• 2 months ago
BREAKING: The Buck Does Not Stop With The USSS
00:00Let's get this show started.
00:02So first, Susan Crabtree, again, who I've had on my radio show now a couple of times,
00:07has blown the door off this thing in this Real Clear Politics piece, confirming again
00:12what her and I and other good reporters have already told you, that Ronald Rowe, the acting
00:17director testifying up there now, cannot possibly be part of an investigative effort that, of
00:25a act of grotesque malfeasance, that he was a part of.
00:30Please read this piece in the newsletter today, Bongino.com slash newsletter, please.
00:35Acting secret service chief played key role in limiting resources for Trump.
00:40Susan Crabtree goes through methodically how this guy right now testifying was one of the
00:46guys responsible for limiting protective assets to the Donald Trump detail.
00:51Folks, I'm just asking you a simple question as a friend.
00:55Forget being a former secret service agent and knowing all these guys and working with
00:59Just as a normal human being, pretend they have nothing to do with this at all.
01:02I sold candy in a candy store.
01:05If I rob a bank, do you put me in charge of robbing a bank, the investigation of the actual
01:12bank robbery?
01:13Of course not.
01:15If your brother or sister robbed a bank, do you put them in charge of this investigation
01:22of a family member?
01:23Because there's a conflict of interest.
01:26Ron Rowe has a conflict of interest.
01:28He is the answer to a lot of the investigative questions as to why there were insufficient
01:34assets available at this site.
01:37Folks, the bombshells just keep coming.
01:41Another Susan Crabtree special.
01:43Look at this tweet.
01:45I did not have this.
01:46This is exclusive to her.
01:48Exclusive, a secret service counter sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire uniform
01:53division, not the agents, saying he will not stop speaking out until these supervisors
01:58are either fired or removed from their current positions.
02:01He said, listen to this, folks, perk your ears up right now.
02:06Put those little quiet place creature like antennas in your ear, whatever, and pay very
02:11close attention to this, because I told you this the other day.
02:15This is completely independent of this guy's email.
02:18The counter sniper secret service officer said the agency should, quote, expect another
02:23assassination attempt before November.
02:32Sounds like something I told you.
02:34If you'd like to read the email, it's attached to the tweet, folks.
02:41It's right here.
02:42We'll put it up on the screen.
02:43You can read the whole thing.
02:44The gist of it is this is going to happen again.
02:49I warned you about this yesterday, that the secret service has been a failure for decades.
02:57The management has had no vision for this.
03:00Guys have been lucky.
03:02Some guys have managed to do a lot more with a lot less and get around mistakes by being
03:08I've gone over this a thousand times, how not just, you know, me, but other agents out
03:13there doing sites have managed to cobble together boxes of car parts and stuff as shields
03:19against weapons because we didn't have enough posts.
03:22The guys there on the ground have done a pretty good job in keeping the agency lucky.
03:29This guy addresses this in the email, how it's not the ground guys, it's the leadership
03:33starving these guys of assets.
03:38Except the guys on the ground in the Pittsburgh office who conducted this advance.
03:42This is a totally different story, man.
03:45I don't know what you need to hear.
03:47These problems are not solvable overnight.
03:50They've got to get these guys in the pipeline and train and out there functioning as counter
03:55sniper agents, officers.
03:57It's not good.
03:58This is a year of training and vetting.
04:02You can't just hire someone off the street.
04:04How do you know they're not an Iranian spy?
04:08So you're going to put a guy with a high powered rifle next to the president of the United
04:12States without proper vetting?
04:15You understand the risk you're taking?
04:17The management dug this hole two decades ago.
04:22There's no getting out of this overnight.
04:25There just isn't.
04:26I wish there was an easy way to explain this to you.
04:29They don't have the guys in the pipeline, man.
04:34So let me sum up what Roe has said so far.
04:37He said he's making and taking corrective action.
04:40I'm going to address a few of them right here because none of them are sufficient.
04:44First, he said, well, I went to the site.
04:47Congratulations, man.
04:49It's a freaking murder scene.
04:50You went to the site.
04:51What do you want, a cookie?
04:52What do you mean you went to the site?
04:54You should have been at the site the day of.
04:57You and Kim Cheadle, the former director, should have been there the day of.
05:03He's handing over and handling the crime scene transfer to the FBI.
05:07Why were you not there that day?
05:09What were you doing?
05:11Second, he says, well, we have vetting plans in place to now vet site security plans by
05:20Folks, that's not new.
05:22A supervisor always has to vet your site security plan and sign off on it.
05:27I believe there's even lines on it, on the survey and the final survey for supervisors
05:33to sign off.
05:34So his corrective action is nothing more than the same action they took before.
05:39He's just saying that.
05:42They're going to vet security plans to multiple layers of management now.
05:46That's exactly what they did before and it failed.
05:51Number three, they're going to see says they're going to start using drones now.
05:56We had some wise ass in the Secret Service, a retired guy, send out an email.
06:00You idiots don't know anything about drones.
06:02I guess we're not idiots because your director, the guy whose ass you're kissing, is now said,
06:08hey, yeah, now we're going to use drones.
06:10I guess we're not so stupid.
06:12Maybe if you had a drone, you would have seen the guy on the roof with the gun shooting
06:17people and murdering someone.
06:20This is a corrective.
06:21You just figured out drones now.
06:27And this is supposed to inspire faith, man?
06:30Folks, what the fuck is going on here?
06:34This is the best we can do?
06:37This guy's part of this.
06:40And he's out there celebrating this response like, oh, and this guy, this is not the public
06:45doesn't want to hear that.
06:48Your advanced team put those guys in danger.
06:52They almost got killed too because we failed.
06:54This isn't the time for a victory lap.
06:58What part of that don't you get?
07:01This is our job.
07:02We're paid to do this.
07:04It's not volunteer work.
07:06We're paid to keep the protectees alive.
07:08We're not paid to fuck around.
07:11The hell do you think we're doing out there?
07:18Number four, he says they're going to fix communications.
07:22Now you're going to fix communications.
07:24Has this ever occurred to you before?
07:26Protecting the highest threat profile figure in the entire globe, Donald Trump, to actually
07:31have open lines of communication through your security room and command post with actual
07:36law enforcement personnel with guns on the scene.
07:39Now you're going to do that.
07:44That may be the one thing he said that makes sense.
07:47I still can't understand how they didn't have communications that day.
07:51There were radios in the command post.
07:54Someone wasn't listening to them.
07:56And it's why I'm telling people who are emailing me, what you're hearing is not what happened.
08:04The radios are there.
08:07Sounds like an awfully convenient excuse.
08:08Oh, they were turned off, really?
08:13This one was hilarious.
08:14Rose says they're going to expeditiously start approving security assets.
08:19He's the one that denied the security assets.
08:22Can you put up the Real Clear article again, please?
08:25By Susan Crabtree, one of the few reporters out there doing work.
08:30Ron Rowe played key role in limiting resources for Trump.
08:34So his corrective is to what?
08:37Stop being Ron Rowe?
08:38He was the guy who stopped the assets from getting out there.
08:43You think he's going to give you an honest evaluation of asset restriction to the Donald
08:48Trump detail when he's the one who did it?
08:55He says that they're going to have a quick staff response to inquiries for the side agents
09:02on the scene that made all these security decisions.
09:05From what I'm hearing from people, they've made none of these people available to Congress.
09:09What are you talking about?
09:11The Trump detail?
09:12I haven't heard a peep.
09:13I've got people reaching out to me now.
09:15Why aren't the Trump detail guys speaking out?
09:18I don't know.
09:19I guess they've got nothing to say.
09:25Then another.
09:26Did you hear this part of the hearing again?
09:29We're trying our best to pull it up.
09:33They ask Ron Rowe, what did it take for you to evaluate this guy is a threat.
09:39He's there 90 minutes in advance, an hour in advance.
09:43He's walking around outside the perimeter with a backpack, which immediately suspicious.
09:48He seems to be doing pre-op surveillance.
09:50Then they find him with a range finder as he's trying to clearly evade police officers
09:56and take furtive action.
09:59And Rowe responds, it was a golf range finder.
10:03He wasn't there to play fucking golf, dude.
10:10He had a backpack, not a golf bag.
10:15Can you stop using this stupid excuse that a guy with a range finder, with a backpack
10:21acting suspiciously, wasn't enough reason to keep Trump off the stage?
10:25You just didn't do it.
10:27You failed.
10:28The team failed.
10:31Well, it's a range finder for golf.
10:36What was it?
10:37The golden bear out there, freaking Jack Nicklaus.
10:40It was some crazy kid.
10:42They'd already been tracking the entire time.
10:44Who had a bag and didn't enter the magnetometer checkpoint?
10:48Because clearly he had something there he didn't want people to see.
10:52Freaking golf?
10:56Why would you even say something so freaking stupid?
11:01Folks, again, I'm not in this to make friends.
11:07You guys do whatever you want out there.
11:08I'm telling you to the guys in the agency trying to help me out to fix this thing.
11:13God bless you.
11:14And thank you.
11:15I know what you've done.
11:16I know your patriots.
11:17I worked with you.
11:18I worked with you.
11:19I know who you are and you know who I am.
11:21And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for trying to fix this disaster we've
11:25been talking about for decades.
11:27Books have been written, articles, people have reached out to members of Congress.
11:31Nothing was done.
11:32Nothing was done.
11:33And now someone's dead and Donald Trump was shot in the head.
11:40Also there was an effort by row, it appeared to again, pawn this off on the locals.
11:44We told them it's your job to check.
11:48It's your job.
11:49I can't explain this to you in strong enough terms.
11:52The secret services job is laid out in title 18 of the United States code section 3056.
11:59It's clear as day.
12:00You can go read it right now.
12:03It is legally and administratively the secret services job to keep them alive.
12:08It is not the Beaver County, Pennsylvania police department or Butler County.
12:12They were kind enough and heroic enough to provide assets.
12:16That's it.
12:17That is it.
12:18If the secret service can't do its job and it wants Beaver County to do it, I'm sure
12:23Beaver County will get deputized, take the $3 billion budget and figure out a way.
12:31I was like, this is, man, we were, you know, we told them to get up there and cover this
12:37Well, maybe you should have checked.
12:40It is unacceptable to blame these guys.
12:44It is not their job.
12:46They are there as a courtesy.
12:48They owe us nothing.
12:50There is nothing in the Beaver or Butler County police department guidelines that indicate
12:55that they are responsible for federal secret service protectees.
12:59I assure you nothing.
13:02They are there as a courtesy.
13:05We should have staffed it.
