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00:00Friends, Afeem is a crop that every farmer in India would like to cultivate.
00:05Because this crop has a lot of profits.
00:07But it is not as easy to cultivate it as other crops.
00:11For this, it is necessary to get a license from the government.
00:14And for this, a lot of government procedures have to be completed.
00:18It is illegal to cultivate it without the permission of the government.
00:21By the way, let me tell you that it is cultivated in a very different way.
00:25Friends, before knowing about the farming of Afeem, we know what Afeem is.
00:31Most people consider Afeem to be an intoxicating substance.
00:34People think that Afeem is used for intoxication.
00:37But in our country, Afeem is used for the purpose of valid drugs business.
00:41Afeem is also known as black gold.
00:43First of all, let me tell you how the plant of Afeem looks like.
00:47The plant of Afeem is about one meter in height.
00:51White colored flowers bloom in this plant.
00:53Only after the flowers of Afeem fall, the fruits of Afeem come.
00:57Its fruit is usually called Doda.
00:59And its peel is called Post.
01:01And we know which weather is best for Afeem.
01:05Friends, Afeem is cultivated in winter.
01:08For its cultivation, cold air is needed.
01:11Its seeds germinate at the end of September or from the beginning of October to November.
01:17Now let's see how to grow it.
01:20Friends, to grow Afeem, first of all, the field has to be ploughed very well.
01:25For the cultivation of Afeem, the field is ploughed deeply.
01:28Therefore, it is necessary to plough the field three to four times before growing it.
01:33After this, water is added to the field and left.
01:36So that the soil of the field becomes wet.
01:39And after the water of the field dries up,
01:41a cultivator is installed in it and ploughing is done two to three times.
01:45So that the soil of the field becomes a little dusty.
01:48In this way, good manure, vermicompost is added to the field.
01:53The plant of Afeem absorbs a lot from the field.
01:57That's why manure is added to the field in a good quantity.
02:00So that there is no shortage of any kind of ingredients in the soil.
02:04And after the field is ready, seeds are added to it.
02:07And those farmers who get a license, they get seeds easily.
02:11By the way, let me tell you that many institutes of the Narcotics Department also provide seeds for Afeem.
02:17And then the seeds have to be put in the field properly.
02:20And the field has to be ploughed once again.
02:22After planting the seeds, water is added to the field within 7 to 10 days.
02:26After this, water is added to the field within 12 to 15 days during the time of seed germination.
02:32Its plants also need a lot of fertilization.
02:35That's why the fertilization of Afeem's plants is done continuously.
02:38Now let's talk about its harvesting.
02:41After about 95 to 115 days of planting seeds in the field, flowers begin to appear on the plants.
02:46After a while, these flowers also begin to wither.
02:50After 15 to 20 days on these plants, small balls begin to come out.
02:55These are normally called buds.
02:57When these buds become tight, that is, they ripen,
03:00then a special tool or blade is used to cut these buds.
03:05This cutting is applied from the second week of February to the first week of March.
03:10This cutting is applied between 12 o'clock in the afternoon and 4 in the evening.
03:15After cutting on the buds, a liquid starts coming out of these buds,
03:19which is called latex.
03:21This liquid is left to come out all night.
03:24And by morning, about 1 to 1.5 grams of liquid accumulates on each bud.
03:28When this liquid freezes, the next day the farmers go to the field early at 5 or 6 in the morning.
03:33After that, the farmers remove that liquid from those buds with a special tool.
03:38And before the sun rises, the farmers have to collect this liquid.
03:42Friends, let me tell you that the liquid that accumulates,
03:45is the same latex that is collected from the narcotics department.
03:49And according to that, money is given to the farmers.
03:52Friends, from growing latex to its cutting,
03:55different types of worship are done by the farmers to save it from the evil eye.
04:00Now let's talk about the license of latex.
04:03The license to cultivate latex is given by the finance minister.
04:07And the farmers who are already cultivating latex,
04:10or they already have a license for cultivating latex,
04:13they are given the license by renewing it.
04:16The government issues a royal decree.
04:19In this, a lot of conditions are written about cultivating latex.
04:23And those farmers who are able to fulfill these conditions,
04:26only their license is renewed.
04:28And those farmers who are not able to do this,
04:30they are removed from this list.
04:32Now let's talk about its earnings and expenses.
04:34To cultivate latex, 1 hectare of land requires 7-8 kg of latex.
04:391 kg of latex is around Rs. 150-200.
04:43Apart from this, a hectare of land requires 50-60 kg of latex.
04:49The government buys this latex for Rs. 1,800 per gram.
04:54If it is sold in the black market,
04:57it is earned from Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 1.2 lakh.
05:02Apart from this, a seed-like substance is produced
05:05by breaking the thorns growing on the latex plant.
05:08This is called khaskhas.
05:10It is also used in cooking spices.
05:13This khaskhas is sold in the black market for Rs. 1.5 lakh per quintal.
05:18Similarly, the farmers benefit a lot from the cultivation of latex.
05:22And friends, where is the cultivation of latex done?
05:25You will be surprised to know this, but it is true
05:28that there are only a few countries in the world where latex is cultivated.
05:33Most of the latex is grown in Afghanistan.
05:3685% of latex in the world is grown only in Afghanistan.
05:40And not everyone can cultivate it in India.
05:43Friends, let me tell you that in India,
05:46latex is cultivated only in a few places in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
05:52Now let's know in the end that in what things latex is used.
05:57There are a lot of chemical properties in the latex plant,
06:00which makes it very useful for medical purposes.
06:03According to Greek doctors,
06:05latex is a very good medicine for diseases such as back pain, knee pain and diabetes.