• 2 months ago
00:53Know he's representing Christie, so I'm gonna find a new solicitor. Oh sure yeah
01:00Sorry I have to go
01:06Are you okay? Yeah, ignore what I said earlier
01:14So see you soon, yeah, yeah
01:23Dinner great
01:38Hello dad hey Chuck you okay?
01:43Hate it here
01:45Sorry, sweetie look. I hate it that you're there, too
01:53Come and get me I can't
01:56No no
01:58Sweetie that wouldn't work just stay at Uncle Malcolm's, okay, but I gotta go, but I'll call you soon, okay
02:23I've never stood you yet
02:28When do you go back over fine next week, what do you want?
02:44Unopened this isn't for headaches is it bipolar disorder?
03:00Long she went on she's been taking that stuff since I met her seven years ago
03:05Okay, I reckon she's been taking it since she's 15
03:08I'm not taking
03:10And what happens?
03:12When she doesn't take
03:17She used to accuse people things wake up in the middle and I think I was gonna kill her
03:24Well I saw what you did to her living room
03:29I'm not I woke up out of pain in my side
03:34She stabbed me here
03:37And here
03:40Before I got the knife off her
03:47Why didn't you tell the cops she's my wife mother my kid
04:01Missed a gun to luck detective Cornelia would like to have a chat
04:10It's a gun to luck what do you want?
04:14That was mr. Maneen
04:17What do you want? I just want to clear something up about the night before you found Tom's body
04:24You went out drinking with your friend David Carroll
04:27You often go out drinking to excess with mr. Carroll
04:33What made you go?
04:35Why do you want to know?
04:38Why you cheated on me? I have a right to know tell me who it was
04:42You fight about ms. Maneen fighting about a lot of things
04:47But it finished on the subject of ms. Maneen Jess Maneen
04:51Said you wanted to know I waved to her every fucking morning Asian history was five years ago
04:57Where are you going? Are you going to go see her now? No, I'm going out. So you went out drinking with. Mr
05:01Carroll a few hours passed
05:04He put you in a taxi
05:08So he says don't remember
05:15Maybe a black and white cat pulled up
05:20Pay the driver in cash
05:26Shut the door
05:31Taxi reverses
05:36Then drive down the street that way
05:51And then what
06:00Went home
06:04Open my gate
06:08And then I went inside the bed didn't go across the street
06:17It's funny
06:23Because look at this
06:39What we can make of it she pulled up paid the driver in cash shut the door
06:47And reverses
06:50And then
07:01What happened
07:16I must have made a mistake. Maybe I thought I was on the other side of the road
07:26Really don't remember
07:37Anything else you want to tell me
08:16Don't know
08:31Did you get home before me I couldn't have could I no I don't remember neither do I
08:44Yeah, I might have put something extra in your drink that night you've what you spy it's just liquid ecstasy
08:50Well strictly speaking was GBH with a little bit of Molly to balance
08:53But you're not supposed to mix it with booze, but you were so stressed man
08:56What does it do it was supposed to relax you right? I can't remember half of what happened
09:01Yeah, well it can do that to fucking hell Dave. Well, I'm sorry, mate
09:04I was actually trying to help what and you didn't think you should tell me this well
09:08I didn't think would matter fuck the Benno Benno
09:11Mate, it's it's easy. Just show the cops this yes, and they're off you and onto her like flies
09:16Oh shit not enough. It is my she's a psycho and this proves. It's not enough. Okay
09:21They have so much more of me than that. Well, you gotta find that bloody jacket
11:31What are you doing
11:40Put that down, please what happened put her down
11:51You should go you should tell me about the territory
11:58You really should go Oh what you're gonna do to me what you did to Paul get out
12:04Where's the jacket? What are you talking about?
12:07It's the one that I found the one that vanished you were here when I chased that guy into the bush. Where is it?
12:17You think you think I killed my boy
12:36Was mine, too
12:38You think you know then you think you know what it's like to lose a child
12:43You have no idea. I did lose a child. You've still got yours
12:57You'll pay for this
13:26It just mean I had a daughter
13:29She died
13:33Sudden infant death syndrome eight weeks old
13:38Well, you knew about the territory and before that the Valpro eight
13:43when the lithium
13:45And you know that she stabbed Paul Manet
13:54That's the jacket that I found
13:58That's the one that went missing
14:01I just seen this photo before no
14:07Had you been in mr. Naines bedroom before how'd you know I was in a bedroom how'd you find it?
14:16She invited me in this morning
14:19What for?
14:22He's on a bedside table
14:31And when did you find the urn and the jumpsuit
14:36Jess called you
14:39What did she say that you broke him without her permission she took a photograph without permission and
14:47That you struck at her she hit me
14:52She's crazy she lies and I think she killed Tom
14:59Know how it looks to you. Okay. I know you think that I did this but I didn't I didn't I
15:14Didn't know that he was my son I
15:21Wish I had I wish I had if I'd have known
15:30I'd have loved him
15:41Why would I kill him
15:44I'll find that out
15:49Thank you for coming in to save me
15:54We'll return this to mr. Knight
16:05Ben it's Christy. Give me a call
16:08Ben what's wrong with your mobile? Call me?
16:23Hello, yes me is she there
16:27What is either there?
16:30She's not with you. Why do you think I've been calling you Ben? Is she there? I
16:34Just got home. I mean she called before she wanted to come over
16:39What you better look and you better not be lying. I
16:44Don't know
17:13Ben have you seen Eva? I thought Christie took her to her brother's
17:36Leave me alone Ben. Is she in here?
17:43You've lost your daughter now, huh feels horrible, doesn't it?
17:56What's going on I've called the police
17:58If you hurt her I'll kill you
18:22Mr. Gondolier
18:25Sir, do you have a moment? I need to ask a few questions look for my daughter
18:29You can do what you want. You can look in my house. I'm gonna find my daughter
18:54I it's Christie Gundelach. Sorry. I can't take your call leave a brief message
19:39Yes, it's corny out we found Eva
19:44No, I'm just checking to see where you are
19:46You know where I am
19:49You guys are in my street. That's just one question
19:54You had sex this morning with ms. Mannane
20:01Was a consensual
20:04What what are you talking about?
20:08Kunio what'd she say?
20:12Talk to me. Mr. Gundelach. There's a very serious allegation. I want to hear your side of the story
20:19my side
20:21Listen I've got something on the stove. Just give me a sec
20:52Mr. Gundelach
21:05Open up police
22:08Mr. Gundelach get down, please. Where's my daughter? Get down
22:16Down now
22:24What'd she do with my daughter
22:51Didn't do it corny out arrest her arrest her mind your head. Mr. Gundelach
22:56Arrest her! Arrest her!
22:59Corny out arrest her!
23:18What is it you better come have a look
24:02What the hell's going on Ava's been found safe and well
24:10We're at her uncle's kids a well that panic for nothing
24:22Want to get a solicitor does Christy even know I'm here
24:28What the hell is going on are you gonna charge me or what?
25:07The 49 year old fisherman was airlifted to Cairns Base Hospital where he remains in a serious, but stable condition
25:14The police investigation into the murder of four-year-old Brisbane boy Thomas Manane has been
25:19reignited with the detention of the boy's mother for questioning the 32 year old woman was taken from her home by homicide detectives and is
25:27Assisting them with their inquiries
25:28This comes after the recent release of Benjamin Gundelach who had been a figure of intense speculation
25:34After finding the boy's body in mid-December lawyers for the woman insists
25:38She was not involved in her son's death and will fight any charges a police boat. What did you get?
25:46Musselman beef green curry and golden parcels yeah
25:52Do you want to get started on the mortgage papers you should eat first yeah good idea where's Eva
26:04She's not again Eva
26:09I'll have a look
26:25Once you
27:25Hot yeah, that's inside mom too, okay, but I'm glad to catch you
27:34Better get these iceboxes
27:43Saw quite worried that day he disappeared told my mom sorry
27:49Where'd you go?
27:52Streets around uncle Malcolm's I
27:55Spoke to a bus driver
27:58Apparently a girl who looked a lot like you
28:02Caught a bus out here that afternoon
28:05So so wasn't you no I
28:11Really gotta go your father was quite desperate to find you
28:16You thought mr.. Nain may have harmed you she killed Tom
28:20He broke in which was wrong
28:23Searching a house for you
28:27We found a jacket there, that's all the news
28:30Before he went over huh, I was talking to him on the phone
28:36So well he didn't hang up the phone
28:46We had to scrub the audio boost it was quite faint
29:12Came back and you put the jacket in mr.. Nain's laundry
29:59116 p.m.. Resuming interview with Eva dundaluck
30:04Now Eva, I'm gonna read back over what you said before lunch about the death of Tom and I do you understand
30:13Anything I say that is incorrect you please stop me and tell me
30:22You said
30:25It happened the night mom and dad fought
30:28They fought before but this time was different. It was loud, and I went to listen
30:34I heard mom saying she wanted to leave dad
30:41Tell me who it was it was Jess
30:44Yes, just my name
30:46I couldn't let mom and dad break up
30:49Couldn't let Jess my name ruin our family. I had to make her leave the street
30:56She wouldn't stay without a boy
30:59If Justin have Tom anymore should go and leave dad alone I
31:07Waited till dad got home
31:20He went to the door and he came back home
31:24He came back inside, and I waited for him to go to bed
31:42Had a key because Tash used to babysit for Jess
32:13The jacket was just there
32:21And I took him up the track
32:28Because that's the way the river I wanted to put him in the river
32:39But we didn't get to the jetty he didn't like the rain when it got heavy
33:02Want to go home
33:23Get back here
33:30So I hit him I hit him on the head with the torch
33:48I had to to make him quiet
34:06Then I didn't know what to do it was too heavy it was too far to the river, so I left him
34:20Things kept going bad when I got back to our street his mom was already looking for him
34:31So I went behind mrs.. Bailey's house where dad found that weird guy, that's where I had to leave the jacket
35:05Thought dad would still be asleep
35:09Has to be night by me
35:12Things kept going wrong
35:14And I went back for the jacket. It was gone
35:17And then I found out you were looking for a torch, so I thought I put dad's torch back
35:25You leave him alone
35:28On Christmas Day I heard dad get up early I
35:32Followed him up to mrs.. Bailey's house
35:35And I found the jacket there
35:38That weird man must have taken it
35:41All I had to do was put it back in her house
35:45Now her meaning is my name
35:50But mom mom made it hard I
36:02Just wanted us to have a normal Christmas, but it wasn't
36:11I came back with Tash, but then she came on
36:17We'd only been gone a day and she was already after that
36:27Tom's gone we'd gone, but she still there I
36:38Took a bus from uncle Malcolm's I got the jacket and I waited
37:03After that I waited in my cubby and when I got back home
37:09That wasn't there
37:22You know you should listen to dad when he said he didn't do it
37:42Is there anything else you'd like to tell me
37:49I'm sorry
37:54None of this would happen if I just got Tom to the river
38:04Mrs.. Gunderland, this is your copy for you to sign as guardian
38:26It's all right mom everything's gonna be all right
38:44Have a Abigail gondola. I'm arresting you for the murder of Tom. I'm gonna be taken to the watch
39:42Not sure what the magistrate would aside for it
39:56Mr.. Gunnerly, thank you