Nigeria's president calls for end of protests against economic hardship, a "bloodshed"

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00:00In other news, Nigerian President Bolotunabu has told protesters to stop if they want the chance to dialogue with the government over a cost-of-living crisis.
00:10It's his first public comment since citizens took to the streets last week to protest policies getting rid of petrol and electricity subsidies.
00:19Rights Group Amnesty International says security forces have killed at least 13 protesters, a figure the police denies.
00:27Let's hear first some of Bolotunabu's speech.
00:57I must not let violence and destruction tear our nation apart.
01:03And we can now bring in our Lagos correspondent Chinwe Asundu.
01:07Chinwe, thanks for your time. Just tell us first then what has happened leading up to this speech.
01:16So prior to today, Nigerians have taken to the streets since August 1st and have protested against bad governance in Nigeria
01:26and they have a number of reasons to march to the streets according to the protesters.
01:34So one of them, one major one is the cost of governance in Nigeria. It's pretty high and it's taking a lot of part of the budget.
01:43And as well the recent hikes in prices of basic commodities, be it food or be it electricity bill
01:52and also the removal of the subsidy, of the fuel subsidy has not helped the Nigerian economy lately
01:58and people are actually suffering and unable to afford one square meal in a day.
02:05So it's becoming alarming and that's why despite the cry of Nigerians,
02:11Nigerian government has continued to spend and to lavish money on unnecessary projects according to the protesters.
02:18So that is some reasons why these people are on the streets.
02:22Alright, and how about Tinobu's speech? What's been the reaction to this? What are the possible outcomes to come from his message?
02:32Tinobu's speech has been awaited and everybody has been requesting.
02:36Even the protesters have asked him to come out and say a word as a father of the nation
02:42and one who is concerned with the well-being and protection of the citizens and their properties.
02:49Of course, during this protest, there's been a loss of lives. About 16 people, 14, some statistics say, have been reported dead.
02:58All of this in the north. The south of Nigeria has been relatively calm and some cities where we had the protest, it was calm.
03:07But in the north, notably Kano, Kaduna, Abuja and some other northern states witnessed a lot of violence.
03:17Alright, Chinwe Asundu, thank you very much.
