Becoming Princess Full

  • last month


00:18It's him.
00:26Hang on, bro. I'll call you back.
00:27Blast the ring! My boss is going to kill me!
00:35Thank you. Much appreciated.
00:38Where did you acquire such an exquisite piece?
00:40I'm not sure. It's a vintage piece. It's probably going to cost a lot to fix.
00:46Careful. You're injured.
00:53Look, is there anything I could do for you?
00:56No, no. You've done a lot already. I just don't know if I can afford to pay the ring.
01:01Consider it my responsibility, okay?
01:04Here. Take my name and my number and get in contact with the cost. I'll sort it out.
01:14Can I get your name as well, just so I know it's you that's contacting me?
01:16Maria. And you?
01:18You can call me Dan.
01:21Gotcha, Prince Derek.
01:32This should suffice for the restoration of the ring.
01:34Oh, that's more than generous. The insurance company would have already taken care of it, but thank you.
01:57Sorry to use you, Derek Weston, but you're the only way I can get to your brother.
02:11You should have gone for a stall when the men were hunting. Silly woman.
02:30Mom, I swear I'll avenge your death, no matter how much it costs.
02:36I will get my revenge, Prince Chad.
02:59Your Highness, I have obtained pertinent details about the young woman.
03:03Thank you.
03:05Maria Williams, a graduate of Columbia University with a degree in journalism.
03:10She's American, aged 24, and a working-class background.
03:16An Ivy League-educated civilian from a humble background. She'd make a perfect princess of the people.
03:22I did not find her antics rather calculated, Prince Derek.
03:29Didn't notice the contrived nature of that whole ring charade.
03:32She's been in that garden for days, biding her time, waiting for me to show up.
03:37It's clear she has an agenda. If anything, I guess there's a bit of leverage in the situation.
03:43Wise observation, Your Highness.
03:46It wasn't my initial intention to exploit the poor young woman, but...
03:50dating a civilian from a working-class background is undoubtedly going to increase my public reputation.
03:56And I'll do anything to stop Chad getting the throne after all the damage he's caused.
04:05Good morning, Dan.
04:07Actually, my dear, I must confess, it's not Dan. I'm Prince Derek, heir to the throne of Sealand.
04:15A prince? I would never have guessed the gentleman who ran into the bush for me would have been royalty.
04:19I do have a penchant for adventure, but in all seriousness, Maria, I appreciate your candor.
04:24But I've grown rather fond of you, and if you feel the same way, I'd love to see you again.
04:30I'm here for Derek, not his title. Your status has no sway over me.
04:36However, I do have an urgent matter to attend to. So how about a farewell hug?
04:44No girl can resist a prince charming.
04:46I've got her in the palm of my hand.
04:51What on earth?
04:53How daft can you be? Can't you read?
04:55For sale? This was the house my mother left for me. Who gave you permission to sell it without my consent?
05:01Your consent? This house belonged to your father before he met your mother. It now jointly belongs to us.
05:08As his current wife, I can do as I please with it.
05:11You manipulated my father and tormented my mother until the day she died.
05:14And now you're taking away the only thing that she left for me. You're despicable.
05:19Is that how you speak to your stepmother?
05:23Your foolish mother got what she deserved. I did your father a great favor getting rid of her.
05:29Don't you dare insult my mother!
05:31I see your foolish mother didn't teach you any manners. Allow me to do so.
05:38You're welcome.
05:45Okay. One, two, three.
05:57Maria, what happened?
06:01I don't want to bother you. I just had nowhere else to go.
06:04Hey, don't worry about it. Just tell me what happened.
06:08Well, my landlord kicked me out because I couldn't pay rent.
06:11And my boss said I was careless with the ring, so he fired me.
06:15Stay here with me. Let this be your home.
06:18Are you sure? Is it not too soon?
06:22Nothing is too soon when you're certain.
06:25How certain are you?
06:27As certain as the ice in winter.
06:30Your Highness, Miss Maria has been accommodated as instructed.
06:35You see how easy it is? No girl can do that.
06:39You see how easy it is? No girl can resist a Prince Charming.
06:43I've got her in the palm of my hand.
06:49Before I say anything, can you promise to keep my name anonymous?
06:53I don't want to get in trouble with Prince Chad.
06:55I'm a professional journalist. Your privacy is safe with me.
06:58All I'm doing is exposing what Chad did, so no other girl can get hurt the same way you did.
07:03I really want to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else, but I don't even have proof of what he did to me.
07:08I'll find all the evidence, but you just need to tell me exactly what he did that night.
07:12Do you think you can help me?
07:13What's the point? He's the Prince. He won't be punished even if he had proof.
07:17It's important that your voice is heard.
07:19Hey you, back to work.
07:27Maria, my brother is hosting a charity dinner tomorrow night.
07:33I should like you to accompany me.
07:39How dare you show your face at this event, you bastard child.
07:42I thought you would have grown tired of bringing shame on this family.
07:45With your embarrassing behaviour and… waffle taste.
07:50Well, clearly I was wrong.
07:52You know full well that that was a baseless rumour started by her daily man.
07:56Look, insult me if you must, but don't you dare insult her mother.
07:59Don't even mention her. You're just like her.
08:02Only caring about yourself and not the dignity of the Royal Household.
08:06If not, she would have never defaulted…
08:07Stop it. That's enough.
08:10To whom do you think you're speaking? I am the Prince.
08:15I'm sorry, Your Highness, but that's no way to speak to your brother.
08:19Are you his latest conquest? He's too spineless to satisfy you.
08:24Come to my room and I'll show you a proper time.
08:28If you dare mention another word about my lady or my mother, you'll regret it, Javert Weston.
08:32Playing a hero now, are we, little brother?
08:39We are journalists present tonight. You cannot be seen pulling civilians.
08:49Did that article in the Daily Moon trouble you for a long time?
08:53After a while, I began to get used to the rumours.
08:56Besides, I'd never let a news article affect how I feel about my mother, or indeed myself.
09:01You're so brave for going through all of that.
09:02From time to time, I do think about who wrote the damn thing.
09:05They go by Theseus, obviously a pseudonym, but there were details in that article that were only known to family and very close friends.
09:17Your Highness, can I ask, what's your relationship with his father?
09:20Actually, she's my fiancée.
09:25We're getting married.
09:35If you are certain about marrying this girl, she assumes residence in the castle until the wedding?
09:43Yes, Queen Victoria, I'm certain. Maria is the woman I intend to marry.
09:48She may not be of noble blood, which, of course, is not the problem, as she will only be a princess, not a queen,
09:59since her husband will never wear the crown.
10:08Are you alright?
10:10Yes, yes. I'm sorry I didn't ask your permission first.
10:15Sometimes, I let my emotions get the better of me.
10:20It's alright, I've already said yes.
10:22But, look, marrying into the royal family, it's a bit of a complicated affair.
10:28Are you sure you don't want some time to think it through?
10:30I don't care. I just want to be with you.
10:33In that case, I'm going to have to teach you how to dance.
10:37I can't be that bad.
10:39Bad is an understatement.
10:41Take off your shoes.
10:48Step on mine.
10:51Step on mine.
11:09Oh, Maria. I remember when I first moved to the castle. It's quite overwhelming, isn't it?
11:16Yeah, it was a lot to take in.
11:18What a sunny day.
11:21Rick, will you bring my hat over?
11:29Are you out of your mind?
11:30I know what you're up to.
11:32You think just because you sleep with a prince it makes you one of us, well, it doesn't.
11:38Oh, I can smell your cheap perfume from here.
11:42You think your prince is perfect?
11:44Everybody knows that you send your models up to Chad's bedroom.
11:47How dare you speak to me like that?
11:49What happened?
11:51I don't know why you're mad at me, Ariana. After all, we're going to be sisters-in-law.
11:56No, no, I didn't-
11:57Need I remind you that you have not yet officially married my brother?
12:00You need to behave yourself in my house.
12:01I didn't. She fell over-
12:02I saw everything.
12:04Come on, Maria. Let's get inside.
12:09Watch your language, my lady.
12:11How did you find out about Chad and the models?
12:14I need you to find out everything you can about her.
12:16I saw it right away, my lady.
12:18If she finds out anything about Chad, all my years of hard work will be finished.
12:23If Chad gets found out, I'll no longer be queen.
12:26Don't worry, my lady.
12:28I bet she does have an ounce of proof she's blossom.
12:34What would I do without you?
12:39Her Majesty is coming.
12:41You should go.
12:43Thank you.
12:47Your Highness.
12:49I've heard you're the most famous lawyer in the States.
12:53I've got a little issue that needs attending to.
12:57Money is not a problem.
13:00But I need you to keep your mouth shut.
13:04It is my honour to serve you, Your Highness.
13:07As you can see, I'm as respected by the royal family as my brother.
13:12As you can see, I'm as respected by the royal family as my brother.
13:16I suppose you're not a prince that felt a little more valued by his family.
13:19Don't be silly.
13:21What your family thinks about you could never change the way that I feel about you.
13:30I've just had a long day. I think I need to rest.
13:33Don't be sorry.
13:35You rest up.
13:37You're not here for romance.
13:40You're here for revenge.
13:59Good afternoon, Your Majesty.
14:01Prince Chad.
14:05You're back.
14:07We've been waiting for you.
14:09Why are you here?
14:11Mrs. Jefferson will be my personal attorney.
14:13She will handle all my legal matters.
14:15It's such an honour to be working for you, Prince Chad.
14:18Samantha is the birth of this family.
14:21She is your mother.
14:23And you will be marrying Derek soon.
14:25It bounds us even closer together now,
14:28since Samantha works for Chad.
14:32That is so beautiful of you to say, Your Majesty.
14:37I love my stepmother to death.
14:39How are you, darling?
14:41How's the kid?
14:49You must have forgotten your hat.
14:56Did you take it off?
15:00You didn't.
15:02I didn't.
15:06It's OK.
15:08Who are you, and why are you here?
15:17Get up!
15:18Get up!
15:19I'm sorry, I don't want any trouble.
15:23Can you let me go?
15:24Don't move, and don't try any funny business.
15:28What the hell?
15:29Come over here.
15:30Let me take a look at your arm.
15:31You've got a hell of a swing, Maria.
15:43You took it well.
15:44You don't love me, do you?
15:46You love the idea of being a princess.
15:57I have no interest in being a princess.
16:00What I do want is revenge against your brother, Prince Chad.
16:03Five years ago, he killed my mom in a shooting accident.
16:06You should have gone for a stall when the men were hunting, silly woman.
16:13And of course he got away with it.
16:17The royal family are pretty good at making these things disappear.
16:22And of course he got away with it.
16:24The royal family are pretty good at making these things disappear.
16:26Maria, I'm so sorry.
16:29I had no idea.
16:31To be honest, it's not the first time Chad's done something like this.
16:35Now you have to tell me what you were doing in your brother's study last night.
16:39I know Chad's done some pretty terrible stuff.
16:42I could not let my brother sit on the throne.
16:48So I'm trying to piece together enough evidence so that that could never happen.
16:53It appears you and I want to take down Chad.
16:58How about we work together?
17:01Whatever a prince can't do, I can.
17:04Whatever I need, a prince can provide.
17:11Prince Chad wants everyone to the living room.
17:16Someone has been in my study.
17:19My file has gone missing.
17:21Security tells me that no one has entered or left this castle since yesterday.
17:27Which means that the thief is still among us.
17:32Perhaps you know what happened to my file.
17:34Why do you suspect her?
17:36Do you have any proof?
17:37I do not have any proof.
17:39But I'm just about to find it.
17:44Security, check the peasant's room.
17:48I can't wait to see what they find.
17:50Let's see what she's hiding under this nightgown.
17:54I'm just a hot body, I'm sure I'll take it off.
17:56You dare touch my fiancee with your filthy hands, you'll regret it.
18:00How cute.
18:02Is that my little brother playing a hero?
18:04You're just as scared as your cheap peasant girlfriend.
18:07Your Highness, we couldn't find anything suspicious in Lady Maria's room.
18:14You won't be this lucky next time.
18:18You're a lifesaver.
18:19I can't imagine if Chad would have found this.
18:22Oh, Prince Derek made me do it.
18:24He knew Prince Chad would have your room searched.
18:30So, why do you want to become king?
18:33Is it for the power?
18:35Do you know what Chad did to Linda's daughter?
18:39He raped her.
18:41And she killed herself.
18:42Chad is evil.
18:44But it's not going to be that easy to take him down.
18:46Here's the deal.
18:48I'm going to continue to act as your perfect civilian fiancee
18:51if you help me deal with Samantha.
18:54The lawyer?
18:56If it wasn't for her taking away my father,
18:58my mother wouldn't have been found in Chad's hunting grounds.
19:01Maria, I'm sorry.
19:03The thing is, Samantha is a cunning lawyer.
19:06So she's probably got a good case for your brother.
19:09With her still in the picture, we won't be able to do anything.
19:12Listen, you leave her to me, okay?
19:15Find a way to get rid of that Maria bitch.
19:21Look at you.
19:22You think you're a princess already.
19:24The royal family will never accept a girl like you.
19:27Especially since your mother was a psycho.
19:30You're the one that slandered my mother as a lunatic
19:32while she was having a mental breakdown.
19:34I will never forget that.
19:36And I will make you pay.
19:37So young.
19:38So idealistic.
19:40It's adorable, really.
19:45I'll be back in a second.
19:49Hello, ma'am. How was your day going?
19:51Oh, much better now that somebody's speaking to me.
19:55My, but you're beautiful.
19:58I bet all the boys want to be with you.
20:07Are you all right?
20:09Don't miss this opportunity to make headlines.
20:10This is a great story.
20:12Prince Derek, can you describe what just happened?
20:15When danger arises, it's my instinct to take care
20:17of those around me and the people that I love.
20:19Derek and I are making donations to this retirement home
20:22to improve their security facilities.
20:24My instinct is to protect the people around me
20:27and those that I love.
20:29Suppose he really is Prince Charming.
20:33Revenge is the only thing that matters right now.
20:41Wait, that doesn't sound like English.
20:46I need to tell Derek.
20:47Derek, something's just came up.
20:52I'll come back when you're ready.
20:53Where are you going?
20:55You're not dressed.
20:57Do I make you nervous?
20:58Now's not the time.
20:59I came to tell you the lead that I found from the wiretap.
21:02It turns out that Chad has been involved in human trafficking.
21:06We need to do something.
21:07Right, yeah, I...
21:09Let me get changed. OK.
21:10Right. You look for the documents. I'll keep an eye out.
21:16Hey, mate, how are you doing?
21:18Not a bad day today, is it, huh?
21:19I'm sorry, who are you?
21:20I work over on Southport, usually, under Jack.
21:23You know Jack, right? Jack.
21:24Do I? Hey, listen.
21:26You heard about the shipment that just came in over on Port 2?
21:29Big emergency, like, began all the ground workers over there immediately.
21:32Listen, you go check it out. I'll hold the fort down, all right?
21:35Sure. Yeah, I'll take a look, yeah.
21:38Right. Give me the container numbers.
21:40I'll send them to my friend at MI6.
21:41All right.
21:46One sec, hold this.
21:51What the hell?
21:52Transfer those girls right now!
21:54How the hell did Derek Cinderlaar know about those girls?
21:57I don't know.
21:58I don't know.
21:59I don't know.
22:00I don't know.
22:01I don't know.
22:02I don't know.
22:03I don't know.
22:04I don't know.
22:05I don't know.
22:06How the hell did Cinderlaar know about those girls?
22:08She's clearly not some average college graduate.
22:10What is her background?
22:12I found her old apartment.
22:14Maybe we'll find some clues there.
22:24Luckily for her, I've been practicing my aim.
22:28Well, thanks for your help regardless.
22:30I'm sure I'll talk to you soon.
22:33Did they find those girls?
22:35They've searched every listed container in the port.
22:38No smugglers found.
22:41Chad must have known they were coming.
22:43Chad must have known they were coming.
22:45I'm afraid so.
22:46We need to find solid evidence against Chad's involvement in human trafficking.
22:50Otherwise we won't be able to take him down.
22:52As long as Samantha is still his lawyer, he's always going to be one step ahead.
22:56What if I could get rid of Samantha?
22:58Samantha is a bulletproof lawyer.
23:00She can convince the jury that it's raining on a sunny day.
23:03Even the best lawyers have chinks in their armour.
23:06They've had some irregularities in their taxes.
23:14Who would live in such a putrid shithole?
23:16Are you sure this is the place?
23:18This is how the other half live, darling.
23:20And yes, it's the right place.
23:21I had Rick make us a spare key.
23:24I always knew you were not just the pretty face.
23:31What the hell does she want?
23:33Isn't it obvious?
23:35She's after you.
23:37She was using my spineless brother to get to me.
23:42How much does she really know?
23:44Looks like she's been in touch with some of the witnesses.
23:46We need to stop her before it's too late.
23:48Their engagement ceremony is this weekend.
23:51I have an idea.
23:53I know how to stop them once and for all and no one will ever suspect it's us.
23:58That's why I love you.
24:00That's why you need me.
24:08I promise you, when this is all over, I'll set you free.
24:13Sounds like a fair deal.
24:16I know engagement is a big deal and if you'd like we can call it off or make it private.
24:21I can speak to the Queen.
24:22Do whatever you want.
24:24Or make it private. I can speak to the Queen.
24:26Do whatever you think is best.
24:28Right now all I care about is getting revenge for my mother's sake.
24:33My mother gave me this.
24:39She said when I met the right woman that I could give it to her.
24:44It's perfect.
24:58Excuse me, your highness. Her majesty would like a word.
25:02Listen, I'll leave you both to have a drink. Pleasure talking to you.
25:15Congratulations on joining the family, Maria.
25:18You must be so happy.
25:22Thank you, Ariana.
25:34Oh my god, I'm so sorry, my love.
25:38I'm so sorry.
25:41Oh my god, I'm so sorry, my lady. I just slipped.
25:46It's fine.
25:47I'm really sorry.
25:48It's fine. I'm just going to go to the bathroom.
25:57I'm so thirsty.
26:00I need water.
26:02I need water.
26:08The door is locked.
26:23You haven't seen Maria, have you?
26:46You alright?
26:57I'll get the doctor, okay?
26:58No, stay with me.
27:01You're sick. You need medical attention.
27:05Even if you weren't a prince, you'd still be perfect.
27:27Oh my god.
27:30Go and get him out at once.
27:37Where the hell is she?
27:44That was a mistake.
27:47After the wine, everything just got weird.
27:52I think I was drugged up.
27:54So you're saying that kiss last night meant nothing to you?
28:00That you wouldn't want to be with me if you weren't on drugs?
28:04I don't know.
28:06Oh yeah, I get it.
28:08I'm Chad's brother, alright?
28:11You're never going to have four for me.
28:16Your Highness, Her Majesty wants you and Lady Maria.
28:24Your Majesty.
28:25This girl, she needs to move out of the castle as soon as possible.
28:30A prince cannot marry someone whose mother was a psychopath.
28:37It poses too much risk.
28:39My mother was not a psychopath.
28:41That was a rumor started by Samantha.
28:43Mother, we're engaged.
28:45It doesn't matter.
28:47Your marriage is not yet valid.
28:52It's such a pity I won't be seeing you again soon.
28:56We were becoming such good friends.
28:59This can't...
29:00Your Majesty, I will leave the castle.
29:03I give you three days to find your next arrangement.
29:09Just stay here.
29:11I'll sort this out, okay?
29:12The Queen's decision cannot be disobeyed.
29:14We have exactly three days to find conclusive evidence against Chad.
29:18You only care about your mission, don't you?
29:20I mean, say you get vengeance against my brother.
29:22What then?
29:24When this is all over,
29:26are you even going to want to see me?
29:34Wait, I'll be right there.
29:39Don't you dare touch my mother's house.
29:41Bitch, how dare you bark at me?
29:43You're the one who snitched on me for my tax problems.
29:46Now I need cash to pay it off, this house will settle it.
29:48Give me that pen.
29:49This house was left for me.
29:51Nobody else can touch it.
29:53That's not up to you, my sweet little daughter.
29:55That is up to the law.
29:58You have no right to touch the property without Maria's permission.
30:01You're still a child compared to your brother.
30:04What on earth are you talking about?
30:06Don't you want to know who Theseus is?
30:09The one who wrote the article exposing you as an illegitimate son?
30:13Chad wrote that article, okay?
30:15I'm sure of it.
30:16It's the one you've been cavorting around the castle with.
30:19Your beloved princess-to-be.
30:22No, it can't be.
30:24She works for the Daily Moon.
30:26And it was her who wrote the article that's been tormenting you all these years.
30:31Still torments you to this day.
30:34Terry, please let me explain.
30:37Maria, tell me the truth, please.
30:41I never wanted to lie to you.
30:44Isn't this great?
30:45Falling for a conniving and traitorous young woman like yourself.
30:48You've been playing me this entire time.
30:53You will never win at this game.
30:55And if you're not careful, you'll end up just like your psychotic mother.
30:59Derek, wait!
31:21No wonder that bitch knew about those girls from Albania.
31:24Tell them to do whatever it takes to get her to surrender all her evidence!
31:33What's going on?
31:34Prince Chad asked us to renovate his study, sir.
31:39They must have found Maria's wiretaps.
31:45Where are the recordings from Prince Chad's office?
31:48Hand them over, and you're gonna be released to the world.
31:51I don't know what you're talking about.
31:53Don't play with me, bitch!
31:55Okay, okay, they're in my mom's old house.
32:02Do you think that I'm that stupid?
32:04To believe your little tricks?
32:06It's true!
32:07Believe it or not, my stepmom's gonna sell the house.
32:10And the flash drive is still in there.
32:12The flash drive is still in there, and your boss is gonna not be very happy.
32:16Tell me the address, and if there is no flash drive there, you're fucking dead.
32:23What a silly princess.
32:32Where are you?
32:35Maria, are you okay?
32:42I've got it, I've got it. I understand what you're trying to do, Maria. Hold on.
32:48Start again, start again.
32:54I'm sorry.
32:56No, I'm sorry. I've got it, I've got it.
32:58Maria, I've got it. I'm coming for you, okay?
33:03Bring me the flash drive.
33:13Put your hands off my fiancee!
33:26What a pretty boy!
33:43Honey, you can look so beautiful when you cry.
33:56I'm so sorry, Derek.
33:58I was never proud to write that article.
34:01When I got the email claiming that you were legitimate, I just went with it.
34:05All I cared about was taking down your family.
34:08I didn't care about who I hurt along the way.
34:10I just wanted to get revenge against your family.
34:14I'm so selfish.
34:16At first, I just wanted to use you.
34:19But it turns out that I'm actually in love with you.
34:23And I couldn't see myself living without you, Derek.
34:27It's all just too late now.
34:30And it's all my fault.
34:40You're alive!
34:42How long have you been awake?
34:46From the moment you said you loved me.
34:56Do you still want to avenge your mother?
34:58Of course.
35:00But Chad's too powerful.
35:02But Chad's too powerful.
35:05I want you to take him down on my own.
35:07You said you're on your own.
35:09I've been kicked out of the Queen's Castle.
35:11Our engagement is still valid.
35:13But this time, I want it to be in the name of love.
35:18No secrets.
35:20This time, I want it to be in the name of love.
35:24No secrets.
35:40But you're injured.
35:41And we're in the hospital.
35:43Maria, I'm on my deathbed.
35:46Will you not call me one last wish?
35:55These guys are fucking useless.
35:57They can't even kill a helpless girl.
35:59What are we gonna do, Chad?
36:01If she leaks those recording files, everything is over.
36:04Shut up.
36:05I'm still the future king, remember?
36:08And some fabricated recordings won't change that.
36:12Besides, I've paid a ton of money to get these girls here.
36:15It would be a shame for it to go to waste.
36:18What about me?
36:19Why do you never think about me?
36:21Can you shut the fuck up?
36:23You're gonna be the Queen.
36:25Isn't that enough?
36:27You are such a piece of shit.
36:32Thank you for being so brave.
36:34I can do anything for my daughter.
37:43Eight years ago,
37:45Prince Chad raped my 16-year-old daughter,
37:49which led my daughter to commit suicide.
37:56Prince Chad is the one responsible for my daughter's death.
38:06You are dismissed.
38:08You are a traitor.
38:10Your Majesty.
38:11What Linda says is all truth.
38:13She has served our family for more than 20 years
38:15and does not deserve to be treated like this.
38:17You don't get to speak to me in this manner.
38:20No one dishonours Chad, including you.
38:26It's an absolute falsehood
38:28that Prince Chad is involved with the teenager's death.
38:32It's a disgusting smear campaign against the Royal Family
38:36and we will find whoever is behind it.
38:40In order to stop Chad, we need the whole nation to turn against him.
38:44How do you suppose we do that?
38:50I have an idea.
38:53Don't turn around.
38:55Or shoot.
39:08You two.
39:10You just won't quit.
39:12I'm calling the guards.
39:14Be careful.
39:16You don't want to miss this.
39:19Chad likes young girls.
39:21You know.
39:22Send him two Georgian models to the island.
39:28Now, you wouldn't want the public to know
39:31what the perfect Ariana gets up to in her private life, would you?
39:34Tell me what you want.
39:36We can clear your associations with Chad.
39:39Just as long as you tell us where the girls from Albania are going.
39:42There's a party.
39:44Next week.
39:46I'm trusted by Chad. He's going to bring the girls there.
39:48I can tell you how to get in, but...
39:53You didn't hear it from me, okay?
39:57They'll come for my family.
39:59Okay, great.
40:03Although you got away with it this time,
40:06you'll eventually get what you deserve.
40:08Remember that.
40:10The privacy at the site is very strict.
40:13You've got the plaque?
40:15Anyone with this token can get in.
40:33You ever been to a party like this before?
40:37Prince Chad is a very good friend of mine.
40:39Give him a smile, babe.
40:41He's got a lot of money to get you here.
40:44Didn't pay enough.
41:15You're like a fucking cockroach.
41:17Every time I flush you down the toilet,
41:19you just keep coming back.
41:21Not so fast, Chad.
41:27I didn't know you two were into these kind of parties.
41:32I don't recall any of you on my guest list.
41:35And I'm running out of patience.
41:37Do you know the woman you murdered five years ago?
41:40That was my mother.
41:42Doesn't ring any bells.
41:44Was she attractive?
41:46I'm more likely to remember if she was attractive.
41:50Besides, I am the future king.
41:53I have more important things to worry about.
41:57You don't deserve to be king.
41:59Not only did you kill my mother and Linda's daughter,
42:02and now you're trafficking more young girls.
42:05What a naive girl.
42:08Do you really think I'll listen to you?
42:11Do you really think I'll let you two get out of here?
42:14I won't.
42:16If you're dead, you won't be able to tell the world what I've done.
42:24Sorry, my dear boy.
42:26You didn't want the teachers to mind their own business.
42:29I guess you must be scottish.
42:34Now it's you, Cinderella.
42:37The prince that murdered his own brother
42:40is going to be the biggest scandal in the history of the royal family.
42:43Once you're dead,
42:45this scandal will disappear like tears in the rain.
42:49Please, shut up.
42:51It's all over the internet.
42:56Now everybody sees and everybody knows.
43:03You have a murderous brother.
43:06You learn to keep one of these in your closet.
43:10But what if he shot me?
43:16Prince Judd's crime is unacceptable to the royal family
43:21and the entire nation.
43:24In the name of the royal family,
43:27Prince Judd will be stripped of all of his royal titles,
43:33and Prince Derek is the new crown prince.
43:44Maria, I'd like you to have your dream career.
43:49Thank you.
43:50It's my pleasure. It's the least I could do.
43:53There's one more thing I'd like to give you.
43:57There's one more thing I'd like to give you.
44:05You're the best gift that this life has ever given me.
44:09I love your kindness, your courage,
44:12but most importantly, your heart of gold.
44:16In the name of the crown, Maria Williams,
44:20will you marry me?
44:23Will you be my princess?
44:36Prince Judd killed himself.
44:38He killed himself.
44:45Mom, I've avenged you.
44:47Now there's one left.
44:51You are an evil bitch.
44:53Just you wait till I get out of prison.
44:56Oh my god, I'm so scared.
44:58I think you're gonna fit in pretty well.
45:00You are despicable.
45:02Oh well, I guess that makes me the despicable princess.
45:05Just you wait. I will have my revenge.
45:08You will pay for this.
45:11Prince Derek has put your mother's house under your name.
45:15Thank you.
45:18Has anyone ever told you you're smoking hot when you work?
45:21Has anyone ever told you you're the poshest person I've ever met?
45:26Check this.
45:27Had my man Andrew do some digging.
45:29Find out who's sending that email to the Daily Moon.
45:32Turns out it was Arianna.
45:34I should have known.
45:35I remember you mentioning there was only certain information family members knew.
45:40Where is she now?
45:41Well, I just got the news.
45:43She passed away last night.
45:46On a flight to Los Angeles.
45:48Heart attack.
45:49Karma works in mysterious ways.
45:51At least it's all over now.
45:54It's not over.
45:55Not yet.
45:56I still have some wrongs to right.
45:59I will be more involved in stopping human trafficking globally
46:02so that girls can return to their hometown safely.
46:06We even decided to host a very modest wedding
46:08so we could use more of the royal funding to fight the cause.
46:14My wife has my full support in all of her endeavours.
46:23Your Majesty,
46:25Your Majesty,
46:26Samantha Jefferson has died.
46:28She hanged herself in a jail cell.