Enders 31st July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Enders 31st July 2024


00:00I'm not made out of glass you know. Just take it from somebody who knows. Masking your pain
00:16from the people who care about you doesn't do anybody any favours.
00:19Dad, turn in. Wise words. So if I were you, I'd listen. Come on, get in.
00:28Morning, neighbours. You got some nerve. Dad, leave it, yeah?
00:34After what she tried to pull yesterday, no chance.
00:36It's my problem. Just get in the car, yeah?
00:43Zak said that you pulled the wool over Martin's eyes.
00:46It's called being a decent person, Robbie. You should try it sometime.
00:50Where are you going? Hospital? How about you mind your own business?
00:55What I am not missing is next dialysis appointment, Robbie.
01:01Don't worry, baby. I'll be right behind you, yeah?
01:04When are you going to get it, pretty? I don't want you. You ruined it.
01:25Another one for you. At least there's not more flowers.
01:33We could open a florist at this rate. Do you know why people give flowers when
01:40someone dies? Before embalming became common practice, the bodies would smell.
01:44They'd use them to hide the odour. Right.
01:50You're still angry with me, aren't you? Well, I'm not exactly calling up the palace
01:54and suggesting a knighthood, no. I mean, seriously, Rhys, what were you thinking?
01:58I know how much this baby means to you. I had to do something.
02:00Don't dare put this on me. So it was all right to use Debbie's money,
02:03just not her parents, just so I know I went wrong?
02:05Come on, Rhys. You're not stupid. If you would have told me the truth from the start,
02:08I would have said no. I would have put my foot down.
02:11And then we wouldn't be having a baby. Look, I took a risk, Sonia.
02:14I thought I was doing the right thing. You do realise the position this puts me in,
02:18don't you? How it makes me look. Using their daughter's care home fees to pay for my IVF.
02:23I told you, we cleared the air. It's sorted. What, just like that?
02:28We've come to an arrangement. Debbie's life insurance, it's a lot.
02:31Enough to reimburse them anyway. And she was okay with that, was she?
02:34No mention of going to the police or reporting us for theft. I mean,
02:37at least we haven't got to think about that with Phil Mitchell.
02:40He'll just pop round with a baseball bat. She did hint that was still on the table,
02:44if I didn't pay him back. But like I explained to her,
02:47I had power of attorney. As Debbie's husband, I've done nothing wrong.
02:50I just need to lay Debbie to rest. I mean, it's hard enough without all this.
02:55Yeah. It is.
03:02Morning, mate. Just a latte with an extra shot, please.
03:05Dying the candle at both ends? Yeah, if you like. Letting the sad reality.
03:10I was up all night waiting for a call from Ben.
03:12How is he? You tell me. I fell asleep.
03:15I'm just an idiot.
03:17It must be difficult, you know, with the time difference.
03:20It's a big difference between adapting to a long-distance relationship and your
03:22husband doing time in an American prison. Sorry, sorry. It's just Monday mornings.
03:29Maybe you'll hear something later. Oh, I had a text from Kathy earlier to say
03:33they landed in one piece. Don't know how she survived the flight, though.
03:36Alex would have been as good as gold. I was talking about Ian. I mean,
03:40can you imagine sitting next to him on a nine-hour flight and talking about what
03:44pies and profit margins? Listen, why don't we go for a little drink? My treat.
03:51That's really sweet, but I just... No, no. Actually, I'm not going to have it.
03:55If we're mad enough to marry into this family, at least we can do a stick together, right?
04:00So, meet me in the Vic later? Yeah. Yeah, all right. Sounds good.
04:04Good. See you. See you.
04:15There you are. Mind if I...?
04:18Look, Priya, if you're going to have a go, please can you just...
04:20Who said I'm going to have a go? Are you going to finish that?
04:23No, knock yourself out.
04:27How are you feeling? Yeah, fine.
04:31I thought I'd be the last person you'd want to speak to, though.
04:35Years back, I got my mate, Abbie Lamble, so smashed on Cheatfield because she needed
04:39her stomach pumped. Her mum went full psycho, banned me from seeing her.
04:44OK, so? She asked me to be a bridesmaid a few years back.
04:49They divorced after three years and now he's shacked up with her little sister, but
04:53you get my point. Nugget is big enough and ugly enough to make his own mistakes.
04:59This ain't all on you, babe. Do you miss him?
05:04Yeah, of course I do. But it's Ravi and Nish. They won't let me go anywhere near them.
05:10Yeah, well, I can relate. And you know what? Screw them.
05:15What do you mean? Nugget's got dialysis today.
05:19Six hours hooked up to a machine with no one but my ex and his psycho granddad for company.
05:24But I'm his mum. I get visiting rights.
05:28No way. Look, they all flip. Plus, I thought he hated you anyway.
05:33Well, that's where this becomes a mutually beneficial situation.
05:37Bit of quid pro quo, if you get me. So you're saying you want a quid?
05:43I'll get you more time with your bestie if you put in a good word for me.
05:50Look, I don't know. You want more time with him? Trust me.
05:55You need me on side. Yeah, I understand that.
05:59I just need to know how long it will take before you can release the life insurance.
06:03Yeah, appreciate it, but I do have a funeral to pay for.
06:08Right, well, thanks for nothing.
06:32Yeah, we could put the Olympics on.
06:59Yeah, remind me I'll never be a pro athlete.
07:02Nice one.
07:05Well, what can we do?
07:07Could do with a drink, something cold, then to take your time, yeah?
07:12Well, that could do with a coffee. Now you mention it, actually.
07:16How about you, Dad?
07:32What's that?
07:45Mate, what are you doing here?
07:47Well, I've got some special access.
08:00Look, this really ain't my area.
08:03But as far as I can see, if he really was the sole power of attorney,
08:08you know, and he'd smooth things out with Debbie's mum,
08:11I don't see he has a case to answer for.
08:14Really? Oh, that's brilliant. Thank you, Jack. You'd be so relieved.
08:23Look, you might not have committed a crime,
08:26but son, he's using his comatose wife's parents' money to pay for your IVF.
08:34I mean, surely you can see why people might find that.
08:37What? Well, go on.
08:42I don't know. Morally wrong.
08:45Well, I was actually only asking you for your professional advice.
08:48But thanks for having our backs, yeah?
08:50I have got your back on your family.
08:51Yeah, well, Rhys is my family.
08:53You go after him, then you're tarring me with the same brush.
08:56Thanks for your advice.
08:58Son, you're-
09:05Bro, it's actually better quiet without you, you know?
09:09Missing school for once, eh?
09:14Are you mad?
09:17They said how many of these sessions you might need, then?
09:19Like you care.
09:20Look, she's still your mum, and she does care.
09:23Yeah, when it suits her.
09:27You know it was her idea of sneaking me in here, yeah?
09:29Asked you to soften me up.
09:34That's being a snake, not a mum.
09:38Dad was right, and Dadaji.
09:40If you want to believe your grandad's lies-
09:42I saw you!
09:44But you said I'm lying too.
09:45You ain't ready, and that is okay.
09:47But I just want you to know that I am here for you, wherever.
09:51And whenever you need.
09:53Bro, come on, talk to her.
10:01I'll just wait outside.
10:03It's three times a week to start.
10:08The hope in my kidneys will kick in at some point.
10:11Try and avoid a transplant.
10:13Okay, well, that's promising then, yeah?
10:15Is it?
10:17Still could have months of this, maybe years.
10:21Yeah, well, no matter how long it takes, I'ma be with you, bro.
10:23Every step of the way, trust me.
10:28You want me to get you to a room then, yeah?
10:30Shut up, Mum.
10:32Oh, so I'm Mum again now, am I?
10:38You better have a damn good explanation for this.
10:43Number 25's been taken off the market already.
10:46It's not an offer, am I?
10:48Well, Martin's told Stace that Sonia was selling out
10:51because Rhys was banging trouble.
10:54So, then his missus carks it, and then suddenly they're staying on.
11:00I smell an insurance payout.
11:09Oh, you've looked better.
11:12Yeah, well, turns out that 39 is too old for all-day drinking.
11:17How's Rhys?
11:18Well, he's a bit all over the place, actually.
11:21Rubberneckers round here ain't helping.
11:23Yeah, about that.
11:25I've tried to shut it down.
11:26Told them I'm selling their business.
11:28Spit it out, Martin.
11:30Look, people just saying it's bad taste that, you know, Rhys' wife has died,
11:34and all of a sudden all your money troubles have gone away, you know?
11:36Why aren't you benefiting from it?
11:38See, that's the problem with gossip, isn't it?
11:40You only get half the story.
11:42That is my house, Martin.
11:44Yeah, Doc left it to me.
11:46But it's my decision to sell it,
11:48and it is my right to change my mind, all right?
11:50It's got nothing to do with Rhys.
11:53Well, I mean, except for the fact that, you know,
11:56if he wasn't in debt, you wouldn't have thought about selling it.
11:59It's really nice to know that your family and friends are on your side, you know?
12:03Have a good day, Martin, yeah?
12:04Enjoy your hangover.
12:10At the time, I think you couldn't get any more selfish.
12:12You can't help but prove me wrong, can you?
12:13Oh, shut up, Saint Ravi.
12:15If he's gonna beat this, he needs all of us around him.
12:18Me and Denzel included.
12:19Just keep it down, please.
12:20He's a scared little boy.
12:22He's terrified about what's gonna happen,
12:23and you two acting like his personal security ain't gonna help anyone.
12:26You think bringing this idiot who put him here in the first place is good for him?
12:29You are deluded.
12:30Just shut up, yeah?
12:31You know what?
12:32Just go.
12:33That's what I want.
12:35How are you gonna get home?
12:36I don't know.
12:36Just not with you.
12:39Happy now?
12:40You need to get out of my sight.
12:46I'm sorry.
12:51Using a kid to worm your way back in.
12:56I didn't think you could stoop much lower.
12:58That is rich coming from you.
12:59Thin ice, Priya.
13:02Nugget and Navani can already see your true colours.
13:06But if you keep this up, I'm gonna make sure you'll never see them again.
13:10Trust me.
13:11I can make it happen.
13:16Oh, gosh.
13:28What? You alright?
13:30Alfie, you're trying to give me a heart attack.
13:33Yeah, and sorry, sweetheart.
13:35It's just the Wi-Fi's playing up, that's all.
13:41I know that look.
13:43It's either a hangover, woman problems, or you lose on the races.
13:46In Patrick's case, sometimes all three.
13:52It's Tommy, actually.
13:54I thought it was tough enough bringing Spencer up and all of that was without social media and influences.
14:00It's a minefield.
14:03What we went through with Denzel.
14:05So, what is going on with Tommy?
14:09I think he should be fine.
14:10What's going on with Tommy?
14:11I think he's struggling with his mum and Phil splitting up a lot more than I realised, actually.
14:16And it's just made me realise how much he looks up to Phil.
14:21I hate saying it, but it's almost like he's a father figure, you know?
14:27And you're worried you don't match up as a role model.
14:31I keep thinking, what?
14:33Maybe try and do something more macho with him.
14:35Well, you know, watch boxing, maybe play a bit of rugby.
14:38Take him, play pigeon shooting.
14:42Who's kidding who, eh?
14:43Phil's Phil and I'm-
14:45You are Alfie Moore.
14:47The great Alfie Moore.
14:51You don't need money.
14:52And you certainly don't need macho.
14:54You just need to be yourself.
14:58You hearing me?
15:02Look, Priya, thanks for today, yeah?
15:05For what?
15:06Making things worse.
15:07My speciality, apparently.
15:10Listen, I've got to see him.
15:12It's better than not seeing him.
15:13I mean, I just don't understand why you all kind of sit down and talk about it.
15:16Not like you don't want the same thing.
15:17Have you met the Panisals?
15:19It's not happening.
15:20I remember when my dad used to want to have a word with me.
15:23He'd wait till I was on the loo.
15:29Denzel, that is really weird and a bit gross.
15:31Yeah, but it worked.
15:34It's not like I could go anywhere.
15:36Yeah, thank you for today.
15:37See you later.
15:44Right, kids, gather round.
15:45Come on.
15:46Uncle Alfie's here.
15:47Come on.
15:47All gather round.
15:49My dad said you needed my help.
15:50All in good time, little Richard.
15:52It's better be good.
15:53Hey, Tommy, this is better than good because you, you, you, you, you and you
15:58are all going to be taking part in the inaugural
16:01Albert Square Summer Olympics.
16:09Okay, all right, okay, listen up because very soon, right, I'm going to put together
16:13a surprise obstacle course on the square.
16:16It'll be lots of fun and lots of laughs.
16:19Winner takes all.
16:20Who's in?
16:22Yeah, lovely.
16:23You're making me hang out with a bunch of kids.
16:25She's so lame.
16:27Tommy, spirit Olympics and all that, it's all about inclusivity, okay?
16:30I'm sorry, did I forget to mention that there is a cash prize?
16:35Cash prize?
16:36Might as well put the money in my pocket right now.
16:38No offence, Ricky.
16:40Sorry, I've got a dad bod.
16:41Ricky, just because you're a dad, it doesn't, never mind.
16:45Okay, now to make it a little bit fair, I'm going to give you guys a delayed start, yeah?
16:50So listen up, everybody.
16:51I'm going to go and sort out our obstacle course and when you hear my whistle blow three times,
16:58okay, I want you to make your way onto the square and I won't be long.
17:01Right, see you shortly.
17:11I see it burns down whilst I was gone then.
17:13Oh well, there's always next time.
17:16But do you know what, though?
17:17Why don't you take the rest of the afternoon off?
17:20You sure?
17:21Well, you covered for me earlier.
17:22What's it the kids say?
17:24Pay it forward.
17:25You do not have to tell me that twice.
17:30Great, I'll see you later.
17:32See ya.
17:43We should do this more often.
17:50Listen, Callum, just because Ben did what he did,
17:53doesn't mean that you need to suffer the consequences, too.
17:56Yeah, I know.
17:58It's just, even sitting here with you now, I feel guilty.
18:02I feel like I'm moving on without him.
18:05We promised to wait for each other, you know?
18:08Well, I guess that's easier for him than it is for you.
18:13I'm not saying that I do want to move on with anyone or anything like that.
18:15I just, at the moment, I feel like I'm in this sort of no-man's land.
18:21Well, I guess it's gonna take a bit of time, isn't it,
18:22to work out all the do's and don'ts.
18:28But Callum, after everything that we went through with Lola,
18:32don't you think that we've got a duty to do what she told us?
18:37To keep on moving.
18:39Life is for living.
18:42Ben asked you to wait, he didn't ask you to stop.
18:48If only I had a group of mates queuing up to hang about with me, eh?
18:52And what about Johnny?
18:55You're both, you know, friends of Tom and me.
19:00Honey, nah.
19:03You'd go out for a few drinks with Callum, wouldn't you?
19:05You know, strictly platonic, I mean, he is a married man.
19:07Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.
19:08Just give me a shout whenever.
19:19So, come on, then.
19:25I hope you've managed to mess up this time.
19:28Now, you're lucky I still let you work here.
19:31Electric's gone.
19:32Fridge, freezer, full of food.
19:34And I know how profit-driven you are.
19:37What, you checked the fuse box?
19:40What's a fuse box?
19:42Get out of my way.
19:48It's turned off.
19:57Honestly, have you got no life skills at all?
20:02Life skills?
20:03Not so much.
20:04What the hell are you doing?
20:06For six months as an exotic dancer taught me a trick or two.
20:11I thought exotic meant dancing with fruit on your head.
20:14So naive.
20:16Get these off me right now, I swear to God!
20:18I think it's time me and you had a little chat, don't you?
20:22Repeat after me.
20:23I never slept with Priya.
20:27Go to hell.
20:30Oh, you're not going anywhere.
20:32Proper durable, them.
20:33Trust me, they've had a few test runs.
20:35What, you think this is funny?
20:36Doing this to a sick man?
20:38You think it's funny trying to keep a mum from her kids?
20:40Just because yours can't stand the sight of you despite what they say?
20:43You really are as dumb as you look, aren't you?
20:44Oh, yeah, because that's really the way to get me to release you.
20:47Making me say all this while I'm handcuffed under duress?
20:50It'll mean nothing.
20:51Oh, well, still fun, though.
20:55Where are you going?
20:56Maybe it's just a little time to think you need.
20:58Little time out.
20:59Seriously going to leave me in here?
21:00I'm opening up tomorrow and all, so if you had any ideas about being rescued...
21:05Hey, what if you died?
21:07I could leave one of them dirty videos playing on a laptop.
21:10People might think it's one of them kinky sex games gone wrong.
21:14Especially if it's girl on girl.
21:16Make it extra weird after what Sookie did to you.
21:21All right, at least leave me my jacket.
21:24My medication's in it.
21:25Oh, what? This jacket?
21:30There you go.
21:33Like I said, time to think.
21:42Just goodbye!
21:46Hey, contenders, you will go on my first whistle.
21:56Creators, you will go on my second whistle.
22:01Three, two, one.
22:05Only a couple more seconds, yeah?
22:06You're not so cocky now, are you?
22:08What, you don't think I can do it?
22:09Hey, I've got every faith in you, Tommy, all right?
22:15Oh, now, now, the boys are making their way down.
22:18I'm not going like that.
22:19Oh, they're switching.
22:20Go on, go on, go on, go on.
22:22Go on, go on, go on, go on.
22:28Oh, they're coming for the pop now.
22:30And there's Lee Corbett with a broken foot.
22:32Oh, it looks like a dead heat in the boot.
22:34What's he demanding?
22:36Oh, the grin is in the mood.
22:38Oh, and he's looking, looking.
22:39He's holding some fish on the rest of them.
22:41Oh, here they all come.
22:43Hey, well done.
22:44Everyone's a winner.
22:47But I am the actual winner, right?
22:48You took them all.
22:49Well done.
22:50No, no, let me just check VAR here.
22:51Hold on a second.
22:54Oh, sorry, VAR told me that it is a dead heat.
22:59What else?
22:59Oh, and I've got to split the money
23:00between our oldest competitors.
23:02There you go.
23:03There's one each.
23:04Oh, there's no shame in coming in the draw.
23:06I'll tell you that.
23:07Bit of fun, though, wasn't it, are you?
23:08Yeah, it was fun.
23:10Cheers, Dad.
23:10Yeah, it's all right.
23:12I'll see.
23:13I told you so.
23:14Oh, thanks, Yolanda.
23:15Cheers, all right.
23:20Right, Colin, hand it over.
23:21You're joking, mate.
23:23No, I won.
23:24Plus, it's my dad's money.
23:25See you later.
23:26Yo, I said hand it over.
23:30Come on, you psycho.
23:41I think we should invite her over.
23:53Sometimes people want to be alone without thoughts.
23:56Can't be easy, though, supporting your partner
23:59who's grieving for his ex-wife.
24:01A fat insurance payout, take the edge off it.
24:08I've been looking for you.
24:09I wasn't hiding.
24:11I'm sorry, OK?
24:12The last thing you need now is unnecessary stress.
24:15But I promise you, I'm sorting it.
24:18But how, Rhys?
24:20Every time you put out one fire, you light 10 more.
24:22I spoke to the insurance company earlier,
24:24and the money's coming as soon as the post-mortem's out of the way.
24:28I can pay back Brenda and Hugh and sort things with Finn and Sharon.
24:32And leave us with what?
24:34Then I'll take on some extra clients.
24:36I'll work every hour under the sun.
24:38I'll do everything, Sonia.
24:40I can make this right.
24:42I'm full of faith in us.
24:46You went to the hospital?
24:48Oh, hello, Mum.
24:49Nice to see you.
24:50What is wrong with you?
24:52I'd have done the same for you and all.
24:53Well, I think I would.
24:54You could be hard work.
24:55You know, now he doesn't want to see anyone.
24:57Why can't you just back off sometimes, Mum?
25:00Priya, leave it.
25:01Come on, she'll come round.
25:04Oh, watch yourself, Mum.
25:05Oh, I didn't know what you were looking for.
25:08Oh, is it?
25:09Well, I'm sorry that I ruined your celebration drink.
25:13What are you talking about?
25:16Flexing the money around now that his wife's dead.
25:18I thought it'd at least be champagne, not gonna lie.
25:23That's what all you guys were saying this morning.
25:25Haven't you heard?
25:26Snitches get stitches.
25:30I don't care.
25:32You need to tell her to apologise.
25:35And you need to get out my face before I rip yours clean off.
25:38She should know better.
25:39And that is on you.
25:40Nail on head, though.
25:41Always did encourage her to speak the truth.
25:43I'm sorry.
25:44Apology accepted.
25:46Sonia, just leave it, will you?
25:48No, why should I?
25:50No, come on.
25:52Let's have it out in the open, shall we?
25:56We used Rhys's wife's money to pay for the IVF.
25:59Money that her parents contributed to.
26:01But that's all we're guilty of.
26:03And you think that's all right?
26:05You're so perfect, are you?
26:07How long did you forget you had a son for?
26:10Oh, you can talk, Mo.
26:11Having a fundraiser for Kat's funeral when she wasn't even dead.
26:16And the rest of you.
26:18Cheating on Whitney with her best friend.
26:21And what are you nodding at?
26:23Letting your son get away with God knows what.
26:27Do me next.
26:28Do me.
26:29Look, the truth is, none of us are perfect.
26:31You want to keep throwing stones from your glass houses?
26:34Then be my guest.
26:36But don't think for one second we won't be lobbing them right back.
26:41Got it?
26:46Lemonade, please.
26:47Whatever he's having.
26:57Electric's gone.
26:58She could only stay to put this away.
27:02Wasting stock.
27:03Finishing early.
27:04Maria's going to run this place to the ground.
27:06Oh, relax.
27:07Well, there's an ornate, but we'll be able to get things back on track.
27:13Because if you're having second thoughts...
27:14No, I'm not.
27:17I hate him as much as you do.
27:19It just feels weird screwing over your dad when he's already a condemned man.
27:24Oh, trust me.
27:25He'll be proud on Sunday.
27:26You think?
27:27Duped by his son and his ex-wife in his own personal Greek tragedy?
27:31Come on.
27:33The man's a narcissist.
27:34He'll probably die happy.
27:35Good job he's not finding out, then.
27:36Wouldn't want him thinking that he's one.
27:40Should try and salvage some of this stuff, though, eh?
27:44Sounds like a dad problem to me.
27:46Don't you think?
27:49The apprentice becomes the master.
27:51I like it.
27:53Come on, let's get out of here, shall we?