Emmerdale 31 July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Emmerdale 31 July 2024


00:01Alright, sleepyhead.
00:02I forgot to charge my phone.
00:05You wouldn't see me up before midday if I had a day off.
00:21You need to have a job first.
00:22I'm going to ignore that. Thanks, grumpy pants. Sit yourself down. You're heartless
00:26without a coffee.
00:27I can do that.
00:28Yeah, I know you're very domesticated these days, but still wild at heart though, eh?
00:36Oh, I don't know about that.
00:40I could nuke you some pancakes if you like. Lots of golden syrup. Just how you like them.
00:47You know what, maybe I'll just get some at a cafe. I've got so much stuff to do. But
00:53thanks anyway.
00:55Another time.
00:56You've been ignoring my calls.
01:07I was waiting until I had some actual news.
01:09Well, how long's that going to take?
01:11I didn't ask you for the tantric version.
01:14Takes time.
01:15Well, that is one luxury we haven't got, Rose.
01:19Why? Kim hasn't found out anything, has she?
01:23Do you think I'd be stood here if she had?
01:26I need results.
01:27I'm working on it.
01:29Yeah, well, you're going to have to do better than pancakes and golden syrup. Time's up.
01:36Hey, how are you doing?
01:45Just stealing myself for work.
01:47I think under the circumstances they'd understand.
01:48Oh, I'm not sure I can face having the conversation.
01:53Have you got your follow-up appointment sorted at the hospital?
01:57Like you said, I'm just going to wait for my period. Give nature a chance to, you know.
02:03Yes, of course. Well, I'm always here for you. And have you spoken to Liam yet?
02:09Nope. He thinks I'm a liar. That I made the whole thing up.
02:13I know, but he's carrying a lot of trauma of his own.
02:15Well, at least he's got a roof over his head while he does it.
02:18What do you mean?
02:19He's withdrawn funding from the B&B. Sent me a message first thing.
02:23Oh, yeah. Doesn't waste much time, does he?
02:26Liam, I didn't know you were in. You OK?
02:34Hasn't Paddy told you?
02:38Well, he was a bit odd last night. He must have put that answer on your badges.
02:45Is it the baby?
02:47Not baby. I took Ella to the hospital. They gave her a scan. There is no baby.
02:57Your friend is a pathological liar.
03:02No, no. Oh, come on, I mean, you'd have to be like...
03:07A cruel, deluded, a vindictive fantasist.
03:10Honestly, the sooner she is out of this village and out of my life, the better.
03:14You hang on a minute. We've been here before with the whole get-out-of-town routine.
03:18You've chased her that many times in the pitchfork. She's got her backside like a watering can.
03:21Look, she is a dangerous, lying, scheming...
03:24Liam, he...
03:25I have washed my hands of her, and you would do well to follow suit.
03:37Hey, baby. Have you been missing me? I've been missing you.
03:42Yes, I have.
03:44Oh, what a good girl.
03:47Huh. Was there something wrong with the security camera?
03:51No, I just didn't want to worry about all that stuff.
03:54It cost a lot of money, all that stuff.
03:57Right, well, I'll pay you back then.
03:59That's not what I meant.
04:01You do whatever it is that makes you feel safe.
04:04But I've only ever wanted what's best for you, Belle.
04:08And I know sometimes I get it wrong, but...
04:14..you're all I care about.
04:17I am always going to be here for you.
04:26I guess Kim's living proof that money cannot buy you taste.
04:31You shouldn't be here. You need to go.
04:34I don't know why Caleb's so obsessed with this place.
04:38It does tend to get a bit locked in.
04:40Really? He's the one who's locked in.
04:43Oh, here we go. You're getting cold feet again.
04:46Do you want me to buy you some bed socks?
04:49It's a lot more at stake now. With Don and Evan.
04:53This isn't about them.
04:56It will affect them, though, won't it?
04:58Kim will have us out that door in a heartbeat.
05:02Cos if Don finds out why you're really here,
05:04it's going to be the end of your little game of happy families, isn't it?
05:09Rose, Kim Jong-il's been exiled.
05:12Will's all love-lorn and vulnerable.
05:15It couldn't be more perfect.
05:19So, you play your part as agreed.
05:22Bit early, isn't it?
05:24We're going to be celebrating later.
05:26Cos you're going to make it happen.
05:28Here you go.
05:30We hope the new blend meets your satisfaction.
05:34I've taken the liberty of pulling up your bill so far.
05:42What are all these?
05:44Oh, they're for you.
05:46Oh, thank you.
05:48Oh, thank you.
05:50Thank you.
05:52Thank you.
05:54Thank you.
05:56What are all these?
05:58Um, that's the minibar fees.
06:02And dare I presume the new role's complimentary,
06:05or will I be getting a separate bill for that also?
06:12OK, well, I'll leave that with you.
06:14Um, Bob's due in if you need anything else.
06:19So, they're looking after you?
06:22Looking after myself.
06:24As always.
06:28Everything seems on an even queue with Evan at the minute.
06:33Although I just feel like we're holding our breath,
06:35just waiting for the next bullet.
06:37I suppose you've got to take the good days...
06:39Yeah, yeah, that's right.
06:40You double-check that and get back to me.
06:42I'll look forward to it.
06:43I'll tell you what.
06:44Why don't I leave you to it?
06:46Yeah, sure.
06:48Good. Make sure you do.
06:52I'm not sure they're open just yet,
06:54but I can hook you up here
06:56if you don't mind paying over the odds.
06:59You enjoying your new digs, then?
07:01Yeah, you know.
07:03They're, er, adequate.
07:05I've got to say, I'm surprised you left your place so easily.
07:08There was nothing easy about it.
07:10But sometimes you have to think about the greater good.
07:14Yeah, right.
07:15I'll have to use that one on Ruby sometime.
07:17Try and steer her off course next time she gets fixated on something.
07:20And how was I thinking you wore the trousers in your relationship?
07:23I'm a walkover, me.
07:25So you've got to watch out for her.
07:27She's like a dog with a bone once she gets an idea in her head.
07:39I'm busy.
07:40You've got ten minutes.
07:42Your next appointment cancelled.
07:44I thought you could do with this.
07:46Thank you.
07:47Thank you.
07:55So I've seen Ella.
07:56I don't want to talk about it.
07:58Can you just let me speak for a minute?
08:00I don't know what she's told you,
08:01but it would have been a very well-thought-out succession of lies.
08:04She can't help herself. It's extraordinary.
08:06Well, she wasn't lying about the baby.
08:08I was there. I saw the scan.
08:10There is no baby.
08:11Because she had an unembryonic pregnancy.
08:22The hospital confirmed it.
08:24They contacted me as her GP,
08:26worried about her state of mind after she ran off.
08:30Ella was pregnant.
08:38I didn't even consider it.
08:41Well, you were upset.
08:43You missed it.
08:45Oh, my God.
08:47Oh, yeah.
08:48She's installed herself on the patio,
08:50demanding we boost her Wi-Fi,
08:52and she's ordering off menu.
08:53How does Bob cope?
08:55He's running him ragged.
08:56Part of me thinks he enjoys it.
08:58That was your problem, Lola.
08:59You were too nice to him.
09:00Oh, you busy, then?
09:02I've been here since 8, Jay.
09:04And some of us can multitask, Jay.
09:06I know that might be too much for your puny membrane.
09:08I've had a tip-off from the health and safety.
09:10We're going to have a review,
09:11so all this stuff needs checking before you leave tonight.
09:13There's a week's worth of work here.
09:15Well, not if you multitask.
09:16If you think you're going to bully me into leaving...
09:18Oh, look, if you can't handle the job...
09:20I've tried to be reasonable.
09:22Really? When was that, then?
09:24It's very obvious that we can't actually communicate without arguing,
09:27so I tell you what, shall we just ignore each other?
09:29It'd be a damn sight easier if we didn't work together.
09:31I've got bills to pay and kids to support,
09:33just in case you forgot, OK?
09:36Oh, stay out of it, Nicola.
09:37No, no, Nicola's right.
09:38But I'll tell you one thing, Jay.
09:39The pettier you get,
09:40the more it confirms that I made the best decision for you.
09:44I made the best decision of my life leaving you.
10:06Make yourself at home?
10:08I think it's time we had a little chat, don't you?
10:11What is it you'd like to discuss?
10:13Aren't you going to offer me a drink?
10:15Sure. Put the kettle on.
10:17I think you can do better than that.
10:26You have good taste.
10:28In liquor, if nothing else.
10:33What do you want, Kim?
10:35I want to know where you're playing at.
10:37Plotting something?
10:39I want to know where you're playing at.
10:41Plotting with Rose.
10:56Did you actually intend to spike Dawn?
10:58Or was it meant for me?
11:00It had nothing to do with any of that.
11:02I know how ruthless you can be.
11:05How low you can go.
11:07You came to me once.
11:09Baring your soul, begging for help, remember?
11:12Yeah, and you turned on me.
11:14We could have been friends.
11:16Or allies, then.
11:18You know, at first,
11:20I presumed this latest campaign was Caleb
11:23having another sticky swipe with his grubby little hands.
11:28Then I realised...
11:31..it was you.
11:33Like some bargain-basement Lady Macbeth,
11:36lurking in the shadows.
11:40He has no idea, has he?
11:42About any of this.
11:46For a so-called power couple,
11:48you don't seem very united.
11:50If you've just come here to insult me, then maybe you could...
11:53Or are you shafting him as well now?
11:55I... I can't keep up.
11:57Perhaps you need to look a little bit closer to home
12:00for a marriage that's on the rocks.
12:02Cos the last I heard, you were camping out with a B&B
12:05and Will is snuggling up to his ex
12:07in that great big pile of bricks you call home.
12:10You need to do a bit better than that.
12:13Oh, I've done my bit, Kim.
12:16Don't you worry about that.
12:18Now, all I've got to do
12:20is sit back and watch the fireworks.
12:25You've been a busy bee.
12:27Just trying to make me feel bad for being a wanton slatten.
12:30Yeah, it's all about you.
12:32Well, it is, yeah. Just how I like it.
12:35So, are you having a purge?
12:37Yeah, somewhat like that.
12:39I'm going to try wafting one of those sage sticks around.
12:42The ones that Faith used to bang on about.
12:44It's supposed to be very cleansing, by all accounts.
12:47Well, I've got some stuff in mix. Will that work?
12:52I saw Tom earlier.
12:54He was chatting away like we were best buds.
12:57Hmm. Perils of living in a little village.
13:00Yeah, I guess.
13:05Why don't you go up and see your dad at Deb's for a bit?
13:08Make sure he's not abusing her hospitality.
13:11The break might do you good.
13:13I don't get why I should be running away.
13:15It's not running away, Belle.
13:17It's looking after yourself.
13:19Come on, you've been through a lot.
13:21Well, I'm stronger than you think.
13:23Poor little damaged Belle. You can't trust her cos she's not all there.
13:26And I know what Tom's like. I know he's got you all right round his little finger.
13:29Belle, that is not...
13:31No, you know what? I will go.
13:33I need the break, but... Cos I just want some peace and quiet from you lot.
13:37You may well hate me.
13:39I don't really think about you, Kim.
13:41You're nothing to me.
13:43And why do you have my limited edition cognac in your kitchen?
13:48A little gift from a good friend, was it?
13:51You're clearly hoping that Rose is going to turn Will's head.
13:54It's already happening, as far as I can see.
13:56And even if he was stupid enough to go there,
14:00how would that possibly benefit you?
14:03Do you think I'm going to crumble?
14:06Be so broken you could swoop in and take everything?
14:09A bit paranoid.
14:11Or are you deflecting from problems in your own relationship?
14:15A bit vindictive.
14:18Less vindictive than burning down our car hire business.
14:23Why on earth would you think I had anything to do with it?
14:27Oh, I'm sure you've got an alibi and everything.
14:36Stay away from me and my family,
14:39or it won't just be your business that gets burnt.
14:58Tough day.
15:00They're all tough, aren't they?
15:02Sorry, ignore me, Anne.
15:04I'm just tired.
15:06Still ruggedly handsome, though.
15:08I won't go that far.
15:10Something happen?
15:12No, just...
15:14Well, I saw Kim outside the B&B.
15:19And it was like she didn't care less.
15:24About me.
15:26About us, about the marriage.
15:28It's like she'd checked out.
15:31Well, if she has, she's a fool.
15:35Come on, let's get you a proper drink.
15:38No, you don't have to...
15:40Just because I'm on the wagon doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself.
15:43Come on, come and tell me all about it.
15:50Sorry, I'll be with you in a sec.
15:59Well, it's tricky, isn't it?
16:01Working alongside the woman you're in the middle of a break-up with.
16:04That's one word for it.
16:06Yeah, I've been there, mate. Got a T-shirt.
16:08Can't be done, though.
16:10I've got to go.
16:12One word for it.
16:13Yeah, I've been there, mate. Got a T-shirt.
16:15Can't be done, though.
16:16Except you and Ruby always seem to come back together, don't you?
16:19Yeah, I don't think there's much chance of that for us.
16:22Well, sometimes it's just cheaper to roll with the punches.
16:27Listen, you're a smart fella, yeah? I know you are.
16:31But just... you make sure you get some decent advice about your finances.
16:35Just saying.
16:37You never know.
16:43I didn't lie about the baby, I swear.
16:46I was pregnant.
16:48The hospital have said, ask Mampreet.
16:52They call it a silent miscarriage.
16:57There was a baby?
16:59It hadn't developed, so I don't even know if I get to say that.
17:07I should have known it wouldn't work out.
17:12It's too good to be true.
17:14Look, you can stay here as long as you want, right?
17:19I'm not going to see you out on the streets, but you do need to talk to Liam.
17:23I can understand why he's got something...
17:28Speak of the devil.
17:33I think we need to talk.
17:36You going somewhere?
17:38She's just going to go and stay with Devs for a bit.
17:41Just to clear my head.
17:44Well, that'll be nice. You'll get to see your dad.
17:47You know, I would have given you a lift if you asked.
17:49I would have driven myself if you hadn't sold my car.
17:52When are you back?
17:54I don't know, Tom. When I'm ready.
17:56Do you really need to take Piper? It's a long journey, I'll have her.
17:59I want her with me.
18:01I can't believe you're doing this to me.
18:04Right, come on, you crack open the door, Dad. I'll do the music.
18:15I never even considered the possibility of it being an embryonic pregnancy.
18:23I saw the empty screen and I fled.
18:28I saw the empty screen and I flipped.
18:32At least we know what you really think of me now.
18:37I'm just so sorry.
18:40I lashed out.
18:42I really thought you'd...
18:44Made the whole thing up like some total psycho.
18:47Yeah, I got that.
18:50I know you're secretly jumping for joy.
18:52Best result possible for you, isn't it?
18:55No, I'm not listening anymore. You've said enough.
18:58Just go away and leave me in peace.
19:02Seriously, Liam, just get lost!
19:25Er, excuse me, you can't drink that here. It's not from your own bottle.
19:30Oh, Nicola.
19:32Not even your sour little po-face can ruin this moment for me.
19:39Some days are just too good.
19:50I don't know, I mean, I know her really well.
19:53I know all her moods.
19:55I've just never felt the full force of her indifference before.
19:59I think I've got frostbite.
20:02This'll warm you up.
20:05You're too good for her anyway.
20:07Oh, yeah, that'll be it.
20:10Seriously, Will.
20:13If she doesn't realise what she's got, then she's a fool.
20:16You're very kind.
20:18I'm not being kind.
20:22I'm being honest.
20:25You've always been attractive.
20:32I'm sorry you don't feel appreciated.
20:35You deserve better than that.
20:40You're a great dad.
20:43A great role model to your grandkids.
20:48Stop trying to get compliments. I know what you're doing.
20:53I remember the old you, remember?
20:59You know what your problem is?
21:02You've no idea how lovely you are.
21:18I love you.