The Race Is Now MUCH Closer Than You Think

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The Race Is Now MUCH Closer Than You Think
00:00I'm not kidding. We are probably a point behind right now
00:04Because Kamala is not Joe Biden the media's in full-blown election interference
00:10Facebook and all the social media companies are with them
00:12The intelligence community is all in on Kamala Harris and they cannot have a Donald Trump presidency. They will do anything
00:24Combine this with operation retcon Kamala Harris and we got a problem
00:28I'll get to that Wall Street Journal story in a little bit
00:31I bet the text thing show the New Yorker headline first. You see this front page of the New Yorker
00:37Kamala now, they're trying to going back to the JFK thing the Camelot a Camelot you believe well, by the way, what is she?
00:44What is that? What is she said?
00:45Is that is that suppose it was that a coconut from her coconut tree remark because it looks like something different
00:52Just look quickly
00:57These are the same people I played the supercut who were telling you over the last three years
01:02How awful of a vice president she is the worst approval ratings in modern US history for someone in that spot
01:10You think they care that they flip on a dime?
01:13She is not Joe Biden. That's all that matters. Yeah
01:17It's Kamala just like Kamala. This is they don't care
01:23They were to them
01:25How many times I got to explain this you can say all you want. Oh, they look like hypocrites. They they're not hypocrites
01:33They're not they believe in a hierarchy not hypocrisy
01:37They are in charge and you're not whatever they have to do to stay in charge. They will do in their minds
01:43There's nothing hypocritical about this at all
01:45Kamala Harris was a vehicle for them to take power right now is so they're gonna celebrate her before she was an obstacle
01:52She was hurting they thought Joe Biden Joe Biden gets out now. They need her
01:58This ad by the way is gonna do some damage
02:01I'm not saying we're gonna lose
02:03I'm just saying this race is closer than you think and if you think otherwise you're out of your mind
02:08The Trump team just launched an ad. This is one of the more devastating ones of the cycle. I've seen in a long time
02:13I want you to watch this and spread this around everywhere you can because this one's gonna really sting check this out
02:22You're considered the most liberal United States Senator
02:25We're not gonna treat people who are undocumented across the borders criminal abolish ice
02:29Yeah, is that a position that you agree with we need to probably think about starting from scratch say it loud say it clear
02:36Everyone is welcome here
02:38Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime to cross the border
02:43Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants you support giving
02:49Universal health care Medicare for all people born in this country illegally
02:52I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public health
03:00Period you support the Medicare for all bill
03:02I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance for people out there who like their insurance what they don't get to keep it
03:08Let's eliminate all of that Boston Marathon bomber on death row people who are convicted of sexual assault
03:14They should be able to vote. I think we should have that conversation as president United States
03:18I am prepared to pass a green new deal. Would you be an offshore drilling? Yes
03:22What is the solution for voters who have jobs and interests in the fossil fuel industry?
03:29Transition into the jobs of the future. So what do you support changing the dietary guide reduce red meat specifically? Yes
03:36I would we have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program
03:42Eugene QW in the chat disagree. Mr. Bongino if Kamala's up the media wouldn't be whitewashing her record her history
03:49You're missing the point
03:52You're missing the point you're acting like this is all legit and on the up-and-up
03:57Folks you are assuming that people follow politics Eugene. I appreciate the comment. I'm not trying to be a smartass with you Eugene QW
04:04I thank you
04:06You are making one big dangerous assumption and I'll prove it
04:10You're assuming people have been watching this the entire time like you have and know her record
04:17Perfect example what I'm talking about you realize after the 2020 election, which was not on the up-and-up
04:2517% nearly one in five Biden voters had no idea about the hunter Biden laptop
04:32You're making a
04:34Biased assessment based on it's a compliment to you follow this every day. You're like, oh my gosh
04:40No way, nobody knows about that. The media is just fixing to the regular American public
04:46That's not watching it. Like you are this is the first time they're hearing about her
04:50You'd be stunned how many people don't even know who the vice president is
04:54Eugene that's a big mistake brother. I'm telling you right now
04:58You better run like we're one point behind
05:02maybe five I
05:04Am NOT
05:05I'm not putting lipstick on anything. I'm telling you the truth. You are assuming a whole lot
05:11That was a clip from the Dan Bongino show. You can watch the full show
05:14We recommend you do on rumble go to rumble comm slash Bongino, please and subscribe for free. We appreciate
