• last year
S01 E03 - Beware of Borrowed Plumes
Back at the sauna, Kakihana overhears tapir yakuza boss Shigeru Kuroda talking on the phone with Dobu about the missing girl case. Odokawa secretly sends a distress signal in his taxi. After Dobu admits to having the dashcam SD card, Odokawa learns that porcupine gangster Haruhito Yano has spread false rumors about Dobu. Kenshiro and Koshiro pull over the taxi, but only Kenshiro gets out of the cop car and dismisses both Odokawa and Dobu. Agreeing to cooperate when Dobu threatens to harm Shirakawa, Odokawa drops off Dobu at Shinjuku, where Dobu buries his revolver. Running late for his date with Shirakawa at the park, Odokawa swerves his taxi in front of puma video game developer Hajime Tanaka in the streets. At the park, Odokawa and Shirakawa watch the sunrise together and talk about capoeira. After dropping off Shirakawa at the clinic, Odokawa meets with Kakihana at the izakaya, soon learning that Kakihana inputted false information in his profile on the dating app. Shirakawa contacts Odokawa, saying that Goriki has gone missing. Kakihana meets with Ichimura at a bus stop in Arakawa, unaware that he is being tailed by Yamamoto and polar bear gangster Togo Sekiguchi.


00:00手流に寄り添って カーブを曲がればまた
00:13暗虚に堕ちていくようだ 何が見える?
00:21何が響いてる? 答えてよ
00:30Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
00:40道はレコードで 日々を乗せた針が晒してるノイズ
00:45僕は背景になって 君にとっては所詮ゴミ
00:49勝利 リズムしたレジュメじゃ
00:52解けない謎のリズム ゲナリさえ慣れる
01:29作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
01:33作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
01:36作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
01:39作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
01:42作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
01:44作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
01:47作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
01:50作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
01:53作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
01:56作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
01:58作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:00作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:02作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:04作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:06作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:08作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:10作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:12作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:14作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:16作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:18作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:20作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:22作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:24作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:26作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:28作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:30作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:32作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:34作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:36作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:38作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:40作詞・作曲・編曲 森 優
02:42Uh... Okay, later.
02:53He was on the phone?!
02:59Let's go for a drive, Odakawa.
03:02Yeah, we can do that. Assuming you're still gonna pay the full fare.
03:06Yeah, I might be, if you give me some useful info.
03:13So, what do you want to know?
03:16And that toy is pretty distracting, by the way.
03:19What makes you so sure it's a toy and not a legit thing?
03:27Hey, boss. What do you need?
03:29What was his name again? That taxi driver?
03:32You mean Odakawa?
03:37Yeah, one of them.
03:39You hear about that case of the missing schoolgirl in Narima?
03:44There's a rumor she got into Odakawa's taxi.
03:49Listen, there's something you should know about-
03:51Remind me.
03:53We've heard nothing about the case since then, right?
03:56Yeah, that's right.
03:58The investigation request was withdrawn.
04:01Yeah, the older Daimon told me. They talked to the missing girl, right?
04:05No, but they did receive a message from her secondhand.
04:08I see.
04:11Allegedly, I'm the reason she ran away from home.
04:14What do you mean?
04:16Keep it quiet, but I need you to look into her whereabouts.
04:19Why do you care about a high school girl from Narima, boss?
04:23The girl is Dawn's daughter.
04:28Uh, yeah. Goodbye, boss.
04:39Rumor has it you picked up the missing high school girl from Narima, Odakawa.
04:43Apparently so. I had to hand over my dashcam data to Big Daimon.
04:48I know. I have that data.
04:50Sounds like you guys are involved, then.
04:52I've got a favor to ask of you.
04:54Keep your mouth shut. Don't talk about this.
04:57Oh, and another thing. Need your help with something.
05:00Big Daimon already told me I needed to keep my mouth shut.
05:03He said a wanted criminal armed with a gun would kill me if I went and told the authorities.
05:08Look, there's a wanted criminal armed with a gun trying to kill me right now.
05:11No, not just the police. Don't tell anybody.
05:13Tell them you lost your dashcam data.
05:15Anybody like who?
05:17Not a single soul.
05:19So what do you want help with?
05:21The data. If anyone shows up snooping around for it, I want you to let me know, okay?
05:26And if I refuse?
05:28I'll kill you.
05:33What's the deal? Why are you so desperate to find this girl, Dobu?
05:36That ain't none of your damn business.
05:38I can't help you if I don't know what's going on.
05:41Besides, if you don't give me at least a little information, I won't know for sure what I'm not supposed to say and to whom.
05:47Ugh, fine, all right.
05:49First off, my boss is looking for the missing girl from Narima.
05:54Because she's the daughter of one of his old classmates.
05:57Why no police?
05:58Well, officially, the police suspect me.
06:04You're kidding, right? Aren't you besties with the police?
06:07Not with the entire force. Just with Bigger Daimon.
06:10Oh, no love for Little Daimon?
06:12Ugh, Little Daimon's an imbecile.
06:14So, you're not really behind her disappearance, right?
06:17No. Swear to God I'm not. I'm just helping her.
06:20You're not helping her?
06:22No, I'm not helping her.
06:24You're not helping her, right?
06:25No. Swear to God I'm not. I'm just helping out the boss.
06:28If anything, I was set up as the fall guy here.
06:31I still don't understand why you ended up with my dash cam data.
06:35Don't interrogate me like you're some sort of cop in a crime drama.
06:38Just trying to make sense of things. Can't help if I don't trust.
06:42If I'm being honest, I thought you were the one involved in the Narima missing persons case.
06:47Apparently, folks have heard you talking to someone in your apartment.
06:50My initial thought was that if I could get my hands on your dash cam data,
06:53I could use what's on it as something to blackmail you with.
06:56So you don't suspect me anymore?
06:58I what?
06:59I still think you might have done it, bud.
07:01But now, the police investigation's been withdrawn.
07:05So that's the situation, huh? Guess her family must be satisfied.
07:08They got word that she ran away because of the relationship between my boss and her dad,
07:13and then decided to withdraw the request.
07:15Of course they're not satisfied.
07:18Then do you have any idea who's actually involved?
07:22There's only one guy who could have put her up to all this.
07:25A guy named Yano.
07:28He's my junior.
07:30Then why not talk to him yourself?
07:33Listen to me. My job is collecting payments for the boss. Nothing more, that's it.
07:38There's not much point in telling you about it, so I won't bother.
07:41But it's about obligations and principles.
07:44Yano's different. The only thing that drives him is collecting more money than me.
07:49He doesn't work for obligations or principles. In other words, Yano doesn't like me.
07:54So you're saying there's no point in asking him directly?
07:57Bingo, exactly.
07:59So if someone shows up trying to take your dashcam data,
08:02in all likelihood it'll be Yano or one of his henchmen.
08:05That's why I want your help with this.
08:07Why don't you tell all this to your boss?
08:10Because I can't. I didn't tell him that I have the dashcam data.
08:16Because I'm stuck. Yano's been spreading rumors,
08:19telling everyone I really only do petty con jobs.
08:22And that's reached the boss's ears as well.
08:24In other words, he's a showboating ass.
08:26That's right. I think Yano knew exactly what he was doing.
08:30Okay, I get the picture.
08:32You don't want me to tell anyone that you have my dashcam data,
08:35because you don't want that info getting back to your boss.
08:39And if anyone comes around looking for it,
08:41then you want me to let you know, correct?
08:43Yep. You're quick on the uptake, Otakawa.
08:47If Yano is involved in the missing persons case,
08:50then I can find evidence of that and use it to bring him down.
08:55No thanks.
08:57None of that changes the fact that you're a criminal.
09:00And I'm not interested in helping a criminal.
09:02Even if I threatened to kill you?
09:05No, no, you're not going to kill anyone.
09:07You may be a small-time gangster, but you've got your pride.
09:16You in the taxi, pull over.
09:19Hey, move it! Unless you want to get shot.
09:22If you shoot me, you'll just get arrested.
09:26Alright, don't say anything stupid.
09:38Oh, damn it.
09:44Which one is it? The older brother, or the younger one?
09:55Is something the matter?
10:00Come on, can't you tell? I'm being robbed here. He's got a gun on me.
10:04I don't see anything. What are you trying to pull?
10:07He's hiding it, just search him.
10:09Sorry, officer, something's wrong with this driver.
10:11Seems that way.
10:12How much is he paying you?
10:14In any case, could you turn off your emergency light? It's disturbing the peace.
10:18Uh, this is Shinjuku 4. Shinjuku 4 to Central.
10:24Hey, brother, what was that all about?
10:26Nothing, little bro, nothing at all. He thought his taxi was breaking down.
10:30So that's all he said?
10:31I thought I heard something about a gun.
10:33Well, he may have mentioned one.
10:35But think about it.
10:36You can't trust a taxi driver.
10:39Ah, you're right! Damn those bastard taxis!
11:00Head to Shinjuku and make it snappy.
11:08You turned on your taxi's emergency light and kept me talking so I wouldn't notice.
11:12Then you found a cop car and provoked me till I turned my gun on you.
11:15Wanted to make the perfect setup for the cops to pick up.
11:18That was quite the risk you took, Odakawa.
11:21What if I'd actually pulled the trigger?
11:23Eh, whatever. I wouldn't mind dying.
11:26So you're not afraid to die, is that it?
11:28Someone like that doesn't need your weird sense of justice.
11:32Didn't say that. I am unbelievably afraid.
11:35But I'd rather die right now than get involved in what sounds like a giant pain in the ass.
11:40Yeah, yeah, I hear you, Odakawa.
11:42I understand that any threat I throw at you will not get you to do what I want.
11:46But there's gotta be some way to motivate you, right?
11:49Your life and money don't make the list.
11:51I know. I'll hurt your short list of friends.
11:54Who should I hurt first?
11:56Ah, I know which idiot to start with.
11:59Your boy, Kakihana.
12:01Kakihana, huh? He's probably better off dead, too.
12:05Man, you are heartless, Odakawa.
12:07That did seem to rattle your cage, though.
12:09You wouldn't be trying to bluff me, would you?
12:12Which of the others should I pick?
12:19Oh, I see.
12:21That short list made it easy to find your weakness.
12:24Leave Shirakawa alone.
12:30All right. Sounds like you and I have a deal, then.
12:34Thank you for your help.
12:59I'll wait at the park across from the clinic.
13:29I'm glad you could make it.
13:50What's up? Did you need something?
13:53Is wanting to see you not a good enough reason?
14:02You've seen those time-lapse videos, haven't you?
14:04The ones of landscapes captured on a fixed-point camera?
14:07Watching those gives me anxiety for some reason.
14:10The sun sets in the blink of an eye, the stars twinkle and fade, and clouds drift by.
14:15It's a reminder that time marches on, whether we like it or not.
14:20Look, if this is about me being late, just say so.
14:23I don't believe there's such a thing as wasted time.
14:26But they say time is money.
14:28Knowing that, why not take things slowly, then?
14:31Say that again, but meaner this time.
14:36Why not enjoy a bit of sherry and a delicious fudge brownie with ice cream while strolling along the west coast?
14:41What an American brand of snide.
14:47Look, you don't want to be friends with me.
14:50Why not?
14:51Because I've got some gangster-type guys chasing me.
14:54They know my every move and who my friends are.
14:57It's dangerous. You could get hurt.
15:00Don't worry, I'll be fine. Despite how I may look, I know some capoeira.
15:12That was surprising. I thought we were suddenly in a Bollywood movie.
15:18What's capoeira?
15:19A Brazilian martial art.
15:21Why do you do it?
15:22At first, I was doing it to help me lose weight.
15:25But then I got interested in seeing how much I could improve my quixota form.
15:28Oh, a quixota is a kick to the chin. It's carried out by-
15:31That's cool, but not the point. Your makeshift capoeira won't be enough to beat these guys.
15:36That's so rude. What makes you think my martial arts skills are makeshift?
15:40If it's to lose weight, then it can't be effective in a real fight. It's makeshift.
15:43Let me ask you this. If someone called you a makeshift taxi driver, would it upset you?
15:47Obviously I'd be upset. It's my job. There's a difference. It's not like I'm calling you a makeshift nurse.
15:51What does that mean, anyway? Makeshift.
15:54You're upset and you don't know what the word means?
15:56I understood, more or less, from the nuance. Use a synonym that's easier to understand.
16:00It means temporary substitute.
16:01Who's a temporary substitute nurse?
16:03I didn't say that, and I'm astonished you got upset twice for the same reason.
16:10Please, no more kick-shotta. No more kick-shotta!
16:17Anyway, it's dangerous for us to meet like this. Dangerous for you, that is.
16:22It doesn't matter. I am an adult, you know. I can take care of myself just fine.
16:30I gotta ask, what is your goal here?
16:32What do you mean?
16:33Why do you want to meet up with me, Shirakawa? What do you get out of it?
16:37I'll ask you. Would it bother you to occasionally meet and chat like this? Or to send texts back and forth?
16:46I find being around you relaxing, Otakawa.
17:03I'm on the day shift today. I should go.
17:05I'll drive you there.
17:07Oh, that's right. You are a taxi driver.
17:11I won't run the meter, though.
17:18Hey there! It's the What's for Lunch segment. Let's get started.
17:22In this segment, we talk to people around town and eat lunch with them.
17:25It's already our fourth episode, and we've received absolutely no response at all.
17:28Is everything okay? I'm a little worried.
17:30We shot all four at once.
17:31Oh, right. No wonder I'm not that hungry.
17:33Explain where we are right now.
17:35Ah, right. There are a lot of people out here having lunch.
17:38It's sad, but I gotta say, I'm not familiar with this neighborhood at all.
17:43Hey, Otakawa!
17:45Let's get started.
17:46Hey, you! What are you eating?
17:48Okay, so what happened with Shirakawa next? Tell me, tell me.
17:51You're really annoying today.
17:53Has your affection for her grown?
17:55Big as Jupiter.
17:56That's quite a growth spurt.
17:58I tell you, my friend, love is both a painful and beautiful thing.
18:03So, are you in love?
18:05Otakawa, I was pretty popular back in high school, remember?
18:09Yeah, you played baseball.
18:11But once you're an adult, the world standards shift a bit.
18:14Harsher judgment on your looks and work productivity.
18:17As I've gotten older, I've started to give up on it entirely.
18:22Things are finally starting to turn around, though.
18:24Yeah? That's great to hear.
18:27I've said it before, but as far as marriage goes, there's no demand for guys like you and me.
18:32That's what bothers me.
18:34Why is a 28-year-old nurse interested in me?
18:37It's a special feeling, one that can't be explained on paper.
18:40I just told you my feelings had grown a lot, but I really don't understand it at all.
18:45How it works, attraction, romance, any of it.
18:48I always thought they were concepts and notions that had nothing to do with me.
18:51In any case, I'm not confident.
18:54Before you know it, you're head over heels.
18:57That's just how it is. It's love.
18:59Don't try to lecture me on love. It's beyond aggravating.
19:03Let me show you my latest.
19:07She's just a little girl.
19:09Come on, she's 18.
19:11So far, we've only exchanged messages back and forth, but we get along great.
19:15We're supposed to meet up soon.
19:17Just gotta find a time when she's not busy with work.
19:20Did you meet her on one of those matchmaking sites?
19:22I sure did.
19:24Look, I get it. I know what you're trying to say.
19:26You don't think she's real and that I'm being catfished, don't you?
19:30Well, that's where you're wrong, see?
19:36Another helping, please.
19:38It's not that I doubt that she's a real person.
19:41It's just...
19:43Are you sure you're not just making it up?
19:46Are you sure you're not being tricked?
19:50You're just jealous.
19:51Takihana, I'm not saying this out of jealousy.
19:54Think about it, okay? You said so yourself.
19:57There's no demand for us in the marriage marketplace.
20:00I'm telling you, it's the feeling.
20:01You've never even met her. How can there be any feelings involved?
20:04I told you, we've been exchanging messages.
20:07Take a look at all of them.
20:08Okay, let me see your profile.
20:10No way!
20:12Goddammit! Give it back!
20:13Hand it over!
20:15What are you doing?
20:21Whoa, easy!
20:31I knew something was up.
20:32All these lies you piled up on here outweigh any kind of feeling.
20:36I know, okay?
20:38But still, I want to dream.
20:42Don't take that from me.
20:43I can dream, right?
21:01Good evening.
21:02I finished work and I'm in Arakawa.
21:04Could I see you now?
21:09What should I do? What should I do?
21:11On my way!
21:15What about Koreki? He's missing?
21:18Yeah, I can't get in touch with him.
21:20What do you think I should do, Otokawa?
21:42Is that you, Shiho?
21:45We finally meet.
21:47Good to see you.
21:48Sorry to keep you waiting.
21:49I was glued to my monitor at work, you know how it is.
21:52I got here as fast as I could, but had trouble finding this place.
21:56What a relief.
21:57You're even more wonderful than I'd hoped.
22:01You poor thing.
22:02You're soaking wet.
22:04We both need to get out of this rain.
22:06Still want some tea?
22:07Yeah, sure, absolutely.
22:09I know a place that serves a really nice Darjeeling.
22:11But honestly, I don't really know this area.
22:13There's a dotor coffee shop nearby. Wanna try there?
22:16Uh-huh, sure.
22:20Uh, thanks.
22:22Look at you all prepared.
22:41Let's go.
23:11Dancing, dancing, without stop
23:14Melting into the night
23:16From the crowd I'm feeling
23:19You are, you are, moving like a cloud
23:22Tonight, I don't wanna be going home
23:26A nice being, pretending to be
23:29Heart's always in the true distance
23:36Our story begins four years ago. He was working for a game company.
23:38Don't read that.
23:39What is this?
23:40It's an interview conducted by a writer.
23:42That doesn't belong at an event like this.
23:44Anyway, I'm surprised you came, Mr. Successful Comedian.
23:47What? My schedule's empty right now.