Q: What is Dawah? | Q & A Series

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Q: What is Dawah? | Q & A Series


00:00Now, let's talk about this word for a few minutes. The word da'wah. Da'wah literally
00:25means invitation. Now, outside of calling people to their religion, have you ever given
00:30somebody an invitation to your house for dinner, for lunch, come over to my place, we'll talk?
00:36Is it possible you insult someone, make someone feel little, insignificant, worthless and
00:42then invite them to your house? And even if you did, would they come? It's impossible,
00:47isn't it? The very word da'wah means that you have extended respect, courtesy, kindness
00:54to somebody else, so much so that you're ready to invite them to your own home. That's
00:59what da'wah is. If you forget that basic meaning, we're not able to carry this message
01:05to anybody. We're not. It's not about the arguments, it's not about proving whether
01:10God exists or not, or whether this is correct or that's correct, or this text or that. All
01:14that's later. All that stuff is later. The first thing is an attitude of inviting people
01:19to something beautiful. Just like you have a wonderful meal at home, I want to share
01:23it with you. There's plenty to go around. And what an amazing meal. The more we share,
01:27the more it increases, instead of going down. That's why I want you to share. I want more
01:33for myself and more for you. That's the beauty of this religion. Muslims shouldn't lose sight
01:38of that. It's very tragic that we're losing sight of that.
