Pres. Maduro | Hyperinflation has been moderately defeated

  • last month
President Nicolas Maduro speaks of the economic growth and the investments of the governments during the National Council of Productive Economy in Caracas, Venezuela. teleSUR
00:00Because of the experience, 30, 40, 50 years of experience
00:04in all the 18 engines defined in the economic agenda,
00:09volubarian economic agenda, and we
00:12have achieved to articulate the economy in engines,
00:17in virtuous circuits, and in a process that
00:22would allow that the economy can support the tensions that
00:31have happened in the country Monday, Sunday, Monday,
00:35and Tuesday.
00:35Today is much controlled, and each day
00:42there will be more controlled so that peace and stability
00:47and the possibility to work in production is achieved.
00:50So above all, in the second semester,
00:53when the profits of the year is realized,
00:58perhaps those who have a lot of money
01:00are not interested in this.
01:01I think so.
01:03My mother said, this has a lot of money.
01:06The one that has a lot of money wants more.
01:08Well, you know, you're a businessman.
01:10I don't know, because I don't have any money.
01:13I don't want to have any money.
01:17There are people, a friend of mine,
01:18because they criticized me because when
01:20I was too young, very young, I don't
01:23have any ambitions of money, of any ambitions,
01:26politicians, or anything.
01:30This is a freak, a friend of mine told me.
01:33I was not, nothing, I would never need anything else,
01:42not even under the stress of that persecution
01:44that we have lived.
01:45Brutal persecutions, I'm from a school
01:55of persecutions, of a permanent harassment,
01:59of attempt of assassination.
02:01When I was young, because of being with Chavez,
02:04they tried to kill me three or four times on the streets.
02:07Nobody would have known that.
02:09I would have stayed there.
02:12They tried many times against me, against Cecilia,
02:18but wealth I don't have.
02:20I have a salary that Cecilia always transfers to her account,
02:29and she spends it through Amazon.
02:33She buys on Amazon.
02:34So you know, the wealth is realized now,
02:45the profit is realized now at the second of the semester,
02:49and has to be a lot, a very good profit.
02:53The entrepreneurs, we have 3,300,000 entrepreneurs here.
03:00Each month, we had more than 100,000 fundings.
03:06I committed myself from August to August,
03:11from August the 24th to the 25th,
03:14to the 25th, one million profit, one million funds,
03:20from public funds.
03:23I have asked the private bank 500,000 more,
03:29500 million more, because all the funding
03:32goes to the industry.
03:34Has to go there.
03:36Substituting imports, so that the entrepreneur doesn't
03:40have to buy from abroad what he needs.
03:43If he needs food here, finished products here,
03:50the best capital that can be invested
03:52from a point of view of economics
03:54for the virtual circuits, for the improvement
03:57and for the development of the economy,
04:00and from the social point, to create money for the family,
04:04and tranquility and prosperity for the family,
04:07is the undertaking, is the secret arm of this stage.
04:14It's wonderful.
04:16I think so.
04:18The entrepreneurs, the undertakers,
04:21will have to just save their money.
04:25But now, this is now, it's registered here,
04:31before, under the mattress.
04:36And now you have been thinking about what I'm saying,
04:40because everybody wants to be successful.
04:43And everybody wants to have a pin for 2025
04:48to grow a little bit more, to open a store,
04:55to open another store, another place.
04:58That's the economy we would like.
05:01And the economy is not a war place, a fatal war land,
05:09and a negative polarization between hate and love,
05:13between violence and peace, between fascism
05:15and democracy.
05:18Give me that to me.
05:21I will try to win, and I will win.
05:23But leave me that war to me.
05:25In the politics land and field is my field.
05:31We have a lot of elements, motivating elements.
05:38We have defeated the hyperinflation.
05:45I told the hyperinflation they would be defeated,
05:47and it is defeated now.
05:49We have a moderate inflation.
05:51The hyperinflation is moderate so far.
05:56After four years having a hyperinflation,
06:01which country bears that?
06:03Look for, OK, tell me which country.
06:07Nobody bears, nobody supports such a hyperinflation.
06:11We did it because we were together,
06:14and because we were not scared, and we faced the situation,
06:18and we were talking.
06:20And we were putting up the things, all the mechanisms.
06:25The parallel dollar is under control, crushed.
06:35It's trying to revive like a zombie,
06:40but it's under control.
06:42And the exchange, the new one, a robust exchange system
06:47that has shown that it's an exchange system based
06:51on the market and national.
06:54The International Monetary Fund or the International Bank
06:57didn't create it.
06:57We did it ourselves, and based on the people
07:00and the social investment.
07:05The economic growth is good and stable and should be better.
07:13The first semester, it was like 8% or a little bit more.
07:20Second semester has to be higher,
07:27an accelerator of the economic development.
07:32The bank credit index is going forward at a good pace.
07:39It grew 180%.
07:44The agricultural bourse, stock exchange,
07:47has increased, which was a creation in this stage.
07:52So now we have growth with good collection of money.
07:59The tax collection from July 23 to July 24,
08:12this is economic strength.
08:13What I'm going to read here, this information is brutal.
08:18It's strong.
08:18It's strength, economic strength.
08:22It's the strength of a state, the social state strength,
08:27the state of everybody.
08:28Because the tax that we collect is
08:31to transform it in housing, to build 5 million houses.
08:36And how are we going to build that from March?
08:40Or the International Monetary Fund
08:43is going to lend us $10 billion to build houses?
08:49No, with the taxes.
08:51And how are we going to build universities?
08:58How are we going to repair the universities here,
09:01also attacked by the Guarimberos?
09:03I don't know how they destroyed part of the universities,
09:07Central University, what the university did to them.
09:12It's an incredible thing.
09:17OK, this information, the air conditioning
09:25is hurting my throat.
09:28OK, I'm going to give you the figures.
09:30Year 2020, in the middle of a pandemic,
09:42$137 million were collected for all the expenses
09:49of the government, of the state.
09:51And we were under the threat of invasion, blockade.
09:56And with this fund.
