Vanished From Her Room Without A Trace _ Full Movie _ Horror Movie Full Movie _ The Darkness Outside-(1080p)

  • 2 months ago
Vanished From Her Room Without A Trace _ Full Movie _ Horror Movie Full Movie _ The Darkness Outside-(1080p)
00:01:00See? No monsters.
00:01:20Move the clothes. They hide in the wall sometimes.
00:01:23Bree, come on.
00:01:25Do it.
00:01:26There's nothing in there.
00:01:27Then just check.
00:01:29What is it?
00:01:35Maddie? What is it?
00:01:51Maddie? What is it?
00:02:03I told you that thing always creeped me out.
00:02:05I think it's possessed.
00:02:07You're dumb.
00:02:09Jeez, Bree. You really messed her up.
00:02:11I don't know why you're afraid of anything.
00:02:13Don't throw her again either.
00:02:15Everything okay?
00:02:22Yeah, we were just dealing with the monsters in Bree's closet.
00:02:25We caught them.
00:02:28But Bree needs to get to bed.
00:02:30It's late.
00:02:32And you guys have an early long day tomorrow.
00:02:34I have to check my room first.
00:02:36I heard noises again.
00:02:38Something dragging on the floor.
00:02:46Listen, Brianna.
00:02:47We're going to be here for a while.
00:02:50You have to get used to the house now, honey.
00:02:54I don't like it.
00:02:56I know.
00:02:57But this is about mommy's work.
00:03:01You don't want me driving four hours back and forth again every day, do you?
00:03:08She's getting used to it, Sarah.
00:03:10She'll be fine.
00:03:11Just let me catch the monsters, if that's what it takes.
00:03:17Just catch them all quickly then.
00:03:22Good night, Brianna.
00:03:24Good night.
00:03:34You gonna be okay tonight?
00:03:37Look, if you hear anything, just come get me.
00:03:40I'll be up for a bit.
00:03:41Your mom doesn't have to know.
00:03:46Promise me you'll try to get some sleep.
00:03:49I will.
00:03:50Thanks, Aunt Maddie.
00:04:28His legs suddenly went all wobbly and he sort of stumbled backwards into the tent.
00:04:34He had a really dumbfounded look on his face when he looked at me and babbled,
00:04:38It's not a coyote.
00:04:40It's it's a dude.
00:04:41It's some weird dude.
00:04:45Help me!
00:05:02Where the hell is she?
00:05:04I don't know.
00:05:08Baby, where are you?
00:05:09Help me!
00:05:15I'm calling the police.
00:05:17Bri, where are you?
00:05:45Why have they kept the room like this?
00:06:10Somebody must have rented it by now.
00:06:13A few people have, but Anthony says they keep the door locked and they're probably going to keep it that way.
00:06:19After what happened,
00:06:22I don't think anyone wants to come in anyways.
00:06:25Plus, he knows Maddie shows up every once in a while.
00:06:28But not recently.
00:06:30Not for six weeks, which is more recent than I've heard from her.
00:06:35How long have you guys been friends?
00:06:38We've been besties since sixth grade.
00:06:43Well, thanks for getting me in.
00:06:47I'm going to check around just a few more places.
00:06:50You have Sarah's number still?
00:06:51Yeah, I'll text it to you.
00:06:53Um, just when you get a hold of her, let me know what she says.
00:06:57You haven't talked to her either?
00:07:00She blames me for
00:07:05some things that happened.
00:07:07You might have better luck.
00:07:09That's hope.
00:07:13You're the girl that found the Raggedy Ann.
00:07:19There were so many stories going around.
00:07:23What actually happened that night?
00:07:42Hey, Laura.
00:08:03I hope you're okay.
00:08:06I've been busy.
00:08:09I didn't even know you're out of the apartment.
00:08:12I, uh,
00:08:15obviously, if I knew what was going on, I would have
00:08:18offered for you to come stay with me.
00:08:20At least until you got back on your feet.
00:08:22That's the least I could do.
00:08:27David did ask me before if anything ever happened to him.
00:08:30If I'd look after you, and obviously I wasn't
00:08:33I wasn't expecting that day to come, but
00:08:37I meant what I said to him.
00:08:39again, anything you need, you're not a burden.
00:08:42Just give me a call back.
00:08:44Shoot me a text.
00:08:47I'll be here.
00:10:10You can
00:10:10You can see me?
00:10:20Who are you with?
00:10:22I don't know.
00:10:23I can't remember anything.
00:10:25I was in my room sleeping.
00:10:28And then I woke up and there was red everywhere.
00:10:32Weird light.
00:10:33There was something in it.
00:10:37Then I was here and I don't even know how long I've been.
00:10:41What's your name?
00:10:54Here, let me help you.
00:11:02What were you doing?
00:11:07Something stupid.
00:11:11Are you okay?
00:11:15Don't worry about that.
00:11:16I just
00:11:18I need my phone.
00:11:19My friend's a cop.
00:12:54I just saw a girl
00:12:56In the woods
00:12:57She's ten
00:12:59She was about ten, I think
00:13:00Where are you?
00:13:03Lakeside Woods
00:13:05Near David's
00:13:06I should have known
00:13:09What about this girl?
00:13:11She said her name was Brianna
00:13:13I think that it could be
00:13:15Might have been what?
00:13:56I think that there's a guy
00:13:59Or he's carrying something
00:14:01There's something under her blanket
00:14:05Was it the girl?
00:14:07I don't know
00:14:09Alright, look
00:14:10Meet me by the fence on Tin Road
00:14:12I can be there in twenty minutes
00:14:36I've told you everything
00:14:38Three times?
00:14:41And with the amount of alcohol in your system
00:14:42We may need to hear it another four or five times
00:14:44Come on
00:14:47Can't you just send someone out there?
00:14:49You can find the print
00:14:50I put a mark on the tree
00:14:51So that you could see which way the guy went
00:14:53I brought you her doll
00:14:55That's good
00:14:56And we have officers and rangers out there
00:14:58But is there something else
00:14:59That they'll find that we should know about?
00:15:01I don't know
00:15:02Are you implying that you think I'm a suspect?
00:15:05Well you were found in possession
00:15:06Of something that may have been missing
00:15:07From a crime scene
00:15:09And I told you how I got it
00:15:11And you were also very drunk tonight
00:15:13You know what?
00:15:14Screw you!
00:15:15You think that I abducted some ten year old girl
00:15:16And then called the cops
00:15:17With some stupid BS story?
00:15:19Why don't you stop wasting your time with me
00:15:21And go find that weirdo
00:15:22That I'm telling you about?
00:15:24You need to calm down
00:15:33Now do you want to tell me
00:15:34What you were really doing out there?
00:16:03The Lakeside Forest spans 650 acres
00:16:04And somewhere within all of this land
00:16:05A young woman reportedly found something
00:16:06That belonged to Brianna Tanner
00:16:07Her family has confirmed it was hers
00:16:08So the efforts to locate Brianna
00:16:09Are being focused here
00:16:10And I'm going to ask you
00:16:11To help me find Brianna
00:16:12And I'm going to ask you
00:16:13To help me find Brianna
00:16:31The history surveys
00:16:32Are focused here
00:16:33There are multiple teams
00:16:34From the Sheriff's Office
00:16:35As well as Park Service
00:16:36Scouring the woods right now
00:16:39Hoping to pick up a trail
00:16:40That will lead them to Brianna
00:16:42Again Brianna disappeared
00:16:44From her home last night
00:16:46Under mysterious circumstances
00:16:47Are you sure you don't want
00:16:48Me to go with you?
00:16:51No, no there's enough people already
00:16:53They said any more would probably
00:16:54Just get in the way
00:16:56It's better for you to be here
00:16:58Maybe she'll show up
00:17:01Stay safe out there.
00:17:04You be safe here.
00:17:07As is how Brianna got to the forest without being seen.
00:17:11I'll be here throughout the day with more updates. Jessica Carlson, NJSW Local News.
00:17:51Knock, knock, knock.
00:17:55Anything yet?
00:18:01What about that creepy doll?
00:18:03Only your fingerprints were on it.
00:18:06And we don't know what the red substance is. It's not blood.
00:18:10Did they find that guy?
00:18:12We might have. There's a lot of houses and trailer parks and stuff on the outskirts of the woods.
00:18:17But we're going to check it out today.
00:18:23They didn't mention anything in the news reports. They didn't do a sketch.
00:18:29That wasn't my call.
00:18:31Do you believe me?
00:18:35I don't know what the heck you were doing out there in the woods that night, but you sounded pretty sober on the phone to me.
00:18:42That's what I told them.
00:19:24Next shift is coming in, but you need to get home.
00:19:29Nothing yet? At all?
00:19:48Talk about backwoods.
00:19:50Don't be snotty.
00:19:56Guy's back here relaxing with his feet up.
00:19:59Want me to take you in here to the church party?
00:20:01We might be too close to the music.
00:20:03Yeah, maybe.
00:20:05How about you take this one?
00:20:09I don't want to.
00:20:11You looking for Brianna Tanner?
00:20:13That's right.
00:20:15Didn't she get snatched up from her room about 20 miles from here?
00:20:19Well, we found something that belonged to her a couple miles from here.
00:20:22What did you find?
00:20:24I don't know.
00:20:26I don't know.
00:20:28I don't know.
00:20:30I don't know.
00:20:32I don't know.
00:20:34I don't know.
00:20:36I don't know.
00:20:38I don't know.
00:20:40Something that belonged to her a couple miles away.
00:20:42Have you seen or heard anything?
00:20:44Nothing out of the usual, but...
00:20:46I try to steer clear of these woods when I can.
00:20:50Why's that?
00:20:52I just get a bad, bad vibe.
00:20:54Always have.
00:20:57Besides, what the hell was she doing all the way out here?
00:21:01That's what we're hoping to find.
00:21:04Well I'm afraid I can't offer you anything, unfortunately.
00:21:08But I'll keep an ear out
00:21:10Thank you, and can I have your name?
00:21:15Arnold Palmer
00:21:23If I can give you some advice
00:21:26It's always best to partner up when you're out here in this woods
00:21:30Because of the woods
00:21:32because of the woods
00:21:34There's things out here. You don't want any part of
00:21:38Brianna got out here
00:21:41Chances are you ain't gonna find her either
00:21:44Well, let's hope that you're wrong. Thanks for your time. Hey
00:21:52Were you out there last night a
00:21:58Witness saw someone matching your description carrying something in the woods
00:22:04Wasn't me where were you?
00:22:08Here all night
00:22:11Can anyone vouch for that?
00:22:14My girlfriend Jenna Goodman
00:22:19Thank you
00:22:34Are you serious? Well, it was worth a shot
00:22:36You really take her word for it. Yeah, I do
00:22:40You know, look she's got issues, but she's not a compulsive liar. Okay?
00:22:46Whoever was in her system. She was sober by the time she called me
00:22:50You say so let's just run the names what could it hurt just our credibility
00:23:03All right, love you
00:23:59They're port-a-potty in there gotta pee no, we're too far out
00:24:03figures I
00:24:05Guess I can just go behind a tree
00:24:07Make sure that perv doesn't sneak a peek. Shut up Maddie. I
00:24:12Heard that
00:24:15I'll go ahead and straight line. Just make sure you catch up and don't go too far. It's easy to get lost out here
00:24:21totally noted I
00:24:32Didn't go all day yesterday, but I didn't drink anything either. I almost passed out same here
00:24:41But if we want to find Brianna we got to stay healthy, right
00:25:06What the hell was that
00:25:10Seriously I thought a plane was about to land on our heads or something
00:25:32Sarah Greg anyone
00:26:36I didn't move
00:26:38I heard Rihanna's voice
00:26:56What is that
00:27:26Okay, yeah, I understand thank you what thanks what
00:27:33Good news is it's not Brianna's
00:27:38They're still running tests, but they say it belongs to a young adult
00:27:44Apparently dozens of people have gone missing in that forest over the years, so it's probably one of them
00:27:54I'm gonna go to the store to get some stuff to put together for dinner
00:28:00Greg said we could go back out with him tomorrow if we want to all right
00:29:46Have anyone found out that I was here I could get in trouble
00:29:49I'm not telling
00:29:51How'd you find me friend of a friend? No, I just I
00:29:56Don't know. I'm good at digging up information
00:29:59When it does help at my friend the one I'm staying with he's a detective that would come in handy
00:30:06How do you know?
00:30:10He he was my brother's partner
00:30:14And they would hang out, you know, and they weren't working and he was cool. So
00:30:21He's kind of like a brother to me
00:30:29I'm bad. Thanks. I
00:30:34Know more than most people the process and investigation
00:30:42But I also know that sometimes that process can get in the way
00:30:47Okay, the news hasn't announced it yet there was a guy there that night
00:30:58Arnold Palmer I
00:31:02Saw him carrying something under a blanket the police don't believe me
00:31:13What about your friend
00:31:15He does but again, it's the process. I
00:31:19Mean, they've talked to him, but it's not going anywhere
00:31:22Even though he's a registered sex offender and there's another charge against him an armed robbery
00:31:27What could I'm on the registry statutory, right?
00:31:32Oh, I'm sure the police know that by now, so he's guilty of anything new then they'll get there eventually
00:31:41Yeah, we can help
00:31:48Don't think I trust that
00:31:52I'm thinking of going to his house myself
00:31:54See if I can find something
00:31:56The police aren't gonna do much without a warrant. All they have is my word that he was there that night
00:32:02I'd leave it to them Laura
00:32:06You don't believe me either I do but I don't think this guy had anything to do with what happened to Brianna
00:32:15You saw her she was there one second gone the next
00:32:18She was there one second gone the next
00:32:22Today I heard her voice
00:32:26She disappeared from her room and I
00:32:29Don't think some random creep in the woods had anything to do with this
00:32:33It's something else
00:32:35something I
00:32:37can't really explain but I
00:32:39Appreciate you trying out
00:32:52Did I agree to this Sarah this should be you don't she asked me and I told her no
00:32:58You could have said the same
00:32:59Well, one of us has to be fun. Exactly. You made your bed now you can lie in it
00:33:10All right, all right, that's enough it's gonna take you half an hour to get this sand off
00:33:14You got all day we're not going anywhere
00:33:17Yeah, I seriously can't move muscle. That's the point. I've got a surprise for you. I did not like the way you said that
00:33:24Oh, you'll love it
00:33:30Yeah, and you let her incapacitate you
00:33:33Gonna come for you not gonna lie. Well, your face is gonna look like a tomato by the time she gets you out
00:33:38You know, you don't stand well
00:33:41No, no, are you serious?
00:33:57Wait till I get out of the sand that won't happen to let you out. Remember that
00:34:03You guys are so cute
00:34:06Actually stay right where you are. This is a great shot
00:39:29Hey, why isn't your phone been on?
00:39:33Chargers broken. Yeah, and you got a flat tire or something, too
00:39:37You deal with everything around here the world doesn't revolve around you, you know
00:39:41Don't be that way, especially since you expect me to cover for you
00:39:47You have detectives showing up at my door asking all kinds of questions
00:39:50Like what like if you were with me two nights ago, you know, I hate lying and you're lucky that I'm quick on my feet
00:39:57How am I supposed to know what to say when I couldn't get a hold of you this week?
00:40:06Something that you want to tell me
00:40:14Frank and Alan show up yet, unfortunately
00:40:25Well, I'm heading to my sister's we're gonna go look at one of the venues
00:40:30Do you want to take a shower and come with?
00:40:34No, I'm tired
00:40:37I'll head into town tomorrow and pick up a charger. I'll come by
00:40:44You better
00:40:48Listen thanks for always having my back. You make me with a phone call
00:40:54And I got you a charger a good one not that dollar store crap that dies on you every couple of weeks
00:41:03You gonna walk me out
00:41:52Kidding me
00:42:15You know, if you're gonna go sneaking around someone's house you probably shouldn't put on deodorant
00:42:57It's a little weird how we showed up so close to where they found the doll
00:43:01yeah, but
00:43:03What with everything that's gone on there has to be some kind of explanation. That isn't exactly rational
00:43:11What does Sarah think about it, I don't know she won't really talk about it what happened today scared the hell out of her
00:43:19So beyond rational explanation
00:43:22She disappeared into thin air you Sarah and possibly Laura all heard her voice, but never actually saw her
00:43:29These red lights start showing up everywhere
00:43:32The girl in the mirror your dreams
00:43:35It's like she's haunting you even though she didn't die
00:43:40which means
00:43:43She did die or she somehow crossed over while she was still alive
00:43:48As if she's in another dimension
00:43:52I've heard that mirrors and dreams are sometimes gateways into other dimensions
00:43:57So maybe this is Brianna trying to reach out to you or that other girl is
00:44:03So you think my dreams might actually be from them it's possible
00:44:09if that's the case, then
00:44:11How would we respond? I?
00:44:14Have no idea. We can try talking to my great-uncle
00:44:17He's into quantum physics
00:44:19Mathematical crazy stuff, but it's legit
00:44:22He tried explaining dimensions to me and the way he talked about it made me feel like I was in another dimension
00:44:28It's brainy, but it's interesting
00:44:31Well, it's worth a shot
00:44:34In the meantime though if we can still hear Brianna's voice and there has to be some way to help her, right I
00:44:43Might have a way
00:44:48Are you sure you want to do this? I'm not turning back now. Well, I'll be um around the corner if you need me
00:45:45Once you reach the end of the hole you turn around and come right back up counting each step
00:45:5414 when you reach your starting point if you did it, right there should be an extra step
00:45:59Then go back down back up and each time there should be another one
00:46:03How many times do I have to do it?
00:46:06I'm not sure. I've never tried
00:46:28Eventually, it'll get warmer you'll start to hear noises maybe voices that means it's working
00:46:36Five when you reach the other side the chair is supposed to be gone six. That's what I've heard
00:46:42But even if it works don't ever take the mask off don't fall and don't lose count no matter what
00:46:48If you do supposedly you'll get trapped there
00:47:22One thirty-one
00:47:31I'm going to help you find a way out. I promise you just have to hang in there. Okay scared
00:47:38I am too
00:48:2136 37
00:48:49You know
00:49:02You know
00:49:35I'm ready. Okay
00:49:53You okay
00:50:05I'm driving Bailey home. I
00:50:09Thought you were sleeping earlier, but when I saw the light on I didn't want to leave without checking on you
00:50:22You still spooked about what happened today? Yeah that too. What else?
00:50:34Detective Lynn called today
00:50:38They identified the person that skull belong to
00:50:42Hannah Kennedy, she went missing two years ago in the forest
00:50:56She's the person I saw in the mirror earlier
00:51:08Well, you agree not to press charges as long as you talk to him why not I
00:51:14tell him he could be charged for shooting into the woods while you're running away and that we
00:51:20Might or might not go after his girlfriend for lying to us. That's true
00:51:28Thank you
00:51:31I had my partner wasn't too happy about it. She's a biatch
00:51:38Yeah, she did have a point though
00:51:41I don't like looking like some
00:51:43Corrupt small-town detective covering up for a friend. I was just trying to help
00:51:50I'm sorry. I
00:51:53Know your heart's in the right place even if my head's not
00:52:01All right, go ahead I'll be right here
00:52:08Just holler if he tries to touch you or anything
00:52:26Haven't found the other three yet, but that was Ali you saw me carrying in the woods that night. I
00:52:34Always tried to keep them out of the woods behind the house as much as I could I never let them out after dark without
00:52:39a leash
00:52:42Why I
00:52:45Don't know there's always just been something off, you know
00:52:49I've seen strange lights heard strange voices and your friend would tell you a lot of people have gone missing out there. I
00:52:57Was out walking with chief about two weeks ago, and he just took off I
00:53:04Searched all over but
00:53:07nothing, I
00:53:09Heard Ali barking
00:53:11It was after dark, but I broke my own rule and I went out into the woods
00:53:17When I found her
00:53:19She was in bad shape
00:53:22She wouldn't have made it to the vet so I brought her home and I kept her comfortable until she
00:53:26passed I
00:53:29Never should have gone out there that night
00:53:35You always bring back something with you
00:53:38I was better to let things go
00:53:48I'm sorry for breaking in and for that
00:53:53What happened to your pets?
00:53:56And for the pepper spray
00:53:58And I'm sorry for almost killing you a lot of the locals. They give me a hard time about my past
00:54:04Now I'm not saying I'm a saint but I was 25 and that girl was 16
00:54:09Not only did she look older than that
00:54:12She was in the bar with a fake ID
00:54:15How the hell was I supposed to know I?
00:54:17Doubt they charged the bartender with serving her alcohol
00:54:47Can't help her just hide
00:55:34Okay, I don't know I was in bed
00:55:36I've just gone to bed and when I woke up, I was tied up and getting dragged through the dark somewhere
00:55:40I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move
00:55:43How did you get in here? I have no idea. I heard a noise
00:55:47I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was here. Okay, I'm gonna call the police just untie me, please
00:56:04I was that
00:56:14Run call for help now. I can try to untie you go just hide
00:56:26What the hell do you want what the hell do you want?
00:57:19Couldn't fall asleep until the Sun came up keep telling myself it was a bad dream, but it's not what it felt like
00:57:29And I was looking up the other people who went missing in the forest
00:57:32It was a girl named Isabel Ramirez I
00:57:37Couldn't be sure but she looked a lot like the girl I saw did Brie describe anything like that
00:57:43No, I don't think she ever saw anything. Thank God
00:57:48She did say that she heard muffled voices and chains dragging across the floor
00:57:55Well, it could have been some sort of sleep paralysis
00:57:59You could have been dreaming while you were awake
00:58:02Visualizing what she described I
00:58:06Don't know
00:58:09Especially since it happened right after that game could be suggestion sounds far out, but it happens
00:58:17And maybe you saw Isabel in another article and forgot about it
00:58:24You're still trying to look for a rational explanation I am I don't really like the alternative
00:58:39Appreciate you going out there by the way, even if it was dumb
00:58:48How are you fine I
00:58:55Didn't want to say anything before but I
00:58:59Know why you were out there
00:59:02What you were doing before you saw her?
00:59:06I'm sorry about your brother. Just I hope that you're coping
00:59:14Well, I'm better than I was that night I
00:59:20Was running then
00:59:22from everything else
00:59:25But I'm getting help now and I just
00:59:30I just want to help you guys find Brie
00:59:34Yeah, well finding her seems like it's gonna lead us down a dark road
00:59:41I'm grateful for your help, but I don't think I want you coming with me
00:59:47We don't need to get wrapped up in this
01:00:21This is the last place I saw her Sarah used to meet her and Brie here on our lunch break she worked nearby
01:00:29Is that this where you're seeing her? No, her apartment's around the corner
01:00:34She said she's gonna meet me there in 15
01:00:37I'll come back. You know what she says
01:00:43You never told me why does she blame you exactly I
01:00:49Kept Maggie going
01:00:56So we live in three dimensions plus time
01:00:59length-width and depth
01:01:01Essentially. Yes. That's what Einstein posited and
01:01:04Then in 1984 string theory pushed a number of known dimensions to ten or more
01:01:09For that we reside in the rest inaccessible to us
01:01:14Is it possible that someone in four dimensions could get into the higher planes?
01:01:19scientifically, no
01:01:21I mean, there are hyperspaces which are the basis of a lot of science fiction and
01:01:26in a rooted reality, but
01:01:29That's out there
01:01:31What about non scientifically?
01:01:34Did my niece tell you that I am also a Bible teacher
01:01:38She didn't mention that they're familiar with the story of Adam and Eve, right?
01:01:42more or less
01:01:44The thought is that when God created the world
01:01:48It was perfect. Everything was open all dimensions were accessible
01:01:52Then the fall happened and not only did it bring pain and sadness
01:01:58It really ruined fabric of the universe we were banished to about four of those dimensions
01:02:04The rest still exist. However, due to the fall some of those remaining
01:02:11Dimensions are corrupted
01:02:14Those are the places where demons dwell so to speak
01:02:18Now they get access our world whenever they want but in order for us to cross into their world or experience it in any way
01:02:27Usually some sort of paraphysical or paranormal
01:02:30Portal has to open
01:02:35What if someone somehow fell into one of those other worlds is there a way to get them back
01:02:41Your niece disappeared under mysterious circumstances
01:02:47I would say that prayer is probably the most effective and safest course of action
01:02:55otherwise if
01:02:57the person is young enough eventually
01:03:00The spirit in the body would separate
01:03:05They'd be in a better place
01:03:07so to speak
01:03:08What if there was a way that I could get to her before that? I wouldn't recommend it. I'm sorry
01:03:14I know that's not what you want to hear. But the truth is that
01:03:18You would be in much more danger than she would be
01:03:36Help me, please Brianna if you're there Hannah if you're there
01:03:44Just let me know what I have to do. I
01:03:48Have to I can't stay long
01:03:50Yeah, listen
01:03:52Brianna fell in there. There are windows. They're like
01:03:55Portals all over you can't see them from your side
01:03:58There's one where you're standing right now in the house
01:04:02You opened another one when you did that game. That's how I traced a symbol on your hand
01:04:06Why did Brianna end up there not one of us? I
01:04:10Don't know. They're not always open
01:04:13Can I get her back? I
01:04:15Think so you either have to get her to one of the windows at the right time or
01:04:22How come you can find them and she can't
01:04:25Because she's still alive
01:04:27It's easier for the Watchers to find her. They can sense her. She has to keep moving so far. She has been
01:04:34The Watchers, what do they want?
01:04:40It's better that you don't know but if they find her she's not coming back
01:04:47Is there a way that you can help her get to one of the windows I'm trying but I don't know where she is
01:04:52There is another way what
01:04:56You would have to cross over and get it yourself and then get back before the Watchers find you
01:05:07Get out of here now and sure that wait
01:07:28Can you see me am I dreaming? No, you're not. Where are you? I
01:07:36Can't tell but it's scary here. I want to come back. How can I help you?
01:08:37Sarah got really sick. She was in the hospital for weeks with something like radiation poisoning. It was bad
01:08:44At some point Maddie told Sarah about what happened in the hallway and Sarah was convinced. I let something into their home
01:08:50After that Maddie pushed me away and then she often disappeared I
01:08:57Think she started to play me too. It sounds to me like she was trying to protect you
01:09:14And was the last time you saw her from Maddie
01:09:19Three weeks after I moved out of the house about two months back
01:09:23She was avoiding me, but she forgot that I had the passwords to online bank account. So I I
01:09:30Saw she checked into motel for a couple of nights. She didn't want to move. I take it. No, I don't blame her
01:09:38But I needed to put it behind me move on with my life otherwise, I wasn't gonna be able to function
01:09:45What happened to me all that time in the hospital made me realize that a little more quickly I
01:09:52Shouldn't want to hear it
01:09:55You know, I talked to Anthony every week I
01:09:59Know you've been back at the house in Brianna's room. Yeah, what's it to you? You gonna charge me Ryan?
01:10:07What happened to us
01:10:09We used to be so close and now it's like I don't even know you. I
01:10:13And this is the time we should be closer than ever
01:10:17We've always been there for each other why not now because you gave up on her don't say that why truth hurt
01:10:28You don't have to do this you can come to my new place I have a spare bedroom
01:10:35What about one for Brianna did you even think of that
01:10:39If Brianna comes back she doesn't need her own room she's gonna sleep in my bed chain to me
01:10:51Why are you so mad at me?
01:10:56Not mad at you Sarah
01:10:59I'm mad at everything. I
01:11:02Know she's still alive and every day I'm out there looking for her and you just went back to work
01:11:08Back to living like everything is normal
01:11:30But I have to live my life I can't keep chasing after shadows
01:11:37Neither can you
01:11:54When I was in the hospital I had a dream
01:12:00It was more lucid than any I've ever had
01:12:02I was more awake in that dream than I was when I got up
01:14:44When I was back in the cemetery, I noticed that the name on the tombstone was mine
01:14:53Not Brianna's like I assumed before I felt like something maybe even God
01:15:03Was warning me to leave it alone
01:15:07Or else I wouldn't survive this
01:15:11If Brianna were to come
01:15:16I couldn't even describe the joy
01:15:22But whatever you heard and whatever we experienced in the weeks since she's been gone
01:15:29It is not going to lead us anywhere
01:15:33Not anywhere we would want to go
01:15:45I hope to would get through to her that she'd listen to me
01:15:49But after that she just disappeared again
01:15:52After taking all the cash out of her bank account
01:15:55Where do you think she went? I
01:15:58Don't know, but she hasn't given up
01:16:02Wherever she is. She's still trying to find Brianna
01:16:05That's why she keeps going back to the house. Yes, she and Bailey. They're convinced. She might turn back up
01:16:13What do you think?
01:16:17Hope so
01:16:20But Maddie's convinced she fell into another dimension
01:16:26Her voice the red light something used those things to hurt me
01:16:31Almost killed me and whatever it is. I think we're more likely to run into it than Brianna
01:16:39And if she's not there I don't want to risk not being home for her when she does come back if she does
01:16:50Well, I brought your name up a few times and she didn't cringe
01:16:55She might cool off soon if she hasn't already
01:16:59We'll see about that
01:17:02Something she said what about Maddie expecting Brianna to turn back up
01:17:20Don't know actually, I think I just need to get some rest
01:17:24Can I call you tomorrow?
01:17:26Sure, yeah, it's fine
01:17:29Take it easy
01:21:57I heard someone scream. Was that you?
01:22:12I thought I saw something. I'm okay. What'd you see?
01:22:26Is that
01:25:56I'm sorry, Laura
01:25:59For what?
01:26:02What almost happened to you out there it's my fault I
01:26:07Created those symbols I invited the darkness
01:26:13It's not your fault
01:26:17Considering what happened to Sarah Brianna, I knew the risk
01:26:21That's why I didn't tell Bailey that I was coming here and I knew that you wouldn't want her taking it
01:26:28So why did you to find you to help you find Brianna?
01:26:35Even if we were able to get her back that wouldn't work for your brother
01:26:40This has nothing to do with him, doesn't it?
01:26:45You can't get closure for him not the way you want it
01:26:50So you're trying to help me find it with Brie
01:26:54Is that wrong
01:26:56It is if it gets you hurt. Well, it's my choice. And if Sarah's not helping you anymore someone needs to
01:27:02She shouldn't be alone
01:27:14Look I appreciate that I do
01:27:20But I don't want to bring you down with me
01:27:23That symbol Hannah showed me it opens a portal to that dimension
01:27:29I've been trying to get Brianna to come but every time
01:27:33There's always something else waiting
01:27:37Well, what if Brianna's not even there? I
01:27:41know that unexplainable things happened when she disappeared but
01:27:45Who would say she wasn't another dimension or that she's still there
01:27:50Maybe she cut out maybe
01:27:55Maybe she died
01:27:58She's in a better place now
01:28:01You think Hannah's lying to me I don't know who knows what she is
01:28:11How am I supposed to keep going if I don't know I
01:28:16What if Brianna's still there with those things? Huh? I'm supposed to just move on. No
01:28:23But you you can't get yourself killed
01:28:26Not when you don't know where she is not for certain
01:28:31Much as you loved her and as much as I'm sure she loved you. She wouldn't want you to be like this
01:28:37She would want you to be happy again one day
01:28:41Take care of her mom
01:28:52Not knowing sucks
01:28:55Yeah, just me I can relate
01:29:01But you still hope
01:29:05Hold on
01:29:21That was one hell of a day looks like it
01:30:42Just close
01:30:44But if we can't find her this one will do it'll get the message across just the same
01:30:50Maybe even better
01:32:37Said you Brianna
01:33:37Okay, you look like you just saw a ghost did the crowds here that bad
01:34:19You were my best friend, you know that you were mine I
01:34:27You always know what's best for me and that one was best for you
01:34:32Stop for you to live your life get that off your hand as fast as you can and forget you ever saw it
01:34:46Never see you again. If I do that, you don't know if you'll see me if you don't
01:34:52Breathe I
01:34:55Always told you I would protect you from anything
01:34:58even the monsters
01:35:00But who will protect you from them
01:35:04If they took you from me I'm going to find a way to stop them
01:35:10You can't
01:35:12You'll just end up trapped
01:35:14That's why Hannah was looking for me
01:35:16They can't keep me forever
01:35:19But if they get you
01:35:21That's it
01:35:23You can't escape
01:35:25So, please that Maddie
01:35:30You love me don't you
01:35:35My heart
01:35:37Then do what I ask you go back
01:35:46Can't there's nothing for me to go back to without you
01:37:46You're taunting me, what do you want?
01:38:50Mr. Palmer
01:40:18Who are you where am I?
01:40:29I'm a detective. I've been looking for you
01:40:35Why I
01:40:37Remember going to bed and then I woke up in here
01:40:52Let's get you out of here
01:41:21Marcel you're not gonna believe this
01:41:52Don't know if you got my text
01:41:55I'm so happy for you. Thank you. Yes
01:41:58It's been such a ruin first with the police and then hospital now trying to find Maddie
01:42:06Yeah, I bet
01:42:09Were you a friend of Maddie? Yeah. Well, I didn't know her that well
01:42:16But I liked her and I was helping her look for you
01:42:22Do you have any idea where she might be
01:42:31I wish I knew
01:42:40Found this nearby in the woods. Actually, she let me have it but it's yours, right?
01:42:49Thank you Maddie got it for me
01:43:00So see you guys around yeah
01:43:15You're not gonna do anything stupid again
01:43:30No, never good
01:44:15Hope you're doing okay. I I just feel terrible about Maddie
01:44:26You knew her all those years and not being able to see her the last few months before she disappeared I
01:44:34Just I can't imagine what you're going through
01:44:37And I don't blame you if you don't want to talk to me again, I
01:44:44I just wanted to honor Maddie's wishes and keep you safe
01:44:51And I don't regret it because if you had been out there
01:44:59Anyway, can you just take your uncle's advice take Maddie's
01:45:07Advice and I don't know
01:45:12Leave it leave it to prayer. I
01:45:15Don't even believe in that stuff
01:45:18well, I
01:45:19Guess with what I've seen and heard recently, I'm a little bit more open to what might be out there
01:45:26Good and bad
01:45:31Hang in there, okay
