see more from the Dallas Cowboys :
00:00:00nine first downs apiece look at that time of possession that's pretty close too well you
00:00:05you know the Dallas Cowboys had it the first quarter and you know won all that time of
00:00:09possession everything in the first quarter and then the Giants came back and got most of their
00:00:14stuff in the in the second quarter and the thing that hurt them is when they were getting that time
00:00:19of possession they only got six points that's what happened to him last week against the Jets
00:00:26here's Sims to Tillman Lewis Tillman hit from the side and hit hard but a six-yard gain hit by Woodson
00:00:35now there's a guy who can hit you you know some some safety is tackling and some of them hit you
00:00:41and the thing about Woodson you know he used to be a linebacker so he's kind of one of those guys
00:00:45with a half a linebacker and half a defensive back and when he hits you he hits you with what
00:00:51they call deep cleaters Tillman's cleats came right out of the ground he's about 220
00:00:58second and three and a safety man at that side like those two from Denver
00:01:02the handoff is the bunch short of the first down by perhaps a yard he's not by a bunch
00:01:10Joe is playing well in there is Russell Maryland anytime they run in there and it's amazing he has
00:01:15two bad big toes in fact he was showing us that one he showed us his left big toe
00:01:23and it comes out and starts out like start straight and it turns left so when he points
00:01:29with his left foot his left toe never hits the ground it all goes to that second toe in there
00:01:34looks like a bumpy interstate so he's always going to have probably had one one foot operated on
00:01:42and he'll come over to the side on it
00:01:5417 to 6 Dallas
00:01:5913 38 as the third quarter has just begun look at some of the other scores
00:02:06San Diego over Minnesota
00:02:09San Diego over Minnesota
00:02:12New England ahead of Buffalo Denver shutting out Cleveland here at Texas Stadium at 17 6
00:02:23Dallas over the Giants
00:02:39Taylor with some room around the corner close to midfield I'll tell you the guy that made that play
00:02:44was Jumbo Elliott did he fire out Jumbo Elliott looked like he was he was just shot out of a gun
00:02:51I mean that that's the way you do it in short yardage you just watch Jumbo Elliott they're
00:02:56right in here and pushing you get this first movement right there and then that's going to
00:03:01make a hole but watch that fire out boom right there the tight end coming down I'll tell you
00:03:07that really created a hole I mean the tight end and and the left back is fired out crossing
00:03:13it Elliot this is Tillman again slung down by Tony Tobert
00:03:21when you have those two guys on the same side when you put Howard Frost who was a good blocking
00:03:27tight end and you put him right next to Jumbo Elliott who was a good run blocker you're going
00:03:33to find some creases in there and the 2 on F just blew that cowboy defensive line off the line
00:03:40Jumbo is well named he's used second attempt
00:03:48Megan has Jackson in motion and sent back to throw outside to Megan and out of bounds
00:03:57by Norton
00:04:03Lawrence Taylor it's a frustrating time for LT well it sure is I mean remember last year he
00:04:10had the Achilles tendon but that was the end of his career and he rehabbed that in the offseason
00:04:16he came back and this year he has a full hamstring that he just can't get better and you remember
00:04:24what he used to be and you know that he remembers what he used to be and it has to be tough for him
00:04:29and for everyone watching third down and about three they're showing blitz Washington came up
00:04:36jump back and still keeps coming and down goes Shams Jeff Koch
00:04:43Jimmy Jones and Chad Hemmings close by you know they played the game right up to the end
00:04:51and you just watch if you see what happens here is they're showing them here they're showing a
00:04:55blitz right here they're showing a blitz right here they're showing a blitz here they're jumping
00:05:00in and out of it and then and then what that happens is everyone gets a guy Jimmy Jones
00:05:06comes on a stunt and no one blocks Jimmy Jones so Landetta goes back deep to fun to Kevin Williams
00:05:14that was a game within a game that the Cowboys won
00:05:18good kick by Landetta
00:05:21gonna handle it at the two
00:05:26around the corner almost knocked out by Deasi is Kevin Williams 47 yard punt by Landetta
00:05:3417 6 Dallas leading the Giants 11 46 left to play in the third quarter
00:05:41I bet you Lawrence Taylor had a talk with Dan Reeves and at halftime and probably with Mike
00:05:46Nolan the defense coordinator said look we're down 17 to 6 I'm waiting for those pass rush
00:05:53situations I feel good how about just let me play on first down and now we see the Giants
00:05:59and just a couple
00:06:03we're talking and did talk throughout the first half about how well Aikman was throwing the ball
00:06:08he's only missed once John yeah and that one was seven out of eight under 10 yards and that was
00:06:13tipped at the line of scrimmage and if it weren't tipped he was perfect one for one between two
00:06:18and three and he's got a good shot and he's got a good shot and he's got a good shot and he's got
00:06:23that was
00:06:46and that's what you have to watch out for with that double zone because that corner
00:06:51He can jump in front of you
00:06:52because he knows that he has his
00:06:54safety back in there behind him.
00:06:57I'll tell you Lawrence Taylor
00:06:58doesn't have a chance when he's
00:07:00going against big Eric Williams
00:07:02at that tackle.
00:07:04He took one shot at William who
00:07:06I think is the best tackle in
00:07:09He took one shot at him and
00:07:10decided he'll go back and start
00:07:12in the other direction in a
00:07:14I know.
00:07:16Eric Williams he'll put you in
00:07:17another direction in a hurry.
00:07:19Back to throw David Tate David
00:07:35Tate had the tackle and he just
00:07:37missed it.
00:07:40But here Aikman is looking
00:07:42Smith comes on across.
00:07:44Now that should have been a two
00:07:45yard game.
00:07:46David Tate just misses a tackle
00:07:47right there.
00:07:49Of course a guy like Emmitt
00:07:51Smith has a little something to
00:07:53do with it.
00:07:54Watch how he uses his arm.
00:07:55He just puts a ball in his left
00:07:57hand takes a right on there and
00:07:59puts it up there and then pushes
00:08:02Tate off.
00:08:03So part of it was for tackling
00:08:04by Tate.
00:08:05Good run by Smith on first down
00:08:07Aikman 19 yard ramble and you
00:08:22got to give credit to Jay
00:08:23Novacek for that one.
00:08:25That would have been about a
00:08:26five yard gain if it weren't for
00:08:28Jay Novacek.
00:08:29He's tied in makes a block out
00:08:31there for him in the left.
00:08:33He's going to start here.
00:08:34He's going to go play fast.
00:08:36He's trying to throw in the
00:08:38In fact he had a guy open in the
00:08:39middle he couldn't see but watch
00:08:40right there.
00:08:42See Novacek.
00:08:43In fact Novacek got two blocks
00:08:46in that game.
00:08:47A long game.
00:08:48The last one on Lawrence Taylor
00:08:50first down flags and whistles.
00:09:03I'll start offense number 66
00:09:06five yard Bentley still first
00:09:08down Gogan too soon that time
00:09:12earlier in the game you might
00:09:13remember he was late.
00:09:14He didn't get started one time.
00:09:15That was when he was a tight end
00:09:17and this one when he was a
00:09:19That's funny.
00:09:20Kevin Gogan came in there when
00:09:22John Giese was he started right
00:09:24guard was hurt and then he got
00:09:27healthy and he just can't get
00:09:29back in there.
00:09:31We're talking to Jimmy Johnson.
00:09:33He said you know about that rule
00:09:35that you can't lose your job to
00:09:37an injury.
00:09:38You always wonder whoever said
00:09:41Who started that rule.
00:09:42I don't remember a rule.
00:09:43But you remember last year
00:09:44whenever we did a cowboy game
00:09:46they would always say that John
00:09:47Giese grades out better than
00:09:50He did.
00:09:52One of the officials was
00:09:53injured bad and he's sitting
00:09:55down on the giant bench like the
00:09:58giant trainers are working on
00:10:00him right there.
00:10:01Side judge taking his shoe and
00:10:05his sock off looking at his
00:10:12You know the officials can make
00:10:14an adjustment which they're
00:10:15going to do and go one official
00:10:18In fact they're checking his
00:10:19Achilles tendon is what they
00:10:20were doing there.
00:10:21But they've made their
00:10:46I don't know that he didn't pull
00:10:48something there.
00:10:50I mean you know he's he's run a
00:10:52You know he got the block from
00:10:54Jay Novacek and on that one
00:10:57right at the end he looked like
00:10:58he kind of jerked and maybe
00:11:00pulled something.
00:11:01You know he does have a bad back
00:11:06and this had nothing to do with
00:11:08a hit.
00:11:09But you can watch you can see
00:11:10the grimace on his face right
00:11:12You see it right there.
00:11:13He pulled something right there
00:11:16and nothing.
00:11:19It looks like him.
00:11:20He's got to come back in a
00:11:24You know he's running more
00:11:25probably in his last five
00:11:27minutes than he's run in a long
00:11:30And it's right there.
00:11:32That looks like a hamstring got
00:11:34to be.
00:11:35You saw him grab as he started
00:11:37to roll over but that's left
00:11:40There's no good hamstring but
00:11:42no when you go down and stay
00:11:44down like that.
00:11:45That's a bad hamstring.
00:11:47The good kind is the kind you
00:11:49don't want to have a cramp but
00:11:50it turns into a hamstring.
00:11:51You look back at that play.
00:11:52Eric Williams didn't throw a
00:11:54block if he had he would have
00:11:56clipped Hamilton and he used
00:11:58good judgment not throwing.
00:11:59He just sort of tried to shield
00:12:03And then and then Aikman had to
00:12:04outrun Hamilton.
00:12:07We're working on the official
00:12:08tape and his ankle for Achilles
00:12:11and Aikman's up on the other
00:12:16Nine and a half left in the
00:12:19He's got to be hamstrung for the
00:12:24Troy Aikman headed for the
00:12:25locker room.
00:12:30Jason Garrett in the meantime is
00:12:35the quarterback for Dallas
00:12:36number 17.
00:12:41We did a preseason game against
00:12:43the Houston Oilers and Jason
00:12:45Garrett looked real good.
00:12:47He's got to be the quarterback
00:12:48for the game.
00:12:49He's got to be the quarterback
00:12:50for the game.
00:12:51He's got to be the quarterback
00:12:52for the game.
00:13:06It's a guy they call Rudy after
00:13:12the movie.
00:13:13Officially it is a left
00:13:16handed hitter.
00:13:18And as you can see if you only
00:13:20had that close up of the grimace
00:13:22on his face and admittedly had
00:13:24nothing to do with a hit or a
00:13:25contact or a twist.
00:13:27It just had to do with a pull of
00:13:36David Tate on the stop.
00:13:39They called Jason Garrett Rudy
00:13:41because he was the guy that
00:13:42wasn't expected to make this
00:13:45They called him Rudy for the
00:13:47And they brought Hugh Millan in.
00:13:49They thought he would be the
00:13:51And in essence Jason Garrett
00:13:53beat Hugh Millan out in training
00:13:56Not only made the team but is
00:13:58the backup quarterback Murray to
00:14:01try and field goal.
00:14:05About 54 and a half yards with
00:14:07Nova check holding underneath
00:14:15and the Giants will take over
00:14:17seven fifty two left in the
00:14:19third quarter.
00:14:20Seventeen six Dallas short of
00:14:37the 40 by Dixon Edwards.
00:14:41It's the Giants in their first
00:14:43twenty eight.
00:14:44They've had a party four times
00:14:45they've got the two field goals
00:14:46for the Cowboys.
00:14:47And of course that's that's the
00:14:48thing with that.
00:14:49You know that possession that
00:14:51running game that that ball
00:14:54It all works if you score or if
00:14:57the other team doesn't score a
00:15:00They have a little advantage now
00:15:02I think he goes and it's
00:15:16Right now let's send you to New
00:15:17York for an NFL update with Greg
00:15:20All right.
00:15:21Patton and Pontiac.
00:15:22Here's the only touchdown of the
00:15:23day between the Lions and the
00:15:25Rodney Pete finds clear sailing
00:15:26up the middle for nine yards and
00:15:28a touchdown.
00:15:29Detroit leading Tampa Bay 13
00:15:31Just over a minute to play in
00:15:32the third quarter back at Texas
00:15:36Stadium at 17 six the Cowboys
00:15:39Here's the pressure on Sam.
00:15:41This is where they're having
00:15:43Now they're having problems
00:15:46Russell Maryland just made a
00:15:47heck of a move there on part.
00:15:49Oh I mean he went into getting
00:15:51that swing move.
00:15:52He was right on Sam third and
00:15:54seven McCaffrey.
00:15:59It appears has a giant first
00:16:02So I'm coming that time.
00:16:03This is going to be where they
00:16:04spot that one because McCaffrey
00:16:06had that right at the first down
00:16:09marker where that official puts
00:16:12his foot down.
00:16:19They will measure less than
00:16:22seven minutes left down in the
00:16:23third quarter.
00:16:26Aikman is gone.
00:16:28We think a strained hamstring
00:16:30left hamstring he's in for
00:16:34Now they're going to measure and
00:16:35see they have to bring the
00:16:38change in from the other side.
00:16:40That one sideline just has the
00:16:43This sideline had to change
00:16:47first down stretch it out
00:16:51stretched as far as they could.
00:16:53You know some of those markers
00:16:54are the ugliest things in
00:16:55football aren't they.
00:16:56I mean the way you wonder where
00:16:57they stay during the week.
00:16:58Like where does something like
00:16:59this hang out during the week.
00:17:02Look like they just stick it
00:17:03into some dirt or something.
00:17:05They don't take a bath.
00:17:07No bad.
00:17:08They don't hold them down.
00:17:10There's Tillman and the cowboy
00:17:13territory stopped by Ken North.
00:17:17Darren Smith was also there.
00:17:21Giants are running the ball
00:17:22pretty well and they look like
00:17:23they're run blocking pretty
00:17:25The problem that they're having
00:17:27right now is his past protecting
00:17:29for Bill Sims because it looks
00:17:31like Sims could complete some
00:17:33things if he can get some time
00:17:35and from right at the end of the
00:17:37half and this quarter so far
00:17:39he's having a problem getting
00:17:41time especially Russell
00:17:45Maryland right up the middle
00:17:55and they tried to run right at
00:17:57Russell Maryland and he's not
00:17:58only a good pass rusher but he's
00:18:00a strong guy against the run
00:18:03You know Jimmy Johnson said to
00:18:04us when you were asking about
00:18:05his health and he said well
00:18:06he's got bad feet.
00:18:07But even with bad feet he's
00:18:09better than most.
00:18:10But you see how he plays here.
00:18:11I mean the center blocks back.
00:18:13He just comes down on a boom.
00:18:15He just puts both hands out and
00:18:17Robert stops him and makes a
00:18:20This for a guy young man who
00:18:22didn't even want to play
00:18:24His father had to talk him into
00:18:27Almost didn't get a scholarship
00:18:29to weigh 320 pounds in high
00:18:32Blitz work this time.
00:18:33Norton all over Sam that's where
00:18:38the Giants are having the
00:18:39problems that they're having
00:18:40their problems with past
00:18:42You're going to see Norton
00:18:43right here.
00:18:44He's lining up here.
00:18:45Washington's here to make the
00:18:48And Norton just comes right up
00:18:49the middle.
00:18:50Roberts blocks down.
00:18:51He should have blocked Norton.
00:18:53He came down.
00:18:54Maybe he was called down but he
00:18:56came down and Norton went right
00:18:57by him.
00:19:00Landed a back to pot again.
00:19:03Kevin Williams standing back at
00:19:05the bottom of the 11th.
00:19:28But here's what you can't do.
00:19:29You can't have the back going
00:19:30that way.
00:19:31You can't have the back going
00:19:32this way.
00:19:33Him block out here because
00:19:35there's no way you can block
00:19:36that guy.
00:19:38They should have either kept the
00:19:39back on that side or kept
00:19:41Roberts in there.
00:19:42You want to see how quick it
00:19:44happens to a quarterback.
00:19:45Watch that.
00:19:47You said why didn't you do
00:19:49Why didn't you do that.
00:19:50You see in real time how quickly
00:19:51it happened.
00:19:52Let's see what happens to this
00:19:54He gives the ball to Smith.
00:19:55That's a wise choice.
00:19:56Jason Garrett has replaced
00:19:58Aikman stopped by Bailey.
00:20:02Here we talk about Jason Garrett
00:20:04and being a long shot to make
00:20:06the team.
00:20:07He's an Ivy League player.
00:20:08In fact he was a great Ivy League
00:20:11He was the quarterback for
00:20:14His dad was a coach.
00:20:15I remember when his dad was a
00:20:17coach coach and a scout.
00:20:21A couple of brothers who were
00:20:22good players.
00:20:23So it's really from a football
00:20:25family that went to Ivy League
00:20:28to the moose.
00:20:30Darryl Johnston trying for the
00:20:32first down.
00:20:36Is he right.
00:20:37He's got something else in his
00:20:38head now.
00:20:39Oh that's Kenny Gantz shark.
00:20:43Kenny Gantz has a whole thing.
00:20:45He has the.
00:20:47He has those hats you can wear
00:20:48that shark defense.
00:20:50He got a shark tank.
00:20:51He got T-shirts.
00:20:53He got baseball caps.
00:20:54He has everything.
00:20:57Here he is.
00:20:58He's the guy that covers kicks
00:20:59and he's a nickel defensive
00:21:01He's got a great smile to go
00:21:02with it.
00:21:03Like Michael Irvin says don't
00:21:04rock the boat until you get on
00:21:06He says Kenny Gantz on it.
00:21:07He's rocking it.
00:21:08Laurie Miller stopped him at
00:21:11Smith the flag on the play.
00:21:17Against Dallas who's number
00:21:19seventy nine.
00:21:20You wonder why he's such a good
00:21:21tackle because he's so big.
00:21:23See the size of that guy.
00:21:26Offense number sixty six ten
00:21:28yard penalty.
00:21:29Repeat the down first down.
00:21:33Was number sixty six Kevin
00:21:36Look at the size of those guys.
00:21:37I mean that right side.
00:21:39Gogan he's about three hundred
00:21:41and thirty pounds and Williams
00:21:42is about three hundred and thirty
00:21:47If you have to rush over those
00:21:48guys you know that you're not
00:21:50You're not going through those
00:21:52Go around.
00:21:53You better go around.
00:21:54You better go around.
00:21:55You better go around.
00:21:56You better go around.
00:21:57You better go around.
00:21:58You better get your hands on
00:22:00First down one day.
00:22:18One thing about Jason Garrett
00:22:20for a young guy just that
00:22:21picture of where he really looks
00:22:23He's been around it all his life
00:22:25and and he may be nervous he may
00:22:28be tense he may be excited he
00:22:30may even be scared but he's not
00:22:32showing anyone all three out of
00:22:33three and you know he's nervous
00:22:37you know he's scared.
00:22:38Usually when you look at your
00:22:39fingers you're going to throw
00:22:40the ball usually quarterbacks
00:22:41lose their fingers and the next
00:22:43play is a pass that's a pretty
00:22:47good sign flag on the play
00:22:48that's a good sign for a
00:22:50That's a good sign for a
00:22:51Whistle start we used to always
00:22:56key that we would stand you
00:22:58don't try to call our players
00:23:00and then watch a quarterback
00:23:01and you come out and lick his
00:23:03fingers all start offense number
00:23:05eight simulating the start of a
00:23:07play five yard fiddly still
00:23:09second down.
00:23:10Did you really think that was a
00:23:11tough decision if they lick
00:23:14their fingers if they look
00:23:15like they're going to throw a
00:23:16draw or something you know and
00:23:18my guys were all rushing to
00:23:19pass runner runs right by it.
00:23:23I know one thing that Cowboys
00:23:25have six penalties and the two
00:23:28things Jimmy Johnson hates like
00:23:30I said before penalties and
00:23:31second down and complete
00:23:37intended for Irvin with cross
00:23:40on the left side.
00:23:43You know Michael Irvin caught a
00:23:44couple of passes in the first
00:23:45quarter and he hasn't caught one
00:23:47since 17.
00:23:50In fact I think the the way the
00:23:51Giants play their normal defense
00:23:54that loose and loose and loose
00:23:56and loose and loose and loose
00:23:57and loose and loose and loose
00:23:59and loose and loose and loose
00:24:01You know the way the Gee-Gees
00:24:03play their normal defense that
00:24:05loose umbrella defense that
00:24:07double zone that kind of takes a
00:24:10read away it takes the outside
00:24:12receivers away from the
00:24:14quarterback's reads and makes
00:24:16it go underneath.
00:24:17I think that's why he passes to
00:24:19the backs and tight ends today
00:24:21for the Cowboys 3rd and 17
00:24:30Well short of the first down
00:24:32knocked out by David and the
00:24:34Giants should get the ball back
00:24:35in pretty good position and the
00:24:37Giants could run the ball and if
00:24:39they could just get some pass
00:24:41protection they may be able to
00:24:43pass but that's the thing that's
00:24:44been letting them down.
00:24:47They've made it number 30.
00:24:49Long safety for the Giants up
00:24:5220 year.
00:24:54I beg your pardon.
00:24:57Back to Buck.
00:24:58Megan back for the Giants.
00:24:59Megan back in for the Giants.
00:25:18For an NFL update let's send
00:25:19you again back to New York
00:25:21Greg Gumbel all right Pat at
00:25:24Barry Sanders having another
00:25:25fine day running the football
00:25:27hundred and fifty five yards he
00:25:28sets up this one yard plunge by
00:25:30Derek Moore early in the fourth
00:25:32The Lions lead Tampa Bay 20 to
00:25:34Pat and John.
00:25:37Late in the third quarter at
00:25:39Texas Stadium Dallas still leads
00:25:41the Giants 17 to 6.
00:25:59The pursuit is good.
00:26:01Norton and Tolbert.
00:26:04Are there quickly.
00:26:05You know Kenny Norton.
00:26:06They were worried about Kenny
00:26:07Norton with that torn bicep
00:26:10whether he was going to be able
00:26:11to play or whether he had to
00:26:12have surgery.
00:26:13Now he had two options if he had
00:26:15surgery he'd have to miss the
00:26:17entire season.
00:26:18And if he doesn't have surgery
00:26:20of course he has to play with
00:26:21the torn bicep then have surgery
00:26:24in the offseason which will be a
00:26:26more difficult surgery.
00:26:27But he's excited to play.
00:26:28And today he's having a problem
00:26:31holding that one arm around.
00:26:33But he looks like he's playing
00:26:34real well.
00:26:35Very well.
00:26:35This is making Megan and about
00:26:39the 28 like I said earlier the
00:26:45Giants are able to run the ball
00:26:47and run block.
00:26:48And here's where they're having
00:26:49a problem.
00:26:50Sims has been sacked three times
00:26:52hurried four times then knocked
00:26:54down six times.
00:26:55He hasn't thrown an interception
00:26:57though and that's been able to
00:26:59keep that thing clean.
00:27:01But this is where he needs a
00:27:03pass protection.
00:27:04He never has been a guy who's
00:27:07thrown many interceptions.
00:27:19But the pressure again was there
00:27:21by Dallas and they'll have to
00:27:24get back to the plate.
00:27:25That's another knock down.
00:27:27I mean as good as this offensive
00:27:28line is it's not doing a good
00:27:31job of pass protection today.
00:27:33You see reason Berg there.
00:27:34He was beaten right off the bat
00:27:36by Haley.
00:27:37That was the first thing that
00:27:39And then Jeff Cote is in there
00:27:40and just everyone was getting
00:27:42all over.
00:27:43Here comes Aikman back.
00:27:45You're going to have to guide me
00:27:46out of shoulder pads out of
00:27:54And then as kick it short this
00:27:56And I don't know if he tripped
00:28:09him or waved him out of that.
00:28:11I don't know what he did or
00:28:12maybe he gave him a push.
00:28:18No more fresh information.
00:28:21Here's a tech tackle.
00:28:22Now that's nothing.
00:28:24Although he did get a hand on
00:28:25him but a hand like that
00:28:27shouldn't make you do that.
00:28:29I'll tell you if you're a punt
00:28:32First of all the punter
00:28:33shouldn't be able to tackle you.
00:28:35But if he gets a hand on you
00:28:36shouldn't go down with that.
00:28:38That's very embarrassing.
00:28:41Dallas will take over at the
00:28:42giant 49 Jason Garrett the
00:28:46quarterback Aikman just came
00:28:48back and wanted to go walk back
00:28:51but walk back.
00:28:57Big name got somebody down and
00:29:00then fell on him.
00:29:02Big Nate can get out there and
00:29:03I mean when you look at big
00:29:05Nate you say he's three hundred
00:29:06and twenty pounds and but he
00:29:08could move that three hundred
00:29:10and twenty pounds.
00:29:15That's the end of the third
00:29:16quarter with the score.
00:29:18Dallas 17 the Giants six.
00:29:21Our coverage will continue after
00:29:22this message from your local
00:29:24You're watching the NFL on CBS
00:29:29back at Texas Stadium where the
00:29:31Cowboys lead 17 to 6 as Pat
00:29:33Summerall mentioned Troy Aikman
00:29:35has returned to the field.
00:29:36He changed into warm up.
00:29:38He told Dr. Robert Vandermeer he
00:29:40wanted to watch the rest of the
00:29:41game from the field.
00:29:43He does have a slightly strained
00:29:44left hamstring.
00:29:45They treated it with ice.
00:29:46He's not feeling well.
00:29:47He's not feeling well.
00:29:48He's not feeling well.
00:29:49Dr. Vandermeer said it is
00:29:51possible that he will return
00:29:52next week.
00:29:53Pat thank you Leslie there.
00:29:56Troy Aikman conversing and back
00:30:00on the sideline with his team
00:30:02made second and six again.
00:30:16I mean he's got a lot of
00:30:17confidence in the field.
00:30:19Watch the rest of this game.
00:30:20You can tell that he didn't even
00:30:21comb his hair.
00:30:22You know it's funny you had not
00:30:24That's the wrong choice of words
00:30:25for me.
00:30:26But you asked him yesterday how
00:30:29you feeling.
00:30:29He said I feel better than I
00:30:30have in a long time.
00:30:32Shoulders OK.
00:30:33The ribs are OK.
00:30:34The back is fine and I guess a
00:30:37I think he started feeling too
00:30:39good about that run and you know
00:30:40he had run a play on the left
00:30:42and gave him about 10 or 20
00:30:44yards and then he went to play
00:30:45in the playoffs.
00:30:46He was on the bench for one of
00:30:49the giants who made the tackle
00:30:59is down.
00:31:01Greg Jackson Mark Collins that's
00:31:04Collins down.
00:31:06One thing about about Emmitt
00:31:09They just keep bringing them at
00:31:10you all day.
00:31:11This is that lead draw.
00:31:13It's a little delay play a good
00:31:15Here's Alvin Harper getting just
00:31:17a little block out in the front
00:31:19and Mark Collins gets hurt when
00:31:21he hits him at Smith.
00:31:24The good block by Johnson set up
00:31:26the whole big gainer 17 6.
00:31:32Today's corporate sponsor of
00:31:33this game Mark Collins is the
00:31:35injured official giant player
00:31:37that's Dan Reeves with his back
00:31:39to you.
00:31:40Let's go back and see if we can
00:31:41figure out how he got hurt.
00:31:43Well first of all thanks for
00:31:44watching the big block and watch
00:31:46Eric Williams.
00:31:46He takes his man out takes his
00:31:49man in here.
00:31:50Gogan does.
00:31:51Then here's the big block.
00:31:53Daryl Johnston leads here.
00:31:55Emmitt Smith gives a little delay
00:31:57and then pops the ball right
00:31:59through here.
00:31:59And of course Mark Collins is
00:32:01going to get hurt on the tackle
00:32:02but watch Eric Williams turn his
00:32:04guy boom right there.
00:32:06Daryl Johnston makes that block
00:32:08Emmitt Smith runs off it.
00:32:10Guyton misses a tackle pretty
00:32:12good block by Harper and right
00:32:14here's the big block.
00:32:15And here's the big block.
00:32:16And here's where Collins gets
00:32:17hurt like his knees buckle under
00:32:20him on the way down.
00:32:22Well you know Jackson hit him
00:32:23first as Jackson goes to hit him.
00:32:26You see that he hit Collins right
00:32:28in the face.
00:32:29He knocked him off the tackle.
00:32:32So part of that was the jolt of
00:32:35Emmitt Smith.
00:32:36But I think the bigger part of
00:32:37it could have been his own guy
00:32:40coming across to make the tackle.
00:32:43I think it was that jar that
00:32:44did it.
00:32:46Either that or his knees just
00:32:48gave way underneath while we
00:32:51have a moment.
00:32:53Let's look at next week's
00:32:54schedule next Sunday at twelve
00:32:55thirty of course it begins with
00:32:57the NFL today.
00:32:59The Redskins will be at New York
00:33:01Green Bay at New Orleans San
00:33:02Francisco at Tampa Bay and the
00:33:05late games will have Phoenix at
00:33:06Dallas here Minnesota at Denver
00:33:09and Atlanta against the Rams in
00:33:11the game against the Redskins in
00:33:13Anaheim Phoenix Dallas starting
00:33:18time has been changed.
00:33:20I should read looking on obvious
00:33:23Troy Aikman wanted to come back
00:33:26skinny and somewhat tall.
00:33:28Troy is that a if you got that
00:33:30messed up here at least put a
00:33:31hat on.
00:33:33I'm going to pay for the hat.
00:33:34I want to pay for the messed up
00:33:36He says I'm not a hat guy.
00:33:42I'm not a hat guy.
00:33:43I'm not a hat guy.
00:33:43I'm not a hat guy.
00:33:46Mark Collins up now and they're
00:33:49putting him on a stretcher.
00:34:05A real loss here to this giant
00:34:08defense because not only the
00:34:10secondary but he's a real leader
00:34:12in that secondary and has been I
00:34:18think that that was one of those
00:34:19things that he was starting to
00:34:21tackle and was knocked off the
00:34:22tackle by his own man was more
00:34:25of a jolt from his own man and
00:34:27it was the jolt from the end of
00:34:29the run by Emmitt Smith in the
00:34:40third inning.
00:34:41The Eagles are in the game
00:34:44The Eagles at Phoenix Miami at
00:34:47the Jets Raiders against the
00:34:50Bears Indianapolis Washington
00:34:52tomorrow night.
00:34:53Green Bay at Kansas City the NFC
00:34:56West the divide division this
00:35:00year certainly in any position
00:35:15to speculate what might be
00:35:26Pass it along as soon as we get
00:35:30Let's go first down Dallas after
00:35:43the run by Smith Emmitt Smith
00:35:45has 19 carries for ninety nine
00:35:49yards where we get on my
00:35:55college is a lower back strain
00:35:57down Dallas one thing one thing
00:36:14that Emmitt Smith does is he
00:36:16says he has to be patient.
00:36:17Now watch now watch Eric
00:36:18Williams here.
00:36:19Seventy nine.
00:36:20They start off in a double team.
00:36:22He turns his guy.
00:36:23You see how he he not only stays
00:36:25with him but he knocks him off
00:36:27the line and then stays with
00:36:29him and then at the end you want
00:36:31to pancake him.
00:36:32That's called a pancake and
00:36:33great footwork.
00:36:34John second and three Smith
00:36:42again to about the six Canavis
00:36:48McGee made the stop one day you
00:36:51forget about a guy like William
00:36:52so big not to dwell on that but
00:36:55it's with Smith.
00:36:56That's located but his feet are
00:37:00so quick.
00:37:01It's a great footwork to handle
00:37:03all that.
00:37:03Well yeah that's that's the
00:37:05thing that they have to do.
00:37:06I mean just being big isn't
00:37:08enough to be a professional
00:37:10football player.
00:37:10You have to be big and you have
00:37:12to have strength and the
00:37:14Williams has that.
00:37:16Gogan has it.
00:37:17Nate Newton has it.
00:37:19They're all big guys.
00:37:20You have to be big and you have
00:37:21to be quick and go from the
00:37:23six hit by Guyton at about the
00:37:35The other thing about Emmitt
00:37:36Smith running as one he's so
00:37:39He's the type of guy that you
00:37:40can keep running and keep running
00:37:41and keep running.
00:37:42They pay him a lot of money and
00:37:44every Sunday he goes out and he
00:37:46earns that money.
00:37:48But he very seldom goes into the
00:37:50right field and if he starts in
00:37:52the left he usually ends up
00:37:54running to a hole in the right.
00:37:55He starts on the right.
00:37:57He usually ends up cutting back
00:37:59and running to a hole in the
00:38:02Second and goal at the to no
00:38:18signal yet except by the
00:38:19Dodgers they were yelling the
00:38:21mood sounds like a boom with
00:38:23their yelling boom.
00:38:25They were yelling move before
00:38:26the snap of the ball.
00:38:27They were yelling for more to
00:38:28get the ball.
00:38:30That's how close he got.
00:38:33Again the ball has to break the
00:38:37Pretty good block in there.
00:38:38The moose cuts back a little
00:38:40when the ball doesn't break the
00:38:42You can see it there.
00:38:43In fact as he dove fullbacks
00:38:45aren't good divers anyway but as
00:38:47he got to the end zone he
00:38:49brought the ball back into his
00:38:51body and that brought the ball
00:38:53back away from the line of
00:38:55About a foot.
00:38:57The Cowboys are just too good.
00:39:14When they lose Trey Aikman Jason
00:39:16Aikman and maybe even before
00:39:18that their defense picked up and
00:39:20their defense has been all over
00:39:22Phil said well that's a pretty
00:39:23good mark of a good team.
00:39:25Smith twenty three carries one
00:39:27hundred and fifteen yards now.
00:39:30One part of your team lets down
00:39:32the other part has to pick it up.
00:39:34That's what exactly they did.
00:39:46The Cowboys are on a roll CBS
00:40:00Sports coverage of the National
00:40:01Football League is sponsored by
00:40:03the new Chevy S Series line of
00:40:05trucks so new from the inside
00:40:06out everything else is history.
00:40:09Levi's loose fitting jeans
00:40:12Budweiser Beachwood aged for a
00:40:14crisp clean classic taste and by
00:40:16the way back at Texas Stadium
00:40:20Cowboys twenty four Giants six
00:40:22and some are all the giant man
00:40:24the Cowboys like he was a guy
00:40:25who's been running down on the
00:40:26kickoff for a long time.
00:40:27Number 40 Bill Bates and better
00:40:30than anyone who's run down under
00:40:31kickoffs for a long time.
00:40:34Like Bill Bates is probably the
00:40:35best it's ever run down under
00:40:37that's what they call the shark
00:40:58I mean they get down there it
00:41:00hurts to make a tackle to be a
00:41:01special team guy in the Cowboys.
00:41:03You got to get revved up before
00:41:05they kick it.
00:41:06They kick it.
00:41:06You got to get revved up before
00:41:07they kick it.
00:41:08Then you've got to jump on the
00:41:09guy and the guys jump on each
00:41:11other then they beat the heck out
00:41:12of you.
00:41:12But they're having fun.
00:41:14Another ball a touchdown ball
00:41:16for Emmitt Smith.
00:41:17Why did the guy look at his
00:41:18watch when he put a time a day
00:41:20what time he's going.
00:41:36November 7 November 93.
00:41:40I forgot Buck had a fancy watch.
00:41:42You know those military guys
00:41:44bucks an old military guy.
00:41:46That could be any time on him
00:41:47and he could have what time it
00:41:49is under siege.
00:41:52It is in the air.
00:41:53Oh thirteen hundred or something
00:41:55like that.
00:42:06He's got to get it out the other
00:42:09He used to just have a bucket of
00:42:10water and a charcoal bucket.
00:42:14This is what that guy's standing
00:42:15down there looking at it pushing
00:42:17buttons and look pictures come
00:42:21Five yard play.
00:42:23Maybe grading us.
00:42:26He's taking the picture see then
00:42:29that picture that still they
00:42:30make a still picture out of
00:42:32So now they can study how they
00:42:34line up.
00:42:37That's a good picture they can
00:42:38say that we've got a picture of
00:42:40a guy called a timeout and the
00:42:42scoreboard second at 50 the ball
00:42:45of the twelve the Chad Hennings
00:42:58has developed into a player.
00:43:00You know he was a guy that was
00:43:02in the Air Force and served in
00:43:04the Air Force.
00:43:05I mean how a guy that big flew
00:43:07airplanes I have no idea but he
00:43:09did and he came out of the Air
00:43:11Force and kind of made the
00:43:13Cowboys as a special teams guy
00:43:16this offseason.
00:43:18Now he's a legitimate defensive
00:43:21He flew that airplane they call
00:43:22the warthog.
00:43:24That's how to play how to be a
00:43:26No way he's going to fly
00:43:28something that says pirouette on
00:43:30It says out of the pocket.
00:43:45You talk about Kenny Garth and
00:43:48doing all the things this last
00:43:49kickoff we're talking about.
00:43:50Bill Bates but Bill Bates has
00:43:52been doing it for so long and
00:43:54better than anyone.
00:43:55In fact Bill Bates was the first
00:43:56guy that was picked for the
00:43:59He's a pro ball holding offense
00:44:02number 60.
00:44:03Billy is declined fourth down
00:44:08this one see the pressure here.
00:44:11You see Tolbert gets so much
00:44:12pressure on Eric Moore that he
00:44:14darn near has to hold him.
00:44:17Eric Moore is playing the left
00:44:19tackle now for Jumbo Elliott.
00:44:21We're talking about that pitch
00:44:22curvy and Jeff Bates came back
00:44:28from very serious knee surgery a
00:44:32year ago and then his kick
00:44:37chases Kevin Williams back to
00:44:38the forty five and about the
00:44:42forty nine forty three yard
00:44:44punt punch down to make the
00:44:48Dallas takes over leading the
00:44:50twenty four six at Texas
00:44:56Stadium today.
00:44:56There have been a lot of stars
00:44:58Dallas leading twenty four six
00:44:59Tom Landry inducted into the
00:45:01ring of honor at the half first
00:45:08and ten Dallas buddy our giant
00:45:13of the year I'll tell you one
00:45:34thing about Jimmy Johnson when
00:45:36he gets you going and he gets
00:45:37things going his way he's going
00:45:39to keep it going his way.
00:45:41Some people says he piles it on
00:45:43the ground and play the whole
00:45:45He's doing it.
00:45:46You use everything you have.
00:45:47He's doing that.
00:45:48Alvin Harper on the reverse and
00:45:51then a left handed throw.
00:45:53Watch the fake.
00:45:54You think it's reverse reverse
00:45:56Harper makes you think he's
00:45:57going to run.
00:45:58He stops and he's a left handed
00:46:09that by the way was Irving's
00:46:10three hundred and first catches
00:46:12the Cowboy and that moves it
00:46:14into fifth place all time.
00:46:17Remember just past Doug Cosby
00:46:19excuse me.
00:46:20I was going to say remember last
00:46:21year the Cowboys beat the
00:46:24Giants and some of the Giants
00:46:26this week complained that maybe
00:46:27they poured it on said that the
00:46:32Cowboys blitz too much and Jimmy
00:46:34Johnson said when they start
00:46:36taking a knee and not trying to
00:46:37score I'll stop listening.
00:46:39They're going to bring up that
00:46:40reverse pass but I agree with
00:46:41Jimmy Johnson that first time
00:47:07that Dan Reeves has been back
00:47:08here for a regular season game
00:47:11and I think that the Cowboys
00:47:13are just too big.
00:47:14They're just too strong.
00:47:15They're just too talented.
00:47:17They're just that much better
00:47:18than the New York Giants.
00:47:19John Giese Eddie Murray doesn't
00:47:32miss much either and it's 31 6
00:47:35with 9 0 2 left to play in the
00:47:37second half 31 6 Dallas over the
00:47:48Giants 9 0 2 left to play this
00:47:50game is presented by authority
00:47:52of the National Football League.
00:47:54CBS telecast intended for the
00:47:56private use of our audience
00:47:58rebroadcast rather use of this
00:48:00telecast without the express
00:48:01written consent of CBS and the
00:48:03Dallas Cowboys in the National
00:48:05Football League you know he says
00:48:16he's a double personality guy.
00:48:17He said this guy he doesn't even
00:48:19know him.
00:48:20He said Kenny Gant the football
00:48:22players one guy and then Kenny
00:48:24Gant the guy that just walks on
00:48:26the streets outside is another
00:48:29He's a shy guy off the field
00:48:32sit on the field split
00:48:34He's a shy guy off the field
00:48:36split personality Murray's kick
00:48:43sails down to make it what would
00:48:57you think Gant looks like.
00:48:58I mean you see him dancing you
00:49:00see him running down you see him
00:49:02hitting guys you see him play
00:49:03you see him.
00:49:04He looks like Lee Albany State.
00:49:09In fact you know the first time
00:49:10he was on an airplane is when he
00:49:13came to the mini campus first
00:49:15camp here when he came to Dallas
00:49:18for the first time he'd ever
00:49:19been on an airplane Lewis Tillman
00:49:26the ball carrier for pitch to
00:49:29the Giants.
00:49:30I think the Giants know and you
00:49:32can see him shaking their head
00:49:34They've been with you just about
00:49:36every way you can be with them.
00:49:37They've been with that special
00:49:39They've been with when their
00:49:40offense has been out there.
00:49:42They they've they had some
00:49:43running going but again the pass
00:49:44protection let him down and they
00:49:47couldn't stop the run.
00:49:48And as you pointed out when they
00:49:49got behind the kind of team they
00:49:51are when you do get behind it's
00:49:54hard to make it up.
00:49:55You've got to be able to throw
00:49:56Tony Tolbert after Haley went by
00:50:00since Tolbert took him down.
00:50:02I mean that's that's the thing
00:50:03about Charles Haley and that's
00:50:05why that's why he is so good and
00:50:08that's why they made such a
00:50:11difficult day by Phil Sims
00:50:12because if Haley comes from the
00:50:14outside ninety four here and
00:50:16make something happen then
00:50:18things just start to fall down
00:50:19that makes him Sims move.
00:50:21And that's why he's so good.
00:50:23And that's why he's so good.
00:50:24And that's why he's so good.
00:50:25And that's why he's so good.
00:50:26And that's why he's so good.
00:50:27And that's what makes him Sims
00:50:30Now when he moves he has to move
00:50:31up and when he moves up there's
00:50:33Tolbert there's Maryland there's
00:50:34all the inside guys you see us
00:50:36and everything.
00:50:37This has been a tough day for
00:50:39Phil Sims.
00:50:40That's the fourth time he's been
00:50:43I mean he's been hurried six
00:50:45time he's been knocked down
00:50:46seven times and he's a tough guy
00:50:49and Phil Sims is as tough a guy
00:50:51as there is.
00:50:51But I've got it.
00:50:53And I just haven't given him
00:50:54anything today.
00:50:56He's a five four.
00:50:57They're bringing him out now.
00:51:01All those all those knockdowns
00:51:03and sacks just take the toll.
00:51:05I mean you're going to have to
00:51:06take so many shots and he's
00:51:09taking it.
00:51:10Not any one injury.
00:51:11I think he's just losing there.
00:51:13Today's game he was shaken.
00:51:14You might remember just before
00:51:17Looked as if he might have hurt
00:51:18his arm and at that point but
00:51:22he's a tough guy.
00:51:22He's a tough guy.
00:51:23He's a tough guy.
00:51:24He's a tough guy.
00:51:25He came back.
00:51:52He's got a chance to get the
00:51:53first down.
00:51:55I think they finally figured
00:51:56that they better do something if
00:51:57they're getting such a pass rush
00:51:59up the middle.
00:52:00Graham's going to take the ball
00:52:02go back and then figure the heck
00:52:03with this I'm going to get out
00:52:04of here run to the outside.
00:52:06Now what can I find.
00:52:07Now you buy a little more time
00:52:09moving out there and then you
00:52:11find an open man just came in
00:52:12the whole pocket.
00:52:14Well you see with Phil Sims you
00:52:16know they know he's not going to
00:52:18I think they just rushed to a
00:52:20I think they just rushed to a
00:52:22I think they just rushed to a
00:52:23They did it the same way and
00:52:25Ken Graham took it outside.
00:52:27First down.
00:52:43Tillman caught one pass day
00:52:44early he caught a screen from
00:52:46Sam and that was the first time
00:52:47he was going to pass all year.
00:52:48He's got to get back in there.
00:52:50It's usually Dave Megan.
00:52:52First we talked about Rodney
00:52:53Hampton they thought they were
00:52:54going to play him today but they
00:52:57worked him out before the game
00:52:58and his knee wasn't ready to
00:53:00play at least on this on this
00:53:03He said last Wednesday to Mark
00:53:16Jackson and that should be
00:53:17enough for him to get back in
00:53:19the game.
00:53:19He's got to get back in the game
00:53:20and first down has to beat the
00:53:22number 89 Mark Jackson seven
00:53:24minutes exactly left to play
00:53:27course the score is thirty one
00:53:28to six but sometimes it just
00:53:30takes a little movement.
00:53:31You just have to do something
00:53:32you don't get outside the
00:53:33pocket and then it makes that
00:53:35pass rush honest again for a
00:53:37So then you can stay in the
00:53:39pocket although I admit there's
00:53:41six minutes and fifty seconds to
00:53:43play the Dallas Cowboys are not
00:54:09playing their regular defense.
00:54:10They're in there.
00:54:11They're in there.
00:54:12They're in there and so I mean
00:54:15they say well he's now Ken
00:54:16Graham who's in here.
00:54:17Why didn't Sims do this.
00:54:19He could have just done this.
00:54:20Well they weren't playing
00:54:21defense like this and it wasn't
00:54:23the same situation second at
00:54:24first down as he slashes to
00:54:41about the Dallas 43 down near
00:54:43the thirty one six the Cowboys
00:54:46remember back after the Cowboys
00:54:47had lost their first two games.
00:54:49People were saying how tough it
00:54:50is to defend this Super Bowl
00:54:53They're not the same team.
00:54:54They're not the same team.
00:54:55It's Smith now this will be six
00:54:57in a row they've won.
00:54:57There's Jerry Jones he's he's
00:55:01down there Jerry Jones of course
00:55:02the owner of the Cowboys down
00:55:04there with one of his most
00:55:06valuable commodity check.
00:55:08Now he is Troy Aikman I think
00:55:10you better take a look at him
00:55:12at Smith to Jackson Brown on the
00:55:24I don't think they're
00:55:25negotiating now.
00:55:26Well Jerry Jones said that he was
00:55:28going to talk in December.
00:55:30He was going to talk about a new
00:55:32contract for Troy Aikman who
00:55:34still has two years on his on his
00:55:37And then since then they said
00:55:38that they've started negotiations
00:55:41now in November.
00:55:43Of course Troy Aikman said he
00:55:44knew that he had to wait but then
00:55:46he found out that he was the 30
00:55:48first highest paid quarterback in
00:55:50the NFL.
00:55:51Some of those 30 guys in front of
00:55:53me didn't know who they were.
00:55:55A few of them didn't upset him
00:55:56but some of the 30 did.
00:55:58Here's Grant.
00:55:59Passed by Jackson close to a
00:56:05giant first down knocked out by
00:56:07every I think that you know at
00:56:12the end of the day the Cowboys
00:56:13are you know because of that 0
00:56:14and 2 start that you've talked
00:56:16about and not have an Emmitt
00:56:17Smith and and you know he's
00:56:19going to go in today and
00:56:21finally get back in first place
00:56:23in their division.
00:56:24That's the thing you have to do.
00:56:25First of all you win your
00:56:26division first and you go on you
00:56:28take care of the playoffs
00:56:30championship game.
00:56:31But I think I think you did too.
00:56:35Not on the touchdown run before
00:56:42Because we know that they already
00:56:43you know they're going to go
00:56:45because we know that they
00:56:46already lost trying and you know
00:56:50you hope that Emmitt Smith's
00:56:51shoulder is going to be a
00:56:54You talk about they have an
00:56:55arsenal full of stars guys you
00:56:59have to stop second those are
00:57:00two guys there's one of them
00:57:02Emmitt Smith and a man to the
00:57:05He can't lift that right arm.
00:57:07See that he even had someone had
00:57:09to put his cap on for him.
00:57:11He's hurt that right shoulder.
00:57:12Second at seven the Emmitt Smith
00:57:21factor going into today when
00:57:24their record was 0 and 2 and now
00:57:27their record was 5 and 0 going
00:57:29into today.
00:57:30Points doubled.
00:57:34And now they're going to get
00:57:36their record 5 and 0 going into
00:57:39Points doubled.
00:57:42Rushing yards a considerable
00:57:44improvement and this will be six
00:57:48in a row since he signed and
00:57:49came back.
00:57:51And I think when you when you
00:57:52take it all into account running
00:58:06down the middle of the plate.
00:58:07And again appears to be the
00:58:22cowboy shaken up on the last
00:58:26I'll tell you this is a either
00:58:28the worst past protection I've
00:58:29ever seen against the Cowboys or
00:58:32the best past rush I've seen in
00:58:34the Cowboys.
00:58:35I mean it's just it's it's
00:58:37I mean you can see it come from
00:58:38the outside.
00:58:39I mean every time the quarterback
00:58:40goes back and stays in the
00:58:42pocket it seems like there's
00:58:44always penalty marker down.
00:59:00Yeah that's a free play because
00:59:01the Cowboys were offside.
00:59:05I don't know if that's a free
00:59:06or not.
00:59:07No I wouldn't.
00:59:07I wouldn't take it.
00:59:08I'd just run the clock out of it.
00:59:09I wouldn't like to have it.
00:59:11There's a point in the game
00:59:12where you say call in the dogs
00:59:14and put out the fire the hunts
00:59:17And I kind of think this is the
00:59:18point for the Giants.
00:59:20Offside defense ninety seven.
00:59:24The penalty is declined.
00:59:26Pass interference defense
00:59:29fully accepted first down first
00:59:32That's the second time today
00:59:35that's the second time that
00:59:36they've had the same play.
00:59:37But football's come a long way
00:59:39when the guy that holding the
00:59:40down marker has has gold on the
00:59:42hand that holds the down marker.
00:59:49The official word that we get on
00:59:52Emmitt Smith that he is sore and
00:59:55He has every right to be sore
00:59:57and tired.
00:59:58He hurt his right shoulder.
00:59:59He's going to be out of bounds
01:00:14by Brown and about the seven
01:00:16it'll be called the first and
01:00:17go from there.
01:00:21I think there's sometimes there's
01:00:23a point in a game and again that
01:00:25you just try and get it over
01:00:27You just run out the clock.
01:00:29You just keep your team as
01:00:30healthy as you can be and then
01:00:32start getting ready for next
01:00:34I think for the Giants that
01:00:35point has come.
01:00:37You can say oh you never give up
01:00:38with a game bloated when it's
01:00:39thirty one to six.
01:00:40I think like I said you call it
01:00:42the dog.
01:00:43I think they just want to run
01:00:44this thing out first and go from
01:00:46the seven three forty seven left
01:00:49to play.
01:00:56Those are the way again he gets
01:00:58the ball and he gets it again by
01:01:02Haley here in Pearson ready for
01:01:04a you know the stuff that
01:01:06Charles Haley does it's you
01:01:08know it's interesting they say
01:01:10Haley doesn't have this dad or
01:01:11doesn't have that stat but I
01:01:14still think that when you look
01:01:15at ninety four I still think
01:01:18he's one of the most dominant
01:01:19players in a national football
01:01:22Funny we were talking to step
01:01:23nasty yesterday the Dallas
01:01:24Center and made Newton one of
01:01:27the best players in the world.
01:01:28He was selling candy.
01:01:30They all bought candy.
01:01:31Well yeah Haley was selling the
01:01:33candy for his daughter.
01:01:34They all bought it.
01:01:35They all bought it.
01:01:43And they had a big shopping bag
01:01:46for he had 10 cans of it and he
01:01:48had big hands.
01:01:50I said they said how come you
01:01:52had so many barrels from Haley.
01:01:54And he said oh he and I are
01:01:55And he said well they kind of
01:01:57took that candy probably ate
01:01:59half of it last night before he
01:02:01went to bed.
01:02:03It's a kind of guy that'll hide
01:02:04some of that under his bed to
01:02:07hide it.
01:02:07I had a barrel of that candy
01:02:09underneath his bed to make it
01:02:10for the game.
01:02:12I think they hold a lot of
01:02:14I can see where he's holding it.
01:02:16And back to places in a hurry.
01:02:21President by Thomas Everett who
01:02:23hit Graham just as he got rid of
01:02:26the ball.
01:02:27Yeah this is the point I mean to
01:02:29me this does no good.
01:02:30I mean I'm not being critical of
01:02:32anyone other than I think that
01:02:33you ought to just run the ball
01:02:35just run the thing keep the
01:02:36clock going and why keep going
01:02:39back there and you know and
01:02:40throwing ducks and you've already
01:02:42lost one quarterback and the
01:02:44lost one quarterback and the
01:02:45other one's getting ready to go.
01:02:46Well it is what they call a
01:02:49learning experience.
01:02:51But it's not a good learning
01:02:53experience and I think I think
01:02:54it's a point where you've been
01:02:59Sometimes those learning
01:03:00experiences can hurt and you
01:03:02want to if you want to come back
01:03:04again next week and be better
01:03:08get a good look at the
01:03:09scoreboard what's happening
01:03:10around the league today.
01:03:11Houston another team has
01:03:13rebounded after a bad start.
01:03:15Washington at New York this is
01:03:16next week here on CBS begins
01:03:19with the NFL today.
01:03:21Twelve thirty Green Bay at New
01:03:23Orleans San Francisco Tampa Bay
01:03:24Washington at the Giants late
01:03:26games Phoenix and Dallas that
01:03:28game's been changed to a late
01:03:30game Minnesota Denver Atlanta
01:03:32and the Rams all on CBS next
01:03:37week thirty one to six here at
01:03:39Texas Stadium losing that right
01:03:43I know he's using his left hand
01:03:45there to take that shoe off.
01:03:47I mean he is sorry he's had a
01:03:48couple of tough weeks and then
01:03:50again the you know at the end of
01:03:52a run a running back takes a lot
01:03:54of hits everything he's doing
01:03:57is doing.
01:03:58You know if some guy just hit
01:03:59him up for his glove.
01:04:01The guy.
01:04:02You're trying to try to get your
01:04:04shoes on the guys asking you for
01:04:06your glove.
01:04:08But there's another flag back at
01:04:11the line of scrimmage and there
01:04:14was an avalanche that happened
01:04:16right on Graham.
01:04:18Part of it was Jimmy Jones and
01:04:21part of it was the flips of
01:04:23James Washington all start.
01:04:26They'll do this again.
01:04:26Well they went right back.
01:04:28Oh there was no way there was no
01:04:31It was no play.
01:04:32It was no play.
01:04:33It was no play.
01:04:34It was no play.
01:04:35It was no play.
01:04:35It was no play.
01:04:45Smith the word gets to us that
01:04:46he says he is just tired and is
01:04:50finished for the day.
01:04:57There were times when he
01:04:58wouldn't admit that he was
01:05:06What happened on that last play
01:05:07was fourth down and the Giants
01:05:13move before the ball was snapped
01:05:14so there was no play.
01:05:16So now they're going to kick
01:05:17the field goal.
01:05:18Treadwell Graham holding to be
01:05:23about twenty nine yards away.
01:05:26The kick is good.
01:05:28Thirty one to nine Giants got to
01:05:34win many divisions with just
01:05:35field goals.
01:05:38Now that's the thing.
01:05:38They haven't been able to score
01:05:40They've had trouble in the red
01:05:41zone again.
01:05:43They've had trouble.
01:05:44You can say it's Mike Sherrard
01:05:46or whatever you know and not
01:05:49having that breakaway wide
01:05:50receiver but whatever it is I
01:05:52always still say it starts with
01:05:54past protection.
01:05:55You get that down you give your
01:05:56quarterback time.
01:05:57Now if it doesn't work out
01:05:59whatever it is you're going to
01:06:00have to do something about it.
01:06:01You get that down you give your
01:06:03quarterback time.
01:06:04Now if it doesn't work you can
01:06:06go and say that you need the
01:06:08But I think you go to first
01:06:09things first.
01:06:10I think today was a story of the
01:06:13Dallas defensive front dominating
01:06:16the Giants offensive front.
01:06:20They're just very good.
01:06:22Now they you know the Cowboys
01:06:24got off to a good start with
01:06:26Troy Aikman when he was darn
01:06:27near perfect and they got ahead
01:06:30then they let guys like Charles
01:06:31Haley take over and kind of go
01:06:33where he wants that to change
01:06:36quarterback again I don't think
01:06:39that Haley gets the credit that
01:06:41he deserves for being the
01:06:43dominant player really because a
01:06:45lot of times a lot of stuff that
01:06:46he you know like when he hits
01:06:48him when he has his arm hits his
01:06:52arm and all those things they
01:06:53don't have stats for a lot of
01:06:54those and you forget he's playing
01:06:55with a very bad very painful
01:06:57back on an onside kickoff.
01:07:00Somebody jumped that might have
01:07:02been successful.
01:07:02It was successful.
01:07:06The Giants had all their guys
01:07:08lined up on this side and they
01:07:10just kicked the ball and took a
01:07:11good it took a good bounce.
01:07:13What you want to kick it down
01:07:14down down and then take a high
01:07:16hop right there.
01:07:16It's like that was a perfect
01:07:18onside kick.
01:07:19The guy was right there and he
01:07:20caught the ball.
01:07:21That's a giant ball.
01:07:22So the seven Chris Calloway
01:07:24just goes right up in the air
01:07:26right into Chris Calloway's
01:07:29Another by Detroit twenty three.
01:07:31That's a heck of a play.
01:07:32That was a that was a great
01:07:34onside kick.
01:07:35That's exactly like you'd like
01:07:36it to behave.
01:07:37But unfortunately the way that
01:07:40ball is shaped has been ruled
01:07:43that the player from New York
01:07:44would have come down in the
01:07:45field of play had he not been
01:07:47brought in.
01:07:48He would have been out of the
01:07:49He would have been out of the
01:07:50He would have been out of the
01:07:51He would have been out of the
01:07:52He would have been out of the
01:07:53And he would have been out of
01:07:54the game had he had he not been
01:07:56forced out.
01:07:58It is a legal recovery first in
01:08:0110 New York.
01:08:02We'd better get this game over
01:08:04with quick.
01:08:05Referee's not going to have any
01:08:06voice left.
01:08:06He started off the game with a
01:08:08bad voice.
01:08:10He said he was worse and had
01:08:11laryngitis or something and as
01:08:13we go on and on and on.
01:08:16Dick can't get worse.
01:08:18That's too long a call for a guy
01:08:19with a bad voice.
01:08:20Yeah I thought his feet were
01:08:22down anyway.
01:08:22I don't know what they're
01:08:23talking about.
01:08:24It has been ruled that they were
01:08:26But they didn't have to roll
01:08:27because they were down before he
01:08:28went out.
01:08:32Sam stays on the sideline.
01:08:34Graham is the quarterback.
01:08:35Graham is the quarterback.
01:08:52Darren Smith came free flag on
01:08:59the play.
01:09:01That is the second over 59
01:09:03Darren Smith flag of the play.
01:09:05He's going to be holding and
01:09:08it's going to be against Dallas
01:09:16holding defense number 51 five
01:09:19yards automatic first down
01:09:22against Ken Norton can hold with
01:09:25his one good arm I guess.
01:09:27If I held it had to be with his
01:09:29left arm because his right arm
01:09:31is where he tore the right
01:09:33arm and I guess he can pull the
01:09:37arm up and back but he has
01:09:39trouble turning it sideways.
01:09:41Pronation Kent Graham isn't
01:09:57going to have fond memories of
01:09:58the stadium.
01:09:59Remember it was Thanksgiving Day
01:10:01with the Cowboys beat the Giants
01:10:04last year.
01:10:04Yeah last year Kent Graham was
01:10:06the starting quarterback then.
01:10:07So this place hasn't been fun
01:10:10for him.
01:10:12Today's game was produced by Bob
01:10:14Stenner and directed by Sandy
01:10:15Grossman associate producers
01:10:18Michael Frank manager Rich
01:10:21Nelson and the draw play giant
01:10:32and the first down broadcast
01:10:37associates today John Coleman
01:10:39Sparker Mike Roy coordinating
01:10:43producer of the NFL today is
01:10:45Eric Land director of the NFL
01:10:46today as Larry Capellino senior
01:10:49producer of the NFL and CBS is
01:10:50Ed Gore Graham back down Jeff
01:10:56Yeah we have to look at that
01:10:58play again.
01:10:58I mean that was a great move by
01:11:00He took Eric Moore and just jam
01:11:03Watch this.
01:11:04Here's Eric Moore playing.
01:11:05Here's Jeff code here.
01:11:07Now watch what he does to in
01:11:08fact I got to look at this one
01:11:09on the clicker here.
01:11:10Watch as he comes in.
01:11:13I mean he just knocked him right
01:11:15I'm watching me hits him with
01:11:16the right and then the left
01:11:17watch the left to get him going
01:11:18that way.
01:11:19Then just keep him going that
01:11:20way right over the top and look
01:11:22what they found.
01:11:24I mean that is dominant but you
01:11:26take a guy Eric Moore is just
01:11:27coming back four weeks
01:11:28suspension and all that.
01:11:30But Jeff go gave him a lesson.
01:11:34There's another one another one
01:11:37Graham got it out to Callaway or
01:11:39make it.
01:11:44Again now you see Eric Moore is
01:11:46turned and wait and wait and
01:11:47wait and Jeff go it again.
01:11:49Eric Moore is just starting to
01:11:51hide and he's letting those guys
01:11:52get underneath him and straighten
01:11:54him up then he loses all his
01:11:56power then you just run right
01:11:57over him.
01:11:57He's got a lot of power.
01:11:58He's got a lot of speed.
01:11:59Plus he's backing up all the
01:12:02And the reason that he's in
01:12:03there of course is because
01:12:04Jumbo Elliott has that pinched
01:12:06nerve and the neck two minutes
01:12:09left to play at Texas Stadium
01:12:10thirty one nine Cowboys lead the
01:12:12Giants two minutes left at Texas
01:12:22Stadium Dallas leading thirty
01:12:24one nine Cowboys lead the Giants
01:12:26two minutes left at Texas
01:12:29Eggman got off to a great start
01:12:30then he pulled a hamstring.
01:12:32Jimmy Johnson decided for nachos
01:12:38now I take off the gloves.
01:12:40That's what a construction
01:12:42worker you know the end of the
01:12:44day you pull your gloves off.
01:12:46Guy's been jackhammered all day
01:12:49with the jackhammer away.
01:12:51Pull the gloves off stick them in
01:12:52the back of his head and he's
01:12:54talking about all those barrels
01:12:56of candy.
01:13:04Retreating again the Cowboys
01:13:07blitz with Thomas Everett again.
01:13:10Kenneth again almost came up
01:13:12with the reception down the
01:13:14Graham's pass all those things
01:13:15up to Mark Stepnowski was
01:13:17talking about how he has his
01:13:19jersey taped and tapered and
01:13:21there's no pads and there's
01:13:23nothing to grab and he goes
01:13:25through the thing where it takes
01:13:26him a half hour to tape his
01:13:27shoulder pads to his jersey and
01:13:30the defense can't grab him up
01:13:32last night if he takes him he
01:13:34says no I got enough stuff to
01:13:36hold that jersey tight to me.
01:13:38Nobody can grab it.
01:13:51Nobody can grab it.
01:14:00I can stop.
01:14:01He did get out there Stepnowski
01:14:03as he got that tapered jersey
01:14:06and that jersey is taped to the
01:14:08shoulder pad.
01:14:10So there's nothing you can grab
01:14:13Seven the arms the whole body
01:14:15see he's a he's a technician
01:14:19Nate says he doesn't have to
01:14:20tape his shoulder pads to his
01:14:22He just lets everything hang
01:14:25He said the jersey is going to
01:14:26be tight anyway.
01:14:28But he doesn't have to do it
01:14:29like Stepnowski does it although
01:14:30geese it looks like he may do
01:14:32it to Cornish Frank Cornish has
01:14:35replaced Nate Newton and left
01:14:39So it's a step nasty geese in
01:14:41the morning.
01:14:42In the middle.
01:14:44Derek Lansing is the running
01:14:47back flag on the play.
01:14:49And I want to Derek Larson.
01:14:53Ball start offense number 68
01:14:56five yard penalty still first
01:15:01Guy that stays in there and
01:15:02probably if you had to pick the
01:15:04most underrated player the
01:15:07Maybe a year ago it was Darrell
01:15:08Johnston the moose and now I
01:15:10think it's probably the left
01:15:11tackle number 71 Mark to an
01:15:15And he's been playing for a
01:15:16long time.
01:15:17And he's been playing for 11
01:15:19Just stays in there.
01:15:19He just stays in there always
01:15:22there always takes that tough
01:15:23pass rusher guy always does a
01:15:26good job.
01:15:27Very solid.
01:15:30That's Lansing.
01:15:33Andre Powell made the stop on
01:15:37The Cowboys have so many good
01:15:39players you know and so many all
01:15:42pros that you never get to the
01:15:45Mark to an egg.
01:15:49They spend your time talking
01:15:50about the Irvins and the
01:15:52Harpers and the Aikmans and the
01:15:53Smiths and even with the lines.
01:15:58I mean even with the line
01:15:59Stavroski went to the Pro Bowl
01:16:01last year Nate Newton went to
01:16:03the Pro Bowl last year and you
01:16:06don't get out.
01:16:07Go Mark to an egg but he's very
01:16:09very solid.
01:16:10Second down.
01:16:11And I think the Cowboys are
01:16:13I mean I think the Cowboys if
01:16:14you look and say who's the best
01:16:16team in football right now we
01:16:18look here we see the best team
01:16:20in the NFC East and right now to
01:16:23me there's no doubt that they're
01:16:24the best team in the NFL.
01:16:27San Francisco will come the
01:16:28closest to being the next.
01:16:31And of course they played a few
01:16:33weeks ago and the Cowboys have
01:16:34already beaten them and I think
01:16:36you know they have to have some
01:16:37luck to have to stay in the
01:16:38you wonder about Troy Aikman.
01:16:40You wonder about him it's this
01:16:42I mean all these things you know
01:16:43they have to have they have to
01:16:45have these star players.
01:16:46Well I've been very lucky in
01:16:48that area.
01:16:49The injury area they were all of
01:16:52last year and today when they
01:16:54lose a bit their defense really
01:16:56came up and played well today
01:16:57and then of course Emmitt Smith
01:16:59in the running game took over.
01:17:08So Jimmy Johnson comes over and
01:17:10says hello and congratulations
01:17:14maybe to Dan Reeves and heads
01:17:17back to the locker room.
01:17:22Thirty one to nine.
01:17:25What a special day.
01:17:26The Cowboys improve their record
01:17:27is six and two.
01:17:28The Giants are now five and
01:17:32Halfway through the NFL season
01:17:35Greg Terry and Matt Mellon who's
01:17:36in the studio.