don't even think about it.
22:30You're a son of a bitch.
22:32Why, Mom?
22:33He's carrying you on his back.
22:35Even if he wanted to stand on his feet.
22:38What do you mean, Mom?
22:39I don't understand.
22:52Is she going to divorce you?
22:53Is she going to become a witch?
22:59I lost you, Mujer al-Bahaleen.
23:08I'm going to break the bond that broke my bond, Mom.
23:11I don't care what you mean.
23:26Are you going to cook or what?
23:27I'll cook just once.
23:29Give me some tomatoes.
23:30I'll give them to Uncle Khalaf, our neighbor.
23:32I'll cut them with a little salt
23:33and they'll turn into hummus.
23:34Hummus, dear?
23:36We have bread.
23:38At the end of the street,
23:39there was a street vendor selling bread
23:40for her son who was out of the army.
23:42She gave us three loaves.
23:44My grandma gave them to the hungry kids.
23:46She gave us three more.
23:47So, we're going to eat all day?
23:49Where are the days of cooking?
23:51And the birds?
23:52And the meat that was in Abu Pasha's castle?
23:54The days.
23:55And before Abu Pasha died.
23:56Your uncle entrusts us with all the good
23:57before he dies.
23:59He'll come back, and Mom will come back.
24:01We'll be full, and we'll be at peace.
24:03I told them not to entrust us with anything.
24:05Your hand is still wounded.
24:08Your grandma will bring you some medicine.
24:10And my grandfather will come back from the mosque.
24:12And Zakaria will wake up and we'll all eat.
24:15Open the door.
24:16I'm not coming.
24:17Are you going to make me work?
24:18I'm going to open the door.
24:19Open the door.
24:23Oh, you thief.
24:25You thief.
24:26Take this.
24:31Open the door.
24:35Open the door.
24:40Jamal, my son.
24:42How are you?
24:45I haven't seen you in a long time.
24:48Are your grandfather and grandmother still there?
24:51My brother and I are still here.
24:54I'm sorry.
24:55I'll come back another time.
24:57No, no.
24:59They should be back by now.
25:02It's okay.
25:03I'll come back later.
25:04I'll let you stay with her until they come back.
25:07She's a chicken.
25:08And she eats with us.
25:13Did you cook today?
25:15It's chopped tomatoes.
25:16What can I do with it?
25:18You can make the best food.
25:21Really, Jamal?
25:24Take this.
25:26What is it, my dear son?
25:28You're Jamil's good friend.
25:31And you have to help me.
25:32How can I help you?
25:34My daughter is five years old and you're the one who brought her.
25:37I'm sorry, Jamal.
25:39Are you trying to make me feel bad because I eat tomatoes?
25:41No, I swear.
25:43I swear to God.
25:44I've been doing this for a long time.
25:47What do you mean?
25:49Do you want me to think about it?
25:52Do you want to come back and give it to me?
26:01It's a dream.
26:03What are we going to do, Jamal?
26:06You and your parents are so close.
26:09What do you want me to tell you?
26:11Put our oil on our chicken.
26:14Come live with us in our house.
26:16And the leg surgery is enough for us.
26:21What do you mean?
26:23We'll get married.
26:28We'll get married.
26:38It's a dream!
26:52It's a dream!
27:22How does it feel to not remember the past?
27:25I miss you.
27:28I miss you too.
27:50You're going to kill me, you son of a bitch!
28:02Leave me alone! I don't know you at all!
28:05You don't know me, you son of a bitch!
28:07You mean I came here by mistake?
28:09Mistake? Mistake? Or did the one who sent you, Suhair al-Fajr, send you?
28:13You! You! God damn you! You!
28:18Who sent you?
28:19The one who sent you!
28:20Leave me alone, you son of a bitch!
28:22You! You!
28:23Leave me alone, you son of a bitch!
28:30What happened to you, my son?
28:31I'm fine, mother, thank God.
28:33He wanted to kill me, this son of a bitch.
28:36God willing, he and his family and all of you.
28:39Who are you?
28:41Wow, wow, wow!
28:44Wow! Who is Zalata, mother? Do you know who he is?
28:47What? Who is Zalata?
28:50Oh my God!
28:52Who brought Zalata here?
28:54Wow, wow!
28:56Do you know who this Zalata is?
28:58I'll tell you, my son, but first we have to make sure that she's alive, instead of bringing her to us.
29:08This is a real dog!
29:11Oh my God!
29:12If you don't tell me where you know him from, you'll be in trouble!
29:17It's not a secret, Aad. I'll tell you.
29:20Don't tell me or I'll tell you, my cousin.
29:22I don't want anything to do with him.
29:26If you had the guts to tell me that you were involved in these robberies,
29:33I wouldn't have let you go.
29:36Tell me, brother, how did these robberies happen?
29:39Abbas, I want a knife in my hand.
29:42Do you see yourself?
29:44I'll tell you something, but it has to be a secret between you and me.
29:48Tell me, big brother, what's your secret?
29:51I'll tell you, so you'll believe me.
29:53Tell me, big brother, what's your secret?
29:55I'll tell you.
29:56What am I going to do to you?
29:57This iron came out of your nose.
30:00I'm going to bury you.
30:03My brother, with your brain, how can I laugh when I have a knife with you?
30:09And your heart is on me.
30:14Go to Khalil Biyyah.
30:17Go to whom?
30:18Khalil Biyyah.
30:20Khalil Al-Ta'awi?
30:22What am I going to do to him?
30:23Don't do anything to him.
30:25Just tell him what I'm going to tell you.
30:30What am I going to tell him?
30:32I'll tell you what you're going to tell him.
30:34I fell in front of you, didn't I, Khalil Biyyah?
30:36Your brother, Tabla.
30:38He fell in front of you, didn't he?
30:40Your brother, Tabla, fell in front of you, didn't he?
30:44What's the matter with you?
30:46Since I found out that I'm his son-in-law, I've been beaten up.
30:49I've been beaten up in the street.
30:51I didn't just beat him up, I beat him up.
30:53My wife was beaten up and accused of theft.
30:56And people are driving me around, closing the doors of my house.
31:01I don't get a bite or a scratch.
31:04I don't have a problem with you, except that you're a good man.
31:09But if you find out where she is and make her come back to work for me again,
31:16I'll kill her.
31:18How can I find out where she is, Janab al-Biyyah?
31:21If I found out that she's missing, how can I find out where the stranger is?
31:25My daughter is gone.
31:27I've been waiting for her for years and years, Janab al-Biyyah.
31:31That's it.
31:32Go back to the world of justice.
31:36Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah.
31:38You're a good man, Mansour.
31:41Why are you like this, Janab al-Biyyah?
31:43I don't want to be with you. Why, Janab al-Biyyah?
31:46I want to be your servant.
31:48I want to be a ring on your finger.
31:50Between your eyes and under your feet.
31:54Understand, Majam.
31:56I want you to believe that your soul is a chain.
32:01Until you get used to me and work for me fairly.
32:04So that you stay a servant in the villa.
32:10A servant?
32:11And a slave for seven years?
32:14But how can a servant, Janab al-Biyyah, return to the villa?
32:19And how can a slave stay a servant inside?
32:23And he's like a load.
32:25I don't want him.
32:26I'm not a good man, Mansour.
32:28This is my request.
32:29Do you know how to return to work in the villa fairly?
32:33Follow me.
32:34What did you say?
32:36I'll kill him.
32:38No one can kill him.
32:39I'm talking to you, Janab al-Biyyah.
32:43Take this.
32:46Eat and drink.
32:48So that you know that you have money.
32:51Because you don't have a job in the villa.
32:57Don't worry, Janab al-Biyyah.
33:00How much?
33:03I don't know.
