" Aap Halaf Bardari Taqreeb Mein Shirkat Nah Karen ", CH Ghulam Hussain Ke Tehelka Khaiz Inkishafaat

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" Aap Halaf Bardari Taqreeb Mein Shirkat Nah Karen ", CH Ghulam Hussain Ke Tehelka Khaiz Inkishafaat
00:00At the last moment of the visit to Tehran, there can be a serious situation and anyone can be targeted, so if Tehran is avoided, then it is appropriate.
00:17In the last day, the political cell leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, was martyred in Tehran.
00:24More developments have emerged in this regard. We will talk about them in the first part of the program.
00:30Viewers, the news is slowly opening up.
00:34No statement has come forward from Israel as to whether the Israeli government or any other group has not yet accepted its responsibility.
00:46But as the evidences are coming forward, some similar incidents that have happened in the past are coming up.
00:54It seems that with the precision with which the execution has been carried out, the Israeli intelligence agency, supported by Americans, has been used.
01:10And all this has been done at such a high level.
01:14What will be the effects of this on the region? The Middle East is already in a volatile condition due to the Palestine issue.
01:22All countries are watching this development with a bated breath.
01:29There are reports that the current government of Iran is attacking Israel.
01:36A new president has been elected.
01:39Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader, has made a statement to the media.
01:45We are seeing that this destruction, this martyrdom will have to be avenged.
01:50The pressure is increasing from the Iranian public.
01:55Viewers, if you look at the pictures of the building where this killing has taken place,
02:03you can see that only that section of the building where Ismail Haniya was present has been targeted.
02:14This shows the precision, this shows the use of technology,
02:18this shows how much hard work the planners had done, how much information they had at the ground level.
02:26Using that information, they successfully completed the whole incident.
02:32After this incident, we are seeing that according to the New York Times, Iran's leader orders attack on Israel for Haniya killing, official say.
02:44As I just said, the pressure is increasing after the martyrdom of Ismail Haniya.
02:51There are reports that this incident will be avenged by Iran.
02:57Will Iran dare? Will Iran retaliate? There are a lot of questions about this.
03:06Viewers, a few days ago,
03:10in Beirut, Fawad al-Shukr, the advisor of Hassan Nasrullah, the chief of Hezbollah, was targeted.
03:20After this incident, Israel was told that we have done this incident, we have targeted.
03:28Before doing this incident, we took Americans on board.
03:36Viewers, Americans use technology, satellites, missiles.
03:42Therefore, he said that we have done this incident by taking Americans on board.
03:48All this information has come so far, Mr. Naqvi.
03:52Keeping this in mind, what is your assessment now?
03:56What do you think, will Iran retaliate in the coming days?
04:02Or, like in the past, there have been such incidents, and with the passage of time, new developments occur, and these incidents are left behind.
04:12Look, it is necessary for Iran to retaliate, and it is also Iran's compulsion.
04:19First, because before this, there was the incident of Qasim Soleimani,
04:25who was a scientist in Iran, and some people think that the Iranian president was also targeted.
04:32But he was an Iranian, and it was Iran's total right to retaliate against him.
04:38But what happened to Ismail Haniyeh, he was not an Iranian, he was a guest in Iran.
04:44Therefore, it is necessary for Iran to retaliate, and it is also its compulsion,
04:49to send a message to the world that how seriously Iran has taken this incident for the whole world, once.
04:57But now look, this is not a very big news in the whole world.
05:01America, Britain, the Middle East, wherever it is, this is today's headline.
05:07And it will remain for many days.
05:09But we have to look at all these incidents from the point of view of a Pakistani, and we can only do this.
05:13Obviously, we can only play this role in this.
05:16And if we look at all these incidents from the point of view of a Pakistani,
05:19then how can this be a blessing in disguise for us?
05:22Pakistan is a state in which we should talk, where there is a majority of Muslims,
05:27and in which there are different sects of Muslims.
05:29So, Ismail Haniyeh Sahib was martyred in Iran,
05:33and after that you have seen that his funeral prayer,
05:36which is the world's largest Shia school, he led the funeral prayer.
05:41And after that, his funeral was taken for burial.
05:45And in the whole world, funeral prayers are also taking place,
05:48in which there are Shias, Sunnis, and people from other schools of thought are also taking part.
05:52So, as a Pakistani, now we have to see that the martyrdom of Ismail Haniyeh Sahib,
05:57he should join the Muslims,
05:59regardless of any prejudice or thought of the sect.
06:02And when the Muslims join, especially the Muslims of Pakistan,
06:06then it will benefit the Muslims of the whole world,
06:09and then they can answer in a better way.
06:15Viewers, in the coming days, we will find out what is the reaction of Iran in this regard.
06:19Mr. Ghulam Sain, the whole world is talking about this,
06:23especially the American newspapers and the Western media.
06:29One point on which all this is being talked about is precision,
06:34the way this execution has been done.
06:36Ismail Haniyeh was not an ordinary man, he was a high-value target.
06:40Everyone knew that the Israelis were behind him,
06:44the agents of Mossad were following him.
06:50Now he comes to Iran.
06:52He comes to Iran on such occasions that security is already very tight there,
06:56because the new president is taking an oath there.
07:00So, this security will be breached.
07:02And it has been breached, questions are being raised.
07:04Today, the consensus in all the world's newspapers,
07:08in Pakistan's newspapers, is that this security has been breached.
07:13It has been kept in a building,
07:15it has been kept upstairs, you are seeing the building.
07:17It seems that if this is the building,
07:20which has been reported in the international media,
07:23then you can see the tree below,
07:25the second, third, fourth floor, whatever it is,
07:28and the way it has been targeted.
07:30Anyways, this is something the Iranian government has to respond.
07:33Mr. Choudhary Ghulam,
07:34what do you think,
07:36first of all, the pressure on the Iranian government regarding this incident,
07:39and then its impact on the overall region.
07:42Mr. Choudhary.
07:44No, the first thing is that this is a matter of precision.
07:48It is being heard that there was a person on the ground,
07:53or there were more than one person.
07:56Is the voice being heard?
07:59Yes, it is being heard.
08:01Yes, sir.
08:03The thread of that person's cloth
08:08was touched by the thread of Ismail Hania's coat,
08:16and then he followed it,
08:19and he targeted the building with precision.
08:24This is coming out of the intelligence.
08:28So, this is very scary.
08:30And Israel is not accepting its responsibility yet.
08:34So, it is a definite problem
08:38that Israel has a big retaliation,
08:42in one form or the other.
08:44That is its fear,
08:46and neither America nor anyone else will be able to save it.
08:49And 40,000 of them have been martyred.
08:52So, they have also been targeted.
08:55It is not that Israel is unacceptable.
08:59That myth has been torn apart by the blood of the martyrs.
09:05And the work continues.
09:07They said, okay, if someone comes with us or not,
09:10it doesn't matter.
09:12And there is another important aspect,
09:14which I will talk about in detail.
09:17Yes, sir.
09:19A big country, a big personality,
09:21who had to join Iran,
09:23they were told at the last moment,
09:28that the situation there could be serious,
09:33and anyone could be targeted.
09:36So, if Tehran is avoided,
09:39then it is appropriate.
09:41I am saying this definitively,
09:43that news has come from that country,
09:46that the security officials there
09:49had told their leaders
09:51that they should not participate in this event.
09:54And this could happen in front of more than one country.
09:58So, Israel is like a son.
10:01They will have to face this.
10:05Otherwise, neither Muslims nor non-Muslims,
10:09whether it is barbarism or racism,
10:12neither children nor old people,
10:14neither Muslims nor non-Muslims,
10:16no one can protect them.
10:18So, Israel has to be taught a lesson.
10:49Again, this is a very serious matter.
10:52And as Nabi Sahab said,
10:54what happened in our neighbouring country,
10:57this is a lesson for us,
10:59that we need to improve the situation in our country.
11:04These days, there is a lot of talk,
11:07and there is a lot of friction and fighting
11:10between different groups.
11:12We will have to look at this very carefully.
11:15And we will not give the enemy a chance
11:18to join our ranks and create more problems.
11:21Let's move on to the next story.
