Should exams be scrapped?

  • last month
We ask people in Birmingham
00:00During COVID, we did not have any exams back home in Kuwait at final exams, so that really
00:09helped me to be honest. When coming here to the UK for studying, I felt like exams were
00:15kind of somewhat new to me.
00:19I think exams are good. It puts people under pressure that they need to be under. Yeah,
00:25I think they're good.
00:26I don't really like them, to be honest. I prefer doing coursework. I feel like spending
00:30time developing something a bit more meaningful than just having to cram all that knowledge
00:35into like a two-hour paper.
00:37They're not too bad to use. I think there should be more investment in other avenues,
00:45so like BTECs and like apprenticeships, I think, rather than just focusing on A-levels
00:51because I don't think they're necessarily bad, but I know not everyone wants to do it.
00:55So I think there should be more scope for younger people.
