Johnny Learns His Manners (1946)

  • 2 months ago
In this late Hugh Harman cartoon, little Johnny is slovenly, ill-mannered, argumentative, and gradually turns into a pig so that he shouldn't have listen to his Good Self and somehow learned from his Bad Self.

A modern fable in animated form, this is the story of a 'piggish' little boy who learned the hard way that good maners, cooperation and consideration really do benefit oneself. This film is a humorous visualization of basic concepts: good manners and consideration for others result in acceptance, while bad manners are liked by none. Youngsters will enjoy learning this valuable lesson.

Note: am I the only one thinking this short is set during the Summer Vacation or a Saturday!
00:00Once upon a time, in a certain little town, on a street that had beautiful poplar trees growing along each side of it, was a nice little house.
00:19Johnny, who had brown eyes, ears that stood out a little like this, a nose that turned up slightly, that always had a happy smile.
00:34I said the mouth always had a happy smile. That's better.
00:40Now, as well as having a head, of course, arms and legs and a body, just like other little boys.
00:48And when they were all put together, Johnny looked like this.
00:54Well, now that you know what Johnny looks like, I know you want to hear about a very peculiar thing that happened to him one day.
01:02The sun was peeping in his window and was getting ready to wake him up, but look at that sun.
01:08He looks a bit disgusted at what he sees in Johnny's room, and no wonder.
01:13We didn't want to tell you this, but Johnny's a terribly untidy little boy.
01:18Did you ever see such an untidy room?
01:23His mother had asked him so many times to hang up his clothes and put away his toys.
01:28And like all little boys, he had a good self who told him the right things to do, and he knew he should hang up his pajamas.
01:36But like most little boys, Johnny also had a bad self.
01:41And I don't know why, but Johnny seemed to prefer to listen to this bad self, who told him,
01:48Don't be a sissy! Throw your pajamas on the floor!
01:53And the bad self won.
01:55Ah, too bad.
01:58Now, of course the bathroom's nice and clean and tidy. Johnny's mother keeps it that way.
02:04But does Johnny help her? Well, not exactly.
02:08Johnny likes...
02:10But his good self tells him he knows he doesn't have to have fun that way.
02:14It makes his mother very unhappy.
02:17And good self might have won his argument if that bad, bad self had not come up with the old argument.
02:24Ah, don't be a sissy, he told Johnny.
02:28Make all the mess you want. And why?
02:31Just splash a little water on yourself and dry it off. Nobody will know the difference.
02:35And what's the good of cleaning your teeth?
02:38Unless, of course, you could have some fun with a toothpaste.
02:42But wait, cried good self. Stop.
02:45Just look at the mess you've made. It'll get worse and worse.
02:50If you don't mend your ways, you'll turn into a pig for sure.
02:54Just as your mother said.
02:56Pig snorted Johnny. Ah, don't be silly!
02:59But even as he hurried off to breakfast, his hands and feet became little pig's trotters.
03:06And though good self knew this was bound to happen,
03:09he was very sad to see such a nice little boy making such a pig of himself.
03:15Of course, bad self was just tickled pink, another one over on him.
03:20As Johnny rushed into breakfast, he had no idea that his hands and feet were, you know what.
03:28But then why should he? With table manners like this.
03:33His mother, of course, was most unhappy to see him slurp and spill his food this way.
03:39But Johnny paid no attention to what she said.
03:42He thought he was a regular fellow.
03:45He had the mistaken idea that being neat and well-mannered was like being a sissy.
03:52That was why when his good self popped up to remind him that all this bad behavior was going to lead nowhere,
03:58Johnny gave him an argument.
04:00Ah, said Johnny. And of course, no polite little boy says ah in just that way.
04:06I don't want to be polite. I want to be a ball player or a soldier.
04:10Well, you won't be either one, said good self. You'll just be a pig.
04:16This pig business was beginning to worry Johnny.
04:19And for a moment he began to wonder if he'd better change his ways.
04:23Don't be silly, said bad self, popping into the picture again.
04:28It doesn't matter how you eat as long as you eat plenty to make you strong.
04:33Now that sort of reasoning seemed to appeal to Johnny.
04:36And he continued to eat as rudely as ever.
04:39Be careful, said good self. You're going too far.
04:43Ah, hurry up, said bad self.
04:46Show him your boss around here.
04:49Then Johnny licked his plate and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.
04:57He's getting to be more and more of a pig, murmured good self.
05:02This, of course, was just what bad self wanted.
05:05He knew he could get Johnny into even worse trouble if he could just get good self out of the way.
05:11Look out!
05:13Too late.
05:14As soon as Johnny got outside the house, he ran as fast as he could to the baseball field.
05:20And as he approached the field, he saw that the game had already started.
05:24This made him very angry because his bad manners and his rudeness had, quite naturally, made him also a very selfish little boy.
05:32Give me the bat, he said to Tommy. I want a bat first.
05:37The other boys could hardly believe that one of their friends could be such a bad sport and such a bully.
05:44Don't be a pig, they called.
05:46See, even your friends think you're a pig, said good self.
05:49And no wonder. Snatching the bat away from little Tommy is the most terrible thing you've done yet.
05:55Ah, why not take the bat, shouted bad self.
05:59You're bigger than he is, aren't you?
06:02Right, said Johnny the pig.
06:04Let's get on with the game.
06:06But the tale doesn't end here.
06:08Play ball, shouted Johnny.
06:11Mickey threw a fast one.
06:15And the ball sailed through the air.
06:18As Johnny ran, touched first base and rushed on, the ball was thrown into Billy who caught it on second base.
06:24You're out, shouted Billy.
06:26And Johnny was out by a mile.
06:28But Johnny didn't like that.
06:30He didn't want to be out.
06:31I'm not out, I'm not out, he screamed at Billy.
06:34Poor Billy just blinked.
06:37Anybody could see that Johnny was out by a mile.
06:40Billy started to explain it, but he just got pushed around for his trouble.
06:46Well, that was more than the other boys could stand.
06:49They were all good sports.
06:51And like all regular fellows, they couldn't stand a bully or someone who wanted his own way all the time.
06:57They told Johnny he was a big bully.
06:59You're nothing but a pig, they said.
07:01Naturally, they wouldn't have anything more to do with him.
07:04Would you?
07:06Hmph, said Johnny.
07:08They all say I'm a pig.
07:09They're crazy.
07:11That's what Johnny said.
07:13But do you think they were crazy?
07:15Bad Self laughed and laughed as he saw what he'd done to Johnny.
07:19Good Self decided it was time to do something about it.
07:23As for Johnny, he began to feel pretty unhappy.
07:27All his friends had left him, and he had that empty feeling that everyone gets when they've been terribly selfish.
07:34There was nothing for him to do but go home.
07:37On his way, he passed a farmyard where there were some little pigs.
07:41He couldn't stand the sight of them.
07:43He hurried on his way.
07:45He had no idea, of course, the pigs were following him until, oink, oink, they sat right behind him.
07:51Shoo, shoo, said Johnny to the pigs.
07:53Go on, go on home.
07:55But the little pigs just stood there and smiled at him.
07:57They thought this was fun.
07:59They'd never seen a pig with clothes on.
08:02Johnny was pretty worried by this time.
08:04So he started to run.
08:06The pigs ran right behind him.
08:08So he ran faster.
08:10The faster Johnny ran, the faster the pigs ran.
08:13So Johnny ran still faster.
08:15He'd never run so fast before.
08:17Puffing and blowing, he arrived at last at his home, swung in the gate, and slammed it shut.
08:26Only then did he feel safe from those terrifying little pigs.
08:30In the garden, he found his little dog Rover lying asleep under a bush waiting for him.
08:35Johnny smiled again.
08:37Let his friends call him a pig.
08:39Let them walk away from him.
08:41Rover was a true friend.
08:43Rover wouldn't let him down.
08:45Hi, Rover, he called.
08:48The dog awakened as soon as he heard that familiar sound.
08:51Oh boy, said Rover to himself.
08:53Johnny's here to play with me.
08:55And off he ran to greet his little master.
08:57Whoa, said Rover.
09:01What is that funny looking thing that sounds like Johnny?
09:05Rover decided he didn't know.
09:07But whatever it was, he didn't like it.
09:10He ran like a flash with howls of dismay, sped like a rocket toward the bushes, and disappeared.
09:16Cautiously, he peeped out and blinked.
09:20Johnny tried hard to stop a tear from rolling down his cheek.
09:24This was the hardest blow of all.
09:26Little Rover, whom he'd raised from a pup, with whom he'd romped and played for years, had deserted him.
09:32He could stand everything else, but this was too much.
09:36He would have to find his mother.
09:38Would she run away from him?
09:40He'd been very rude and very disobedient.
09:43Yes, he'd better see his mother.
09:45On the way through the hall, Johnny passed the mirror.
09:47Huh? Who was that?
09:50Who was that funny looking creature?
09:53He looked at it this way.
09:55He looked at it that way.
09:57And he looked at it the other way.
09:59Oh, it's me, Sovereign Catfish.
10:02Ma, ma, he yelled.
10:04Now he really had to find his mother quickly.
10:06Oh, mother, mother, he said.
10:08I've turned into a pig.
10:09No one will have anything to do with me, not even Rover.
10:12Oh, mother, I've turned into a pig.
10:15Well, of course you have, said his mother.
10:17You've turned into a pig because you prefer to act like one.
10:21I didn't want to be a pig, said Johnny.
10:25I just don't want to be a sissy.
10:29So that's it, his mother said.
10:31You're afraid of being a sissy.
10:33Well, just let me show you something.
10:35And she turned on the movie projector.
10:39Do you know who those men are, asked Johnny's mother.
10:42Sure, they're West Point cadets, answered Johnny.
10:45That's right.
10:46And see how smartly they march.
10:48Notice how clean and well kept their uniforms are.
10:52Do you think they're sissies?
10:53Well, no, Johnny agreed they couldn't be sissies.
10:57Then said his mother, if the future generals of the United States can keep clean, you should too.
11:02Johnny thought about that and agreed it was probably so.
11:05But he added, if I had a uniform like that and were a West Point cadet, I would naturally keep myself clean.
11:12Mm-mm, said his mother.
11:14Things like that just don't happen.
11:17These young men earned the right to be cadets by being clean and well-mannered first.
11:22You can't change from being dirty and bad-mannered into being clean and well-mannered all of a sudden.
11:27You can't?
11:28And Johnny seemed worried.
11:30Said his mother, if you made up your mind to try very hard, perhaps you could.
11:36In the academy in the barracks rooms where they live, the cadets study hard and practice being orderly, clean, and tidy.
11:46These young men know that without good manners, they will never be good officers.
11:53And it's the same thing at Annapolis, where Uncle Sam trains his naval officers.
11:58Nobody leans on the table or slurps his food here.
12:09Here's the Navy football squad.
12:12But good manners are not forgotten on the playing field.
12:17The men learn to tackle hard and to tackle fairly.
12:25And how to kick.
12:27And how to develop their muscles.
12:29But they also learn that while it is important to win,
12:32it doesn't matter if they lose as long as they've played their best and can lose with a smile.
12:40Watch this man score.
12:42And remember that good sportsmanship is something that everyone admires.
12:46And good sportsmanship is acting to others the way you would like them to act to you.
12:55So remember, Johnny, if you want to play ball like this and get a cheer like this,
13:10play fair.
13:11Play for the team and never, never act like a pig.
13:15Oh boy, said Johnny, that was a wonderful movie.
13:18Now I know exactly what to do.
13:21Well, said his mother, now's the time to begin then.
13:24Because once you've made up your mind to do something, you must act immediately.
13:30As Johnny rushed away, you could see that he felt better already.
13:33He ran up the stairs as fast as he could and entered his room.
13:37No wonder I turned into a pig, he said as he looked around.
13:40Quickly, he gathered up all his clothes he'd left scattered around
13:43and hung them up neatly in his closet, just as he'd seen the cadets do.
13:48Then he picked up and put away his toys in the toy box.
13:52On the way out, he paused at the door to see if everything was ship-shaped,
13:55as the midshipman would say.
13:57And as he looked around the clean and tidy room, he felt happier than he'd ever felt before.
14:03Suddenly, he noticed that his pig strutters were once more his own hands and feet.
14:08Oh boy, exclaimed, I'm turning into a little boy again.
14:13And he was so encouraged that he hurried even faster to get on with the job.
14:17In the bathroom, he hung up each towel in its place, put everything back where it belonged,
14:22and yes sir, he even put the cap back on the toothpaste.
14:26Yes sir, said Johnny.
14:28I must admit that certainly is an improvement.
14:31So he thought it was time to see if he showed any improvement.
14:34And sure enough, he could see a lot of changes for the better.
14:38Now nothing could stop him.
14:40A fellow couldn't become a cadet or a midshipman all of a sudden.
14:43He wondered why he hadn't realized that before.
14:45At lunchtime, Johnny sat up straight at the table as he'd been taught to do,
14:49arranged his napkin properly, and instead of reaching for the food,
14:53asked his mother to pass it for him.
14:55This time there was no slurping or spilling or splashing of food.
14:59Johnny was eating like a little gentleman and proud of the fact that he knew how to do so.
15:05Johnny, said good self popping up again, you look more and more like yourself.
15:10Johnny grinned as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.
15:13Just remember, continued good self, that any drip can be a pig.
15:18It takes a smart guy not to be one.
15:21Roger, said Johnny.
15:23And what do you know?
15:25His pig's ears disappeared.
15:27Don't be a dope, cried bad self.
15:31You're going to have more fun taking my advice.
15:33Do you want to be a sissy?
15:35Being polite and well-mannered is not being a sissy, said Johnny.
15:38Listening to you doesn't get a fella anywhere.
15:40And he dropped bad self into the sugar bowl.
15:44Good for you, cried good self as Johnny excused himself and left the table.
15:48And just in case bad self should cause any more trouble,
15:52he jumped on the lid and sat on it.
15:55Well, said good self, that takes care of that.
15:58And it certainly seemed to.
16:00When Johnny arrived at the ball game, the boys were not a bit pleased to see him.
16:05Hi, fellas, said Johnny.
16:07But the fellas hardly said a word.
16:09The boys expected trouble.
16:11But Johnny went over to little Tommy and said, here, use my new bat.
16:15Then he went over to Jimmy and said, here, try my new mitt.
16:18Well, what do you make of it, Ted asked Bobby.
16:21I don't know, answered Bobby.
16:23But if he wants to play fair, we'll let him play.
16:26As the game got going, the boys were more than glad to have Johnny playing with them.
16:30He was always on the job, and he played for the team.
16:33But when it came Johnny's turn at bat, a shiver of excitement ran through all the boys.
16:39So far, Johnny had been a good sport.
16:41How would he act now?
16:43The ball came sailing fast and straight toward the plate.
16:48Johnny socked it with all his might, and the ball went winging way, way, way over the field.
16:53It looked like a home run for sure.
16:55Johnny went zipping around the bases, and as he passed third base, the ball was fielded.
16:59The fielder fumbled with it for a moment, then threw it into home base.
17:02And Johnny and the ball seemed to arrive at the same moment.
17:05You're out, shouted Jimmy in great excitement.
17:07And this time the boys were ready in case Johnny put up another argument.
17:10But they didn't know our new Johnny.
17:13Shake, said Johnny to Jimmy.
17:15That was a good catch.
17:16I thought I was safe, but I was too busy running to see.
17:19If you say I'm out, I'm out.
17:21That's the kind of sportsmanship the boys liked to see.
17:24And they were so happy to see Johnny a good sport again, they cheered him all around the field.
17:29Because he was.
17:30They then and there elected him captain of the team.
17:34But of course there was no pig left in Johnny, so his snout disappeared too.
17:38Hooray for our side, said good self.
17:40I knew you'd do it.
17:42Then Johnny went home as fast as he could go.
17:45Leaped over the garden fence and found Rover waiting for him.
17:48Good old Rover was overjoyed after looking like a man.
17:51And grinning as only a dog can grin, followed Johnny as he'd always done.
17:56Mother, mother called Johnny as he came bounding into the house.
17:59What is it, she said?
18:01I just want to tell you, said Johnny, that...
