Storm Valley Chronicles | Episodes 1-5 | Action Comic Series

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00:00Fighting for justice is not an easy road in Storm Valley.
00:07Why did you choose to go against the grain?
00:11Seven out of ten of the ambitious citizens here have chosen crime.
00:16What makes you different?
00:18Was the teacher life too conventional for you?
00:20You just had to add your own flair.
00:23Well enough with the self-questioning.
00:25Your duties are calling.
00:27So you like to take cars, huh?
00:29What's wrong?
00:30Is it not enough toys in your playroom?
00:32How about I take your face off while I'm at it?
00:37Hey, get this rope off of me.
00:41Officers, over here.
00:43I found a new guilty soul.
00:44He thinks all nice cars are free to the public.
00:47I caught him in the act.
00:48He's already busted the window.
00:54Thanks again, Chris.
00:55These carjackers are quite active in this area.
00:58Sometimes we can't catch them quick enough.
01:00We contacted the owner of this vehicle.
01:02You won't believe it.
01:03He's an ex-Storm Valley cop.
01:06No one is safe in this town, man.
01:08Darkness is like a ticket to a top dollar crime.
01:12This can't be good, man.
01:23Looks like I'm going to have an action-packed week.
01:28These students have been learning sufficiently.
01:36Sometimes it's hard to balance a vigilante lifestyle and the teacher life at the same
01:41Today on the west side of Storm Valley, the city manager discussed plans of opening a
01:46new food bank to help the homeless and people in need.
01:51This is a good look for this city.
01:53Just when you think nothing good could happen here, a golden goose lays an egg.
01:57To help raise funds for such a big project, the city manager is hosting a give-back festival
02:02with music talent, rides for the kids, and more.
02:05All vendors will share 60% of the proceeds and are asked to contact City Hall by July 28th.
02:11Sounds good, but unfortunately, it would be the perfect time for the Pacinos to perform a heist.
02:20Hopefully today goes smooth.
02:24Faculty meeting.
02:26Ugh, this is going to be dragged out for a while.
02:30Why am I here?
02:31I have so many things to do.
02:33I need to get enough info to stop the Pacinos quick as possible.
02:36Did you hear me, Chris?
02:38Dean Brown said there has been a lot of students missing after lunch.
02:42Sorry Miss Valentine, my mind was wandering.
02:51Oh no, not the pacer.
02:56Today is the day.
02:58There is no time to waste.
03:00I must get a bird's eye view of this festival early.
03:03I'm sure the baddest criminals in the city will be there.
03:08We have a 1031 in progress.
03:11414 Chambers Avenue.
03:14Requesting backup.
03:17That's just six blocks from the festival, so maybe Tony is responsible for this.
03:23Let's get it all, boys.
03:26Tony needs new bling for his black market clients with expensive taste.
03:31Drats. You're the only cop here and you're shielding yourself like me.
03:36They must be too busy at the festival.
03:38Well, it's only four of them. It should be an easy win.
03:42Not this guy again. I'm sick of you, asshole.
03:45And I'm sick of your crimes, Hong Kong.
03:47Go to sleep, you weakling.
03:50How about a little gymnastics?
03:56Looks like we all hit rock bottom.
04:04Wow, I heard of rock hard abs, but this is ridiculous.
04:10We must be crazy fighting this freak.
04:12Ugh, he's really got me pinned down.
04:15I might hate your guts, but letting this monster take over Storm Valley is bad for business.
04:21Chris, come on. I need your strength.
04:24Where are you going, Frankie?
04:26So you thought I would stay away and let you and your brother steal all the fun?
04:30Joey, spare me. I don't have a beef with you, really.
04:34I'm just a businessman.
04:36Lies you tell. I'm no longer Joey Cartwell.
04:40I am a killing machine by the name of White Knuckles, thanks to you.
04:44Forgiveness you won't get from me.
04:47At least Storm Valley wasn't hit by an avalanche.
04:51You have always been the cutest thing in Storm Valley, Chris.
04:55Really? Hey, where are you going?
04:58So you are just going to start the fire and leave it unattended, huh?
05:03Fire may be too warm for me. I'm frostbite, you know?
05:14Frankie, you took your eyes off the heist.
05:17Where's the jewelry and what the world were you doing helping our enemy, Chris Faultly?
05:23For Pete's sake, Tony. The rules didn't apply at the time.
05:28There was a portal that opened and my boys got scared of a rock monster attacking Storm Valley.
05:34Portal, eh? So all this hoopla about the portal opening up and monsters attacking.
05:40Well, I'm not crazy, but you are, Frankie.
05:43In fact, I watched from a distance and you were being threatened by some skeleton freak.
05:49Just my guilt. It was Joey Cartwell, Tony.
05:53He claimed he's changed and he's White Knuckles, but it was easy to recognize his voice.
05:59I tried to tell him I'm a businessman, but he mistakes me for a liar.
06:04I'm going to be as direct as I can be, little brother.
06:08Don't show your heart to your enemies again.
06:10Chris Faultly is an undercover vigilante and he has plugged in with the SVPD.
06:16We can see 50 years behind bars for crying out loud.
06:20I'm not going out like that. Next time, focus on the heist.
06:25Hey, Tony. I noticed that Frostbite is in town.
06:29She's too familiar with Faultly. Want me to take care of that, too?
06:34That's the attitude I was looking for.
06:36You bozos can try.
06:41Welcome to a place where you hold your own.
06:45The souls are tainted, so you don't stay long.
06:49A lot of trouble comes about, but we still survive.
06:53See the mischief of the people in the spot where they ask you.
06:57Faultly, that's bad news.
07:00Slick smiles, big crowds, and attitudes.
07:04Lots of crime through time sent bad news.
