How American Express, DoorDash, JP Morgan Chase, and more are using AI to improve business

  • 2 months ago
CMOs from companies like DoorDash, American Express, JP Morgan Chase, and more reveal how they're using AI.


00:00I think we see AI doing incredible things for the business. A couple of
00:04concrete examples, if you think about our business and you think about the
00:07restaurants in our business, when a new restaurant joins StorDash, there's a
00:10cold-start problem, right? You're gonna have your first 30 days, how are people
00:13gonna discover you, are they gonna find orders? So a lot of what we do is we
00:16leverage the learnings we have from all the other restaurants on the platform
00:19that look like that restaurant, package that up as a set of insights to really
00:23help them understand how do I optimize my menu, how do I set up my photos, how do I
00:26set up my store, which hours should I run? So we're able to give them a ton of
00:29information that right out of the gate helps them be successful. We can look at
00:33AI from the perspective of photo coverage, right? So we can think about for
00:36all the stores on StorDash, which might be a small-medium business restaurant
00:40that doesn't have a lot of resources to take their own photos for every dish, how
00:44might we use AI to augment that? And if we have photo coverage on every item on
00:48the platform, that's gonna drive conversion because people eat with their
00:50eyes. So that's a super concrete example about how we think about AI in the
00:53business. And then from a marketing perspective, we're really leaning to it
00:57from the copy side. You know, we send out emails, push notifications, and there's a
01:02lot of testing that we do as a business to understand what's driving more open
01:05rates, what's efficient, what's effective. And AI really helps us to generate a lot
01:09of examples of these and put those in front of people in real time and
01:12optimize. AI has been such a powerful tool for us actually for many years.
01:18Starting back in 2010, we used machine learning to help our customers from a
01:25fraud perspective. But I'm also very excited about what we're thinking about
01:29with Gen AI sort of going forward. I think it's all about the
01:34ability to deliver personalized, customized experiences, as well as make
01:39the marketers job much easier so that they can then focus on creativity and
01:45innovation. So very specifically, we're thinking about Gen AI in a couple of
01:50different ways. That content generation that I just mentioned in terms of being
01:54personalized, so the ability to use text for email messages, digital assets, and
01:59websites, again, to make the marketers job easier so they can focus on that
02:04creativity. We're also thinking about using AI from an insights perspective, so
02:09the ability to synthesize an array of insights that allow us to make smart
02:14marketing decisions. And then lastly, and I talked about this already, but using AI
02:19to create a marketing assistant. So again, to make that end-to-end campaign much
02:25more seamless, allowing the marketer to do their job in a very creative and
02:30innovative way. You have some very real AI experiences with marketing. First,
02:35using it to understand our customer research better, or apply Gen AI across
02:38an entire base of insights and customer interactions and be able to actually
02:42test marketing ideas and messages against the research. One that's been
02:46really productive, of course, using Gen AI for content creation, but more recently
02:50video creation, which is incredibly cost-efficient. And we're able to use
02:53videos now for social media and other drops that we wouldn't have before,
02:57because it's too expensive or took too long. But my favorite is we used Gen AI
03:01very early on in our ad campaign, and we actually decided we're gonna test it on
03:05ourselves. Our campaign theme was be ready, because you have to be ready for
03:07whatever's next. So we just said, hey, let's try it on ourselves. We took a team
03:11of artists, and we took Gen AI, and we took the top four headlines out of the
03:14news that morning. We had Gen AI create a kind of a picture of those four
03:19headlines. It might look all jammed together. And then the artists had six
03:22hours to refine it and make it better and make it coherent. And we literally
03:25ran it on a billboard the next day. And we did that for ten days. So we woke
03:29up every morning, picked the headlines, used Gen AI, put the artists on it, and
03:32ran it. And we said, hey, let's be ready as well. And so that was a really cool
03:35experiment. We've been using AI across the business for years, right? We've been
03:39using it to price rooms based on demand we're seeing in the marketplace. We're
03:42using it to score our content to make sure it's meeting our standards for the
03:457,600 hotels we have all across the globe. And now we're using it to actually
03:48write copy for us in some cases at scale. Or translate things for all across the
03:52world. We're in 126 countries and territories across the world. So AI is
03:55helping us create better content, more meaningfully versioned. It doesn't take the
03:59creativity out of the humans, but it's helping us amplify our efforts. And of
04:02course, I'm a little bit biased, but I think as we see AI become more pervasive,
04:05the need for human hospitality, the human connection, is even more important
04:08than ever. When I think about AI, it's really about the journey that we've been
04:11on to blend human and digital in a way that's unique to State Farm. There's
04:17several applications in terms of how we're using it and how we're exploring
04:21using it. One is just to make our people better, faster, more efficient in doing
04:26their work. We found some opportunities in just simple things like something
04:31called Simple Insights, where consumers can go online and learn more about
04:35insurance. AI has helped cultivate that in a quicker, easier way. And those humans
04:40that used to write it are now able to do higher value things. And so that's a
04:44wonderful thing. And then we're also exploring ways through creativity. It's
04:47really important to us in terms of telling our story and how we can think
04:52about hyper personalization to deliver the right message at the right time to
04:56the right audience. So that they choose State Farm, they see it as a place for
05:00them. And when you think about our industry, fraud, scams, overdraft, we have
05:06to know when those things happen. And that intelligence helps us actually
05:09reach out to our consumers and our customers and say to them, here's a
05:13moment in time, particularly if you think about like holidays, for example, or tax
05:18season, where they are more prone and more vulnerable to those kinds of scams.
05:22And so for us to be able to use that artificial intelligence to be able to
05:26get to our customers, either before something happens, if we get signals, or
05:31frankly, right after something happens to be able to help people. For us, it's
05:35very, very helpful. Now, when I think about Gen AI more recently, we've
05:39actually used it in a couple of different ways. One, it's made us much
05:43more efficient. And so when I think about the role of the team set, for example,
05:48write all of our SEO articles, they are moving from writers to editors, where
05:55they may have spent days, for example, writing an article. Now what they're
05:59doing is they're prompting. So they're prompt engineers in the sense that
06:03they're actually prompting the intelligence to say, you know, here's
06:06what I want to write about. And then they're spending 20 minutes, 30 minutes,
06:1140 minutes, whatever it is, actually then editing these articles. So it really
06:16speeds up the time. And it allows us not only to spend our time on the more sort
06:22of value added things, but it allows us to actually produce more articles. And so
06:27that's really important for us. So the last one I'll share actually is really
06:30interesting. On the JP Morgan side, we do a lot of thought leadership client
06:35events, but not a ton of clients come to those events, right? But we want to share
06:39that thought leadership and all the conversations that happen with our
06:43millions of clients. And so historically, what we've done is we've taken, you
06:47know, the scripts from the conversations that are had on panels, for example, and
06:51we painstakingly go through them. And it takes sometimes a week to be able to
06:56package the summaries of those for our clients and then send them out. Now it's
07:01taking hours, because we can take those transcripts and the AI is really helping
07:06us distill all of that down, summarize it very quickly, so that we can then send it
07:11off within 24 hours and package it to our clients. So it's really just speeding
07:16up the process internally. It's making us more efficient. And then externally, it's
07:20making us much more effective and able to connect with our consumers much more
