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00:00He then gives the explanation of why we've been chosen.
00:16He says,
00:16هُوَ اجْتَبَاكُمْ
00:18The easy translation of
00:19هُوَ اجْتَبَاكُمْ is in fact,
00:21He's the one,
00:22He has selected you.
00:23He has chosen you.
00:25But the Arabic word here for choosing
00:27or اجتِبَا
00:28that the word that's selected here by Allah
00:30is very special.
00:32If you say the word اخْتِيَار
00:34which is also a word for choice,
00:36then it comes from the word خَيْر
00:38meaning you prefer something
00:39or something is you make a better choice.
00:41That's اخْتِيَار.
00:43You can say اصْطِفَا
00:45or اصْطِفَا
00:46in the Arabic language
00:47which comes from صَفْوَة
00:49When you make a choice,
00:50you don't have to explain to anybody else
00:52why you made that choice.
00:53For example, when you go shopping
00:55and you buy like a blue shirt,
00:57you don't owe somebody a scientific explanation
00:59why did you pick the blue shirt,
01:00why didn't you get the white shirt.
01:01That's اصْطِفَا, it's purely your choice.
01:03There's no rationale necessary.
01:05But when you say اجتِبَا
01:07which is the word Allah chose here
01:08when He described that He chose you and me to be Muslim.
01:11That word actually comes from جَبُو.
01:14جَبُو in Arabic,
01:15in Old Arabic actually get,
01:16the verb used to be used for tax collection.
01:20Back in the day,
01:21the people who made enough money owed taxes.
01:24Obviously even now,
01:25you have to be above a certain level minimum income
01:28before you're qualified to be selected for tax collection.
01:31اجتِبَا actually means to make a choice
01:34based on qualifications.
01:37So in other words,
01:38when you get hired for a job,
01:40or if you're fixing your car,
01:42or you're tightening a screw or something
01:44and you pick the right tool for that job,
01:46you just did اجتِبَا.
01:48Because if you pick any other tool,
01:49it doesn't do the job.
01:51When you make the right choice for the right job,
01:53that is called اجتِبَا.
01:55In other words,
01:55what I'm trying to tell you,
01:57and what I'm trying to remind myself of,
01:59is that when Allah honored you and me to be Muslim,
02:02the fact that you and I say,
02:03لا إله إلا الله.
02:05The fact that you and I have the gift of saying,
02:07محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.
02:10Is actually a very precise choice from Allah
02:14of you and me.
02:15There were plenty of other human beings available
02:17before Allah on this planet.
02:19And Allah chose precisely you and me to be Muslim
02:24for a task that He has.
02:26Because اجتِبَا is done
02:28for a particular purpose, for a task.
02:30So now, we aren't just chosen to be Muslim,
02:34we're chosen to be Muslim
02:35because we have a mission in front of us.
02:37And that mission He already describes,
02:39is you have to struggle for Allah
02:41as is worthy of the struggle that should be made for Him.
02:44هُوَ اجْتَبَاكُمْ وَمَا...
02:46And then He adds finally,
02:48now that I realize I've been chosen,
02:50even though I've been chosen,
02:52I'm still thinking this is too hard of a job.
02:54How am I gonna do this?
02:55Fine, Allah sees something in me,
02:57I don't even see it in myself.
02:59I don't even see what's so special about me.
03:02Why did I get chosen?
03:03You know, there's so many better people out there.
03:06And this is too hard anyway.
03:08Islam is way too hard.
03:09What Allah is asking of me is too much.
03:12I can't do it.
03:13And what are the next words from Allah Himself?
03:16وَمَا جَعَلَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ مِنْ حَرَجٍ
03:19He did not place for you
03:21in the religion,
03:22any difficulty, any discomfort,
03:25any tightness whatsoever.
03:27In other words, this is Allah Himself telling you,
03:29relax, I'll make it easy.
03:32Don't you worry about that.
03:33You're the right man for the job.
03:35You're the right woman for the job.
03:36You are the one chosen for this time,
03:38this day, and this age.
03:40You know, when you look around now,
03:42you see that Muslims were the target of
03:45media attention, political craziness.
03:47I travel to England all the time.
03:49But this last time I traveled,
03:51I got exhaustively questioned.
03:52What are you doing here?
03:54You know.
03:55I got questioned like,
03:56why are you here?
03:57That's never happened before.
03:59So things are becoming tougher and tougher for Muslims.
04:02They are in many, many ways.
04:04But that's okay.
04:05You know what?
04:06Allah chose you and me to be born in this generation,
04:08in this day and age,
04:09knowing full well these are the trials we're going to have.
04:12And the best people qualified to struggle in these trials
04:15are the Muslims alive today.
04:17That's the choice of Allah.
04:19That's why you and I are taking a breath right now.
04:22If we didn't have a purpose for us,
04:24because He only creates for purpose.
04:26خَلَقَ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ بِالْحَقِّ
04:31He created the skies and the earth with precise purpose,
04:33and molded you.
04:35So He molded you and me,
04:36and put us in this position,
04:38because we have a purpose to serve.
04:40And then even though that's a challenging purpose,
04:43Allah Himself gives the orientation and says,
04:45I'm not gonna make it any hard for you.
04:47It's not gonna be difficult at all.
04:49I'll take you back to the analogy I gave you in the beginning.
04:52There's that job interview.
04:53And the guy gave you an impossible job description.
04:56And you're sitting there thinking,
04:57there's no way I'll get hired.
04:58And then he hires you.
05:00And your first thought is,
05:01I'm not qualified.
05:02And he says, relax.
05:03I know what I'm doing.
05:04I've been hiring for a long time.
05:06I see something in you.
05:07Even if you don't think you know,
05:09you'll learn pretty quickly.
05:11You know.
05:11I know talent when I see it.
05:13So He's encouraging you,
05:15and He's acknowledging you,
05:16in a way that you didn't even think you saw in yourself.
05:19The other thing that's happening here is,
05:21every Muslim is supposed to see value in themselves.
05:24No believer can think that they're useless before Allah.
05:27That they're pointless.
05:28That they're meaningless before Allah.
05:29They're worthless.
05:30They are worthy of Allah.
05:32They're worthy because Allah made a special choice of them.
05:36A special choice of them.
05:46Links given in description of video.
