Why Mai is Always so Morose - ATLA Spanking Fan Fiction

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00:00Why Mai is always so morose by Captain Falcon Punch. Note from the author, this is a fanfic
00:05about Mai from the show Avatar, The Last Airbender and her strict upbringing. Warning, it's got a
00:10couple instances of corporal punishment but some really nice scenes as well. I try to write
00:15realistic fanfics which I think help explain the characters. Any day Mai spent with her mother was
00:20a day Mai was punished for doing something or other. Her mother knew every obscure rule of
00:25etiquette in existence, and try as she might, Mai inevitably broke at least one.
00:31It might have been anything from speaking out of turn, to her pinky not being angled correctly when
00:37taking a drink. It was worse when they were in society. Mai's parents' greatest concern was
00:42always the family pride, and if they thought their daughter was acting up in the presence
00:47of other families, she would be punished without fail. For minor breaches of etiquette, her mother
00:53took no notice of it until later that night, when she administered Mai's punishment. Heaven help
00:59Mai if she actually misbehaved in the sense that any other family would describe misbehavior.
01:05If she ever threw a tantrum or was just behaving rudely,
01:09Mai's mother would announce to the world that her daughter would be punished and severely.
01:14Mai's spankings were always administered late at night, right before bed, unless she just asked
01:20for it by continuing to be unruly even after her mother's announcement. This was quite rare,
01:26since Mai was far more reserved and cultured than the average child. She hated spankings,
01:32and did everything she could to avoid challenging her mother's authority and making it worse for
01:36herself. One year, there was a celebration of a victory by General Iroh at the Royal Palace.
01:44Mai's mother loved that Mai and Azula were
01:46friends, and did everything she could to encourage that friendship to blossom.
01:51It could be most advantageous for the family pride in the future.
01:56During their stay, Mai sat through countless dinners and speeches by boring military chaps,
02:01General Iroh being the exception with his witty war stories.
02:06Her mother spent the first few days among higher society,
02:10which meant that Mai got away with two days without being punished for something.
02:15But, the third day, they ate dinner privately with Ursa and Azula,
02:19the men were otherwise occupied. At one point, Mai accidentally sipped at her tea too loudly.
02:26No one noticed but her mother, whose eyes flicked towards her daughter for only an instant.
02:32Right then, Mai knew she had broken at least one rule, and was resigned to her fate.
02:38Since her mother used such limited methods to punish her daughter,
02:41Mai had actually grown used to the brief spankings over the years,
02:45to the point where she barely worried about it.
02:48The rest of the dinner passed without incident, and Mai took her time getting ready for bed.
02:53Sure enough, her mother was waiting in her bedroom, seated in the middle of the floor.
02:59Without a word of complaint, Mai approached her mother and lay obediently across her lap.
03:04No struggle, no pleading, no kicking or trying to block her mother's hand,
03:09Mai knew the routine. She just remembered to lift her kimono before the spanking began.
03:15The third time Mai performed a serious broach of etiquette,
03:18she was spanked on her undergarments, without the protection of her heavy kimono.
03:23If she broke the same rule yet again, it would be on the bear.
03:27Her mother didn't say a word. She never did.
03:30She expected her daughter to know what she was being punished for,
03:35and whether it was her second or third offense.
03:38If Mai was unsure, she would ask her mother if she needed to remove her skirt.
03:43If Mai forgot to ask, then her mother would simply begin the spanking,
03:47and wait for her to comply with the unspoken rule.
03:51When she was eight, Mai had endured over a dozen smacks before she realized that her
03:56mother expected her to bear her behind. None of the smacks had counted.
04:01Mai usually had a good idea of whether she had to undress before the spanking,
04:05so she rarely asked her mother to remind her.
04:08When she did ask, her mother snapped at her, and Mai hated the insult.
04:13Besides, it was just wise to remove the heavy skirt since Mai had been punished
04:18for most infractions at least once in her life. Most likely she had been spanked once or twice
04:23without the protection of her kimono because she did not ask. But Mai's pride was worth more
04:28than a little sting more or less. This time, Mai knew for sure that it was her third offense.
04:35The instant she lifted her kimono, she felt five sharp smacks in quick succession.
04:43Her mother wasted no time. An instant's pause, then three more smacks, then three more.
04:53Mai realized for the first time that she must have broken a couple minor rules as well that evening.
05:01When it was clear that her punishment was over, Mai stood up and went to bed.
05:07The next evening was a long, dull ceremony. General Iroh awarded hundreds of soldiers with
05:12various recognitions of valor and the like. Mai was growing more and more restless as the hours
05:19dragged by. Azula didn't make the least effort to restrain herself.
05:23The tubby general's son got a medal. Who saw that one coming?
05:28Azula whispered into Mai's ear. Mai snickered, only to be shushed harshly by her mother.
05:35At one point, Iroh had a little difficulty pinning a medal to a soldier's uniform.
05:40A few in the audience giggled, and when he saw the soldier wink, Iroh quipped,
05:45Corporal, I doubt you had half as much trouble capturing that base as I'm having with this medal.
05:49That brought a pleasant laugh from the weary audience. As the laughter died down, Mai whispered,
05:55Must be hard with those chubby fingers, a little louder than she meant to.
06:00Ty Lee's piercing giggle made it worse. Her mother glared at her fiercely but said nothing.
06:06Mai knew she would be punished that night, but who cared?
06:09However, that night, Mai's mother was nowhere to be seen.
06:13Pleased with her good luck, Mai went to sleep.
06:17The third day finally presented the girls with a break from the tedious military celebrations.
06:23They were playing outside with Zuko, who had grudgingly agreed to play with them at his
06:27mother's request. They had finished a game of tag when Mai's mother appeared.
06:32What do you want, ma'am? asked Mai, quickly adding the,
06:37Ma'am, when she realized her mom might find her tone disrespectful.
06:42I've put this off long enough. It's time for you to be disciplined for your disgraceful
06:46behavior yesterday. The reason I have postponed your punishment until today,
06:51mother announced as she snatched her reluctant daughter's wrist,
06:54is because you misbehaved in front of your friends. That they were becoming unruly by
06:59no means permits you to act likewise. I want your friends to watch carefully as you accept
07:04the consequences for your willfulness. What are you going to do? asked Tylee,
07:09innocently. Mother lay Mai across her lap, and lifted her daughter's skirt.
07:14I'm going to spank her, of course, good and hard.
07:18With that, she began spanking Mai furiously. Mai squealed and pleaded for her mother to stop.
07:25Prince Zuko was completely taken aback. Wait, you don't have to.
07:29He began reaching out a hand to intervene, but Azula stopped him immediately. Mother answered.
07:35I'm afraid I must, Prince Zuko. Mai was now kicking furiously, trying to escape.
07:42Mai, your behavior during your punishment has been disgraceful.
07:45You will remain still and quietly accept your spanking.
07:50Slowly, deliberately, Mai's mother pulled down her daughter's undergarments,
07:54revealing the girl's blushing pink bottom to everyone.
07:58Mai started to panic. Spankings had always been a quiet, private affair.
08:04Now her mother scolded her with each smack, something that had never happened before.
08:09Her mother's punishments were usually so structured. Exactly this many smacks for this offense.
08:16This spanking dragged on. Mai lost count after two dozen smacks,
08:20and it didn't stop until she was crying profusely.
08:24Promise to behave in future, demanded her mother.
08:27Mai was too busy trying to control her sobs to answer,
08:30but when a smarting swat caught her by surprise, she realized that she had better answer.
08:36Mai could never remember exactly what she or her mother had said.
08:40She answered all her mother's questions, promised anything her mother asked her,
08:45anything to make the ordeal stop.
08:48What is all this noise, boomed a deep male voice.
08:51Mai gasped. General Iroh had entered the courtyard.
08:55The Crown Prince of the Fire Nation was watching her being spanked.
08:59Directly behind him was Ursa, the younger Prince Ozai's wife.
09:04Oh, Crown Prince Iroh, nothing worthy of concern.
09:08I am merely providing my daughter with some much-needed guidance.
09:12Isn't this sort of thing normally done in private? You have ruined my quiet tea time.
09:16I beg your pardon, but Mai's behavior warranted immediate attention.
09:21Mai, tell the general why you are being punished.
09:24Mai didn't want to admit anything of the sort until her mother motivated her with a smack.
09:30I, I made noise during the ceremony yesterday.
09:33I was willful and made rude comments to my friends.
09:37She squeaked, hoping it was exactly what her mother wanted to hear.
09:40Tell the general what your rude comment was, Mai.
09:44It took two more smacks before Mai had the nerve to shout.
09:48I made fun of you for being fat.
09:50Mai's mother waited to hear the general's response,
09:53expecting him to become angry and encourage her to continue the punishment.
09:57To everyone's surprise, Iroh laughed heartily.
10:01Well, she isn't the first to have done so, and she won't be the last.
10:05I wouldn't punish the girl too hard. She's only observing the truth.
10:08He mused, rubbing his belly. Mother scowled.
10:12Mother scowled.
10:13Of course, give me a moment more, and I think Mai will have been sufficiently punished.
10:18Since it was you she insulted, would you care to watch me conclude her punishment?
10:23Iroh suddenly looked disapproving.
10:26No thank you. There's nothing wrong with children learning discipline,
10:29but I beg you not to punish her any more on my account.
10:32Also, I do not think my nephew and niece should watch any more of this punishment.
10:37I believe that their mother would agree.
10:39He bowed very respectfully.
10:41Ursa nodded.
10:42I certainly do. Azula, Zuko, will you two follow me?
10:47Zuko obeyed immediately, but Azula walked behind her mother at a crawl,
10:51hoping to catch a bit more as they left.
10:54Ursa wiped the smirk off of her daughter's face with one sharp smack as they passed through the
10:59gate. Ursa found nothing amusing about the situation.
11:03You as well, little girl? Um?
11:06Ty Lee, Mr. Iroh, she announced, and skipped after him.
11:11Mother did not try to stop the general as he escorted the three from the courtyard.
11:16She only gave her distraught daughter three more smacks, and stood Mai up and met her eyes.
11:23That spanking was for your willful disobedience and for the benefit of your friends.
11:28You still need to be punished for your other failures.
11:32That will be carried out tonight, in your bedroom, in our customary manner.
11:36Never before had Mai dreaded the prospect of a spanking so much.
11:41Dinner followed shortly thereafter, and it was torture.
11:45Iroh was there, as well as Ozai, Ursa, and her three friends.
11:50Mai prayed her mother wouldn't mention the spanking and embarrass her further.
11:54She squirmed the instant she sat down.
11:56Her mother gave her the warning glance, but Mai couldn't help herself.
12:01Throughout the meal, she kept fidgeting,
12:03and knew every time she looked into her mother's eyes that the situation was getting worse.
12:08Azula couldn't stop smirking. Zuko never looked Mai in the eye.
12:13Iroh sat and watched all of these silent interactions, ignoring Ozai's conversation.
12:20Mai blushed red, but her embarrassment was quickly being replaced by anger.
12:25She was indignant over the way her mother had treated her and was treating her.
12:30She hadn't been any worse than Ty Lee or Azula.
12:33But she was the only one who had been punished so strictly.
12:37She reached the boiling point when her mother whispered into her ear
12:41that if she did not stop squirming and scowling, she would give her a spanking right then and there,
12:46rather than wait until that night. It was loud enough that the others could hear.
12:51For once in her life, Mai felt like rebelling,
12:54making her mother just as embarrassed as she felt.
12:57When Iroh asked for a third helping of roast turtle duck,
13:01Mai thought of an insult and she didn't bother to restrain herself.
13:05At this rate, you'll eat the whole turtle duck flock. No wonder you're the size you are.
13:12Dead silence.
13:14How dare you, you wicked child! I will beat that meanness out of you. Come, right now,
13:21said her mother through clenched teeth.
13:23My lady,
13:26since this regrettable comment was directed at me, may I witness the punishment myself?
13:31Mai felt a surge of hatred for the old man. But she was not embarrassed any more.
13:35She was proud and would hold her head high.
13:38Yes, of course, crown prince. In fact, I give you permission to administer her punishment
13:44yourself if you wish. I accept. Come go, he said sternly.
13:49By your leave, ma'am, I would like to have a private word with your daughter.
13:54Mother would have liked to oversee the punishment herself,
13:56but she gave Iroh permission without hesitation.
14:00Mai was almost blind with anger, but she still noticed when Iroh gave Ursa and Zuko a subtle
14:05wink. No one else at the table would have been able to see that.
14:10Iroh took her into an empty room and sat her down in front of him.
14:15With a sigh, he said in a very calm voice.
14:18Now be honest with me. I think that comment just now was meant for your mother far more
14:22than it was meant to offend me, am I right?
14:25Mai, who was trying to look as confident and proud as possible, was surprised.
14:30The perceptive old man had hit the mark. She nodded, taken aback.
14:34I see. Well, I don't approve of such behavior, but I can't pretend I wouldn't feel the same
14:39way in your situation. You must have been terribly humiliated, ashamed. You may not
14:45believe it, but I think I know how you feel now. I've often felt great shame myself. Being called
14:50fat, that's quite humiliating, almost as humiliating as getting spanked in front of your
14:55friends. He paused, but Mai said nothing. She only listened as she felt her, righteous anger,
15:02ebbing away. People who are ashamed often want to do something to regain their honor,
15:06to show they have some pride. That was what you were trying to do.
15:10Mai nodded, yes.
15:13Well, let me give you some sound advice. Pride is not the opposite of shame,
15:17but its source. And trying to hurt others is no way to regain your honor.
15:21Tearing others down will not build you up. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?
15:26Mai felt a tear on her cheek.
15:28Yes sir. I think you're exactly right. I, I'm so sorry for what I said. I wasn't thinking.
15:36It just slipped out. I'm, ashamed for saying that.
15:40Don't be. You have apologized to me and I forgive you, and there's an end of it.
15:45Now as for your, punishment.
15:47He checked over his shoulder like a young mischievous boy.
15:50Out there, your mother is waiting for you to be punished,
15:53and you can bet that niece of mine is straining her ears to hear you crying.
15:57I understand, said Mai.
16:00Iroh was standing, so she couldn't lean over his lap.
16:04She was waiting for him to begin when he added,
16:06Make sure you yell loud enough for them to hear you.
16:09Awkwardly, she turned and bent down, putting her hands on her knees.
16:14What are you doing? Start crying, he asked, almost laughing.
16:19Cry? Won't I cry when you spank me? she asked confused.
16:24Have you learned your lesson? Will you ever try to deliberately embarrass your mother again?
16:28No. Then, just follow my lead.
16:32Outside, Azula was waiting impatiently.
16:34How long is that duck going to scold her anyway?
16:37She thought to herself. Then, she heard the distinctive sounds of slapping and screaming.
16:43Iroh was scolding in a loud voice, and Mai was pleading for him to stop, promising to be good.
16:49After a good twenty hard slapping sounds the two emerged, Mai's cheeks wet with tears.
16:55At the meal, Mai still felt a little embarrassed.
16:58Her mother, father, and Prince Ozai were glowering at her.
17:03Then, Iroh brought the topic of conversation around to tough military training,
17:07and one hard drill master he had served under in particular.
17:11He made me practice my firebending form underwater.
17:14Said I needed to sweat off some extra weight.
17:17Well of course, the longer I went, the hotter the water got, until I was scolded red all over.
17:22He also reminisced about an embarrassing incident Ozai had had with a military instructor.
17:28Ozai's mouth tightened with embarrassment.
17:31Then Zuko told a story about how his instructor had made him practice through the night,
17:36when he kept failing at his firebending.
17:39Soon, everyone was taking a turn telling the story of an embarrassing moment.
17:44Ursa even told a funny story from her childhood, which ended with her being spanked.
17:49Suddenly, Mai felt the tension was gone.
17:52Thanks to Iroh, everyone had shared a fun, embarrassing little story,
17:56and even the adults couldn't glower at Mai anymore.
17:59Were they any better when they were young?
18:02Later that evening, Mai checked her bottom.
18:05The scarlet marks from her mother's spanking had faded completely,
18:09but she was fairly sure she had another one coming tonight.
18:12As long as it was in private, though, she wasn't going to worry about it.
18:17She didn't like anything about being spanked,
18:19but she knew she deserved one after her behavior at dinner.
18:23She had just dressed in her sleeping gown when she heard a knock at her bedroom door.
18:27She gulped.
18:28It was quite a bit early for her mother to be administering a bedtime spanking.
18:33But to her surprise, it was Prince Zuko.
18:36Um, hi.
18:37He said.
18:39There was a very awkward moment.
18:42I'm sorry about what happened today.
18:44I didn't want to watch that, but Azula...
18:47Mai blushed at the thought, as did Zuko.
18:50It's okay.
18:51I understand, she said stiffly.
18:54Does it still hurt?
18:55No, though, I'll probably get another one tonight.
18:59Why did she say that?
19:00It just came out of her mouth.
19:02She didn't have to tell Zuko that,
19:04but he was being so nice and sincere,
19:07she couldn't help but be sincere herself.
19:09I'm sorry.
19:11Three spankings in one day?
19:14Can you keep a secret?
19:16When she saw him nod, she explained.
19:18Iroh didn't spank me, you see.
19:21He clapped his hands and I faked crying.
19:24Zuko sighed in relief.
19:25I thought he might have done that.
19:27He winked at me and Mother, see?
19:30So, that must have been where Mother learned that trick?
19:33Your mother has done that?
19:35Well, I got spanked a couple of times when I was younger.
19:38Don't get the wrong idea, Mother hates having to punish us.
19:42Sometimes, Azula would demand that I get spanked for something,
19:45so Mom would fake it just like Iroh did.
19:48Now I'm too old for it, anyway.
19:50You'll be too old for spanking, too, soon.
19:53He added.
19:54Mai felt much less embarrassed when she heard that Zuko had been spanked.
19:59Sometimes she felt like she was the only one who ever got spanked for anything.
20:02Her parents were so strict.
20:05Plus, the idea that her parents might soon deem her too old for spankings was very encouraging,
20:11though she doubted her mother was nearly as merciful as Ursa.
20:14How did you get the tears on your cheeks?
20:17Oh my.
20:18Giggled Mai.
20:19He had me spit in my palm and rub it under my eyes.
20:23I didn't want to do it at first, but he convinced me.
20:26I was taught never to spit when I was very young.
20:30I always have to remember to control myself.
20:33Never let my emotions show if I want others to approve of me.
20:37She recited her parents' golden rule to herself as she tried to hold back tears.
20:42I feel like I always have to suppress the way I'm feeling,
20:45or I'll get in trouble, like you saw today.
20:49Zuko put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
20:51It's okay.
20:53If you want, you can come talk to me when you start feeling that way.
20:57You don't have to keep all that bottled up inside, or else it'll all explode later.
21:02I know from experience.
21:04Mai hesitated, then hugged him gently.
21:08It'd be great to have a friend I could talk to about stuff like that.
21:12Zuko returned the hug, then, after a moment,
21:15knew it was a good time for him to leave Mai to herself.
21:21Mai's mother entered.
21:22Before her mother could say anything, Mai bowed.
21:26Mother, I am truly sorry for my behavior.
21:29On purpose, I tried to embarrass you.
21:32Please forgive me.
21:34Before you punish me, I want to know you forgive me.
21:38Her mother seemed taken aback by this repentance.
21:41Well, dear, of course I forgive you.
21:43And, I hope I never have to spank you in public again.
21:47You won't, ma'am.
21:49I don't ever want you to have to do that.
21:52Her mother nodded.
21:53Okay, dear, then I promise I won't.
21:56If you need discipline, it will be strictly private.
22:00Thank you, mother, said Mai enthusiastically,
22:03again surprising her mother by her display of emotion.
22:06You realize that, even though you're forgiven,
22:09you have to face the consequences of your actions?
22:12Yes, ma'am.
22:14I'm ready.
22:16The End
22:17Spanks for watching.
22:18If you enjoy my spanking story videos, like and subscribe for more.
22:22You may spank it once.
