• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Sono giorni fantastici, adrenalinici, motivazionali per me". Così lo chef Davide Oldani racconta all'Adnkronos il suo lavoro nelle cucine di Casa Italia alle Olimpiadi di Parigi 2024.  "Avere a che fare con il mondo sport che mi è sempre piaciuto - dice Oldani - e quindi potere essere utile con quello che è il mio di mestiere, cioè quello del cuoco, utilizzando il cibo, facendo dei piatti, è molto molto bello". A Casa Italia Oldani ha dovuto cucinare anche per il Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella e la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni. "Soprattutto il primo giorno col Presidente - afferma - è stata una cosa emozionante, era la terza volta che cucinavo per lui".


00:00at Casa Italia.
00:02The days are fantastic, they are adrenaline-filled,
00:04they are motivational for me,
00:06because I have to deal
00:08with what is the sport world,
00:10which I have always liked,
00:12and therefore being able to be useful
00:14with my job, which is that of the cook,
00:16using food,
00:18making dishes,
00:20is very, very nice.
00:22Have there been any particular requests
00:24that you have had, perhaps, from some athlete
00:26or from some character,
00:28in this Casa Italia?
00:30No, the particular requests
00:32have been to have good cuisine,
00:34so from all the people,
00:36from President Maragò
00:38to Lorenzo,
00:40all those who
00:42wanted me in this project,
00:44are those
00:46to make a constant,
00:48coherent and continuous cuisine,
00:50because many times in the kitchen
00:52it is difficult to have continuity,
00:54because maybe we do fireworks,
00:56but continuity in this case is very useful
00:58for the athletes.
01:00Have you had here at Casa Italia
01:02both President Mattarella
01:04and Premier Meloni,
01:06an extra emotion in these Olympic Games?
01:08Of course,
01:10especially the first day
01:12with the President,
01:14especially the first day with the President,
01:16it was an exciting thing,
01:18it was the third time I cooked for him,
01:20so it is all that
01:22is good and beautiful about Italy.
