Enders 25th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Enders 25th July 2024


01:30Don't creep up on me like that.
01:46We'll have someone celebrate you.
01:48You can't sell up.
01:50We won't let you.
02:14What would you want to sell?
02:16You're surrounded by people who love you.
02:18Real family.
02:19What does that mean?
02:21Cousins, uncles, ex-husbands.
02:23Well, we was a bit more than that, weren't we?
02:24It was Martin and Sonia.
02:25We haven't been that for years.
02:27You've got to keep this place in the family.
02:29It's got original coving and that.
02:31And since when have you been sentimental
02:32about Victorian architecture?
02:34You ran away to New Zealand for years.
02:36Yeah, well, I came back, didn't I?
02:38Yeah, but you did it though, didn't you?
02:39You took a risk to make a better life.
02:41Hold on.
02:42You went to Caring.
02:43It's not about geography, Martin.
02:45All right, Rhys and me will move wherever we can afford
02:47as long as he stops stressing about money.
02:53We like Rhys, OK?
02:54We really do.
02:55Well, I'm glad to hear it.
02:58He's hardly the human dynamo, though, is he?
03:01Me and Rhys have been going for IVF for months.
03:03Why have you not said anything before?
03:04You haven't been moving away before.
03:07We are selling up because we cannot
03:09afford to start a family here.
03:10All right, I'm doing it because I love him.
03:12But earlier, you told me he's an accountant who can't
03:14account for his own money, and now you're selling up.
03:17That's a red flag.
03:19Red flag?
03:21Have you heard from Joe Brennan lately?
03:23What kind of flag's sleeping with your own cousin, huh?
03:27And how's Ruby these days?
03:28What kind of flag are you, Martin?
03:29Dusky peach?
03:30That's a bit harsh.
03:31No, what's harsh is you two suddenly deciding
03:34you can't live without me.
03:36While she made lives for yourselves, I looked after Dot.
03:38And now, I want to start my own family with a man I love.
03:42Yes, he may not be a human dynamo, all right?
03:44But he's the kindest man I've ever met.
03:46So I'm going to cook him a nice dinner.
03:47I'm going to tell him we're selling.
03:49Because after this lecture from you two hypocrites,
03:51Rhys is the only family I've got.
04:02You'd understand.
04:04I know you would.
04:09Yep, I'll do the room checks now.
04:19Oi, what you playing at?
04:22Yes, I've been waiting over an hour.
04:24Yeah, lamb kebab special.
04:26Kofta, doner, and shish.
04:40Lost your key again, have you, Tommy?
04:59Kathleen Slater?
05:01Who wants to know?
05:02I'm DC Mwado.
05:03This is Leslie Drinkwater from Walford Child Services.
05:07What do you want?
05:08We've had a report that a child is being physically
05:10abused at this address.
05:12May we step inside?
05:13Yeah, go for it.
05:28I mean, I'm a bit surprised everyone is here.
05:30Yeah, I know.
05:30It's out of order.
05:31Oh, is Penny filling you in?
05:34It's outrageous, isn't it?
05:35What's that?
05:37Phil demoting me over a bottle of fizz.
05:40Like that's the worst crime to ever happen in this place.
05:43You do know Phil, don't you?
05:45How is that helpful, Zak?
05:48Look, Penny, do you think you could just have a word with Phil?
05:51Just tell him, you know, you need Chelsea's experience
05:55to make your night a success.
05:56I spoke to Phil already.
05:58Oh, great, life saver.
05:59What did he say?
06:01He appointed me the new manager.
06:09Well, there was a vacancy, and he clearly
06:11saw someone he could trust to turn this place around.
06:16So you shafted me.
06:18Hi, everyone.
06:20As the new manager, I just want to make it clear
06:22that theft and dishonesty are not workplace values
06:25we share here at Peggy's.
06:27Anyone caught stealing will be fired on the spot, OK?
06:31Thank you.
06:40I thought you lot had enough to deal with
06:42without responding to crank calls.
06:43Miss Slater, this is a police investigation into reports
06:46of assault on a child.
06:48We all have your child's best interests at heart.
06:50Don't patronise me in my own home.
06:52I understand this is overwhelming,
06:54but I assure you, we're not here as judge and jury.
06:56Yeah, I'll bet.
06:58A cup of tea might help settle the nerves.
07:02You allowed caffeine this week?
07:04My body's a temple.
07:06Lucky you.
07:07Mine's a crime scene.
07:09Milk, three sugars, thanks.
07:11Was it the neighbours that made the call?
07:13I don't blame them.
07:14The noise that comes out of here.
07:15I've got three boys.
07:16You know what they're like.
07:18Was it the neighbours that made the call?
07:20It was your son, Tommy.
07:24He said he's been physically assaulted by you.
07:29I need the loo, or you're going to arrest me for that and all?
07:32You're not under arrest.
07:34Please don't be long.
07:35This process will be over much faster with your cooperation.
07:40Hang on.
07:49Get in.
07:50What is it?
07:50Look, I haven't got long, all right?
07:51Tommy's told the old builder I hit him.
07:53They're in there with the social.
07:56He's obviously lying, isn't he?
07:57No, he's not lying.
07:58He punched me in the stomach last night,
07:59so I shoved him and he went flying.
08:01I really thought I hurt him.
08:03What? I don't...
08:04Why did he punch you?
08:06He said he wants Phil to be his dad,
08:08and I said, he can't.
08:09Alf is your dad.
08:11OK, this ain't about me, all right?
08:13Look, I shouldn't have hurt my boy.
08:15They're going to take him away from me.
08:16This is really bad.
08:18Look at this.
08:20Oh, God.
08:22OK, you tell him what he did to you,
08:24then you say it was self-defense.
08:25Are you kidding?
08:26If he lives in a violent home,
08:27they'll take him all away from us.
08:29No, I'm taking no one away, all right?
08:30Well, I'm not chancing it, all right?
08:31I want you to talk to Tommy,
08:33and you tell him to tell them that he's lying,
08:36or we will lose the family.
08:41All right.
08:53Join yourself.
08:55Someone left their phone.
08:56Oh, let's a number one knock
08:58before entering my office.
09:00You snake.
09:02That's Miss Snake to you.
09:05Drop the act, Penny.
09:07A couple of hours ago,
09:08we were the Wicked Stepsisters on the same team.
09:11Look, I like you, I really do.
09:13I like you, too.
09:14So then just leave me alone.
09:16I don't want to talk to you.
09:17I don't want to talk to you.
09:18I don't want to talk to you.
09:19I don't want to talk to you.
09:20I don't want to talk to you.
09:22So then just tell Phil you'd rather I kept my job.
09:25Come on, and we'll say no more about it.
09:29Because it's the right thing to do.
09:31Like I gave you this club night
09:33because it's the right thing to do.
09:35You deserve a break.
09:37Oh, my saviour.
09:39I did not mean like that.
09:41I mean, I see a lot of myself in you.
09:43You're ambitious, you're smart, you're tough.
09:47You've got a lot to offer this place.
09:49Thank you.
09:51So you'll tell Phil you made a mistake?
09:57I said I liked you.
09:59I didn't say I'd relinquish my power
10:01to someone undeserving of the role.
10:04And as my wicked stepsister says,
10:06I do have a lot to offer this place.
10:12Oh, and Chelsea,
10:14lesson number two,
10:16don't let your emotions get in the way of business.
10:20I'm sorry.
11:03Oh, no, he's not here at the moment.
11:05I'm his partner. Can I take a message?
11:17Don't worry, mate, it might never happen!
11:42How could you? How could you do it?
11:45I'm sorry. I did it with Sonia.
11:47Just leave it. Sonia's right. It's her decision.
11:49What is? Sacrificing everything for a bloke who can't even wipe his own bum?
11:53Well... Sonia, she's got a surprise for you.
11:56Have a good evening.
12:30Come and sit down.
12:34Just come and sit down.
12:50I've got some sad news.
12:52What, the baby? Not again?
12:54No, nothing like that.
12:57They tried to call you mobile, but you didn't answer.
13:02The care home called.
13:06Debbie died tonight.
13:08I'm so sorry.
13:13You don't have to say anything.
13:17I know you loved her.
13:19And she knew that, too.
13:23Can I get you anything? Cup of tea, whisky?
13:33Did this happen?
13:38No, I think we should go and find out how she passed.
13:41To the care home? Yeah.
13:43We go together. Why?
13:45Well, in my experience, when someone dies,
13:49it's best to get all the information straight away.
13:53The last thing you need is unanswered questions driving you mad.
13:58Yeah, the sooner we go, the sooner Debbie will be at peace.
14:03And she deserves that.
14:06You both do.
14:17If you're hanging around here all summer,
14:20you've got to follow my rules, yeah?
14:23This cork is going to be floating in the bog.
14:27So every time you go in for a little tinkle,
14:30you've got to aim for it.
14:31Cos I'm fed up with having wet feet.
14:35What about Dad? He does it, too.
14:36Oi, oi, Mr Cheeky.
14:39You can... Your turn to teach, Dad.
14:41Oi, mind your neck, Emma.
14:49Hey, you all right?
14:53Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy.
14:55Little blue-eyed boy.
14:57But I wouldn't melt, all right? Is that who you are?
15:03Or is it the other Tommy?
15:06The nasty little thug who punched his mum?
15:12And then, what, you grasped her up?
15:16Why, because she hit you back?
15:19Who's the real Tommy, Mooney?
15:24We split up in January.
15:27Break-ups are always hardest on the kids, aren't they?
15:30I thought we were getting through it.
15:32And this was Mr Mitchell? He's the boy's father?
15:37So, that is...?
15:38Alfie Moon.
15:40He's the twins' dad. He's Tommy's stepdad.
15:42And Tommy's father is...?
15:44Michael Moon.
15:45Another Moon?
15:46Yeah. Alfie's cousin. He's dead.
15:48Sorry, you said you weren't judging jury,
15:50but I feel like I'm being burnt at the stake here.
15:53Just establishing some background.
15:54Not trying to embarrass you.
15:56I've got a past, all right?
15:57Who hasn't?
15:59I'm on marriage number three.
16:00Two men, one woman.
16:02Not at the same time, I hasten to add.
16:04I'm a brilliant mum, all right? The best.
16:07No-one fights harder for their kids than me.
16:10I wish I had me as a mum.
16:13And I know what it's like for your parents to bail on you.
16:15So, that's why I'd never, ever, yeah, do it to my own boys.
16:20Do you have thoughts on why Tommy would make this accusation?
16:23He's just an angry teenage boy who hero-worships my ex, Phil.
16:27The local hard nut.
16:29He runs the boxing gym.
16:31Was Tommy exposed to violence in that relationship?
16:34Not between me and Phil.
16:36But there was violence?
16:41We need to speak with Tommy.
16:44Can't you give him a few days? Just let him calm down a bit.
16:48Where is he right now?
16:51She hurt me. I could have died.
16:54You punched your mum and grassed her up?
16:57That's so evil.
16:58Where's my kind, funny boy gone?
17:02I ain't your boy. You ain't my dad.
17:03Phil is.
17:05Well, I wish he was.
17:07When him and mum were together, people respected me at school.
17:10People looked up to him, so they looked up to me.
17:13You think you get respect by hanging around in someone's shadow?
17:15Tommy, you earn respect.
17:17How do you know?
17:18Because I'm a better man than Phil and a better dad.
17:21Tommy, you know...
17:28I thought we were best mates.
17:31Always having a laugh.
17:34Me trying to give you everything that I never had as a kid.
17:36Yeah, I know.
17:39It's a bit desperate.
17:41I don't want a sad-o, 60-year-old mate.
17:44Don't you talk to me like that.
17:46I miss Phil.
17:47He took us to Disneyland on holiday, not some poxy caravan.
17:50And I've got my own room in his house.
17:54Well, why don't you just run over to Daddy Phil, eh?
17:58Have your pick of the bedrooms in his big, empty house.
18:00And then you ask yourself this, where's his family gone, eh?
18:03Oh, well, they've run to the hills cos he's a bully and a cheat.
18:06Yeah, well, he'll still have more time for me than you and mum ever do.
18:10That don't matter now, Tommy.
18:12Cos social service would probably take you,
18:14stick you in a foster home on the other side of London.
18:16Yeah, well, I'll just say I'm living at Phil's.
18:18Oh, shut up.
18:19Stupid. You don't get it, do you?
18:22Huh? Your phone call started a chain of events that we have no control over.
18:27And you and your brothers will get taken into care,
18:30separated from me, your mum and each other.
18:36You haven't really thought this through, have you, Tommy?
18:48I'm sorry.
18:49It was so unexpected.
18:51I guess it was pneumonia Debbie had a while back.
18:53I didn't spot any signs earlier.
18:56Earlier? What were you doing here? What time?
18:59About nine-ish.
19:00I'm sorry I was so grumpy with you earlier about not signing in.
19:04Don't seem important now.
19:06No, I'm just glad I got to say goodbye.
19:08Is Debbie still in her room?
19:10Yeah, I'd say go on in and see her,
19:12but the police have declared it a potential crime scene.
19:15Why? Well, don't worry, it's standard procedure.
19:17Oh, officer, this is Mr Colwell, Debbie's husband.
19:21Hello, I'm DC Webster.
19:23Once we've finished speaking with Nurse Jasmine,
19:25maybe have a moment of your time.
19:37So, you've managed bars before, eh?
19:39Yeah, yeah. I'm all about hospitality.
19:42Oh, she is. She's our last employer.
19:45Juliette Dubois, weren't it?
19:46You know who you've hired, don't you?
19:48Jack Branny's daughter ain't going to be a crook.
19:51No, she ain't just a crook. She's a drug dealer.
19:54One of Paris's finest, until she got run out of town
19:56dragging her own cousin down with her.
19:58Oh, don't bring me into this.
20:00She's lying. I left Paris because I was bored.
20:03She's going to have your bar crawling in drug dealers in no time.
20:08I hate drug dealers.
20:10There's only one thing I hate more than drug dealers.
20:14She shafted me, Phil.
20:16Yeah, I know. She's shown the drive that the bar's been crying out for.
20:23Now, you're on probation.
20:26Don't let me down.
20:33You know what the kids are like during the school holiday,
20:35staying out late.
20:37If Tommy's a no-show, we have to report that you don't know
20:40where your son is at 10.25 at night.
20:43I'm sure you understand the ramifications of that.
20:46Just wait a little bit longer, please.
20:47Oh, yeah. Yes.
20:49Sorry we're late. We, um... Oh, we got stuck on the tube.
20:53Tommy, how are you?
20:55OK. Hello, Tommy.
20:57I'm Leslie Drinkwater from Child Services.
20:59This is DC and Wado.
21:01We'd like to chat about what you told our colleague on the phone.
21:05It's all right. They're on our side.
21:07Right, can we just get on with this, yeah?
21:09Miss Slater, we do need an adult present to support Tommy,
21:11but it can't be you.
21:13Oh, that's all right, Kat. I've got this.
21:15It's all right. It's all good. Go on.
21:20Tommy, do you want to come sit down?
21:27Sorry to keep you. This is DC Leland.
21:32Just a few questions. Nothing to worry about.
21:35I'm not worried.
21:37I'm heartbroken. I'm grief-stricken.
21:39I'm not worried.
21:41It's been a hard day.
21:43Mr Colwell, please could you confirm
21:46you're Mrs Debbie Colwell's next of kin?
21:49Yes, I am.
21:51We have a good understanding of Debbie's stroke that brought her here,
21:54but any recent medical complications of note?
21:58Yes. Pneumonia.
22:00Yeah. She was unwell some time ago.
22:03Thank you. We'll inform the coroner.
22:05Make sure they incorporate that into the post-mortem.
22:09But we know all about Debbie's condition.
22:11Why do you need...?
22:13Why can't you just leave her alone?
22:15She's been in limbo for years.
22:18She deserves dignity at long last.
22:20I'm sorry. It's routine procedure.
22:24I'd like to take him home now.
22:26OK. It's fine.
22:28Thank you. Come on.
22:31Well, Thomas explained he was upset with you
22:34because you didn't buy him the trainers he wanted,
22:36so he called us out of spite.
22:38He's retracted his accusation.
22:40Thank God.
22:42Sorry, Mum.
22:44OK. Lovely. Well, that's that, then, yeah?
22:47We won't be closing the file.
22:49I'm sorry.
22:51I'm sorry.
22:53I'm sorry.
22:55I'm sorry.
22:57I'm sorry.
22:59Do you want to close the file?
23:01Not yet. Why not?
23:03Ordinarily, during term time, we'd hand the report over to the school.
23:06But as Tommy's just broken up for summer,
23:08we'd like to keep the file open as a precaution.
23:11A precaution.
23:12Sure there won't be anything to worry about.
23:14Eh, Tommy?
23:16We'll support you as a family at all stages of the investigation.
23:19Thanks for the tea.
23:21Bye. Bye.
23:23Thank you. Take care, Baba.
23:26What does that mean? Are we in the clear or what?
23:29I'm not going to call him again if that's what you're worried about.
23:32Tommy, I love you!
23:38If he still hates me, why did he retract his statement?
23:42Kat, Kat, Kat, despite what it looks like, you know, he still loves us.
23:45He doesn't want to lose his family, and I promise you,
23:48he will get through this.
23:50I don't think so. There is no coming back from this.
23:57Right, let's head to bed.
24:00You're going to need your sleep.
24:02OK, I'm just going to get some water. Do you want some?
24:06No, I'll see you upstairs.
24:17What's all this?
24:21Yeah, sorry, sweetheart.
24:24I seem a bit silly now.
24:32You were going to put the house on the market.
24:34Yeah, I was.
24:36You've done so much for me, you know,
24:38and I know how much you've been struggling with all the debts.
24:41Well, there you go again, protecting me at your own expense.
24:45I'm sorry.
24:47I'm sorry.
24:49I'm sorry.
24:51At your expense.
24:54Look, I know you paid the care home fees this time round,
24:56but there were always going to be others.
24:58And we owe Debbie so much money for the IVF.
25:01And I want you to be excited about the baby.
25:04And that can't happen if you're always worried about money.
25:07You love this place.
25:08I love you more.
25:12I guess we...
25:14we don't have to sell now.
25:19What's funny?
25:23Darling, why are you laughing?
25:35Debbie, don't deny it.
25:37You were going to put the house on the market tomorrow.
25:42It doesn't seem fair, does it?
25:44It's not fair at all.
25:46She's dead.
25:48Debbie's dead.
25:50Oh, please.
25:52You looked after her to the very end.
25:54She's at peace now.
25:56I know you did.
25:58And I'll be forever grateful to her.
26:00Cos I've got you now and I'm never going to let you go.
26:05Oh, come on.
26:14Hollingworth Lake told Morden...