Shapiro's viral clapback after J.D. Vance calls him a 'bad Obama' impression

  • el mes pasado


00:00Last question. Governor, J.D. Vance just said this about you, and these are his words, quote,
00:04he compared you to a really bad impression of Barack Obama. What is your response to
00:09that? Is that what he said? That's great. I love
00:12how we get the real-time quotes here. I mean, look, I don't know. Barack Obama was probably
00:19our most gifted orator of my time, so it's kind of a weird insult, I guess. But, look,
00:28I'll say this about J.D. Vance. It is real hard being honest with the American people
00:33when you're not being honest with yourself. J.D. Vance is a total phony baloney. He is
00:42the most inorganic candidate I think I have ever seen on the national stage. He doesn't
00:50know what he believes, and that is why it is impossible for him to articulate a coherent
00:56message to the American people, because he doesn't believe it. This guy is not exactly
01:02off to a good start, and it is clear that Donald Trump really has buyer's remorse with
01:08his pick. So if he wants to sling insults in my direction, which I'm not even sure is
01:12an insult, let him do it. That's fine. Bring it on. I'll be ready for whatever the hell
01:17J.D. Vance throws in my direction. Thanks, everybody.
