Al Fondo Hay Sitio Temporada 11 Capitulo 84 Completo

  • last month


00:00Ay, amiga, quedé tan bajoneada después de cómo me trató Jimmy
00:05que, la verdad, estoy feliz que me traten como la reina que soy.
00:09He debido venir hace tiempo.
00:12Si se van a la selva, me hubieran dicho para invitarles a mi tierra.
00:15Au, Zapata está cerquita. Llegamos mañana tempranito.
00:24¡Le han suicidado!
00:38¿Por si acaso no sabemos nada?
00:39No vimos nada.
00:43¡Profesor! ¿Todo bien?
00:44Sí, todo bien.
00:46Aquí cambiando un poco y asustando a unos tontorrones.
00:49¡Eso es! ¡Tengo que convertirme en un franchute!
00:54Bueno, no un franchute, franchute, pero puedo demostrarle que yo también puedo ser
00:58tan sensible, romántico y detallista como cualquiera de sus amigotes.
01:01Abriga bien a tu pacientito. Ya estamos por llegar a Ticlio.
01:04Él no es mi pacientito. Él es mi marido.
01:07Sí, claro. No tienes que avergonzarte, compañera.
01:10El mío está peor.
01:13O sea que tu hermana está feliz en París.
01:15No me sorprende.
01:16¿Por qué te sorprendería?
01:18¿La mandaste a Francia?
01:20Sí, era una oportunidad de un millón.
01:22Claro, y de paso la alejas de Jimmy.
01:24Nada. Nada.
01:26¿Cuánto tardará en crecerme el bigotido?
01:32Ya sé quién me puede ayudar.
01:34Siempre manipulando, papá. Siempre.
01:37¡Ya lo vi! ¡Ya lo vi!
01:39¡Ahí está!
01:40¿Le mueve? ¡O sea que nos tendría una trampa!
01:44Es momento de hacerle una segunda visita.
01:47No, ¿sabes qué? Mira, encárgate tú, ¿ya?
01:50¿Por qué? Si tú también quieres vengarte del españolete.
01:52¡Le tendiste una trampa a Jimmy!
01:54Como dice Cristóbal, eres un manipulador.
01:56¡Yo me voy! ¡Chau!
01:57¡Coki! ¡Coki!
02:03Ya fue.
02:05Acá también.
02:06De acá, salto para acá.
02:08Y acá.
02:09Canasta, coróname. Ya está.
02:11¿Estás seguro que así se juega?
02:12¿Qué cosa?
02:13No, porque hay algo que no me cuadra, ve.
02:14¿Qué no te cuadra?
02:15No, no, no.
02:16Es un picón.
02:17¿Un picón? ¿Cómo vas a hacer eso?
02:18¿Hablando picón?
02:19¿Qué bueno que los encuentro, no haciendo nada.
02:21Manito, gracias por venir.
02:22Más bien, enséñanos a jugar.
02:23No, no, no, no.
02:24Mano, mano, necesito tu ayuda.
02:25Necesito que me ayudes a reconquistar a Alesia.
02:26¿Pero Alesia no está en Francia?
02:27Sí, por eso. Justamente por eso.
02:29Yo pensé que si hubiera una semanita, iba a hacer su taller,
02:31después iba a venir acá, nos íbamos a amistar y todo feliz.
02:33Pero no.
02:34Se va a quedar ahí,
02:35y los franchutes la están tratando como una reina, mano.
02:37Me fregué, me fregué, mano.
02:39¿Qué hiciste, Drago?
02:40Este es mi monse, ¿no?
02:41Este es el más sano de la familia, ¿no?
02:42El más sano de la familia.
02:43¿Qué pasa?
02:44Escúchame, por favor, ¿ya?
02:45Tu flaca...
02:46Escúchame, tu ex flaca es una chica pudiente, ¿no es cierto?
02:51¿Qué hacen las chicas pudientes para olvidar, papá?
02:53¿A dónde, por ejemplo?
02:54A Europa.
02:55Ahí está. ¿Para juntarse con más gente?
02:57Bueno, sí o no. Y distraerse.
02:58En cambio, tú eres pudriente.
02:59Y si te pudre el diente.
03:00Entonces, ¿para qué, dime?
03:01¿Para qué vas a regresar?
03:03¿Para qué regresarías?
03:04No sé, mano.
03:05Porque me ama.
03:07Papito, lo siento, ¿sí?
03:09Lo estoy sintiendo por ti.
03:10Lo estoy sintiendo,
03:11pero chicas como ella se encuentran una sola vez en la vida.
03:13Ah, sí, manito.
03:14Yo creo que ya es hora de que te juntes con una así,
03:16de tu calibre.
03:17Metele una de tu peso.
03:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
03:19No, no, no.
03:20Yo no me voy a dar por vencido.
03:35Solo me falta...
03:36¡Libby Kiki!
03:46¿Cómo que Cristóbal estaba ahí?
03:47¿Por qué no me dijiste nada?
03:49¿Pero cómo te iba a decir?
03:50¿Aquí no está Jimmy y tampoco Cristóbal?
03:52No, pues nos iban a pescar al toque.
03:54Ya, ya, ya.
03:55Bueno, no importa.
03:56Solo espero que no le vaya con el chisme a mi papá.
03:58Ya, bueno.
04:00¿Qué dijo Jimmy?
04:01¿Qué va a decir?
04:02Está que se muere.
04:03Ahí está.
04:04Lo sabía.
04:05Ahora sí, ¿no?
04:06Ahora recién se pone las pilas.
04:07Cuando siente que se le mueve el piso,
04:08ahí sí se preocupa.
04:10Está desesperado.
04:11Cada vez que hablaba de sus amigos franceses,
04:12se volvía loco.
04:13Se le iba el alma.
04:14Ay, no, pobre.
04:15Pero bien hecho.
04:16Por Sonso.
04:17Sí, ni siquiera me daba pena.
04:18Se trató muy mal amiga.
04:19Ay, que me tiene segura, pues.
04:21Sabe que me muero por él.
04:22Por eso se bota.
04:23Pero no, pues.
04:24En cualquier momento me voy de viaje
04:25a que me traten como me merezco.
04:27Como la reina que eres.
04:29Oye, ¿y en verdad son tan bonitos los franceses?
04:32Ay, ¿qué te puedo decir?
04:35Sí, son lindos.
04:36Es verdad.
04:38¿Qué te puedo decir?
04:40Sí, son lindos.
04:41Eso sí, no lo puedo negar.
04:43Pero es que también son súper engreídos.
04:45Se creen lo máximo.
04:46Que lo saben todo.
04:47Nadie les puede decir nada.
04:49Su país es lo mejor.
04:50Su comida es la más rica del mundo.
04:53¿Tanto así?
04:55Bueno, al menos huelen rico.
04:57Son románticos y te tratan bien, ¿no?
04:59Yuli, ¿por qué crees que Pepe le vio era un zorrillo?
05:05Y no, me trataban como un chico más.
05:07Hay hombre, mujer, da lo mismo.
05:08Cero caballerosidad.
05:10No sé, ya manticuada, pero me gustaba así.
05:13Te entiendo.
05:15Oye, ¿y quieres que le diga algo a mi primo?
05:17No va a dormir hasta que regreses.
05:19No, no, no le digas nada.
05:21Igual ya regresó pronto, así que por mientras que me extraña.
05:25Pero, ¿no crees que se nos pasa un poquito la mano?
05:29Bien hecho.
05:31Por chotearme.
05:38¡Un muerto! ¡Ayuda! ¡Auxilio! ¡Un muerto!
05:43¡No pasa nada!
05:45¡No se asusten! ¡Vuelvan! ¡Regresen!
05:49¡Así duerme mi marido!
05:51¡No se asusten! ¡Está vivo!
05:58Nada, nada. Ni un bigote.
06:00¿Y si dejo de afeitarme hoy mismo?
06:02Mirá, yo te calculo un par de semanas.
06:04¡No pegas, pero necesito ahorita!
06:06Mano, hermano, ten paciencia, por favor.
06:08Si a mí me cree ese bigote, a ti también.
06:10Mano, ¿de qué estás hablando?
06:11Yo no quiero ese bigote de cantín, Flespe.
06:13Yo necesito un bigote de mosquetero.
06:15Quiero ser un dartañampe.
06:16Sí, tienes razón.
06:17No, no, pero mirá, ya le cerró.
06:19¿Qué pasa?
06:20Si yo quiero, a mí me sale como charro.
06:22Está todo puro. Paciencia, mano. ¿Qué pasa?
06:24Mano, tienes que entenderte.
06:25Esta es mi última oportunidad para que Alicia regrese.
06:28La Julia me va a tomar fotos así como el nuevo Legimé.
06:31Pero me falta el bigoteo.
06:32Y sin eso no la hago, mano.
06:34¡El tónico!
06:36¡El tónico!
06:38¿Se te extraña, compi?
06:39No, se te extraña, mentira.
06:40Si ya me cambiaron por la gorrea mecánica esa.
06:42¿Cuál es la solución?
06:45¿Qué es eso?
06:46¿Qué es esto?
06:47La última maravilla china.
06:49El tónico capilar bicomponente más potente del mercado.
06:53¿Y con esto me va a crecer el bigote?
06:55Con eso te va a crecer pelo donde quieras.
06:57Pásame uno, pe.
06:58No, no, no. Primero Jimmy.
06:59Es bien cara esta vaina.
07:00Pero eso sí, recontra-efectiva.
07:01Donde te lo pones, ahí crece pelo.
07:03Si es tan bueno, ¿por qué no lo usas tú?
07:05Que se te está volando la calamina.
07:06Lo pedí para mí, pues me acaba de llegar.
07:08Pero me enteré de tu apuro, así que tú primero.
07:10¿En serio?
07:12¿Me lo vas a dar?
07:14Gracias, Coqui.
07:16No, no. No es regalo.
07:17Usa lo que necesites y de ahí me lo devuelves.
07:19Porque yo ya estoy en una situación precaria.
07:21Sí, sí. No te preocupes.
07:22Me voy a poner un poquito acá, un poquito acá.
07:25Y ya está. Te lo devuelvo.
07:26Usa lo que necesites.
07:27Te recomiendo que uses de noche.
07:29Así al día siguiente ya podés ver los resultados.
07:31Perfecto, perfecto.
07:32Coqui, te pasaste.
07:33Gracias, en serio.
07:34Bueno, muchachos, me voy.
07:35Porque no quiero que la señora Lee se dé cuenta que sea Lee.
07:39Está hablando francés.
07:42Mi componente, ¿no?
07:43¿Por qué mi componente?
07:44Si solo le das una voltilla.
07:45Porque el otro componente...
07:48¿Se lo pones tú?
07:57¡Qué lindo!
07:59¡Mira, Jilguerito!
08:03Bienvenidos sean ustedes al Hotel El Cielo O San Pampino.
08:07Yo soy Pedro, su anfitrión, y estaré gustoso de atenderlos en todo momento.
08:12Muchas gracias.
08:13¡Qué lindo!
08:14¡Mira esa vista, Jilguerito!
08:18Lo mejor para ti, tortolita.
08:23Y lo...
08:25Lo bonito es que aquí no hace frío.
08:28Pero tampoco es demasiado caluroso.
08:31Veo que el señor es un verdadero conocedor de la geografía de nuestro hermoso país.
08:38Esta habitación está perfecta para usted.
08:41Y si la señorita me acompaña, le muestro el cuarto contigo.
08:46Ella se queda conmigo.
08:48Pero si la habitación contigo está aquí al ladito nomás.
08:51No, no quiero la contigua.
08:52Quiero la contigo.
08:55No sea desgracioso, pues.
08:58Bueno, bueno. Ya creo que voy entendiendo.
09:01Lo que pasa es que la señorita quiere estar cerca para atender a su papito.
09:05No hay problema.
09:06Tengo camas gemelas.
09:09Nosotros estamos casados.
09:11Estamos en nuestra luna de miel.
09:14¡Ay! ¡Ah!
09:16Ay. Yo creo que el viejito tiene alas ahí. Merece...
09:18¡Claro que no!
09:19Somos marido y mujer.
09:21Nos acabamos de casar y topo.
09:24¡Ah! Pero haberlo dicho antes.
09:25Tenemos promociones especiales para parejitas de recién casados.
09:30Para comenzar, tenemos el pack Shoney Moon.
09:35Que incluye un espumante finísimo y un jabón en forma de corazón totalmente gratis.
09:43Y por si fuera poco, un tour a caballo por nuestros más bellos alrededores.
09:50Y también de cortesía, una noche en nuestra cabaña mellicera.
09:58¿Cabaña qué?
10:00¡Mellicera, pues señor!
10:02Es un bungalow rústico donde las parejitas van y pernoctan.
10:07¡Ahí! ¡Y quedan embarazadas!
10:09¡En menos de un año ya tienen su mellizo!
10:11¡Ay no! ¡Qué miedo!
10:13No estamos interesados en tener descendencia.
10:17Más bien, tráiganos todo lo demás.
10:19¡No! ¡Anímese, anímese, anímese caballero!
10:22Dice que los últimos expectores son los más potentes.
10:26Tráiganos todo lo demás.
10:28¡Ok! Está bien, está bien.
10:30Bueno, para eso necesito los DNIs, el acta de matrimonio para el pack Shoney Moon.
10:36Ya, y con eso ya estamos.
10:38¡Ay! No la trajimos.
10:40¡Tú no! Pero yo sí.
10:42¡Dame un segundito!
10:43¡Qué bella!
10:44¡Qué bella!
10:45Esta mujercita piensa en todo.
10:47Ah, sí caballero. Cuídela mucho, cuídela mucho porque se nota que se demoró en encontrarla.
10:59¡Qué bien!
11:08Hola mi amor. ¿Estás lista?
11:09¡Ay mi amor! Estoy casi lista.
11:11Que un pacientito vino a último momento y me demoré.
11:13No te preocupes. Tenemos como 15 minutos para llegar al cine.
11:15¿15 minutos?
11:16Sí. No hay tráfico, así que llegamos al toque.
11:18No, pero no voy a ir así.
11:20Mi amor, el cine es oscuro. Todo el mundo va a estar viendo la película.
11:24No voy a ir así.
11:26Ya está bien lo que tú digas.
11:30Oiga, ¿saben a qué hora llega la Julie?
11:32Creo que ella está de guardia, por...
11:36Creo que la tenga cocinada.
11:38¡Qué asco!
11:39Sobrino, sobrino, juégate una de tus medias para trofearme el olfato.
11:42¿Qué pasa tío? No me ofenda, pero mis medias huelen mejor que eso.
11:45Pero familia, no sé, de repente esta vez sí le ligó.
11:48No, no. Si mi salud está en juego, yo no la voy a poner en riesgo.
11:52¿Sabes qué? Hay que salir de uno en uno y nos vamos a tragar donde la tía veneno.
11:56¡Qué tanto cuchicheas!
11:58¡Estábamos hablando de Don Gil!
12:01Acabo de hablar con mi papito. Llegó sano y salvo a Xapán.
12:04La cosa es que salga sano y salvo del ring de las cuatro perillas.
12:07Ahora sí tú te pasas. Te excedes.
12:09Tranquila, tranquila.
12:10De repente regresa con Olinda en la bodega del bus envuelto como en comiendas.
12:13Oye, por favor, diganle que se calen.
12:16No, no, no.
12:17Igual lo digo porque hay que ponernos en todos los escenarios.
12:20Entonces, ¿qué? ¿El abuelo ha llegado bien?
12:22Mi papito llegó bien.
12:23Entonces, ¿por qué no vamos a celebrar?
12:25¡Vamos a celebrar!
12:26¡Un momento! Siéntense.
12:28No se muevan que los estoy mirando.
12:31No se muevan que los estoy mirando.
12:34¡No se muevan!
12:35Así lo hacemos.
12:42¿Qué es eso?
12:43Torreja con sorpresa, como te gusta.
12:46Bueno, al menos tiene buena pinta.
12:48Huele a sabaco y loca aún.
12:50No, no.
12:51Por favor, ¿cómo es eso de que al menos tiene buena pinta?
12:53Está fuerte el olor. Sí, ¿eh?
12:55Esas son las especias.
12:57¿Las especias?
12:58¿Especia de qué?
12:59¿Especia de arroz? Porque esto tiene arroz.
13:01Vamos a ver, ¿no?
13:02A ver, prueben. Van a ver.
13:06Estaba intragable. Estaba intragable.
13:08Qué bravo, ¿eh?
13:09Ay, Dios. No, pero...
13:10Ustedes saben que la cocina no es lo mío,
13:12que estoy haciendo mi mejor intento.
13:13Ahora que Olinda no está, yo creo que...
13:17que deberíamos cocinar todos.
13:19Sí, sí. Es lo justo, es lo justo.
13:20Sí, sí, sí. Buena idea.
13:21¿Qué les provoca?
13:23¡Barrilla! ¡Barrilla!
13:26¡Ya! ¡Ya! ¡Ya!
13:27Ya voy a preparar el fuego.
13:29Pero no tenemos carbón fácil.
13:30¡Sacamos unas tarlas de mi cama!
13:31¡Ya! Bueno, bueno.
13:32Si somos una chancha, yo voy a comprar choncholí,
13:33rachi, unos chorizos, jodón, quipanque.
13:35¡Ya! ¡Perfecto!
13:36¡Choncholí, rachi, jodón!
13:37¡Pura grasa nomás!
13:39¡Obvio que somos hombres!
13:41¡Nos gusta la carne!
13:42¡Ay, ay, ay!
13:43Además es fácil para el pagar, hermano.
13:46¡Vamos, vamos con la chancha!
13:47¡Con la chancha! ¡Vamos con la chancha!
13:59Estás hermosa.
14:01Gracias, mi amor.
14:05Oye, estaba pensando en que
14:09mi tía Charo no está.
14:12Don Gilberto y Yolinda están de viaje.
14:16Solo los chicos están en casa y nadie me espera.
14:21No sé, tal vez
14:24podríamos ir a un lugar más cómodo.
14:28Estaba esperando que me dijeras eso.
14:31Me parece una excelente idea.
14:33¿En serio?
14:34Sí, mi amor.
14:35Mírate, estás preciosa.
14:38Mereces que te lleve al mejor lugar.
14:41Por fin.
14:42Por fin.
14:48¿Tres salchichas de pollo?
14:50Eso es lo que alcanzó con la chancha.
14:51No, pero hermano, mínimo tenías que traer, no sé,
14:53un churrasco, la molleja.
14:54Ay, ay, hermano, hermano, hermano.
14:55¿Con qué plata?
14:56Ni me alcanzó para la gasolina.
14:57Ay, la piti, la piti.
14:58Yo ya rompí mi cama, ya.
15:01Ahí está, pues.
15:02Tanto que le tiraban a Rosa mis torrejitas,
15:04ahora muéranse de hambre.
15:05Ya, ya, tranquilos, señores, ya.
15:07Podemos comer dos medias salchichas cada uno.
15:09Ahí está.
15:10¿Y si nos traemos unas galletas de la bodega
15:11a consumación?
15:12Sí, hermano.
15:13Y a eso le podemos sumar un par de latitas de atún
15:14que me llevé a Pachacamaco.
15:16No somos tan inútiles.
15:17Si nos organizamos, podemos sobrevivir.
15:19Ay, por favor.
15:20Van a ver que eso no les va a aguantar.
15:21Se van a quedar con hambre.
15:23Ya, Tere, no te hagas que ni tú misma
15:25te puedes comer tu comida, ¿ya?
15:26Oye, ¿tú qué sabes de mi alimentación?
15:28¿Tú qué sabes?
15:29Yo hago ayuno intermitente.
15:31Pero igual, apúntenme ahí para el atuncito
15:33y la galletita.
15:37¿Qué familia?
15:38Si nosotros no somos tu familia.
15:39Yo lo considero como familia.
15:40¿Tú por dónde has subido?
15:41Por la puerta, me estaba abierta.
15:42¡Entren estos palitos!
15:45¡Echan chipollos, echan chipollos!
15:50Te hiciste una, te hiciste una.
15:53Una, no, me he hecho dos.
15:54¿Por qué?
15:55Es un cabrito.
15:56¿Qué pasó?
15:57Cabrito, porque la señora Rimachi,
15:59que es mi gallejón,
16:00ha hecho una cabreada.
16:01¿Ah, ya?
16:02Un seco de cabrito.
16:03¿Por qué?
16:04Porque su gallejón se baja todo, ¿no?
16:05Ahí está.
16:06Ya, ya.
16:07¿Y a cuánto el plato?
16:08Tranquilo, no bajan como ustedes,
16:09es gratis.
16:11Oye, Tere, se va a cobrar por otro lado.
16:12Te hablan.
16:14Oye, ¿qué es esa falta de respeto
16:15a mi persona, ah?
16:16Te estoy hablando del taller, del taller.
16:17Ya, ya, ya, vamos a comer.
16:19¿Y esto?
16:21No, ya, ya, ya.
16:22Bueno, ya.
16:23A ver, a ver, a ver.
16:24También separemos para la Yuli,
16:25porque la Yuli trabaja mucho.
16:26¿A la Yuli?
16:27¿A quién Yuli?
16:28A Yuli.
16:29A Yuli, por favor.
16:30No, ya fue, ya fue.
16:31A ver, a ver.
16:32Yuli se está lavando el pelo.
16:39Sabes que te amo
16:43Y estaré siempre a tu lado
16:48Abrázame fuerte que mi corazón
16:53Se acelera cada vez que estoy contigo
16:57Nada que decir, nada que pensar
16:59Tú eres mi felicidad
17:02Desde que te vi
17:09Hola, hola, ¿qué tal?
17:11¿Cómo están los tortolitos?
17:13Ah, interrumpo.
17:15No, bueno, sí, un poquito.
17:18Mi marido está descansando.
17:20Ah, perfecto.
17:22Es que debe estar cansadito seguro por el viaje.
17:24Sí, gracias.
17:25Pero mejor, mejor.
17:26Que recupere fuerzas para lo que se viene.
17:28Qué rico.
17:29Y si no, saca su pistola y...
17:35Bueno, bueno, bueno.
17:36Lo prometido es de verdad.
17:37Aquí le traigo su burgo giante goxapampa.
17:41Maca negra.
17:43Una cosa de locos.
17:45Extracto de guanarpo macho para el caballero, por supuesto.
17:49Y para ti, no me olvido.
17:51Lensería comestible.
17:53Una cosa impresionante.
17:55Te va a gustar.
17:56Tu aceite aromático.
17:59Y no podía faltar tu cafecito, por supuesto.
18:02Y también la miel de la zona.
18:05Porque no hay luna de miel sin miel.
18:09Y te voy a regalar este videito con unos videos pero buenazos.
18:14Te va a encantar.
18:16Es como para levantar los ánimos.
18:19Muchas gracias.
18:21De verdad, por todos los regalitos.
18:23Muchas gracias.
18:24No, no, no.
18:25Es un placer para mí atenderlos.
18:27Cualquier cosita me llama.
18:28Te llamo.
18:29Te llamo.
18:31Te pasaste.
18:36Por fin se fue el impertinente.
18:39No es impertinente.
18:40Mira, nos trajo un montón de regalitos.
18:48Aquí le traigo este balón de oxígeno para el caballero.
18:51Porque uno nunca sabe lo que puede pasar.
18:53Más vale prevenir que lamentar.
18:56Chao, chao, chao.
19:03No se diga que es un impertinente.
19:06Bueno, él solo se preocupa por nosotros.
19:10No te molestes.
19:16¿Cómo me voy a molestar?
19:19Si estoy aquí contigo, tortolita.
19:22En nuestra luna de miel.
19:24Sí, yo también estoy muy contenta de estar aquí contigo,
19:28¿Qué te parece si probamos el espumante?
19:31Claro que sí.
19:33Burbujeante o zapompa.
19:36Bueno, lo probaremos y después al sobre.
19:41Estoy cansado por el viaje.
19:43Sí, yo también.
19:44Mañana ya paseamos y conocemos.
19:47¿Qué será esto, no?
19:49No tiene título.
19:51No, solo dice XXX.
19:54Debe ser italiano, por eso los números romanos.
19:57Debe ser de acción.
19:59Habrá que averiguar.
20:02¡Qué buen seco!
20:04¿Quién sigue?
20:05Yo todavía estoy en contracciones.
20:07Yo igual.
20:08Recién me voy a poner al baño en dos horas.
20:10Feliz tú que tienes la digestión ligerita, compadre.
20:12Claro que compadre.
20:13Mi máquina de churros está finadita.
20:15Se nos pasan las manos a toditos.
20:17Sí, sí.
20:18¿Qué pasa?
20:19¿Qué pasa?
20:20¿Qué pasa?
20:21¿Qué pasa?
20:22¿Qué pasa?
20:23¿Qué pasa?
20:24¿Qué pasa?
20:25¿Qué pasa?
20:26¿Qué pasa?
20:27¿Qué pasa?
20:28¿Qué pasa?
20:29¿Qué pasa?
20:30¿Qué pasa?
20:31¿Qué pasa?
20:33conejito toa toditos, ¿ah?
20:35Sí, si.
20:36Muchos todos.
20:37La casa está saliendo fea.
20:38Nos vayan a apretar un fósforo.
20:39¿A ver?
20:40¿A ver, a ver?
20:41Acá llego yo, con unos anís.
20:42Unos aníses.
20:44Unos aníses.
20:45Que se sinque.
20:46Estoy reteniendo líquido, estoy reteniendo líquido.
20:48De la digestión.
20:49Ay, gracias, te hiciste una.
20:50Si, por supuesto.
20:51Ya esta, tranquilo.
20:52Hermana, como es que estas tan tranquila?
20:53¿No te cayó pesado el cabrito?
20:54¿Cómo que no?
20:55Como que no.
20:56Did you hear that?
20:57Don't be stupid. Don't expose me like that.
20:59I'm a human. What's wrong with that?
21:01I also brush my teeth, but of course with finesse and delicacy.
21:05Well, I propose a fizzy amnesty for tonight.
21:08What do you say?
21:09I second the motion. Freedom and bombardment.
21:11All for the same.
21:13Ay, ay, ay. All against all.
21:15I propose a hippie pillimpa for saving the day.
21:18What do you say?
21:19There it is. Good voice.
21:21It's a hippie pillimpa for Gaspar.
21:23Hippie pillimpa.
21:25No, no, no.
21:27Gaspar, look, but not so much.
21:29I want to ask you a favor, if you don't mind.
21:31I could stay in the furniture.
21:33I don't do it anymore to go to my house.
21:35Please, I'm going to stay here.
21:36But of course, Gaspar. But why in the furniture?
21:38There are two empty rooms here.
21:41Yes, it's very cold outside.
21:43Thank you, Pepe. Thank you.
21:44No, but close the door well, Gaspar.
21:47What happened?
21:48Hey, what's wrong with you?
21:50Respect me. I'm a lady.
21:52I'm talking about your effluents, Tere.
21:54What are you saying?
21:55Oh, your aunt alone dilates you.
22:02Oh, my God.
22:03Hi, family.
22:05What happened?
22:06Oh, your mother, cousin.
22:07All of them got angry.
22:09And you, how did it go?
22:11But, didn't you have a guard today?
22:15Yes, yes, yes, Aunt Tere.
22:17I was working very late.
22:28Thank God, I don't see well.
22:30I don't know where I put my glasses.
22:33All of this can be done, Jesus Mari Jose.
22:40But what kind of movie is this?
22:42It's not supposed to be a homemade movie or an action movie.
22:47Things happen, but they happen, right?
22:52It turns out to be a mess.
22:58Oh, my dark knight.
23:01That room seems familiar to me.
23:06I don't see well.
23:09I think you better turn that off.
23:12Yes, I'm going to turn it off.
23:15Let's see.
23:16Does it die?
23:19Well, well.
23:20Let's register them.
23:22What a nice couple.
23:24How nice.
23:28Let's see.
23:29The marriage certificate.
23:32One moment.
23:34But what is this?
23:40Oh, no.
23:41Gilgirito, help me.
23:42I don't know how to turn this thing off.
23:44Oh, my dark knight.
23:46I'm tired of listening to this shameless and scandalous woman.
23:53Oh, no.
23:54You turned up the volume.
23:58My dark knight.
24:00You're a Greek god.
24:04The old man turned out to be a successful man.
24:06He pulled out the gun.
24:12We'll settle this tomorrow.
24:21Oh, God.
24:22What a terrible thing, niece.
24:23I don't want to bother you with my digestion.
24:25I'm going to Charo's room.
24:27No, don't worry, Edep.
24:28If you want, I'll go there.
24:31That's your room anyway.
24:32No, no.
24:33I'll move.
24:38Good thing Richard Reynor went to sleep with his dad, or he would have died of anorexia.
24:44I didn't hear anything. Bye.
24:49He's gone.
24:51He's acting crazy, cousin, but we know who he's going to meet.
24:55Tell me, how did it go with Cristobal?
25:02Very nice.
25:04Very nice, cousin, very nice.
25:06Tell me, cousin.
25:08What for? Why are you making a scene with the whole family?
25:11Sorry, sorry, I almost got cold.
25:14Now, tell me, how did it go?
25:17Well, I had to be a little clearer.
25:20He went to the polyclinic to go to the movies.
25:23I changed and I told him I wanted to go to a more comfortable place.
25:27Ok, continue.
25:29Yes, well, he told me he was fine, that he thought we already deserved it.
25:34And he told me he didn't mind spending more, that he was going to take me to a better place.
25:39Ok, I don't need more, thank you.
25:41He took me to the bar.
25:45It's the place where there's a movie and you can recline the seats, they give you drinks, food.
25:48Yes, yes, yes, I know what that is.
25:50Did Cristobal understand that for a more comfortable place?
25:55Oh, he got it.
25:57Don't say that to him.
25:59And you, did you already have the French tantrum?
26:01No tantrum, cousin. I'm very serious.
26:02I'm going to get Alessia back.
26:04I'm going to show her that I can be more sensitive, more artistic and much more handsome than all those Frenchies.
26:08Well, not more handsome.
26:10And you're going to help me with this. Tomorrow you're going to take a couple of pictures of me to show the new Le Jimmy.
26:14Oh no, you know what? I don't know if it would have occurred to you, but tell me tomorrow, I'm tired and bye.
26:18Tired? Why? If you only went to the movies.
26:20And bye.
26:30Aunt, see you tomorrow. Rest well.
26:32Oh, and now what do I do?
26:35Oh, what room am I going to?
26:37At what time will it be?
26:39Obviously, not to go.
26:41I'm going to my daddy's, to Charo's.
26:44Oh, to Tim Marin's, to Bopin's.
26:47All the girls went.
26:49I didn't go, it was Tete.
26:51Hit him, hit him, he's gone.
26:53Oh my God, how entertaining.
26:59Let's see, bro.
27:01If the wind blows like this, it won't take long for this to rain.
27:03Hey, what was it? What did Julie tell you?
27:05Nothing, bro. She says she went to the movies with Cristobal, but everything is quiet.
27:08No, no, don't be silly. What did she tell you? Is she going to help you with Alicia?
27:11Oh, it's better for her, bro. She just has to take a couple of pictures of me.
27:14But if you want her with a mustache, that's going to take a while.
27:17Yes, bro. Let's hope Cookie's hair tonic works.
27:20Let's see, let's see.
27:23It didn't work on the girl, it's going to work on him.
27:26Here it is, bro.
27:28Let's put a little bit.
27:30A little bit here, a little bit there.
27:32That one, that one, that one.
27:34That one, that one.
27:36Of course, bro.
27:38A little more, bro.
27:40There, there.
27:42I thought you were sleeping in my daddy's room.
27:44I left my room bigger.
27:46And why aren't you in your room?
27:48Well, because of the problems.
27:50For personal reasons.
27:55Well, I think we'll share the bed.
27:59I hope we don't succumb.
28:01Well, I'm closer to succumbing to deep sleep.
28:04How romantic you are.
28:06I'm all swollen, Petere. What do you want me to tell you?
28:09Oh, well, the truth is, me too.
28:11But I am worried about my daddy.
28:14How will he be?
28:16Oh, your daddy is having a better time than anyone right now.
28:18That's the problem. My daddy became a young man.
28:20And from there the heart can fail him.
28:22Look, anything can fail him.
28:24Except the heart.
28:26Oh, I hope so.
28:28You will see that he will arrive happy, happy, renewed.
28:30Just wait.
28:32Well, see you tomorrow.
28:34Well, now.
28:36Since you insisted.
28:38A teaspoon.
28:40No, no, no, no, I can't take it anymore.
28:42I don't want anything anymore.
28:44A teaspoon, you and me.
28:46I don't object.
28:55It escaped.
28:57Oh, my God.
28:59Why do you squeeze? Don't squeeze too much.
29:01It's going to be a quiet night, isn't it?
29:03Yes, yes, yes. Close my eyes, close my eyes, so that it comes out.
29:05Let's try it again.
29:07Let's go back then.
29:09This time I squeeze.
29:11No, no, don't squeeze there.
29:16Oh, skinny dog.
29:23Oh, cameo cockroach.
29:26Uh, that's what leaves everything, isn't it?
29:29There is only one way to check it.
29:37Two hands, Pe.
29:45I'm going to take off your mask, Pe.
29:59It's okay, cat.
30:01Now, yes, the time has come.
30:04I've left you, Bonitue.
30:10Skinny dog.
30:14I've left you, Bonitue.
30:20Where are the minions?
30:24Skinny dog.
30:28Save yourself, Juana.
30:31Holy Cruz de Montupe.
30:36Who is Juana?
30:38Save yourself.
30:44Save yourself, Juana.
31:14A portion.
31:30Pedrita Jaimito.
31:37Nephew, what did you do?
31:39It's the Kocki hair tonic.
31:41It's a delight.
31:42I'm a musketeer.
31:43I'm a musketeer!
31:44It worked, incredible!
31:46The tonic worked, huh?
31:48Can you do the Artañan or not?
31:49Of course, of course.
31:49The Artañan.
31:50Nah, I'm asking you!
31:52Ah, yes, no, you look really cool, Jimmy.
31:55It's the mustache you were missing!
31:57It complements perfectly with your prominent nose!
31:59That's right, uncle, you're absolutely right!
32:01Now I have nothing to envy to the Franchutos of Alessia!
32:04Right or not?
32:04Look at that!
32:05What's up?
32:08Look, auntie.
32:09But nephew!
32:11For the love of...
32:13Oh my God!
32:15You're the very personified Johnny Depp!
32:18Yes, yes.
32:18Yes or no, auntie?
32:19Thank you very much.
32:20In love, yes or no?
32:21Look, the touch of distinction you needed!
32:25Yes, yes, yes!
32:26You're going to have to lend me that tonic
32:28now that I see you with a mustache.
32:29I think I'm going to leave too, huh?
32:30What do you say, buddy?
32:31Shall we mustache?
32:32Let's all get one.
32:33No, no, no, no, no, no.
32:34You don't, you don't.
32:35Because with that mustache you're going to look like Cantinfo.
32:39Oh, what happened?
32:40The girl!
32:41She's garuando!
32:42Oh my God, she's garuando!
32:43Listen to me!
32:44Listen to me, nephew!
32:45Stop messing around!
32:46Be careful when you walk down the street.
32:47The girls can approach him and harass him.
32:49No, no, auntie, calm down.
32:51This mustache is only to bring back my girlfriend.
32:54Fall in love again.
32:55Where's my cousin?
32:56Where's Yuli?
32:58Yuli has already left.
32:59She's gone.
33:00Why are you talking like that, brother?
33:01Yes, yes, yes.
33:02Yes, yes, yes.
33:03Well, I'm going to find her in the cafetín
33:05so she can drink me liberté.
33:08You said that word before, didn't you?
33:09Yes, yes, yes.
33:10Like that?
33:12God, don't get me wrong,
33:14but do you think that's enough
33:15to get Alesia back?
33:17I see her very green.
33:18Alesia is in France with French girls.
33:20Besides, her mustache is real.
33:22Let's see, let's see, let's see.
33:23We have to let him try.
33:24At least this idiot.
33:25We don't have to break his illusion.
33:27That's the attitude.
33:29Oh my God!
33:31Is it raining or not?
33:33Because that's been happening for days.
33:35He's so garuando.
33:39You're going to break my back.
33:41It doesn't matter. I missed you so much.
33:43Oh, me too.
33:44You don't know what it's been like.
33:46Too intense, really.
33:48The course was great.
33:49Super interesting.
33:50There were students from all over the world.
33:52From Russia, China, South Africa, Korea.
33:55No, no.
33:56And they were all capos.
33:57There were practices every day.
33:59Practice, practice, practice, practice.
34:00They beat me up.
34:02Well, but you're also a capa.
34:03I'm sure you left them with their mouths open
34:05with your food.
34:07No, the level was very high.
34:10Fusion food is a thing of the past.
34:11Oh, no.
34:12And I'm still good with my Chivilin star.
34:14And they already had six, seven, ten international awards.
34:17It's been too demanding.
34:19I didn't have time to visit anything.
34:22Well, but you got the juice out of them.
34:25I'm back?
34:26I'm a year ahead of when I left.
34:28Really, I've learned a lot.
34:30I was in nothing.
34:31They literally took me out of my 9th grade.
34:33Oh, that's good, friend.
34:35So, you're back renewed?
34:38Totally renewed.
34:39Well, now let's get down to business.
34:41You haven't told anyone I was coming, have you?
34:43No one.
34:44Not even Cris.
34:45Because Jimmy is dying.
34:47The truth is that sometimes I feel sorry for him.
34:49Because then I remember all the times that he kicked me
34:51and that happens to me.
34:52Well, and do you have any idea if he has a plan?
34:54Because I imagine he must be doing something stupid.
34:57He has no idea of anything.
34:59He's dying.
35:00He's desperate.
35:01All he wants is to look like a French woman.
35:03Oh, no.
35:04Poor thing.
35:05Hey, don't flake.
35:08No, no, you're right.
35:09Go ahead with the plan.
35:10Go ahead with the plan.
35:11Yes, that's how you talk.
35:12Oh, I really missed you a lot, friend.
35:14I had no one to talk to.
35:15Oh, me too.
35:18It's time for a selfie.
35:20Let's see, let's see.
35:21Oh, but don't publish it.
35:22Because it's supposed to be back yet.
35:24Oh, sorry.
35:25See you later.
35:38Tere, it's okay.
35:39Mr. Gil will be back in a couple of days, please.
35:41It's just that I don't get used to seeing his chair empty.
35:44My daddy is an institution in this house.
35:46Oh, Teresa, how dramatic.
35:48Don't worry.
35:49Mr. Gil is more alive than we are together.
35:51And enjoying life.
35:52But we haven't heard from him since yesterday.
35:54It's a sign that he's having a good time.
35:57I'm sure he hasn't even left the room.
36:00But we haven't heard from him since yesterday.
36:02It's a sign that he's having a good time.
36:05I'm sure he hasn't even left the room.
36:08He must have rejuvenated like 20 years with exercise.
36:10Of course, Tere.
36:11He's going to be back.
36:13Relaxed, smiling.
36:15Even with hair, he's going to be back.
36:18Don't you realize he's an old man?
36:20Tere, we are men.
36:21We know that things don't do us good, please.
36:23Of course, you have to keep the machinery running
36:25if you don't do it badly.
36:26Of course.
36:28I just want my daddy to be healthy.
36:30Oh, the drama.
36:31It's not going to die!
36:33It's not going to die!
36:35It's not going to die!
36:37It's not going to die!
36:39Oh, little sister.
36:40How nice that you are here.
36:41You should have told me that you were coming.
36:43Are you going to pick me up from the airport?
36:45No, but I would have liked to know that you were coming, right?
36:48As long as Yuli knows enough.
36:49Maybe later I'll give him the surprise of his father,
36:51who doesn't know anything either.
36:52Why so many secrets?
36:53Why do you think?
36:54So that my cousin's sonso finds out.
36:57But his cousin's sonso is very desperate.
36:58He deserves it for his sonso.
37:00You're not going to forgive him that easily, are you?
37:02No, of course not.
37:03You have to make him suffer for a little while.
37:04What do you think?
37:05I'm not one in this.
37:06Sometimes you scare me.
37:07Thank goodness you're my sister.
37:08Yes, but guess what?
37:09You're my best student.
37:11So behave yourself, young man.
37:16Hey, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy.
37:17Seriously, seriously, seriously.
37:18Don't let him see me.
37:24Ready, cousin?
37:26Let's go!
37:38Mr. Gil has his breakfast.
37:39Give it to him, buddy.
37:45Don't make fun of me!
37:46Teresa, we're making fun of you
37:47because we're sure nothing's happened to you.
37:50Of course!
37:51Right now, Mr. Gil is having a great time.
37:54What do you know?
37:55Has he called you?
37:56Has he sent you pictures?
37:57Has he uploaded a story riding a horse
37:58or bathing in the river?
37:59We don't know anything about him!
38:01What proves he's happy
38:03next to the woman he loves, Teresa.
38:05Come on!
38:21Something terrible has happened!
38:25Teresa, I'm sorry!
38:28Teresa, no!
38:32Alicia, Alicia!
38:33What are you doing here?
38:34Weren't you in Paris with your French guy?
38:36I finished school and came.
38:37But, honey, why are you dressed like this?
38:38Dressed like this?
38:39Sister, that's the least of it.
38:40Cousin, what are you doing on your face?
38:42Did you want to be photographed?
38:44Was this your big plan?
38:45Dress up as a French girl?
38:46But if Alicia had become
38:48the queen of all France,
38:50what else was she going to do?
38:51Oh, poor thing.
38:53It almost kills you.
38:54Come on, come on.
38:55Not so fast.
38:56Oh, Julie, I'm sorry.
38:57Look at this poor desperate man.
38:59Besides, you were the same with Cris.
39:01Come here.
39:05Breathe, right?
39:07Come on.
39:08Women of the time.
39:11I missed you.
39:12I missed you, my love.
39:13I thought I had lost you for good.
39:15We'll fight again, okay?
39:19My love.
39:20Oh, Julie, I know.
39:21I missed you.
39:22But I had to forgive him.
39:23His plan was very stupid.
39:26Ale, after this tremendous kiss...
39:28I know, I know what you're going to say.
39:30That I shouldn't have forgiven him so quickly.
39:32That he was cheating on me all the time.
39:34But it's just that...
39:35I feel sorry for him.
39:36Look at him.
39:37Sister, it's not that.
39:38No, it's that.
39:39Because, of course,
39:40you can handle everything, right?
39:42I mean, everything works out for you.
39:43Everything is romantic.
39:44Oh, Cris, how cute we are.
39:46But of course, Alicia is always crazy.
39:47She's always bitter.
39:48She can't do any crazy love.
39:50No, my love.
39:51Please, let me explain.
39:52My love, what?
39:53Are you going to explain to me?
39:54That's it.
39:55I already forgave you for all the fights.
39:57Leave it there.
39:58You better not tell me anything.
39:59Hey, I'm not saying anything.
40:00Ale, you should look in a mirror.
40:01That was exactly what I told you.
40:04So you better not tell me.
40:05Because you know what?
40:06You did the same thing
40:07when Cris almost went to Barcelona
40:08with Alicia.
40:09You slapped him.
40:10Without asking.
40:11So the one who gave me the example
40:12was you.
40:13Ale, calm down.
40:14No, no, I don't calm down.
40:15Because I get angry.
40:17Because, of course,
40:18if you forgive each other,
40:20but if I love him and he doesn't,
40:21he's going to take advantage of you.
40:22You know what?
40:23I'm tired.
40:24No, no, no.
40:25I come with all the good vibes,
40:26super happy,
40:27and that's how he welcomes me.
40:28Let me, let me.
40:29And drink your coffee.
40:31This problem is so fast.
40:32So fast.
40:47What happened, little brother?
40:48What's up?
40:49Have you seen Koki?
40:51No, no, no.
40:52He comes from time to time.
40:56I came to warn you
40:57not to put this
40:58shit on your face.
40:59You know what happened?
41:00I passed my mustache
41:01to Alicia when I kissed her.
41:02Did you tell her?
41:03Is Alicia here?
41:04Yes, bro.
41:05She's here.
41:06And she took my mustache.
41:07Didn't she pass the test?
41:08The mustache?
41:09No, bro.
41:10She came, yes, in front.
41:11She kissed me without asking.
41:13Did you slap her?
41:14Yes, of course.
41:15So what are you worried about?
41:16If you tell her,
41:17you worry about the mustache.
41:18Yes, bro.
41:19Why do I need it?
41:20For nothing.
41:21Of course, why?
41:22Of course.
41:23That's it.
41:25You know what?
41:26I'm going to clean that trash.
41:27Let's see.
41:28Be careful, baby.
41:33It's very good.
41:34I'm going to put it on the sandpaper.
41:35That's it?
41:36That's it.
41:37Well, Manu, it doesn't matter.
41:38It doesn't matter.
41:39It's fine, it's fine.
41:40But it looked good on me, right?
41:41The arch is crooked.
41:42It's fine, it's fine.
41:43Manu, it's fine.
41:44Manu, it's fine.
41:45What was I going to tell you?
41:46I told Koki
41:47to not put this thing on
41:48because it's just paint.
41:49Oh, I'm going to tell him.
41:50I'll tell him.
41:51Yes, yes.
41:52I'm going to tell him.
41:53I'm going to tell him.
41:54I'm going to tell him.
41:55I'm going to tell him.
41:56I'm going to tell him.
41:57I told you, I told you.
41:58Put it on, put it on.
42:00Sister, sister, Valor.
42:01Your dad had a long life.
42:03Well, as he would say.
42:04It's nothing, it's nothing.
42:05But I knew.
42:06This honeymoon thing
42:07wasn't a good idea.
42:08No, no.
42:09Don't blame Linda either.
42:10She's destroyed.
42:11You see how she came in crying?
42:13At least she gave the old man
42:14one last joy.
42:16Dad, I want to see him.
42:17Good question.
42:18Do you know what he was doing there?
42:19Or maybe they sent him on a mission.
42:20I'm going to ask Linda.
42:21Tell Joel.
42:23How strong, compadre.
42:24How do we tell the family now?
42:25Well, obviously with a lot of tact, right?
42:26Don Gil was the patriarch of the family.
42:27That's right.
42:28There you go.
42:29One for you.
42:30These chocolates are spectacular.
42:31Are you sure?
42:32I'm sure.
42:33I'm sure.
42:34I'm sure.
42:35I'm sure.
42:36I'm sure.
42:37I'm sure.
42:38I'm sure.
42:39I'm sure.
42:40I'm sure.
42:41I'm sure.
42:42I'm sure.
42:43I'm sure.
42:44I'm sure.
42:45They're spectacular.
42:46I'm sure they're going to love them.
42:47Another here.
42:48And for you, big ass.
42:49How are you?
42:50What's going on?
42:51Why do you look at me with that face?
42:52You didn't like it, no?
42:53No, this is the worst.
42:54I can't believe it.
42:55You all are ingrates.
42:56You all.
42:57You go back to work.
42:58The truth is.
42:59Rosa, you're here already.
43:00What a surprise.
43:03Well, I came this morning.
43:04What's going on?
43:05Why does everyone look at me with that face?
43:06I don't understand.
43:07I really thought you were going to be happy to see me,
43:08but it looks like you just had a bad day.
43:09Dad, I don't understand.
43:10I don't understand.
43:15I'd rather stay over there.
43:17Sit here.
43:19What, dad?
43:29Nephew, are you working?
43:30Hi, uncle, how are you?
43:31Yes, here in an engine that doesn't start.
43:33Ah, like Don Gil.
43:36That it's cold.
43:38He says it's cold.
43:39It's cold? This engine is dead.
43:41Precisely, you took the word out of my mouth.
43:45Uncle, what are you talking about?
43:47About Don Gil, Joel.
43:49It's broken.
43:50Ah, I'm talking about the engine.
43:54Hold on.
43:55What do you mean it's broken?
43:57I'm sorry, nephew.
43:58Don Gil couldn't take the honeymoon.
44:01He left us.
44:05I'm going over there.
44:07What happened, Joel?
44:08He died.
44:09I'm sorry, this engine doesn't work.
44:11What is this, brother?
44:12Change that thing.
44:14What did you do, idiot?
44:16I knew something bad was going to happen.
44:18Where is my daddy?
44:19Out there in the taxi.
44:21Did you bring him?
44:22Yes, of course, I wasn't going to leave him.
44:24I quickly hired a taxi to come from Oaxapampa.
44:28What were we going to do there?
44:36Why, why, why?
44:41He looks asleep.
44:43How ironic, right?
44:44When he was sleeping, he looked dead.
44:46Now that he's dead, he looks asleep.
44:49How's grandpa?
44:50Look at it yourself, nephew.
44:52You have to take it out before the rigor mortis gives it to you.
44:55I'll split it and you die.
44:56Why do they always call me to load?
44:58Let's go, the four of us.
45:00Be careful, it's about Don Gil.
45:02Don Gil's grandfather left.
45:04To erase them from Chibolo.
45:06Hey, hold on.
45:07Who's going to pay me for the race?
45:09Hey, hey, hey.
45:27Thank you, guys.
45:29You have to let the rest of the family know.
45:31He was about to come.
45:33Don't worry, auntie, I'll take care of it, okay?
45:35Well, we do the funeral arrangements.
45:38Of course, totally free, right?
45:45Linda, kiss me.
45:48What do you care about your grandmother?
45:51I won't be married, but I'm a decent woman.
46:02Why, why?
46:05Don't call me.
46:15It's my fault.
46:17Dad, you're alive.
46:19What's wrong with him?
46:21We're here.
46:23It's not here, Don Gil, follow the light.
46:25It was like he was asleep, man.
46:27Grandpa, with that thing, he was all stiff,
46:29but he was dead.
46:32It's just that the trip from there is very heavy.
46:35I fell like a log.
46:37So, why did you get back so fast from your honeymoon?
46:40Tell him, tell him.
46:41Obviously, but apart from seeing Linda's face, it seems not.
46:45Tell him, Gilguerito Amalo, tell him.
46:50Well, I married another one.
46:55This man married Titanic's grandmother.
47:11How are you?
47:13What do you want?
47:15Don't worry, macho, we need to ask you a question.
47:18Besides, we also wanted to tell you that we liked what you said about Charo on the day of the wedding.
47:23Check this out, so you can calm down.
47:26Check it out, check it out.
47:28Money against minor accidents.
47:30Here's the insurance for you and Romila, so they're happy.
47:36But here it says that the insurance only covers 100 soles.
47:38It's well weighed, bravo, right?
47:39I mean, with that, it's enough.
47:41And not just anything, we asked Julia for help.
47:43Very fast, forgive him, but now he's going to have to be an expert.
47:51They're knocking on the door.
48:01Is Jimmy here?
48:03No, I don't think so, there's no one.
48:06And who are you?