Kinerja Keuangan Emiten Tambang BUMN Mayoritas Turun Semester I-2024

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Sejumlah emiten tambang logam telah merilis laporan keuangan Semester I-2024 dengan raihan kinerja yang bervariasi di antaranya Amman Mineral, Antam dan juga Vale Indonesia. Beragamnya kinerja tiga emiten tambang logam tersebut sejalan dengan pergerakan harga saham yang bervariasi misalnya saham Amman Mineral secara year to date (ytd) melesat 83%, sedangkan Antam dan Vale Indonesia masih bergerak melemah sejak awal tahun.


00:00We are still at ID Exegetion Season Closing, and next we will invite you to discuss the topic of choice that was successfully collected by our team.
00:13Where a number of coal mining emitters have released their first semester financial reports in 2024 with a variety of synergies, including Aman Mineral, Antam, and Valley Indonesia.
00:25The variety of the three coal mining emitters works in a variety of price movements.
00:30For example, Aman Mineral's share in year-to-date has increased by 83%, while Antam and Valley Indonesia's share is still weakening since the beginning of the year.
00:43The mining emitters from the State-Owned Business Group, or BUMN, have released their financial report for the first semester of 2024.
00:50For the first six months, the majority experienced a decline in the number of clean coal, although in terms of income and quarterly, there is still an increase.
00:58There are four emitters who are members of the Indonesian Mining Industry, or MinID, the holding industry of BUMN mining, including PT Bukit Asam Tbk, PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, PT Timah Tbk, and PT Valley Indonesia Tbk.
01:12Starting from Bukit Asam or PT BA, the mining emitter of this black and red coal emitter holds clean coal worth 2.03 trillion rupiah, down 26.71% compared to the running period coal that can be distributed to the owners of the Induk entity for the first semester of 2023.
01:28There is also an income of 19.64 trillion rupiah, up 4.19% compared to the same period last year.
01:36Shifting to clean coal, Antam also fell 17.55% to 1.55 trillion rupiah in the first six months of 2024.
01:45Antam's performance is also imagined by the challenges of global economic geopolitics and the fluctuation of commodity prices.
01:50Antam also implements a strategy to strengthen the domestic customer base.
01:54In terms of income, Antam still rose 7% to 23.2 trillion rupiah.
02:00Energy efficiency is actually measured by TINZ.
02:03TINZ's top-line and bottom-line compacts rose in the first six months of 2024.
02:08TINZ's clean coal rose to 2.572% year-on-year, to 434.46 billion rupiah in the first semester of 2024.
02:17Management announced that TINZ's energy efficiency increased in line with the improvement of the management of mining and industry of Timah Indonesia.
02:23Moreover, TINZ's income increased 14.25% year-on-year, to 5.21 trillion rupiah in the first semester of 2024.
02:32Next is Inco or Fale Indonesia.
02:34The emitter of nickel that has been controlled by the mine ID is 34.19%.
02:39Its performance is still in the first semester of 2024.
02:43The top-line and bottom-line compacts rose,
02:45while Inco's clean coal rose 82.05%, to US$37.28 million in the first semester of 2024.
02:55Inco's income also rose 27.34% year-on-year, to US$478.75 million.
03:02Management Inco announced that in the first semester of 2024,
03:05Inco will actively promote the initiative to save money,
03:08to ensure that the cost of capital per unit remains competitive in an effort to produce a healthy margin.
03:15Meanwhile, on the side of the share price movement in a year-to-day manner,
03:18TINZ leads with an increase of up to 50%,
03:21followed by PTBA which accumulated a boost of around 12%,
03:25while the share price movement fell by 21%,
03:28and Inco or Fale still fell by 10%.
