جودا أكبر موسم 4 حلقة 10

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هل أنت من محبي الدراما التاريخية؟ هل أنت مُشغوفٌ بمعرفة كيف ستُكمل جودا وأكبر رحلتهما؟

لا تفوّتْ فرصة مشاهدة الحلقة الأولى من الجزء الرابع من المسلسل الملحمي "جودا أكبر"!

ستُقدم لك هذه الحلقة بداية مُشوقة لفصل جديد في قصتهم، مع أحداثٍ مُثيرة و حبٍّ و مُغامراتٍ لا تُفوّتُها!

شاهدِها الآن على Dailymotion!

و لا تنسَ أن تُشارك رأيك مع الأخرين!
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:02In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:04In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:06In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:08In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:10In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:12In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:14In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:16In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:18In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:20In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:22In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:24In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:26In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:28In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:32In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:34In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:36In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:38In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:40In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:42In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:44In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:46In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:48Take off your clothes.
01:50But, listen to me.
01:54What is it, Moti?
01:56Why is the prince shouting so loudly?
01:58Listen, Judah.
02:00The prince refused to wear his clothes to the party.
02:02He said he doesn't want to go to the party at all.
02:04How can he not go?
02:06And the queen made the party specifically to celebrate your return to our palace.
02:08But I'm telling you, I don't want to go.
02:12Does that mean you're still upset with your mother?
02:14Leave me alone and go.
02:16Salim, your father will be very upset with you
02:18if you don't go to the party.
02:20He's the one who knows what he's doing.
02:28What is it?
02:30Your voices are heard outside.
02:32Yes, Queen Ruqayya.
02:34Salim refused to wear his clothes
02:36and said he doesn't want to go to the party.
02:38Okay, calm down.
02:40Why doesn't he want to go?
02:42Okay, leave it to me.
02:46Why are you upset?
02:48Aren't you going to the party for your mother?
02:56I understand.
02:58You're stubborn.
03:02If you don't go,
03:04I won't go either.
03:06I won't even eat.
03:08I'll stay in my room all the time.
03:12But you know what?
03:14All the kids in the palace
03:16will go to the party
03:18and they'll be cooking
03:20delicious food.
03:24But we'll have to go all day.
03:28No problem.
03:30I'll make you a cup of milk.
03:34No, I don't want to drink milk now.
03:36I want to go with you to the party.
03:38But I want to wear the clothes you got for me.
03:44My son Salim,
03:46this is not fair.
03:48I didn't know that Jouda
03:50got you clothes to wear at the party.
03:52Otherwise, I wouldn't have got them for you.
03:54That's why, my beautiful prince,
03:56wear the clothes your mother Jouda got you.
03:58No, what do you think?
04:00I'll wear the clothes you got me.
04:04But Salim, there's no problem,
04:06Queen Ruqayya. Let him wear it.
04:08What doesn't he want now?
04:10The important thing is to go to the party and be happy.
04:12Joudi, put those clothes aside.
04:16Okay, I'll get the prince ready in my room.
04:18Okay, Salim.
04:20I'll be waiting for you at the party.
04:30Your son Salim is getting away from you
04:32day after day.
04:34And he's getting closer to me.
04:36I want to make a special announcement
04:38before you show up at this party.
04:40It's time.
04:42We're going to have a party in two days.
04:46And we're going to announce
04:48a new royal crown
04:50for Prince Salim.
04:54It's a memorandum.
05:04Father Salim,
05:06come here.
05:10Sit next to me.
05:14Tell me, Amri,
05:16what do you like to eat?
05:24But I'm not hungry.
05:32Greetings, Your Majesty.
05:34Will you allow me
05:36to take my brother Salim and go?
05:38Because, Your Majesty,
05:40I really miss talking to him.
05:42We'll eat and then go play a little.
05:44Of course.
05:50Look, Daniel, I brought my brother Salim
05:52to sit with us.
05:54Why aren't you eating?
05:56All the food and sweets you like
05:58are in front of your eyes.
06:00That's the problem.
06:02All these types are my favorite.
06:04And I don't know where to start.
06:06You know what to eat.
06:08They're all delicious.
06:10Do you want me to help you?
06:14You close your eyes
06:16and I'll feed you something in your mouth.
06:18You have to be careful with the food.
06:20Eat and be careful.
06:22Yes, let's start.
06:38It tastes so good!
06:42It's really expensive!
07:06What are you doing?
07:12This is forbidden by the king.
07:14And it's a crime to steal a glance
07:16like this, you know?
07:18I was wondering who these women were
07:20so I stayed alert, Mom.
07:22They're from Mewat,
07:24your grandmother's hometown.
07:26They're here to join us in this party.
07:28Are you comfortable?
07:30I'm comfortable.
07:32I'm going now, Mom, if you'll excuse me.
07:34You can start, Tansin.
07:36Yes, Your Majesty.
07:38I'd like to hear Hammalhar's music first.
07:40I'll play it now.
07:42Mr. Tansin, please play Hammalhar's music
07:44but also sing me my favorite song.
07:46Mr. Tansin,
07:48sing her favorite song
07:50that Mary listened to.
07:54To celebrate Prince Salim's return
07:56to the palace,
07:58we want a beautiful song.
08:00Here you go.
08:02To celebrate Prince Salim's return
08:04to the palace,
08:06we want a beautiful song.
08:08Here you go.
08:22I'm very happy
08:24that Salim has returned to the palace.
08:26And I'm also happy
08:28that Qadir has returned to his grandmother.
08:30I'm happy, Your Majesty.
08:32I'm happy that Salim has returned to the palace.
08:34The celebration came at the right time
08:36to make us all happy.
08:38Minister Man Singh.
08:40Your Majesty.
08:42Come here.
08:50Sit next to me so we can talk.
08:52But Your Majesty,
08:54how can I sit here?
08:56The royal family only sits here.
08:58And this seat is yours, right?
09:00And this makes me your uncle.
09:02This means
09:04that you are from the royal family
09:06and I consider you like my son.
09:08So I want us to eat together.
09:10We will eat from the same plate
09:12and I will feed you with my hands.
09:16I want to stop this shyness.
09:18Here you go.
09:28This situation
09:30is getting out of hand.
09:32His brother's son, Judah,
09:34is eating with the king
09:36and sitting in my place
09:38without even asking for permission.
09:40But I won't delay this story
09:42because I will use Salim as a paper
09:44to ensure that I get my place back
09:46with the king.
09:48You know, Judah, I was thinking
09:50that we haven't played chess together for a long time.
09:52Tell me, what do you think we should play?
09:54Chess after the celebration?
10:00Baba Salim, come here.
10:10Come on, Salim.
10:12Let's eat, my love.
10:14No, I'm not hungry.
10:16Salim, I've been trying to feed you
10:18since I came here.
10:20Why don't you eat, my son?
10:22I don't want to eat anything
10:24and I have to sleep now.
10:32So, let's go to my room
10:34and I'll tell you the story you like.
10:36No, I don't want you to tell me stories.
10:38I told you I'm tired and I want to sleep.
10:44Oh, Salim.
10:46Are you still mad at me?
10:48Don't worry, Judah.
10:50Salim is just a child.
10:52He's been working very hard lately
10:54and I'm sure he's tired.
10:56I'm going to sleep now.
11:00And drink a cup of milk.
11:02He hasn't eaten anything yet.
11:06My dear,
11:08are you mad at me?
11:10Come on, tell me.
11:12You're feeling insulted
11:14because King Jalal is always
11:16praising King Judah,
11:18even if he's wrong.
11:20That's right.
11:22The king used to be considered
11:24the most merciful, right?
11:26But if you noticed,
11:28King Jalal called Mansing
11:30right in front of everyone.
11:34King Jalal?
11:36There's a first wife
11:38who has a merciful son
11:40and a second wife who has
11:42a righteous son.
11:44That's why the king is closer
11:46to his wives than you are.
11:48That's why King Jalal
11:50only eats with them.
11:52He only plays chess with them
11:54and takes care of them.
11:56Besides, there's a clear
11:58difference in how he treats you
12:00and King Judah does whatever
12:02you ask him to do.
12:04Yes, King Jalal,
12:06you're the only one
12:08who enjoys these privileges
12:10and now they're gone.
12:12In this situation,
12:14I'm sure he's feeling insulted.
12:16Salim Ibn Judah
12:18had only one son.
12:20Now he's gone.
12:28I'm going out for a while
12:30to make sure Salim is sleeping.
12:32Answer me, mom.
12:34Why do you always worry
12:36about Salim?
12:38It's not just you.
12:40Everyone in the palace
12:42cares about Salim.
12:44Can I ask you something?
12:48No, you can't, Murad.
12:50Your mom cares about you
12:52more than anyone else.
12:54And she loves you more than Salim.
12:56Are you sure?
12:58Of course!
13:00It's obvious that Salim is lucky,
13:02King Judah.
13:04He has more than one mother
13:06who loves him.
13:08King Ruqayya keeps an eye on him
13:10and his mother Salima
13:12who loves him more than Salim.
13:14But most importantly,
13:16he has a father like you.
13:18Oh God,
13:20when will you learn
13:22that I can't win over you
13:24with any argument?
13:48Come on.
13:50It's me, your mom.
13:56What happened to you?
13:58You said you didn't eat today.
14:04I'm sorry,
14:06I didn't eat today.
14:08Not at all.
14:24Listen, son.
14:26You didn't eat anything.
14:28But you're a smart boy, right?
14:30Come on, get up and drink your milk.
14:38Come on, get up.
15:08King Salima?
15:10Where did he go and leave the party?
15:12My regards, mom.
15:14Salim was tired and didn't want to eat.
15:16I'm going to feed him.
15:18And I have a headache.
15:20Come on, let's go.
15:22And I want to feed him.
15:24No, mom, you need to rest.
15:26Feed me, I'll take care of Salim.
15:28No, mom.
15:30I'm going to feed him.
15:32No, mom, you need to rest.
15:34Feed me, I'll take care of Salim.
15:38Sleep well.
15:40Your Majesty.
16:06I think it's time to control you more than before.
16:28I feel like I don't want to drink milk, mom.
16:30But you can't sleep if you don't eat.
16:32I mean, won't you listen to your mom's words?
16:34You didn't sleep at the party.
16:36I'll let you rest and enjoy.
16:38But first, drink the milk.
16:42I'll drink it, but for you.
16:52Come on, drink it quickly.
16:54Drink it quickly.
17:04Queen Ruqayya.
17:06What are you doing to Salim?
17:18Queen Salima, why did you miss the party?
17:28Salim, my son, answer me.
17:30Why aren't you talking to me, Salim?
17:32It's very easy, mom.
17:54Queen Ruqayya, what did you drink, Salim?
17:58Why are you so tired?
18:00I care about him more than you.
18:02I feel like you're accusing me.
18:06I came here to take care of him.
18:08And when I got to his place,
18:10there was a cup of milk next to him.
18:12Salim was going to sleep hungry.
18:14So I tried to convince him to drink milk.
18:18I'm the one who delivered this milk, Queen Ruqayya.
18:20And when he brought the cup of milk to Salim,
18:22there was nothing but saffron in it.
18:26That means there's something in the milk.
18:28And no one else put it, Salima.
18:30Not me.
18:32When I got here,
18:34I was surprised to see what happened to Salim
18:36after he drank the milk.
18:38And when I got here, I just wanted to ask you about it.
18:40You were ahead of me.
18:44I don't know what you mixed with Salim's milk.
18:46And you're blaming me, Queen Ruqayya?
18:48Why am I so sure of what you're saying?
18:50I think you mixed something with the milk.
18:52I'm going to let them check the milk, Ruqayya.
18:56And I'm going to find out what you put in the milk
18:58that the prince drank a while ago.
19:00Not me.
19:02I'm going to find out what you put in the milk.
19:08I mean, why are you afraid to give me this cup?
19:10Queen Salima, enough.
19:12You've crossed your limits with me.
19:14What happened to you? You're hurting me.
19:16As long as you didn't add anything to the milk, Ruqayya,
19:18I'm not going to leave you.
19:20Give it to me.
19:22Give me the milk, Queen Ruqayya.
19:24No, not yet, Queen Salima.
19:26Give me the milk, Queen Ruqayya.
19:28Queen Salima, you'll regret this.
19:30Give me the cup, Queen Ruqayya.
19:32I want to know what's in it.
19:34I want to...
19:44Oh, God.
19:48Oh, God.
19:52What's in the milk, Ruqayya?
19:56What did you mix with the milk
19:58just now?
20:00Answer me right now, Queen Ruqayya.
20:02What did you put in the milk
20:04that the prince drank?
20:06Who are you to accuse me like that?
20:08You brought the milk cup to the prince.
20:10That means no one else did this.
20:14Trust yourself.
20:16What are you thinking, Ruqayya?
20:18It's going to end here, isn't it?
20:22I'm not going to keep quiet.
20:24I'm going to the king and I'm not going to hesitate.
20:26I'm going to tell him about what you did.
20:28I'm going to tell him that you mixed something
20:30with Prince Salim's milk.
20:32And he's going to decide
20:34who's the criminal between us.
20:36If you'll excuse me.
20:46Oh, God.
20:52Where's the king?
20:54His Majesty is busy with the party, mother.
20:56But why are you so worried?
21:06Oh, King.
21:08I need to talk to you.
21:10We'll talk later, Queen Salim.
21:12I'm enjoying Tansin's song right now.
21:14Listen to how beautiful her voice is.
21:16But there's something important I need to tell you.
21:18Queen Salim, give me some time.
21:20Then we'll talk as much as you want
21:22and about anything.
21:36Where's Zakira the queen?
21:38She went to her room a while ago.
21:52Queen Judah.
22:00I need to tell you something important
22:02about Prince Salim right now.
22:04I saw something very strange.
22:14What is it?
22:26We need to go to Prince Salim's room
22:28as soon as possible, Queen Judah.
22:30Prince Salim is very tired right now.
22:32I don't know what happened to him
22:34and what made him sleep like that.
22:36Tell me what you're waiting for,
22:38Queen Judah.
22:40Come with me.
22:42Come with me.
22:44Queen Judah.
22:46Queen Salim.
22:48You're the one who took the milk for Salim.
22:56Yes, Queen Judah.
22:58I took the milk for him.
23:00But tell me,
23:02what did you put in the milk?
23:08I can't hurt you, Queen Judah.
23:10There was saffron in the milk
23:12when I made the milk, that's all.
23:14I came to tell you
23:16that I saw Ruqayya drinking the milk for Salim.
23:18He's very tired after drinking it.
23:20Ruqayya came and told me everything.
23:24And I can't believe you're putting
23:26something in the milk to hurt my son.
23:28Yes, Queen Salim.
23:30I can't believe what I did.
23:34And now you two are blaming each other.
23:36Queen Judah, that's enough.
23:52I don't know who believed
23:54and who among you will come
23:56to hurt Salim.
23:58Salim is your son too.
24:00He's your enemy, mother.
24:02Why can only one of you hurt a child?
24:06Tell me,
24:08what did Salim drink?
24:10Queen Judah, you know
24:12that I love Salim more than my life.
24:14So why would I try to hurt him?
24:16And I love him from the bottom of my heart too.
24:18Why would I do that?
24:20Queen Salim, I won't allow you to blame me.
24:22But I saw you with my own eyes.
24:26You two are making a mess.
24:28Now the most important thing is
24:30what will happen to Salim's health.
24:52Tell me, doctor.
24:54Is there any hope that Salim will get better?
24:56I just gave him his medicine.
24:58And God willing, he will get better.
25:00But the medicine will take time
25:02to leave his body.
25:14Calm down, doctor.
25:16How is my son?
25:18When will he wake up?
25:20I just gave him his medicine
25:22to get rid of the material effects
25:24that your Majesty took.
25:26Don't worry.
25:28The prince will get better
25:30and will wake up in a very short time.
25:32With your permission.
25:34And you, be careful of the prince.
25:38Your Majesty!
25:50You two are my wives.
25:52And one of you
25:54committed this crime
25:56and now you are blaming each other.
25:58But maybe you two forgot
26:00that this crime cannot be forgiven
26:02and the one who committed it must be punished for it.
26:08So tell me,
26:10who committed this crime?
26:12The more time you take to tell me,
26:14the more I will get angry
26:16and the more the punishment will be.
26:18Who did this?
26:20I told your Majesty
26:22that Queen Salima did this.
26:24She came first to put Salim to sleep
26:26and she gave him a cup of milk.
26:28But your Majesty,
26:30when I got there,
26:32Ruqayya was giving him the milk.
26:34Yes, your Majesty.
26:36I gave the milk to Salim.
26:40But when I got there,
26:42the cup of milk was already there.
26:44I gave the milk to Salim,
26:46but I didn't know
26:48that there was something in it.
26:52And when Salim lost his consciousness,
26:54I knew then
26:56that something was wrong.
27:00I can't believe
27:02that Salima would do such a thing.
27:04What do you mean, your Majesty?
27:06Am I the only one who can do such a thing?
27:08I didn't mean to say what you just said.
27:10I meant that someone put something in the milk
27:12and he intended to do such a thing.
27:14Who can do such a thing?
27:16I just told you that the king...
27:24Don't say a word.
27:28The best solution is to wait for Prince Salim
27:30to wake up and tell us who did this.
27:32Then we will know who is responsible for this.
27:38Now, get out of my sight before he wakes up.
27:42And when he wakes up,
27:44I will bring you to me.
28:30Oh God!
28:32Please help me
28:34and heal my son Salim
28:36who is the only one I have.
28:38I can't believe it.
28:40He is getting older
28:42and older in front of my eyes.
28:44Please heal him.
28:46I am the only one who can take care of him.
28:50How long
28:52will my son be a victim of these problems?
28:54Please help me, God.
28:56Please take care of my son Salim
28:58and all the problems I have.
29:02Please, God.
29:12You need to rest a bit, my dear.
29:14But I can't rest
29:16and I will never sleep at night
29:18so I know who did this to Salim.
29:20Did you hear Ruqayya when she said
29:22Salima did this?
29:24I can't believe what Ruqayya said.
29:26Salima would never do that.
29:28But my dear,
29:30It's impossible to do that, right? You know that you love Salim more than anything.
29:34No one knows the truth.
29:38And Salim can't tell us anything now. He is still young and has no idea about such things.
30:00Salim's mother
30:07Greetings, Your Majesty. I came here to tell you that Prince Salim is well now.
30:19I can't believe that someone was giving my son such a gift.
30:23And what I can't believe is that the one who did this to my son is one of the queens.
30:31Now you will tell me who did this and for what?
30:37Queen Salima, Queen Ruqayya is accusing you of this.
30:40She said that you are responsible for this.
30:42Tell me, did you do this or not?
30:44And if yes, for what?
30:45But Your Majesty, she doesn't love Salim.
30:48And she wants my son to be the heir.
31:00She wanted my son to be the king.
31:04And she wants him to be the queen of the world.
31:08That's why she tried to give him such milk to prove that he is not fit for anything.
31:14And I thank God that I saw her and was able to reveal her plan.
31:18Fear God, Queen Ruqayya.
31:20How can you lie so much?
31:22And why shouldn't I lie, Queen Salima?
31:24Tell me, didn't you bring Prince Salim from the party?
31:27Didn't you bring him the milk and put it in his room?
31:32Yes, Queen Ruqayya, I brought him the milk.
31:35But believe me, Your Majesty, I didn't put anything in his milk.
31:42Why are you denying that I did this?
31:46Your Majesty, how can I benefit from this?
31:50I don't even have a son.
31:52I dream of him being the heir.
31:54And why would I do that, Queen Ruqayya?
31:56I owe the king a lot of things.
31:58How can I be a thief, Your Majesty?
32:01Answer this question.
32:03We don't know you.
32:09Your Majesty, Prince Salim is ready.
32:13Let him come to me quickly.
32:15Yes, Your Majesty.
32:16Now we will be able to know the whole truth,
32:18because young children don't know how to lie about anything.
32:26Prince Salim's room
32:43My son, Salim.
32:45Come here, my love.
32:50Tell me, how do you feel now?
32:56Prince Salim wants you to tell me the truth, okay?
33:04Who put something in your milk?
33:07But I want to see it in the milk.
33:10My love, I mean,
33:12any of the two queens,
33:14either Ruqayya or Salima,
33:16would feed you or drink something
33:18to make you feel tired or feel like you can't do anything
33:23and you want to sleep a lot.
33:25Tell me.
33:33My love, Salim, you don't have to be afraid of anything.
33:35I'm with you.
33:37Tell me so I can see.
33:53Prince Salim's room
34:24Prince Salim's room
34:40My mother, Salima, used to do this.
34:42Whenever she fed me or drank something,
34:44I used to feel very thirsty.
34:53Prince Salim's room
35:03Your Majesty,
35:05I told you from the beginning that Salima did this
35:09and accused me because I exposed her.
35:13She tried to accuse me of being unjust in this matter.
35:18Believe me, Your Majesty, I didn't do anything.
35:20I swear to God that I didn't give Salim anything.
35:23For God's sake, believe me.
35:25I don't know why Salim lied to me and accused me of this accusation
35:28and of course this thing.
35:31A conspiracy by Queen Ruqayya.
35:33That's enough, Queen Salima.
35:38Why did Queen Ruqayya do this?
35:41Your Majesty was right.
35:42You have a reason to do this.
35:45Prince Salim's room
35:49I want to talk to Queen Salima alone.
36:15Prince Salim's room
36:33Come in, Queen Salima.
36:35Have a seat.
36:41Why did you do this?
36:43But I didn't do anything, Your Majesty.
36:45But Queen Ruqayya said it was you.
36:47But I also, Your Majesty, accused Queen Ruqayya of the same accusation.
36:50You only believe Queen Ruqayya.
36:52I don't believe you.
36:54And why did Prince Salim point his fingers at you?
36:57You also want to tell me that my son Prince Salim,
37:00this little boy, is lying?
37:07You know very well
37:09that I married you when Biram Khan died
37:11because I always trusted you
37:13as much as I trusted him before.
37:15And if Prince Salim hadn't accused you of this,
37:18I would never have believed Queen Ruqayya
37:20and lied to you.
37:22I'm not upset about what happened to my son Prince Salim
37:25because it's written and it has to happen.
37:27But what hurts me and upsets me
37:29is that you did this.
37:31Your Majesty, I don't know why
37:33Salim accused me of this accusation.
37:36But if Your Majesty doesn't consider me guilty,
37:39then there's no need to defend myself at all.
37:42You know very well that what you're saying
37:44is proof that you're guilty.
37:46And in that case, I have no choice
37:48but to consider you guilty and punish you.
37:50But my heart
37:52refuses to believe
37:54that you could do this to my son Salim.
37:57That's why I want to give you a chance
38:00and ask you for the last time
38:02since Prince Salim accused you.
38:05Lili, did you do this?
38:07And if not, do you have any proof
38:09to prove your innocence from this accusation?
38:13Your Majesty, I have no proof
38:16or witness.
38:34I will put King Salim
38:36under house arrest.
39:04To be continued...
39:34To be continued...
40:04To be continued...
40:28I'm sorry, but you deserve this.
40:35You don't even believe me, son.
40:39You did this to Salim
40:41to make him the Crown Prince.
40:43You forgot that
40:45Murad and Salim are my brothers
40:47and I'm in charge of Prince Salim.
40:49I'm ashamed of myself.
41:01I'm ashamed of myself.
41:03I'm ashamed of myself.
41:05I'm ashamed of myself.
41:07I'm ashamed of myself.
41:30Your Majesty, please forgive me.
41:35I'm so ashamed of you.
41:37I hurt my mother.
41:39No, Rahim.
41:41You don't have to be ashamed of anything.
41:43But I can't forgive myself.
41:45She's my mother.
41:47I don't know how you could do this.
41:53Salim is now under my control.
41:55He accused Queen Salima
41:57and said exactly what I understood.
42:01I was able to get rid of Queen Salima.
42:03Now it's your turn,
42:05Queen Jouda.
42:07I promise I'll make a big difference
42:09between you and the King's court
42:11to the point
42:13that there will be no peace at all.
42:19Greetings, Queen Salima.
42:23I was sure, Queen Jouda,
42:25that you would come.
42:27Maybe no one believes I'm innocent,
42:29but will you believe me, Queen Jouda?
42:41Queen Jouda, you know me well.
42:43For me, Salim is like Murad and Rahim.
42:45He's honest
42:47and trustworthy.
42:51Trust is the only thing
42:53that keeps relations between people.
42:55If this trust goes away
42:57or breaks anything,
42:59relations will be destroyed
43:01and there will be no peace at all.
43:03So you're like everyone else, Queen Jouda?
43:05Do you believe I'm doing this to Salim?
43:09I don't believe you, Queen Salima.
43:11You're Salim's mother,
43:13just like me,
43:15and a mother never thinks
43:17of hurting her son like this.
43:19But unfortunately,
43:21all the evidence is against you.
43:23You know very well how to control
43:25the court, Queen Jouda,
43:27and you also know how to use words.
43:29You know, Queen Jouda,
43:31words sometimes hurt us more than the sword.
43:35And the words you just said
43:37hurt me a lot, Queen Jouda.
43:41You're Salim's mother,
43:43and it's normal for you
43:45to doubt everyone and be afraid of him.
43:47But I want to tell you one thing,
43:49not more, Queen.
43:51I can't do this to Salim.
43:53If that's the case,
43:55why didn't you object
43:57to being forced to stay,
43:59Queen Salima?
44:01I didn't commit this horrible crime,
44:03Queen Jouda,
44:05but one of us is objecting
44:07to the king's decision,
44:09so this is a crime.
44:11Queen Jouda,
44:13do you remember you were forced to stay?
44:15Does that mean you were a criminal at the time?
44:17I'm just like you now,
44:19but that doesn't mean
44:21I'm a criminal.
44:23You'll see, Queen Jouda,
44:25the truth will come out
44:27and I'll be free again.
44:29If the king believed
44:31that I did this to the prince,
44:33he wouldn't have punished me like that.
44:35He could have punished me
44:37with a beheading,
44:39or at least he would have decided on me.
44:41But someone
44:43must have put something in the milk.
44:45But the milk passed through my hand
44:47and Ruqayya's too.
44:49I don't have any evidence
44:51to prove my innocence.
44:53I know my God will stand by me
44:55and won't leave me.
44:57I don't have any problem with being forced to stay,
44:59but what hurts me a lot,
45:01Queen Jouda,
45:03is that you also believed
45:05that I was guilty without you knowing.
45:07But I'm sorry,
45:09I can't blame you for anything.
45:11This is not Maryam's guilt from the past.
45:13This is the mother's compassion
45:15and her fear for her children.
45:17Queen Salima, tell me everything.
45:19Because I want to understand the truth.
45:21I can only tell you one thing, Queen Jouda.
45:23It's not necessary
45:25that everything we see is true.
45:27This is only about the king.
45:29Queen Ruqayya accused me of the story
45:31and all the evidence against me.
45:33But the truth will come out in the future,
45:37And I will be free again.
45:39But the words that are said at such times
45:41are always the most hurtful.
45:43And I don't wish,
45:45Queen Jouda,
45:47that something good happens
45:49to my brothers.
45:51If you are guilty,
45:53then this is a big crime
45:55that will put me under house arrest.
45:57We have to wait for time, Queen Jouda.
45:59It's not important to do all this.
46:01What's important is to use Salim for this game.
46:05I have great confidence, Queen Jouda,
46:07that the king will find a solution
46:09and discover the whole truth.
46:11Queen Jouda, I have only one request.
46:13Pay attention to Salim.
46:15And keep an eye on him.
46:17Now he needs you more than ever.
46:21Could it be that Queen Ruqayya
46:23accused you of the story?
46:47To be continued...
47:17To be continued...
