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On this episode of DTB’s “Bus Invaders”, we take you inside the touring vehicle of the death metal band, Warforged, while on "The Middle-West Metal Quest Tour" with Summoning The Lich and Carrion Vael. Warforged is currently supporting their newest album, The Grove | Sundial.

Film Date - April 14, 2024
Location - Reggies in Chicago, IL

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00:00 Introduction
00:31 Driver's Area
04:42 Middle of the Van
06:18 Back of the Van
07:51 Trailer

Digital Tour Bus is your backstage pass to your favorite touring artists! With daily video releases, we cover all genres, and have had the pleasure of featuring the likes of Matchbox Twenty, Twenty One Pilots, Megadeth, Machine Gun Kelly, Papa Roach, and thousands of others, over the past 15 years. "Bus Invaders" takes you inside an artist's home on the road, "Cooking at 65mph" showcases the culina


00:00What's up? I'm Jason from Warforged. I'm Max from Warforged. We are here on the Midwest
00:15Metal Quest Tour with Summoning the Lich and Carry on Veil tonight at Reggie's. This is
00:19the last day. We're here to give you a tour of this son of a bitch we've been driving
00:23in for the last ten days. So why don't you come on in and check it out with us. So this
00:27is the inside of our van. I usually do most of the driving. Jason does a good chunk too.
00:32Otherwise, we kind of split it up. Typically, we like to drive during the day. We do drive
00:36at night when we can, but all of us fall asleep really easily, so we try to avoid that. When
00:42we're driving at night, we'll take shifts and stuff, but usually Jason's the man for
00:45the night drives. He'll bust through those and pound some energy drinks and whatever
00:50and make it happen. Yeah, not fun. I mean, it's one of those things where you're on a
00:57tour and you have a ten-hour overnight drive. That's the thing. You either have that or
01:00you're like two-hour jaunt to the hotel or somebody's going to let you stay a little
01:04bit out of town. But yeah, I do my best to suffer through it. Usually, you just listen
01:10to a Jesse Ventura podcast of him saying some crazy-ass shit, or we just listen to music
01:16that's jarring enough to keep you awake and just pound those 300 milligrams zero-sugar
01:21energy drinks, which will probably kill me in a few years. But you know what? It's worth
01:25it for the rock. Yeah, we're trying to bring music to you guys. The toll we're taking on
01:30our bodies is fucking caffeine and pills to fucking stay awake. Yeah, pretty much. A little
01:37bit of that juice to keep you awake. But yeah, that's pretty much it. Jason and Alex will
01:40drive to our other guys, but it takes some convincing sometimes from them. Usually, it's
01:46like if I'm capped out on an overnighter, we'll do a rotating thing. Sometimes we've
01:51had tours where we have two overnights in a row. I'll try and do one of them all by
01:54myself. Usually, I'll wait until the sun comes up, and then he's good to go. I feel
02:00like this is my base in the van. This is my home area. So usually, I got my backpack here,
02:05my water bottle. They're in the venue right now, but I got this big boy. Always key to
02:08have a nice water bottle because I drink like 10 of these a day now. And then Alex is usually
02:14sitting here. He's the co-captain. This is like his permanent chair. In our old van,
02:19he broke the lift for the seat. It was always stuck in one spot, which is cool. So it was
02:24kind of his spot. And we got a Baja Blast bottle. Pounded this earlier. This is my caffeine.
02:33I don't drink coffee, so I'm always pounding these guys. We don't have too much stuff up
02:38here right now. We've kind of been cleaner on this tour than past tours. Even though
02:41this doesn't really look that good. We have a lot of napkins strewn around. The thing
02:44is this is the last day of a 10-day tour, so it's like we haven't been that conscious
02:48of cleaning it this time around. And on top of that, it's just like everything is sort
02:52of like in a weird space at the moment. We have this little AC adapter here, so if people
02:58don't want to use this Bluetooth speaker, like a radio connector and charger, we have
03:01something where you can plug in this. So we'll charge like GoPro cameras, our phones, or
03:06sometimes laptops when we're working remotely on tour. So it's nice to kind of have that.
03:10On the door here, we have some hand sanitizer right next to a piss bottle, which I guarantee
03:15is excellent. I'm a pee-shy person. I cannot pee in a van while it's moving. It's very
03:21hard. Sometimes I can't. If I'm fucked up enough, I can do it no problem. I have to
03:25get in the back though, because I'm a bigger guy. Alex, however, will just do it anywhere
03:29and anytime at any given moment he needs to. Like we'll be on the highway, and he does
03:33it from here. He'll do it. He'll literally sit down and pee into a bottle like. And it's
03:37cool. Yeah. Honestly, I'm a little envious because I do like to urinate. I don't like
03:42to urinate, but I have to go a lot. And sometimes I kind of wish that I was able to just enter
03:48that like zen flow state of piss. So I could just, you know, make it happen. But now I
03:55always have to stop. Like overnights, if I'm doing it, the best part is, is like I'm driving,
03:58so I could stop anytime I need to. And if you're on like a weird highway where nobody's
04:02on, you can just pull over and piss on the side of the road. It's great. So we also have
04:06hand sanitizer right next to it to try to like make it. I did pick up that piss bottle,
04:11so I am going to use the sanitizer right now, but I think it makes it a little cleaner.
04:16We also have a little tool kit here, um, as well as, I don't know what this is. It looks
04:21guitar center. Uh, we bought a speaker cable and we're going to turn it. Oh, okay. So we're
04:26going to skip our center. So we're doing that and lost it. So we had to buy a new one. Yeah.
04:30I think that's pretty much all the, uh, accessories. We have this little lighter up here. I don't
04:34know why. I don't even know if it's still, it does work. Take it, man. No, I want to
04:39keep it in here. Here we have the inside of the van. Um, this is my bench. Usually, uh,
04:48I like to stay up here cause I like to be a part of the action and conversation when
04:52it's possible. I usually shove a lot of stuff underneath the bench. I have a spare pair
04:56of shoes. This is all of my like toiletry stuff, like deodorant, hairbrush, shampoo,
05:00conditioner, all that. Um, I bring like a big ass bag on tour and I don't like to lug
05:05it everywhere. So I leave it in the trailer and I have everything easily accessible. Um,
05:10I have some pillows wrapped in a garbage bag cause I'm ready to bring them home. And, uh,
05:16we got the second bench. Usually Jace, our guitar player will chill here or anybody will.
05:21Sometimes Alex will. It's another spot for sleeping. Um, we also store, usually we have
05:26some hot sauces here actually. Uh, in collaboration with, Oh, these aren't, well these are Jace's
05:33hot sauces. So nevermind. We do have hot sauces that we're selling in the store that we leave
05:37in the van just so they're easy to get to and they're cool. And you know, yeah, we store
05:41them in these boxes so that way it's like a little safer and we'll put them under here.
05:45That way it's not being jostled around by everything else that's in the fucking trailer
05:49there. Um, and then we always keep trying to keep a garbage bag here. So it try and
05:55minimizes the garbage. Uh, and we can throw it away at any truck stop, which is nice instead
05:59of just like having shit always completely strewn around, which happens anyway. Like
06:03we got some zero sugar, Baja blast bottles in your van. Yeah. Yeah. So need the zero
06:10sugar. Yeah. Um, but yeah, it's pretty much it for this interior here. We do have a section
06:14in the back. We have what we like to call the cum zone. I don't really know how it even
06:19got that name. I don't know where this brush came from. That's my brush actually. That's
06:22his brush. Um, but this is a mattress, a memory foam pad. It's a memory foam. It's
06:27an Ikea full size mattress. So we have two, it's a 15 passengers. So we take out the back
06:32two benches and we throw this full size mattress in here. So then that way you can kind of
06:36sleep if you want. We could fit two people back in here. We never really have, but it's
06:40nice for like if I am doing an overnight drive or somebody is, somebody could just come crash
06:45here immediately after they're done. Um, and it's pretty comfortable honestly. Uh, I thought,
06:50yeah, we've, we've seen vans where bands have like air mattresses or something that's a
06:54little more like bouncy up and down. This stays pretty stable. If you keep, I've noticed
06:58if I keep my head towards the middle of the van, I get very comfortable sleep in here.
07:02Yeah. I'm six foot seven. So this bed's a little too small for me. So I gotta like lay
07:06sideways and it kind of sucks. Usually I like can fall asleep. Then we hit a gas station.
07:11I'm up. So like it's comfy, but I've, I can't sleep in it, but you know, it's, I'm just
07:16too big for everything. So it is what it is. Well, yeah, it's pretty much it. This
07:21thing rules. I'm glad that we have it now. We used to not, we used to just have benches,
07:24but it is really nice to sleep in here. We usually try never to sleep in the van overnight
07:28if we can do anything about it. We're advocates of trying to find places to stay. Worse comes
07:33to worse. We'll do a hotel, but if we have a breakdown somewhere, we'll have to spend,
07:36you know, we'll have to crash in the van. It's nice to have this as an option. And that
07:40way it's like the taller guys in the band could still get comfortable in here as well
07:43as guys like me and Jace who are under six feet tall. So yeah, this is our trailer. It's
07:49a nice a cargo mate. We get this from my good buddies, Rich and Matt at a big Tex Homer
07:55Glenn. They let us borrow this thing pretty much. Big Tex Homer Glenn. They rule. We've
07:59had this literally we've taken this since our second 19. Yeah. We've been using this
08:03for like five years now and we've definitely put it through the ringer a bit. I'm grateful
08:08for them as friends that they haven't disowned me yet. We've blown this fender off like four
08:13times. This is like not the right color, but this is what they had left and they just
08:17threw it on there. But, um, this tire is always the one that blows out actually on this tour
08:21of the leaf spring underneath snaps and we missed the show in Dallas because of that.
08:26So that fucking sucked. But like we got it fixed and we were able to drag it over to
08:30a trailer repair shop in the area. But, um, this, this tire has always been fucking with
08:34us, but you know, it's a, it's a trailer we can use and it's sick and I'm super appreciative
08:38of those dudes. And, um, Jace is usually the one who Tetris this stuff. He's a good
08:43height, a good weight, so he can stand on the floors without it. Like when I'm on the
08:46floors, it feels like the things like kind of fucking like fall through sometimes cause
08:50I need to lose weight. But, um, Jace fucking packs it in. He's got the merch bins on the
08:54side and the big rack that we have all of our gear in it in the middle of them, the
08:57drums and all fits in there pretty good. So it's sick. It's a nice trailer and it hauls
09:01all of our shit. Uh, so far so good. Minus the problems we've had, but it's been good.
09:08It's nice. It's very spacious. We can literally bring everything that we need in here. So
09:12sick shit. We have our current record, the Grove Sundial out via Artisan Era. You could
09:16stream it literally anywhere you stream music. You could buy it from us at our merch table
09:20on tour. You could buy it from their website. You can buy it on Amazon. It's available at
09:24any retailer that sells music. Um, we're working on a new record, the sequel, uh, which should
09:29be out eventually. Um, we have merch online. You could find that at, uh, Warforged. What
09:36is it? It's like merch.warforgedband.com. Yeah. If you, merch.warforgedband.com. We
09:42have all of our official merch on there that we do bring on tour. There's merch on the
09:45Artisan Eras, uh, our record label store on nightshiftmerch.com. Um, and yeah, uh, you
09:51could stream, you can find us on Instagram at warforgedband. Uh, I think that's our best
09:55social media. We're also on, or we're on Facebook and Twitter, warforgedband as well. Um, yeah,
10:03that's all of them. Yeah. Go check it out and fucking, hell yeah.
