Breaking JD is the Man

  • 2 months ago
Breaking JD is the Man
00:00You know, what's one of my golden rules of the show about Republicans up on Capitol Hill?
00:04Basically, the establishment types, not just talking about the electeds, but their staffs too.
00:10Most Republicans on Capitol Hill are really Democrats. However, no Democrats on Capitol
00:16Hill are really Republicans. And if you look at the disgusting, grotesque treatment
00:23of an American patriot, J.D. Vance, this week, one of the best candidates we've had running in
00:29a long time, versus the treatment of Kamala Harris, the single worst executive office
00:37of the president, president or vice president in American history. Think about it. She's as
00:43bad as Joe Biden without the cognitive disorder. That's amazing. That's an incredible level of
00:50incompetence. Tells you everything you need to know. And I love my audience. I know you guys
00:59aren't part of this, but if you're some establishment type listening to my show today
01:03and you partook in this ridiculous character assault on an American hero and patriot.
01:11Don't ever reach out to me. You are absolutely dead to me,
01:14dead to me. Forget my phone number, my email. Don't unfollow me. I want to talk about something
01:20right now, because, folks, this is really bothering me. Listen, I am.
01:27I have I've dealt with a lot of politicians. I've been around for for a while now,
01:32having been an agent first. We were inside the White House working and you're at events
01:36dealing with politicians and their staffs. Got a bunch of stay. I mean, you deal with everyone
01:41when you're a Secret Service agent. You see the good and bad side of politics.
01:45I remember doing a site in Dallas at the DFW Airport and President Bush was coming in and
01:53the governor was Rick Perry at the time. And I'll never forget, you know, the staffer. You see these
01:59people behind the scenes. It's funny. I said, you know, listen, the governor's got to got to get
02:04here kind of fast. You know, the president's going to land soon. We're going to get this done. And I
02:08remember the staffer like, governor, I'll get here when he gets. OK, whatever. You see a really
02:15interesting side of politics. I remember doing a site in Long Island for Hillary Clinton and this
02:21Democrat politician who's now in Congress. This guy Swazi, he's a congressman now. He's got the
02:27Santos seat. The guy, I don't know what he was, the mayor or whatever, the Glencoe mayor, whatever
02:32he was at the time. The guy could not have been a bigger tool. He was one of these. Do you know
02:37who I am, guys? Do you see these politicians in their worst moments? And being an agent, you're
02:42like a fly on the wall for this. And then I ran for office. So after multiple times, you know,
02:49you meet a lot of people. Some people, you know, want to meet for an endorsement or whatever.
02:55But when I tell you things like most Republicans on Capitol Hill are Democrats and no Democrats
03:01are really Republicans. I say it based not on conjecture, but over probably 10 to 15 years
03:08of evidence of dealing with these people. J.D. Vance is not one of those guys.
03:16I'm telling you on my entire reputation, my own honor and credibility.
03:25J.D. Vance is not one of those guys. Now, here's what I'm not telling you,
03:30because I wouldn't tell you this about Donald Trump either, because it wouldn't be true.
03:34I don't share 100 percent of J.D. Vance's views, nor do I with Donald Trump.
03:40But I support them both because, one, I believe they're good and decent people,
03:45but that's not enough. I'm not looking to date them. I need them to be leaders, political leaders.
03:52But second, I agree with about 80 percent of what they believe in. And the 80 percent I believe in,
03:58I know they'll actually do and not talk about. They're like,
04:03Donald Trump got more done in his four years than a bunch of talking Republicans have
04:09since Ronald Reagan, the Abraham Accords, Supreme Court justices, Roe v. Wade,
04:14tax cuts, a growing economy, regulatory reform. I don't care what he said or tweeted. I care what
04:20he did. And both J.D. and Donald Trump have that exact same thing. Now, again, I don't agree with
04:26every single thing. I've had some disagreements on the air. Some of you heard the interview with
04:33Donald Trump on specific abortion policies. I disagree with J.D. on something. I don't.
04:40Some of the trade policies, especially when it comes to Lena Kahn, I have some disagreements
04:44with. But I'm telling you right now, the reason I fully backed, fully backed J.D. Vance for vice
04:51president is because he's a leader. He's a leader who believes what he says. And about 80 percent
04:58of what we align on, I know he'll do it and won't talk smack about it. I can't say that about the
05:04other guys who are in the running. I can't. I don't know. But I know J.D. Vance. Folks, this is
05:13one of the best candidates we've ever had on a ticket. And what happened with the establishment
05:18rhino class this week? Joining up with disgusting communist liberals to shred this guy's character is
05:27one of the most grotesque things I've ever seen in politics.
05:33He's weird. He's weird. How is he weird? Do you know that every time you tap, swipe or insert
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06:45By the way, I'm not mad at Democrats for doing this. You're not? No, I'm not. I totally expect
06:49Democrats are communists. The fact that Democrats just six months ago hated Kamala Harris. You know
06:56what, Jim? Let's play this just quick. Here's Jim calls this Kamala the terrible. In case you think
07:01I'm lying, hat tip the great Mays Moore. Cut to Jim. Here is a supercut of the media, left wing
07:08media people telling you how awful Kamala Harris was the minute she's the nominee. They love her.
07:13Why? Because Democrats aren't frauds. They're not. No, no, they're commies.
07:18Kamala is their ticket to power. She sucked when she wasn't their ticket to power. Now that she is,
07:23they they retcon everything because Democrats at least aren't fake like some of these establishment
07:28phony rhinos who were only turning on J.D. Vance because their access to power was from another
07:34guy would have got picked who didn't. Here, listen to this. The media hated Kamala Harris
07:38just six months ago. Check this out. There are reports that say that you have the lowest
07:42approval rating of any vice president. Well, there are polls that also say I have great
07:46approval ratings. Twin daughters don't like Harris. How big a drag is Kamala Harris on the
07:52ticket? She's a pretty big drag. I think she was arguably Biden's worst political decision.
07:56They don't like her. There's lots of reasons they don't like her. Kamala Harris's approval
08:00rating is now at 28 percent, which is an historic low for any modern vice president.
08:05We're going to get from mainstream media, one outlet after another, one leak after another.
08:12The Kamala Harris is the worst vice president ever, the worst politician ever. We don't see
08:17the vice president. What what people are saying to me, and I'm sure they're saying it to you,
08:21where is the vice president? Some White House officials are feeling that that she came off
08:25looking unprepared for inevitable questions about when she might visit the southern border.
08:30We've been to the border. You haven't been to the border. And I haven't been to Europe.
08:35And I don't I don't understand the point that you're making. The point that Lester Holt was
08:40making was was obvious to anyone else who was watching this interview, which is that
08:45the issues at the border are inextricably linked with the portfolio that she's been given.
08:50Now, you see the Democrats, you see the Democrats, how the establishment, liberal,
08:58crazy wing, squad wing, there's a number of different branches, the Democrat Party,
09:02the Netroots wing, the Bernie Sanders wing, the Elizabeth Warren anti capital swing.
09:07It doesn't matter. They see power. Kamala Harris is now their only vehicle to get there.
09:12They retcon her entire history and erase it. And now the same people who said she was horrible
09:17and suck now love her. Why? Because they understand how to use political power. That's why
09:25not the gutless eunuchs in the establishment Republican Party,
09:28who the minute the Democrats decide they have a narrative, their defense is weird, really weird.
09:35This. I even parroting it, I should even because it's the. What's weird about him?
09:43Taking care of his drug addicted mom. Growing up poor and now being a United States senator from
09:51Ohio. Serving in the Marine Corps. Getting ridiculously good grades despite having almost
10:01no parental supervision outside of his grandmother. What's weird? What's weird?
10:09Establishment fake phony frauds parroting this this week and attacking this guy.
10:16Absolutely disgusting. You people are freaking dead to me. You've got this young, fresh face
10:25with an a resume you haven't seen in eons. A guy who understands markets, the tech industry,
10:33industry, our military. A guy who hopefully in his couple of years in the Senate hearing
10:39he's extremely smart. Sucks up information fast, probably gets the Senate better than
10:45some senior guys over there. The single best shot we have at an extended MAGA movement
10:52after Donald Trump. And you're crapping on this guy because some lefty at The Washington Post
10:58told you to. Notice nobody's doing that about Kamala Harris anymore on the left,
11:03despite them being on tape telling you how terrible she is.
11:10Folks, you can attack J.D. Vance for a lot of things. This is a constitutional republic. You
11:15have a you have a constitutionally protected big R God given right to an opinion. You don't like J.D.
11:23Vance. You don't like his trade policies. You don't like his more populist approach
11:29to Republican politics. It's OK. It's OK. It's a part of our system.
11:36If I see one Republican out there with any kind of a profile attacking this guy and his character
11:41and with this weird thing, folks, it is going to be for me messaging narrative open season.
11:48I will never let you let this down. I'm telling you, I will highlight it on my social media.
11:52I will make sure nobody ever does. Nobody. You are you are you have the scarlet letter
11:57on your face for the rest of your life in this moment because I'm not going to let you do that.
12:04If you guys seen the movie about J.D.'s life based on the book,
12:07Hillbilly Elegy, I'm going to be candid. I did not read the book. I don't have it yet.
12:11I'm going to get it. But this weekend, Sunday, I sat down and watched the Netflix movie.
12:17I got to tell you, having grown up with some bad experiences with family members and that's
12:22for another time, but with drugs and drug use and addiction, I had a tough time watching it.
12:31Until you watch that movie, I'm sorry, you have no you have no right to an opinion on
12:36his character. You don't watch the movie. Then get back to me.
12:39So Kamala Harris, who's an absolute life loser with no skills whatsoever,
12:45but the Democrats love her because they're obsessed with power, decided to attack J.D.
12:49Vance about his patriotism and love of country.
12:54Want to hear the real J.D. Vance? It's got the biggest applause line of the night.
12:59Here's the real J.D. Vance responding to that. Check this out.
13:03I saw the other day Kamala Harris questioned my loyalty to this country. That's the word
13:08she used, loyalty. And it's an interesting word. Simplify loyalty because there is no
13:17greater sign of this loyalty to this country than what Kamala Harris has done at our southern border.
13:23Loyalty because there is no greater sign of this loyalty to this country
13:29than what Kamala Harris has done at our southern border.
13:33And I'd like to ask the vice president, what has she done to question my loyalty to this
13:40country? I served in the United States Marine Corps. I went to Iraq for this country.
13:53I built a business for this country. And my running mate took a bullet for this country.
14:06So my question to Kamala Harris is, what the hell have you done
14:10to question our loyalty to the United States of America?
14:13Just let that sit. That's the real J.D. Vance.
14:26Protect our people, all right? Don't fall into this trap.
14:32Protect our people. He protected you once, signed up for the Marine Corps,
14:39served this country honorably. By the way, he doesn't go around bragging about it much.
14:43In fact, doesn't even talk about it that much.
