My Forbidden Love With The Handsome Vampire

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My Forbidden Love With The Handsome Vampire
00:00Such liars.
00:03You will never escape from me, human.
00:05From now on, I need you by my side.
00:08Because you're into me?
00:10And remember, I'm always with you.
00:13Humans have feelings too.
00:15We deserve more than just being your dress style.
00:17Master, are you smiling?
00:19I'm not smiling.
00:21If she gets hurt, I do too.
00:23I feel a connection with you somehow as well.
00:25I know you kidnapped me because you fell in love with me when we met.
00:29I will never hurt you.
00:31You know that.
00:33Thank you so much.
00:35Cindy, are you in love with that vampire?
00:37Damien, I am your mate.
00:39We're bonded for life.
00:41No, Skylar, no!
00:43Don't die!
00:47Can't we just elope?
00:49I can't just leave my pack.
00:51Oh, please.
00:55Are you in love with me?
01:03That voice...
01:15I'm sorry.
01:19Better watch out.
01:21If it weren't for Alpha Harrison, I would have eaten you alive by now.
01:28Cindy, are you alright?
01:34I'm used to it.
01:36I mean, I am the only human in the pack, so...
01:40It doesn't mean that you deserve to get bullied like this.
01:48This is on you at all times.
01:53It means I'm always by your side.
01:58Thank you, Damien.
02:02But, Damien...
02:04What if Alpha Harrison sees this?
02:08Don't worry.
02:10My dad doesn't know about the bracelet.
02:20When I inherit the Alpha Throne,
02:22I will be in charge of Umber Pack.
02:24The first thing I do...
02:28Is allow werewolves to marry humans.
02:32I better get going.
02:36Always have it on.
02:52Damien and I are meant to be together.
02:58Give me that bracelet.
03:02Damien gave it to me.
03:04Damien and I are meant to be together.
03:06You're just an inferior human.
03:10What do you think Alpha Harrison is going to say when I tell him about that bracelet?
03:18Not this time.
03:38Hiding in the Forbidden Chamber, huh?
03:42Let's see how Alpha Harrison will punish you for that.
04:16What were you trying to do?
04:18Who are you?
04:20What kind of curse did you put on me?
04:28Who are you?
04:30What kind of curse did you put on me?
04:34Who am I?
04:36You're the one locked in the freaking coffin.
04:40What did you do to me?
04:44I'm not your father.
04:46I'm not your father.
04:48I'm not your father.
04:50I'm not your father.
04:52I'm not your father.
04:54I'm not your father.
04:57I see why they locked you away.
04:59I see why they locked you away.
05:03What were you trying to do?
05:05Did you think you have super powers?
05:21You're cursed.
05:27I'm back.
05:32Now once again,
05:34Now once again,
05:36who are you?
05:40A human
05:42can't switch bodies with me.
05:50Affinity curse.
06:21The war is upon us.
06:27I'm back.
06:33Now once again,
06:35who are you?
06:39A human
06:41can't switch bodies with me.
06:50Affinity curse.
07:20The war is upon us.
07:27Are you certain Schuyler escaped?
07:33I checked myself.
07:35The coffin was open and empty.
07:43We need to prepare the soldiers.
07:47The war is upon us.
07:51we have been winning the war against the vampires
07:53for over a decade.
07:55What can one single vampire do?
08:01You were just a child ten years ago.
08:03Schuyler is a monster.
08:06He was born with no emotions.
08:10He is considered the most pure-blood vampire
08:12to have ever existed.
08:15He almost single-handedly
08:17destroyed our entire army.
08:22I was desperate.
08:25So I went to the most powerful witch,
08:27Mara, for help.
08:30But even she
08:32could only seal Schuyler
08:34to his coffin.
08:37Sacrificing herself.
08:40That is why
08:42we are winning this war.
08:54Cindy must be a vampire servant
08:56placed undercover in our pack.
08:58This has to be some kind of mistake.
09:04And you,
09:05you are certain
09:08helped him escape?
09:10Yes, Alpha.
09:12I saw her walk into the Forbidden Chamber
09:14with my own eyes.
09:17Cindy must be a vampire servant
09:19placed undercover in our pack
09:21to set Schuyler free.
09:23Father, this has to be some kind of accident.
09:25Then how do you explain
09:27that she escaped with him?
09:28Maybe she was kidnapped.
09:31I am your mate.
09:33We were bonded for life.
09:35How can you so protect a human?
09:41Why don't you capture
09:43Cindy yourself?
09:45Then we'll discover
09:47if she did this on purpose
09:49once we question her.
09:52Yes, Father.
10:01So I'm guessing you're a vampire.
10:03My name is Schuyler.
10:05You better stop being so curious.
10:08So I'm guessing you're a vampire.
10:14But I heard the sunlight is deadly to vampires.
10:17Why can't you walk under the sun?
10:22What about your name?
10:24If you want to kidnap me,
10:26the least you could do is tell me who you are.
10:31I didn't know vampires are rude too.
10:41My name is Schuyler.
10:43And this ring protects me from the sun.
10:47You gotta stop being so curious.
10:49Your emotions affect me too.
10:53then maybe you're too easy to be bothered then, Schuyler.
11:00Who are you?
11:04Because if you aren't under my protection,
11:06other vampires
11:08suck your blood dry.
11:10Is that why you brought me here?
11:13Listen to me.
11:15When we go in there,
11:17you have to pretend to be my servant
11:19and willingly follow me.
11:22Because if you aren't under my protection,
11:25other vampires
11:27suck your blood dry.
11:29Keep your human flesh alive.
11:33I'm not going in there.
11:36You will never escape from me, human.
11:38From now on,
11:39I need you by my side
11:43Why won't you kill me then?
11:46You are a vampire too, right?
11:49I will never hurt you.
11:52You know that.
11:54Is that why you brought me here?
11:57Because you're into me?
12:00Pretend to be my willing servant.
12:03Do you understand?
12:06Yeah, yeah.
12:09Welcome home, Master.
12:12My dear nephew.
12:17No hugs?
12:22how did you break free from the seal?
12:24I will reclaim the title of Vampire Lord.
12:26You can know this weakness of mine.
12:29You know, ten years might not be a long time to a vampire,
12:32but it's plenty enough time for me to become lord in the family.
12:36So now kneel
12:38before your master.
12:41Your lord.
12:43I'm back now, Gil.
12:45I will reclaim the title of Vampire Lord.
12:48You may pass the torch
12:54How could you
12:56have me?
13:00Welcome home,
13:02my lord.
13:05You may walk around in here,
13:08but do not do anything
13:10a servant wouldn't do.
13:13Or that Gil guy will suck my blood dry.
13:16Got it?
13:23how did you break free from the seal?
13:26We've had numerous attacks on Umapac over the years,
13:29but the one time we got to the chamber,
13:32no one of us was able
13:34to break open the coffin.
13:36I don't know.
13:38She was the first person I saw when I woke up.
13:41When are we going to take revenge on Umapac
13:44so we can become
13:46lord of the species?
13:48Without Mara's interference,
13:51I could take the throne in the blink of an eye.
13:54But I can't go to war with a fragile,
13:59clueless target on my back.
14:01Human girl.
14:02I feel
14:03what she feels.
14:06I hurt.
14:07She hurts.
14:09Must be the affinity curse.
14:11Look into how to lift the curse,
14:13and no one
14:15can know this weakness of mine.
14:18Yes, master.
14:23Excuse me, are you...
14:26Let me have a taste, beautiful.
14:35Yes, master.
15:06You never knew vampires drink blood.
15:09Do you hear yourself?
15:12Humans have feelings, too.
15:14And humans
15:15are below us.
15:21your uncle's dead.
15:35Your uncle's drinking his servant's blood!
15:40Stop him!
15:42Why are you so calm?
15:45You never knew vampires drink blood.
15:48I did, but...
15:52Not like that.
15:54That girl's like a puppet.
15:57She'd even make sound while getting bitten in the neck.
16:00Because she was mind-controlled.
16:04How could you do that?
16:05So humans don't feel pain when we drink their blood.
16:10Do you hear yourself?
16:13Humans have feelings, too.
16:15We deserve more than just being your dress dolls.
16:21are overrated.
16:22They only affect
16:26and become your weakness.
16:28are what make us alive.
16:31Without feelings,
16:32without feelings,
16:33we might as well just be piles of meat.
16:37Have you ever thought about
16:39what pigs feel
16:41when they get killed
16:43because humans want to eat them?
16:49They are below you.
16:51And humans
16:52are below us.
16:55It is the nature
16:56for the superior species
16:59to dominate the inferior species
17:01without caring about their
17:08I don't know what to say to that, but
17:15I will feed Gale my blood from now on.
17:18Please, let that girl go.
17:23Are you serious?
17:25Of course I am.
17:27You're willing to suffer on your own
17:28to save some stranger you only met today?
17:31What? Are you out of your mind?
17:39Are you serious?
17:42Of course I am.
17:45This feeling.
17:47You're willing to suffer on your own
17:49to save some stranger you only met today?
17:54How is that possible?
17:55It's just blood, Skylar.
17:57It won't kill me.
18:00If that's what it takes for their freedom,
18:03then it's totally worth it.
18:09I will let her go.
18:18Are you out of your mind?
18:20I've made my decision.
18:24my lord,
18:25we have been doing this for centuries.
18:29I do not want to go back to drinking animal blood.
18:32If you have a problem with it,
18:35you are welcome to challenge me.
18:48Thank you so much.
18:50Thank you so much.
18:53Kind vampire.
19:03are you smiling?
19:08Master, if I may,
19:12are you setting the slaves free
19:14because you feel empathy towards humans?
19:17I did it
19:18because I knew if I didn't,
19:20she will sacrifice herself for the other human girl.
19:23And if she gets hurt,
19:25I do too.
19:30are you smiling?
19:34I'm not smiling.
19:36That human is.
19:37Master, if I may,
19:41are you setting the slaves free
19:43because you feel empathy towards humans now?
19:49I did it
19:50because I knew if I didn't,
19:52she will sacrifice herself for the other human girl.
19:55And if she gets hurt,
19:57I do too.
19:59Understood, master.
20:25I put this on you at all times.
20:28It means I'm always by your side.
20:50How did you find me?
20:53I followed your scent.
20:54Did you come to save me?
21:10Don't worry.
21:11No one will see us.
21:15How did you find me?
21:17I followed your scent.
21:19And remember,
21:20I'm always with you.
21:25Did you come to save me?
21:28Take me home?
21:34did you let Skylar go on purpose?
21:42Can't we just elope?
21:44I'm the next Alpha.
21:46I can't just leave my pack.
21:49And besides,
21:51I can't just let the most evil vampire run loose.
21:57Of course not.
21:58I didn't even know who he was.
22:01Why was there a vampire in a werewolf chamber anyway?
22:05I know you didn't,
22:06but the whole pack thinks that you're a spy for the vampire families.
22:10My father wants you captured and punished.
22:12You can't go back.
22:15Am I...
22:17homeless now?
22:19Don't worry.
22:21Once I defeat this Skylar and turn him in,
22:24my father won't care who let him loose.
22:27Then you can come home.
22:31Can't we just elope?
22:36you have to understand.
22:38I'm the next Alpha.
22:40I can't just leave my pack.
22:42And besides,
22:44I can't just let the most evil vampire run loose.
22:51He actually never hurt me.
22:53Don't ever say that.
22:57My father hears you say that.
23:00He will not hesitate to execute you.
23:03I'm sorry.
23:04I didn't mean it that way.
23:06I'm sorry.
23:07I didn't mean it that way.
23:13I'm going to go take down Skylar now.
23:16Stingy, don't!
23:17What now?
23:19are you in love with that vampire?
23:24I'm tired of us
23:26werewolf souls worshipping the enemy.
23:28If I was born ten years earlier,
23:29Umberpack would have won the war ten years ago.
23:32Trust me.
23:34I will defeat him.
23:37Are you in love with that vampire?
23:41Is that it?
23:43You don't want to see him get locked up again.
23:45No, Damien.
23:46I just
23:49wanted to tell you Skylar's not alone in there.
23:57I'm sorry, Cindy.
23:58I didn't mean to snap at you.
24:02It's okay.
24:04I'm just
24:06really worried.
24:10They say he was an unstoppable demon ten years ago.
24:14But I've won countless wars since I woke my wolf too.
24:18I'm tired of us
24:20werewolf souls worshipping the enemy.
24:22If I was born ten years earlier,
24:23Umberpack would have won the war ten years ago.
24:26Trust me.
24:28I will defeat him.
24:36I'm sorry.
24:49Why did you take Cindy with you?
24:53To be my servant, of course.
24:57She's not a werewolf!
25:03So you're the Enforced Vampire.
25:06Why did you take Cindy with you?
25:12To be my servant, of course.
25:15What else are humans good for?
25:22She's not a werewolf!
25:36How dare you betray us!
25:49I didn't Alpha Harrison.
25:52I was abducted!
25:53Oh please.
25:54I saw you this morning having a pretty good time watering flowers.
25:58That for sure looked like abduction to me.
26:02It wasn't what it looked like.
26:03Skylar he... he wasn't as bad as what people said.
26:19We Umber Pack welcomed you, fed you, gave you a home and shelter for the last ten years.
26:30Even though you just a human, how dare you betray us!
26:38I did Alpha Harrison.
26:40I was abducted.
26:41Oh please.
26:42I saw you this morning having a pretty good time watering flowers.
26:46That for sure looked like abduction to me.
26:51It wasn't what it looked like.
26:54He wasn't as bad as what people said.
26:55Still defending that vampire!
26:59Do you know how many werewolves he killed 10 years ago?
27:11Don't worry, I'll whip the confession out of her.
27:29Admit what you did!
28:00Do it.
28:03You lying cunt!
28:06You will die for your betrayal!
28:11I'm sorry.
28:14I'm sorry.
28:17I'm sorry.
28:20I'm sorry.
28:23I'm sorry.
28:26Did you do this?
28:33Let her go!
28:42Did you do this?
28:50Let her go!
29:27Cindy, are you okay?
29:30Your father just drank wolfsbane poison.
29:33You motherfucker!
29:34You can either stop me from taking her or save your father first.
29:43Cindy, are you okay?
29:48That was the first time you ever caught me safe.
29:52Yes, you're okay.
30:18What did you do to my father, Skylar?
30:24He'll look to you.
30:26Put Cindy down and I might let you live.
30:29Your father just drank wolfsbane poison.
30:33You motherfucker!
30:35You can either stop me from taking her or save your father before it's too late.
30:43What's it gonna be?
30:46Tick tock.
30:53Will this help you decide?
31:08Will this help you decide?
31:44You'll be alright.
31:56I thought I'd have to put you in a coffin.
31:58I really appreciate everything you've done for me these past couple days.
32:02I know you kidnapped me because you fell in love with me when we met.
32:05We are connected by the curse.
32:07It's the only reason I brought you with me.
32:22You're awake.
32:25I thought I'd have to put you in a coffin.
32:31I didn't think you could joke.
32:33I wasn't joking.
32:37Well, anyway, I really appreciate everything you've done for me these past couple days.
32:43I know you kidnapped me because you fell in love with me when we met.
32:46You freeing human slaves.
32:49Saving me from alpha hair savers.
32:52I even got hurt doing so.
32:54I know now you're willing to do anything for me.
32:57And I feel a connection with you somehow as well.
33:02So I thought maybe...
33:03Did you not know we were cursed with the affinity curse?
33:09What's that?
33:11We are connected by the curse.
33:15I feel the same emotions you feel.
33:20I get hurt when you get hurt.
33:23Our bodies switch when we kiss.
33:26It's the only reason I brought you with me and tried to save you over and over.
33:40There are just too many suspicious things about you.
33:43You're not affected by vampire mind control.
33:46Are you sure you're a human?
33:49Wait, you tried mind control on me?
33:54Like now, I can feel you want to cry.
33:57I'm not gonna cry.
33:58Are you sure you're a human?
34:00Of course.
34:03As far as I know, I am.
34:04There are just too many suspicious things about you.
34:08The only human in a werewolf pack not affected by vampire mind control.
34:15And the whole affinity curse.
34:18I can't imagine you being a part of that or just being a human.
34:25Wait, you tried mind control on me?
34:27Of course I did.
34:29You talk more than anyone I've ever known in the last century.
34:34Can't all be fake?
34:35I'm discussing who you are with you, Cindy.
34:40Are you listening?
34:42What about the rage you felt when you saved me at Umber Pack?
34:45I was desperate and in a lot of pain.
34:47The one thing I know for sure is I didn't have the energy to feel angry.
34:51Your point?
34:53My point is, the rage you felt was coming from you.
34:59And you alone.
35:01You felt angry that they hurt me.
35:03Or it was because you had anger buried deep beneath all of those emotions.
35:10Come on, Skyler.
35:12Can't you just admit you have some feelings for me?
35:15I got you to call me Cindy rather than just human now.
35:26No, Master.
35:28But you said you felt your power was weakened.
35:33I figured they must have had some kind of enchantment in that office to weaken my powers.
35:39But in vampire families, the less emotion one has, the more power one has.
35:46That could cost us the war against the werewolves.
35:56You having fun?
35:58Sorry, Master, but I am deeply concerned.
36:03Did you want to ask about the rage as well?
36:06No, Master.
36:07But you said you felt your power was weakened.
36:10You could have easily killed Alpha Harrison ten years ago.
36:13But at that time, even he could move under your power.
36:18I figured they must have had some kind of enchantment in that office to weaken my powers.
36:25I mean, that wouldn't be the first time they begged a witch for help.
36:29But in vampire families, the less emotion one has, the more power one has.
36:35If we think reversely, maybe when Master has feelings of your own, your powers will be weakened.
36:44That could cost us the war against the werewolves.
36:47Then we will find a way to lift the Affinity Curse once and for all.
36:55Who are you?
36:57What are you doing here?
37:11Good boy.
37:25Who are you?
37:29What do you want from me?
37:31Don't you ever find it irritating serving Skylon?
37:35It is my honor to serve Master.
37:38You're such a good boy.
37:45Who are you? What do you want from me?
37:48Don't you ever find it irritating serving Skyler?
37:52It is my honor to serve Master Skyler.
37:55How long is that honor gonna last?
37:57Twenty, thirty years.
38:00Forty if you're lucky.
38:01Then what?
38:02You really think he's gonna want someone who can barely walk to serve him?
38:07And when you're dead, Skyler will continue being the strongest immortal.
38:12That's enough!
38:14I will serve Master Skyler as long as I can.
38:17You know what the saddest part of all this is?
38:20It's that Skyler could have turned you into a vampire at any time.
38:23But he never offered.
38:25In the past thirty years he has served you.
38:29Master Skyler has not abandoned me.
38:32He will turn me.
38:34He will turn me!
38:35You are nothing to him.
38:37Now you will make him pay for what he did to you.
38:46I will make him pay.
38:54If this method works, we won't be connected by the affinity curse anymore.
38:58And we probably won't have feelings for each other either.
39:05Are you sure this will work?
39:07I can't guarantee it, Master.
39:09But this is the most reliable method I've seen over the past few days to lift the affinity curse.
39:14The worst that could happen is that nothing will change.
39:24Go prepare.
39:36What the hell is this?
39:38It's better if you don't know, Cindy.
39:51You know, if this method works, we won't be connected by the affinity curse anymore.
39:58And without it, we probably won't have feelings for each other either.
40:04We probably won't have feelings for each other either.
40:08So, this could be the last time we kiss.
40:26I'm just glad nothing worse happened.
40:30Let's just change your bag.
40:35It didn't work, Paul.
40:40You seem pretty happy.
40:42No, no, no. I'm just glad nothing worse happened.
40:48Let's just change your bag.
40:54My lord.
40:55Can I speak to you in private?
40:57Yes, my lord.
41:00My lord.
41:02Can I speak to you in private?
41:05Play along.
41:06Whatever he asks you to decide, just say you need more time to think about it.
41:14Lead the way.
41:24If I interrupted anything earlier, I'm sorry.
41:27It's just that Paul said it was the only time you were able to talk.
41:37Play along.
41:38Whatever he asks you to decide, just say you need more time to think about it.
41:46Lead the way.
41:58My lord.
41:59Ever since you gave the order for all the vampires under your protection to only drink animal blood,
42:05only the Cabana family has disobeyed.
42:07He did that for me?
42:10Who? The lord of the Cabana family?
42:13I'm sorry.
42:14No, I'm not sorry.
42:19I will think about that and tell you my decision later.
42:24Of course, my lord.
42:28By the way, if I interrupted anything earlier, I'm sorry.
42:34It's just that Paul said it was the only time you were able to talk.
42:44It's all good, Gale.
42:46Keep up the good work.
42:48Thanks, my lord.
42:51Thanks, my lord.
43:09Paul, it was a total success.
43:41Cindy, are you okay?
43:49Skylar, are you in love with me?
43:59Cindy, are you okay?
44:02Are you hurt?
44:04Are you genuinely worrying about me?
44:09I just didn't want to die with you.
44:11You knew I was okay because of the affinity curse.
44:15But ask me anyway.
44:18Skylar, are you in love with me?
44:22Maybe I am.
44:24At least until the day we lift the affinity curse, I do.
44:29Vampires are such liars.
44:40I swear it wasn't me doing those things. I was brainwashed.
44:45Is it Gale?
44:48It was a witch.
44:54Master, I'm sorry.
44:56I swear it wasn't me doing those things. I was brainwashed.
44:59I couldn't even control myself.
45:02Is it Gale?
45:05It was a witch.
45:06She came to my room last night.
45:08She must have cast a spell on me.
45:10I swear it's true, Master.
45:12Tell me more about what you remember of this witch.
45:16She wore a black cloak and a mask.
45:20Everything else was just a blur.
45:22But there was a necklace.
45:28It was you, Cindy.
45:33She must be possessed, Master.
45:36Stop her.
45:40It was you, Cindy.
45:44I didn't do anything.
45:46I'm just a human. How could I cast a spell?
46:10She must be possessed, Master.
46:13Stop her.
46:14Does he dare?
46:28How could you do that to your own daughter?
46:34Do you dare hurt Cindy's body, Skylar?
46:38That voice...
46:43How are you still alive?
46:45You thought I sacrificed myself to seal you, didn't you?
46:53Oh, come on.
46:56Surely you didn't think anyone was dying, did you?
46:59I had a plan B.
47:01I put parts of my soul into my daughter's brain
47:04and cast Affinity for someone.
47:07Your daughter...
47:10Cindy is your daughter?
47:18How could you do that to your own daughter?
47:23You would have done the same thing with no hesitation
47:26before you had feelings.
47:31Then I made Witchdoctor Harrison
47:33to raise my daughter as a human girl on the pack
47:36so she could one day break your seal.
47:45Defeating you
47:47means I'll be the most powerful and unstoppable in the whole world!
47:54Ten years later,
47:56Cindy found you,
47:58released you and put the Affinity curse on you.
48:05Such a good girl.
48:08Then I bewitched Alpha Harrison again to torture Cindy
48:12so we could get the most emotional of you, Skylar.
48:18Because that's how it works for you vampires, isn't it?
48:22The more feelings you get,
48:24the weaker your powers are.
48:28All this planning...
48:30for ten years ago...
48:33for what?
48:34For what?
48:37For more power, of course!
48:40I'm the most powerful witch in life!
48:44Defeating you
48:46means I'll be the most powerful and unstoppable in the whole world!
48:52Ten years later...
48:56No, Skylar, listen to me.
48:59I have a way to get her out of my head.
49:05That's your ultimate goal?
49:07You're sacrificing your own daughter
49:11for power.
49:12Don't you judge me, golden boy.
49:16You were born with the greatest power and immortality.
49:21You know nothing of me.
49:27you can't hurt me unless you hurt Cindy.
49:31So to me, you have no choice but to off yourself.
49:35Don't worry.
49:39I'll set Cindy free.
49:41If I die,
49:44Cindy will die too because of the Affinity curse.
49:47The Affinity curse is a one-way ticket.
49:51You get hurt when she gets hurt.
49:54But when you hurt,
49:56she'll be fine.
50:06Don't do it!
50:08I've made up my mind, Paul.
50:19Skylar, wait!
50:27It's me.
50:29But I can't hold her for long.
50:32She's really strong.
50:36Don't worry.
50:38I'll save you, okay?
50:39No, Skylar, listen to me.
50:43I think I have a way to cast her out of my head.
50:49But the pain in the process is unbearable.
50:51Pain is nothing to me.
50:53Tell us what to do.
50:56When she invaded my brain,
50:59I also got her witch knowledge.
51:03And now that I know that I'm a witch too,
51:06I think I can actually cast her out of my head.
51:11But the pain in the process is unbearable.
51:14I don't want you to have to go through that with me.
51:18Look at me.
51:19You don't have to worry about me, okay?
51:22Pain is...
51:24It's nothing to me.
51:27And I'll be right here.
51:29By your side.
51:32Do you trust me?
51:39Tell us what to do.
51:43I need to do it outside.
51:44The sunlight is going to help.
51:46The spell against spirits.
51:50Aha, Nalusha.
51:52I lie with you.
51:53Namish fukumashi!
51:54Namish fukumashi!
52:05You traitor!
52:08I'm here.
52:09I'm here.
52:15You traitor!
52:17How could you betray your own mother?
52:21You are not
52:30I'm here.
52:33I'm here.
52:41The affinity curse.
52:46It's gone.
52:53I don't know why my powers came back.
52:56But I will never let you hurt Cindy.
53:01The affinity curse.
53:02It's gone.
53:03It's gone.
53:19How could you still be this powerful
53:21after having feelings?
53:23I don't know why my powers came back.
53:26But I will never let you hurt Cindy.
53:33What's so funny?
53:34Did you really think the sunlight would
53:36strengthen the spell to get me out of her head?
53:48What's so funny?
53:49Did you really think the sunlight would
53:51strengthen the spell to get me out of her head?
53:55A daughter can never outsmart a mother.
53:58I placed that memory there
54:00so she could take us outside
54:02under the sun.
54:09How are you going to fight me now?
54:14Even to death
54:16I will defeat you
54:17for letting you hurt Cindy
54:19or our people
54:29Once you're dead
54:30I will take over her body
54:32and be reborn as a 20-year-old!
54:42I'm curious to see
54:44if you will pass out first
54:47or you're burned to dust first.
54:54Skylar, what are you doing?
54:55Cindy, stay back!
54:56Good choice.
54:57But when you're dead
54:58you and you're dead
54:59she'll be mine anyway.
55:02I won't let that happen.
55:04did I tell you about my plan
55:06for my sweet daughter Cindy?
55:09Once you're dead
55:11I will take over her body
55:13and be reborn as a 20-year-old!
55:17You vampires are not the only ones
55:19who can live forever!
55:21I won't let that happen!
55:28I'll bring you to the house.
55:31It's too late.
55:34No, Skylar, no!
55:38I won't let that happen!
55:43It's impossible!
55:46You can still be that powerful!
55:50I'll see you in hell.
55:59No, Skylar!
56:04I'll bring you to the house.
56:07It's too late.
56:10No, Skylar, no!
56:12Don't die!
56:14I love you, Cindy.
56:29It's too late.
56:32No, Skylar, no!
56:34I love you, Cindy.
57:04You saved me, Cindy.
57:06Only after you saved me.
57:13are we...
57:15Don't worry.
57:16The Infinity Curse is lifted.
57:18And you still have feelings?
57:20I suppose I do.
57:25And I still love you.
57:28I still love you.
57:30I still love you.
57:32I still love you.
57:34I still love you.
57:36I still love you.
57:38I still love you.
57:40I still love you.
57:42I still love you.
57:44I still love you.
