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00:00This is my house.
00:13I also want to sit in a scooter like him and travel the world.
00:20Madam, today you have French and horse riding classes.
00:24I want to take leave today.
00:26But why ma'am?
00:28Today I will go out.
00:30Okay fine.
00:32Will you go out?
00:34You heard it right.
00:37Bodyguard, will you help me in this?
00:40Sorry ma'am, but I can't help you in this.
00:43By the way, let me tell you that I know that yesterday you were the one who squashed grandma's cat's tail.
00:50By the way, if you say, can I show this photo to grandma?
00:55Don't do that.
00:57I am ready to do as you say.
00:58Tell me, where are you going?
01:00Okay fine.
01:07Don't worry ma'am, it's me.
01:10Aichan, how are you dear?
01:13I have a request, can you let me stay in your house tonight?
01:17But Aichan, how can you stay here?
01:21Don't worry, bodyguard will also stay with me.
01:24Bodyguard too?
01:28Hello Aichan, how are you?
01:30Chinchan, it's good that you came.
01:32Can I stay in your house tonight?
01:34Tell me.
01:36If you take Sheera to walk instead of me, then you can stay.
01:39But Chinchan.
01:41Yes, why not Chinchan?
01:43But Aichan's stay and eating is completely different from us, isn't it?
01:46In this, all the necessities of Aichan are there.
01:50Ma'am shouldn't have any problem.
01:53You don't worry about this at all.
01:58Don't worry.
02:28How are you Himawari?
02:36What's inside this? Let me see.
02:39Be careful Aichan.
02:59What's this?
03:01Aichan, are you alright?
03:04I am fine aunty.
03:06You did a good job, bodyguard.
03:08I thought this is a room.
03:11Your house is really good, Chinchan.
03:14I am not that special.
03:16She is not praising you.
03:18By the way, I want to know which room ma'am is going to stay here tonight?
03:22Aichan is just like my aunt Musai, so she will stay in her room.
03:26What do you mean?
03:28Aunty Musai doesn't do any work by staying in her room.
03:32She just rests.
03:34Wow, that's great.
03:36I will also stay like her.
03:38But before that, you have to take permission from my mom, Aichan.
03:41Can I stay in her room, aunty?
03:44Tell me, please.
03:48Ma'am, let her stay wherever she wants to stay.
03:50Yes, sure.
03:52Follow me.
03:53Brother, what is this shirt?
03:55Be careful, ma'am.
03:57Nothing will happen, bodyguard.
03:59Does Aichan really want to stay here?
04:01Yes, ma'am has told me that she wants to stay here.
04:04And if she wants to stay here, then she will definitely stay here.
04:06But tell me, what will Aichan like to eat for dinner?
04:10You don't worry about dinner.
04:12I will take care of everything.
04:14You just make arrangements for her stay here.
04:16Is it?
04:18I was thinking that I will prepare something special for Aichan's dinner, but...
04:21Yes, you don't worry.
04:23I have called a chef for her.
04:25He will come here and cook for her.
04:27What are you saying?
04:29By the way, what was the need for this?
04:31I would have made it.
04:33This room looks very small, Chinchal.
04:36This is the best room of our house.
04:38And this is my favorite room, Aichan.
04:41Okay, I will see the rest of the things.
04:45Can I see what is kept here?
04:48First, take some sleep.
04:49I don't want to sleep right now, Chinchal.
04:52I don't sleep during the day.
04:54As you wish.
04:56What is inside this?
05:00There is such a small shower in your house?
05:02There is no shower in our house, Aichan.
05:04This is a tap.
05:06What? There is no shower?
05:12Thank you. I am happy to meet you.
05:14Chef of a five-star hotel.
05:16Can I use your kitchen?
05:17Yes, why not?
05:19Tasty food.
05:21You will get tasty food today.
05:23Chinchal, are you happy?
05:25I am also happy today.
05:27I can't believe that such a famous chef is cooking food in our house.
05:37Introduce yourself and tell me how it is cooked.
05:40But what is this, uncle?
05:42Look carefully, Chinchal.
05:44It looks like a soup.
05:45It looks like a soup.
05:54Uncle, thank you very much.
05:56This is very tasty.
05:58I enjoyed it.
06:00Thank you for the compliment.
06:03Mom, what happened to you?
06:05Wow! This soup is very tasty.
06:07I enjoyed it.
06:11I didn't like today's soup at all.
06:16You don't worry at all.
06:18Ma'am is absolutely safe here with me.
06:22I am home.
06:26Mitzi, whose car is parked outside our house?
06:29It belongs to Aichan.
06:31Aichan's bodyguard is sitting in the car.
06:34I asked him to come inside but he refused.
06:39Okay, that friend of Chinchal.
06:41But why has she come here?
06:43She has left the house.
06:45What are you saying?
06:47This is not possible, dear.
06:49She wants to stay with us tonight.
06:52Hello, uncle.
06:54How are you?
06:56Welcome. Good evening.
