O'Malley/Smith/Mitchell/Thompson, 1998

  • 2 months ago


00:00In a few seconds, these celebrity panelists will try to uncover some highly unusual secrets.
00:10So if you want to guess along with the panel, cover your ears and close your eyes.
00:13Here comes our first secret now.
00:17Hi, my name is Jeffrey Kozlowski. I live in New York.
00:20I share my home with an endangered animal.
00:23And now, the show that fights cavities and tooth decay, Figure It Out.
00:27Our celebrity panel's job is to figure out why two contestants are here.
00:30The catch is, they can only ask yes or no questions.
00:33And here's our panel now.
00:35From Global Guts, Michael Malley.
00:38From The Journey of Alan Strange, RJ Smith.
00:42And ah, here it goes, Kel Mitchell.
00:46From Kenan & Kel, why, Kenan Thompson.
00:50Let's watch They Try to Figure It Out.
00:55Now here's your host, Summer Sanders.
00:59Hello, everyone, and welcome. Thank you so much. Welcome to Figure It Out.
01:04All guys here today, I'm feeling like a little bit of an outsider because I'm a girl.
01:08Hi, panelists, how you doing?
01:09Hello, Summer.
01:10What's happening, Summer? We ready to play, baby. Let's go.
01:12You ready to go? Alright, I'm ready to go. Let's meet our first contestant.
01:15He's sitting right here, and he's ready to go, too.
01:17Let's put your hands together for Jeffrey Kozlowski.
01:20Come on.
01:26Jeffrey, say hello to our panelists.
01:29Yeah, Jeffrey.
01:31What are you doing, Jeffrey?
01:33You're not scared of him, are you?
01:35No way. Alright, over here is Bill the Answerhead.
01:37This is what you need to figure out about Jeffrey.
01:39Right now it says, anybody want to help me out on this one?
01:43Blank, blank, blank, blank, blank.
01:48Alright, guys, if you say one of the words on the Answerhead, you'll hear this sound.
01:52And we'll just turn it on over for you.
01:54Easy like that.
01:55Okay, there are three rounds.
01:57For each round that Jeffrey stumps the panel, he's taking home a prize.
01:59And, Jeffrey, if you can stump him through all three rounds,
02:02you're going to take home the grand prize.
02:03Do you want to know where it is?
02:05Yeah, you do.
02:06Jay, what's the grand prize?
02:07A trip to Longboat Key, Florida.
02:09The Colony Beach and Tennis Resort, one of Florida's top family resorts.
02:12Play tennis, build sand castles on the private beach,
02:14or participate in a variety of other activities in a relaxed tropical atmosphere.
02:22Are you excited?
02:24You hold it in much better than I do.
02:25Okay, guys, here are the rules of the game.
02:27Yes or no questions only.
02:28Is that Kel or is that Prince?
02:30He is.
02:31He's the artist.
02:34Artist, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
02:35Yes or no questions only from you guys.
02:37If you can't think of a question, just say pass, and we'll move on to the next panelist.
02:42No stress.
02:43If you get confused by the questions, I don't think you will.
02:46But if you do, you talk to me.
02:48I'll talk to the judges.
02:49We'll come up with an answer.
02:50Does it sound good?
02:51Sound good to you guys?
02:52Yeah, that sounds good.
02:53I'm glad everybody's happy.
02:54That's what we like.
02:55Mike, we're going to start with you.
02:56Use your clues in the charade brigade.
02:57You got it.
02:58They're here to help you.
03:00Just you.
03:02Only the people who are wearing hats.
03:03Okay, ready?
03:04One minute on the clock.
03:06Alright, Jeff, we're going mono a mono right now.
03:07Just you and me.
03:08Are you ready?
03:09You like candy?
03:11You like sports?
03:13You got a problem with authority?
03:17Uh, is it a talent?
03:20Did you invent something?
03:23Um, is this something that you do indoors?
03:24Yes, it is.
03:25Here comes your first clue on the Clue Express.
03:27Home plate?
03:29Do you spin plates?
03:30No words in the answer head.
03:32Blank, home, with, blank, blank.
03:33Kenan, yes or no question?
03:36Um, do you bite chickens at home with a dog attached to your leg?
03:38No, no.
03:40Do you fly home with chicken feathers?
03:42RJ, ask questions to get to those words, you guys.
03:43Oh, um, does it deal with baseball?
04:08And that sound means the end of round number one.
04:09You stumped them.
04:10Does it feel good?
04:11Yeah, it does.
04:12You're taking home your first prize.
04:13Jay, what's his first prize?
04:14For stumping a panel through round one,
04:15Jeffrey will take home the Jeep,
04:16a rugged portable boom box with lock and cover,
04:17digital CD player, cassette deck, and AM FM radio.
04:18The Jeep that's music to your ears from Jeep Electronics.
04:19One round down, one prize down, one for one.
04:20You are on a roll.
04:21But before we give you a chance to win another prize,
04:22we're going to give a randomly selected member of our studio audience
04:33a chance to win something.
04:34And that lucky audience member today is Christina Yetza.
04:35Where is she?
04:37There's a small smile.
04:38All right, guys.
04:39Here's how it works.
04:40If any of our panelists performs the secret slime action.
04:41Oh, yes.
04:42They'll get slimed.
04:43You guys love getting slimed, don't you?
04:44Oh, yeah.
04:45We love it.
04:46Deep down, they love it.
04:47They'll get slimed, and Christina's taking home a prize.
04:48So panel, if you hear this sound.
04:49Run for cover.
04:50Run for cover.
04:51Actually, don't go anywhere.
04:52Just get slimed for us.
04:54J, tell us what the secret slime action is.
04:55The secret slime action is having a bird in the hand.
04:56OK, over here on Bill, the Answer Head.
04:57This is what you figured out after one round.
04:58Blank, home, with, blank, blank.
04:59Over here on the clue recap board.
05:00Doesn't have trouble with authority.
05:01Just with you, Mike.
05:02The answer is, Mike.
05:04All right, if you're ready, you get to answer the question.
05:05Is a bird a bird?
05:07A big bird.
05:09If you're ready, you get to answer the question.
05:10Is a bird a bird?
05:12A big bird.
05:13OK, over here on Bill, the Answer Head, this is what you figured out after one round.
05:14blank home with blank blank over here on the clue recap board doesn't have
05:19trouble with authority just with you Mike all right does it indoors and no
05:25baseball no baseball now we're gonna start off with you okay one minute on
05:30the clock round number two ready go um goes home with bad rash
05:38ask questions you guys doesn't have anything to do with a sport Mike do you
05:48think my father's watching this right now wondering where all that college
05:52tuition went does it go RJ does it go with an animal
06:01blank home with blank animal here comes your next clue you guys in their boxes
06:06open them up take it out eagle eagle eagle fly paper mache
06:15I'm actually sort of went along with that last and it was that the secret
06:39slime action was having a bird in the hand which all of you guys did let's
06:44check it out again on replay courtesy of slime cam it was a fabulous moment
06:48all of them drenched that was a great timing that was a little that was a lot
06:53we like it all right guys because they all got
06:57slimed that means Christina from our studio audience is taking home the
07:00prize Jay we need to know what it is the official figured out sweatshirt
07:03available in small medium and wow that's a big sweatshirt okay I'm not laughing
07:13at you 20 seconds left on the clock RJ thank you so much for helping out
07:18you need a little okay we're starting with you RJ ready go okay is it your
07:27RJ again um 10 seconds Oh Kel no I was in a beauty salon for hours brother all
07:36right um let me see um the end of round number two Jeffrey you're stomping up
07:46left and right he's taking home two prizes we need to know what the second
07:49one is Jay what is it take a break in barefoot like this quick shake while
07:52you're in line skating or skateboarding the latest styles from Veroflex and
07:56remember to play safe and please wear protective gear
08:01completely stunned by the slime let's see if they can recover for the last
08:06round this is what you guys have figured out after one two rounds blank home with
08:10blank animal over here on the clear recap board doesn't go home with a bad
08:14rash that's good it's his animal and Kel's hairdo is definitely ruined it's
08:22ruined we'll have to move on get over that okay Kel you ready last round one
08:29minute on the clock ready yep go um wild animal is it wild animal
08:39hairy animal burly um no no Keenan on to you um is it a flying animal Mike do
08:50you think if I want to be taken seriously as an actor this was a good
08:53career move no R.J.
09:04Kel oh man, ball's home with giant animal you just want to solve it
09:13Keenan question all right um is it a meat-eating animal okay
09:24eating sharing sharing shares home with blank animal one second
09:32no more conversation guys well I don't know I want to give you the time okay
09:38final guesses shares home with blank animal Keenan you'll get extra time to
09:43think about because you're going last Mike we're starting with you your final
09:50Shares home with a naked slime eating
09:57Home with hairy animal
10:01Shares home with wild animal
10:06Shares home with domestic animal
10:17They're dying over there
10:19The slime has affected their brains
10:21Tell them what it is that you do
10:23Shares home with endangered animal
10:25Endangered animal
10:27You guys were so close. You're taking home so many prizes
10:29Do you want to hear them again?
10:31They're awesome. Jay, tell us what they are again
10:33Jeffrey has won the G-Boom box
10:35The Veriflex skateboarding package
10:37And a trip to the Colony Beach and Tennis Resort in Florida
10:42Okay, Jeffrey and I are going to come on out here
10:44And we're also going to welcome out his cougar
10:46Now, how old is this cougar?
10:48Your dad's going to bring her out here
10:50Nine months old. What's her name?
10:54Now, how long have you been sharing your home with endangered animals?
10:56For three years
10:58He also teaches. You do some teaching to help people understand about endangered animals
11:01What should we know about this cougar?
11:03You know, if we were to see it in the wild
11:05Well, if you met one out in the wild
11:07You should make yourself bigger and never run
11:09Make yourself real big
11:11Are they endangered everywhere?
11:13No, they're endangered in New York and a few other states
11:15A few other states. Anything else?
11:17She is not a pet
11:19Not a pet. Jeffrey?
11:21How do you make yourself bigger?
11:23Put your arms up and down
11:27Is she a good pet? What's so fun about having her as a pet?
11:29She likes to play a lot
11:31She likes to play a lot?
11:33She's a little bit bigger than that. Look at the size of those paws
11:35How big will she get?
11:37How big will she get?
11:39She'll get a little bit bigger. She won't get really big
11:41The males get bigger
11:43You have one at home that's like 7 feet long though, right?
11:45Yeah. She'll get about 5 feet long or so
11:47What other animals do you have at home?
11:49Turn around here. I know it's hard
11:51We have another cougar at home
11:53And then we have two wolves
11:55Two wolves. Do you guys have any other questions over there?
11:57She ever scratched you before?
12:01But right now
12:03She doesn't have no claws right now
12:05She's probably never been on a television show before, huh?
12:07What does she eat?
12:09Raw meat
12:13What does she eat?
12:15Raw meat
12:17What about your wolves? What do the wolves eat?
12:19Everybody eats raw meat
12:25Do you have other pets at home besides
12:27Endangered animals?
12:29Yeah, we have dogs, cats
12:31Pigs, goats
12:33Do they all get along?
12:35Not all of them
12:37What's your favorite?
12:39The cougars
12:41The cougars, of course, because Denali's here
12:43And she's purring. Can you hear her purr?
12:45It's a really loud purr
12:47So she's really just a cat at heart
12:49Wants to play
12:51Alright guys, let's hear it for Jeffrey
12:53He's been an awesome contestant and of course Denali
12:55Close your eyes and ears
12:57Because here comes our next contestant
12:59Stick around you guys
13:01Hi, I'm Jake Cotler
13:03And I'm from North Carolina
13:05Welcome to the No-Tear Onion Slicer
13:17You are watching
13:19Your games
13:21Your sports
13:25Nick Gas
13:27Hey you
13:29You wanna improve your skills?
13:31Get fit, gain that competitive edge
13:33Then pay attention
13:35Because I got another skill drill
13:37Alright soccer players
13:39Place up if you want to improve your ball control
13:41I call this skill drill
13:43Happy Feet
13:45All you need for this one is a ball
13:47And room to play
13:49That should be enough
13:51First thing to do is put the ball directly in front of you
13:53Start by tapping the top of the ball with your right foot
13:55Then switch to your left
13:57Once you start getting comfortable, you can pick up the pace
13:59Good job
14:01When you're doing this drill, imagine the ball is a big giant egg
14:03So you just gotta barely tap it
14:05Or you'll make it crack
14:07And keep those knees high
14:09Because the goal is to make sure the ball moves as little as possible
14:11Keep it going
14:13Doing this skill drill will give you fast feet
14:15And improve your ball control out there on the field
14:19There ain't no time for standing around
14:21Get out there and practice
14:23You know, sometimes this drill reminds me of an Irish jig
14:27Let's open up the playbook and learn from the pros
14:29It's a games and sports trade trick
14:31Hey guys, I'm pro tennis player Maria Sharikova
14:47So we all know that a great serve and a killer overhead
14:49Can make all the difference on the tennis court
14:53But when you want to own that court
14:55A smooth ground stroke is the key to victory
14:57Today's trade trick with two-handed backhand
15:13Okay, the first thing with a backhand
15:15Is finding the right grip
15:17You want to place your right hand on the bottom of the grip of the racket
15:19Then place your left hand just above
15:21Touching your right hand
15:23Next step is the pivot
15:25As the ball approaches
15:27Pivot on your left foot
15:29As you step forward with your right foot
15:31While rotating your shoulders to the left
15:33And lastly, you want to swing with a low to high path
15:39Leading with your right shoulder
15:41Follow through with the racket head pointed up
15:43At about a 45 degree angle to the net
15:45And what I like to do personally
15:47Is keep my wrists firm all the way through the stroke
15:53Okay, let's recap
15:55First, you want to find the right grip
15:57Next, as the ball approaches
15:59You want to pivot
16:01And lastly, follow through with a low to high path
16:03And remember my tip
16:05Keep your wrists firm
16:07So there it is, the two-handed backhand
16:11Now take these tips to your favorite tennis spot
16:13And let's see what you've got
16:17Keep watching Nick Gass for more trade tricks
16:23From the four corners of your world
16:29This is Global Gass
16:33Oi galera, what's up
16:35That is hey guys in Portuguese
16:37I'm Matty here
16:39This next Global Gass is a super awesome Brazilian sport
16:41Like the perfect combination between a little
16:43Volleyball action, a little soccer action
16:45That you've ever seen, this one's called
16:47Foot volley
16:49Here you go, a little foot volley
16:53Foot volley was invented in the beaches of Brazil
16:55But you can also catch
16:57Great foot volley action in the beaches of
16:59The US, Argentina, Uruguay
17:01Italy, Spain
17:03And Morocco
17:07Alright, here's the lowdown
17:09Now foot volley is a lot like
17:11Beach volleyball in many ways
17:13But the biggest difference is that the players
17:15Can't use their hands at all during the game
17:17Foot volley is practiced in a field
17:19Divided in half by a high net
17:21The games are made up of two players who usually
17:23Play in their swimsuits with or without shoes
17:25To serve
17:27A player kicks the ball over the net
17:29Now they're allowed to keep the ball for a few seconds
17:31And then pass it along with their feet
17:33Head or chest or their teammates
17:35Or to the opposite territory
17:37Now like volleyball, if the ball hits the ground
17:39Or if it falls out of bounds
17:41The opposing team scores a point
17:43Now the game consists of three or five sets
17:45Of 15 goals each
17:47The teams usually switch sides after every set
17:49And take another break from facing the sun
17:55Guys, I forgot to tell you
17:57Now in foot volley, the ball is just like a soccer ball
17:59But it's a little bit more deflated
18:01Because I mean, you know, kicking this thing all day long
18:03Barefoot, it's going to hurt after a while, right?
18:05There's your tip for foot volley
18:07This was Global Gas, your games, your sports
18:09All around the world, I'm Matty
18:13Now back to that strain on the brain
18:15Figure it out
18:17Figure it out
18:23Welcome back to Figure It Out
18:25And here's your host, Summer Kersender
18:31Hello everyone, welcome back
18:33Boy, that was a great first half of the show
18:35I got to meet a cougar, I'm so excited
18:37You got doused
18:39You got what? Doused
18:41You did, we saw it firsthand, let's hope they get it again
18:43Everybody except for those four guys probably hope they get slimed
18:45Let's welcome our next contestant
18:47Please put your hands together for Jake Kotler
18:49Come on out here
18:55How you doing, Jake?
18:59These guys really want to say hello to you, they've been dying
19:01What's up, Jake?
19:03Yeah, Jake, alright
19:05They've got a little bit of energy, huh?
19:07Yeah, alright
19:09Let's remind all the folks at home what Jake's secret is
19:11He invented a no-tear onion slicer
19:15Alright, remember, Jake stumps our panel through all three rounds
19:17He's a stud
19:19And he's taken home the grand prize
19:21Which is a trip to Florida
19:23Longboat Key, would you like that?
19:25I would
19:27You would, alright, let's get right to it, to the game
19:29Right here on Build the Answerhead, this is what you guys have to figure out
19:31And right now it says
19:33Nothing, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank
19:35Five blanks
19:37You guys are good
19:39Mike, we're gonna start with you
19:41Yeah, alright, you're the man
19:43One minute on the clock, round number one, yes or no questions only
19:45Remember, use the clues and the charade brigade
19:47Okay, ready?
19:51You like to party?
19:55You're witness, counselor
19:59Does it deal with food?
20:01Do you shave?
20:03No, no, no, obviously, yes, RJ, still on you
20:05I know, he's not used to it, sorry
20:09No meat, okay, Kel
20:11Meat's good
20:13Um, let me see
20:15Did you invent something?
20:27Invented, blank, blank, blank, blank
20:29Kel, yes or no questions
20:33A pizza to go on your face
20:35Kenan, go ahead and pick up your clue, guys
20:37Don't be shy
20:39Hey, um
20:41Did you invent, uh
20:43Melted cheese?
20:47Did you invent a new kind of oven to cook pizza?
20:51And that's how it means the end of round number one
20:53Jake, you stumped him
20:55It's true, he's taking home his first prize, Jay, what is it?
20:57First up in the panel for round one, Jake will take home
20:59A kids foot logger gift certificate worth $200
21:01So he can score the coolest shoes and hottest clothes
21:03From awesome brands like Nike, Luggs, and Airwalk
21:05Gift certificate's also redeemable
21:07At Footlogger and Lady Footlogger
21:09Jake is looking real relaxed over here, huh?
21:11You're just calm
21:13You know this game, feeling confident
21:15Alright, before we give Jake a chance to win another prize
21:17We're going to give an audience member a chance to win a prize
21:19And that lucky audience member is
21:21Jonathan Cotto
21:25Alright, Jonathan
21:27We're all hoping you win because we want to see him slimed again
21:29Jay, tell us what the secret slime action is
21:31The secret slime action is
21:33The secret slime action is
21:37Right over here on Bill the Answerhead is what you've figured out
21:39So far, invented
21:41Blank, blank, blank, blank
21:43Over here on the clear recap board
21:45Deals with food
21:47Didn't invent face pizza or melted cheese
21:49You'd probably be rich right now if you invented melted cheese
21:51That'd be a good one
21:53Okay, RJ, starting with you
21:55One minute on the clock, round number two
21:57Ready, go
21:59Did you invent a type of plate?
22:05Does it smell?
22:09Judges, yes it does
22:11Can you eat it?
22:17You invented
22:21Did you invent a special kind of pizza dough or crust or something like that?
22:27Did you invent
22:29A slicing
22:31One of the words on the Answerhead
22:33Invented blank, blank, blank slicer
22:37No hands pizza slicer
22:41One of the words on the Answerhead
22:43Invented no blank, blank slicer
22:45Here comes your next clue
22:47From above
22:49No ring, no onion, no onion ring
22:51One of the words on the Answerhead
22:53Invented no blank onion slicer
22:55RJ, yes or no question
23:09Just because
23:11Just because you can't even count
23:15What'd you do? You wanna know
23:17I know, you guys did the secret slime action which was
23:21Frowning, they did
23:23I didn't frown
23:25Oh sure you did
23:27Oh you did, you got slimed and then some more slime
23:29I just live an upset life
23:31Pretty much straight on you guys
23:33Because these guys got slimed that means Jonathan from our studio audience
23:35Is taking home a prize
23:37Jay, what is it?
23:45Okay, you guys not much time left
23:47We only have a second
23:49RJ, do you think you can get a question out in a second?
23:51You can try, can't you? Ready?
23:55No, you got no
23:57At the end of round number two, Jake, you stumped him again
23:59He's taking home his second prize
24:01Jay, what is it?
24:13Jake is still feeling real good
24:15Real good
24:17How's that slime feeling guys?
24:19It's great
24:21I'm gonna get it
24:23Over here, Bill, the answer is what you figured out after two rounds
24:25Invented no
24:27Blank onion slicer
24:29Over here on the clue recap board
24:31It smells
24:33Yeah, your question, it smells
24:35And Kenan and Kel are baffled
24:37You're darn tootin'
24:39RJ, last round
24:41One minute on the clock, this is it guys
24:43Ready? Go
24:45Okay, invented no
24:47Real onion slicer
24:49Kel, ask questions to get to that word
24:51Did you
24:53Do you use your hands?
24:57Your fingers?
24:59Do you use your fingers?
25:03Yes, yes he does
25:05Invented no
25:07Oh man, real onion slicer
25:09You said that, didn't you?
25:13Did it have anything to do with a mess?
25:15You know, preventing a mess in the kitchen
25:19Yes, it does
25:21Judges, no, it doesn't start
25:23Kenan, Mike
25:25I got a lot of slime in my pants right now
25:27I gotta ask you, is this a no tears onion slicer?
25:29Yes, it is
25:31Invented no tear
25:33Onion slicer
25:35It's the coolest thing, everyone should have one
25:37And we're gonna get a chance to look at it
25:39But you know what, Jake, you're taking home two cool prizes
25:41Let's hear them again, Jake
25:43A soccer gift certificate
25:45And a sport craft soccer table
25:47Alright Jake, we have some onions we're gonna bring on out here
25:49And your onion no tears onion slicer
25:51Now, I've been cutting onions
25:53And I cry all the time
25:55I wish I had this
25:57How did you come up with this idea?
25:59Well, my mom works in the kitchen a lot
26:01And she always cuts onions
26:03So you thought, why not
26:05And you'd come down and
26:07Maybe cry a lot
26:09And that's no fun
26:11Because you invented this
26:13And this could make millions of dollars, huh?
26:15Alright, but we need to know how it works
26:17So can you explain it a little bit to us?
26:19Well, inside is a charcoal filter
26:21That catches the sulfuric acid from the onions
26:23Which makes you cry
26:25And when you push down on the onions
26:27With the blades, it slices them
26:29And the acid rises into the filter
26:31Does your mom use it now?
26:35And you're a much happier guy, aren't you?
26:37Alright, can you show us?
26:39There it goes
26:41Straight through
26:45Did you invent this for a project?
26:51Alright, Keenan and Mike
26:53Come on over here
26:55You smell good
26:57Keenan and Mike are going to cut their own onions over here
26:59But sorry, you guys don't get to use this
27:01Because we're going to continue with no tears
27:03Go ahead and cry yourselves away
27:05Cut it up
27:07Cut it up
27:09Be careful with that knife
27:11Now Jake, did you enter this in a contest?
27:15I won at the regional science fair for North Carolina
27:17Right on
27:19Do you want to be a chef when you get older, you think?
27:23But you can still make an onion
27:25How are you guys doing?
27:27Maybe you can help them out
27:29Alright guys, thanks so much
27:31Give a big round of applause for Jake
27:37Thanks for being with us
27:39We'll see you next time on Figure It Out
27:41Keep sending in those letters
27:43You can be the next contestant
27:45A promotional consideration provided by
27:47Sketchers lights up your life with S lights
27:49Sneakers and boots that light with each skip
27:51Step, jump and hop
27:53Come play with Sketchers and Kids Foot Locker
27:55And by Ring Pops
27:57The great tasting long lasting candy that looks as great as it tastes
27:59Lots of outrageous flavors in an awesome ring shape
28:01Ring Pops
28:03Great taste never looked so cool
28:07What's your name?
28:11Pally, what can you do?
28:13I can bark like a seal
28:15Bark like a seal, will we be scared?
28:19No, okay, let's hear it
28:21How'd you learn how to do that?
28:23Do you live near seals?
28:27Do you have a seal as a pet?
28:31How'd you learn how to do it?
28:33I don't know
28:35Let's get it out, right?
28:37Alright, thank you. What's your name?
28:39Matt, what can you do?
28:41Card trick
28:43Let's see it, I like card tricks
28:45Pick a card
28:47Do you want to show it to you?
28:49Okay, you got it?
28:51There we go, okay
28:53Okay, got it
28:59Did you cheat?
29:01Did you cheat?
29:03How do you know?
