Vous Feriez Mieux De Tomber Sur Un Loup Que Sur Ce Champignon

  • last month
Certains champignons et plantes semblent inoffensifs, mais peuvent être vraiment dangereux. Par exemple, l'amanite phalloïde ressemble à n'importe quel autre champignon, mais peut être mortelle si elle est consommée. La belle plante de l'oléandre a de jolies fleurs, mais toutes ses parties sont toxiques et peuvent causer des problèmes de santé graves si elles sont ingérées. Le sumac vénéneux peut ressembler à une plante ordinaire, mais le toucher peut provoquer une éruption cutanée désagréable et prurigineuse. Enfin, les jolies petites baies de la belladone peuvent être très toxiques si elles sont consommées, surtout par les enfants. Donc, soyez toujours prudents et évitez de manger ou de toucher des plantes et champignons que vous ne reconnaissez pas ! Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00A new mushroom is invading the world.
00:03It settles in humans, is extremely difficult to treat,
00:06and can persist on surfaces for weeks, even after the patient has left the place.
00:11In 2009, Japanese doctors discovered this new kind of mushroom in the ear of a patient.
00:16They named it Candida auris and thought there was no reason to worry.
00:21Then, in a few years, this same mushroom reappeared in South Africa,
00:26in Venezuela, and in the Indian subcontinent.
00:29Each case represented a totally distinct genetic set,
00:32and a patient out of three did not survive this infection.
00:36And if you think this does not concern you, you are wrong.
00:40This threat is already present in America.
00:43It was first identified in New York in 2016.
00:47And since then, the state has become a real home for infections,
00:51although the mushroom had been detected in 29 other states.
00:55This mushroom is particularly dangerous for people already suffering from health problems.
00:59Candida auris did not appear from nowhere.
01:02It probably existed on Earth long before its discovery.
01:05Humans and other mammals were once protected against such mushrooms
01:10due to our high body temperatures.
01:13But it seems that these pathogenic agents have adapted to warmer environments
01:17and are now almost uncontrollable.
01:20If you like to walk in the woods and pick mushrooms,
01:23be careful, especially with Amanita phalloides.
01:26The latter can sometimes be confused with edible species.
01:30Amanita phalloides, sadly famous for their toxicity,
01:34are responsible for 90% of mushroom-related deaths each year.
01:39Originating from Western Europe,
01:41Amanita phalloides have invaded the globe in the last century,
01:45spreading to Australia and North America.
01:48They quickly colonized California
01:51and were even observed as far north as in British Columbia.
01:55The mystery lies in their rapid spread.
01:58When exactly did they arrive?
02:00And how do they influence local ecosystems?
02:03Their danger comes from their unique toxins,
02:06which could also play a role in the defense against predators.
02:10Studying Amanita phalloides is complex,
02:13because scientists have to recreate ideal laboratory growth conditions
02:17to analyze their DNA.
02:20These deadly mushrooms also have formidable cousins,
02:24the spring Amanita, or angels of death.
02:27These entirely white mushrooms look a lot like edible Paris mushrooms
02:32and the agarics of the meadows.
02:34Because of this misleading similarity,
02:37they are often ingested by mistake,
02:39and poisoning symptoms usually appear between 5 and 24 hours after consumption.
02:45These symptoms are extremely painful,
02:48and a single drop of their amatoxin can be fatal.
02:51This is why one of these species of Amanita is designated
02:54as the most toxic mushroom in North America.
02:57As for the best imitation of edible forest mushrooms,
03:02the Cordyceps could well win the gold medal.
03:05Two species in particular look almost as much alike
03:09as with some edible mushrooms.
03:11These misleading mushrooms contain a toxin
03:14that initially gives the feeling of a simple rum.
03:17The worrying part is that this toxin takes 2 days to 3 weeks
03:21to reveal its real effects.
03:23As a result, doctors can often give a bad diagnosis.
03:27If the treatment is not administered in time,
03:29the toxin can cause serious complications, or even prove fatal.
03:33A British writer once accidentally picked up and served these mushrooms to his family,
03:38which led to the hospitalization of 4 people.
03:41The author himself, as well as his wife and brother-in-law,
03:45all needed a kidney transplant after this incident.
03:48Wild mushrooms have a wide variety of strange shapes,
03:52ranging from those that look like volcanoes
03:54to those that look like sticks, sails or flowers.
03:58For the amateurs of Stranger Things,
04:00there are even mushrooms in Australia that evoke the upside-down world.
04:05Australians find these mushrooms among the most disturbing
04:08in the beautiful middle of their garden.
04:10To believe that they are used to it.
04:12And, to top it all off,
04:14these mushrooms have a smell as nauseating as their appearance suggests.
04:18Mycologists explain that these monsters are variants of the smelly satyr.
04:23These species are also found in Europe and North America.
04:27They prefer cooler climates,
04:29and generally grow on a woody meadow.
04:32Flies are attracted by their sport,
04:34and contribute to their propagation.
04:37Varieties such as Aceroë rubra and Anthurus darkshare,
04:41recently discovered,
04:43pose no danger to us,
04:45but only at the egg stage,
04:47when the smell is the least pronounced.
04:50It is unlikely that you will want to consume them later
04:53because of their smell of rotten flesh.
04:56Moray eels are among the most popular mushrooms
04:59because of their earthy taste with a note of hazelnut.
05:03Their fleshy texture,
05:04distinct from that of most other mushrooms,
05:07contributes to their popularity among chefs and gastronomers.
05:10They only grow in the wild from March to June,
05:13which explains their prohibitive cost.
05:16However, they have a dangerous counterpart,
05:19false moray eels,
05:20which have caused problems both in Europe and in the United States.
05:23Although some claim that false moray eels can be consumed safely
05:27if they are properly prepared,
05:29it is wise to wonder if the game is worth the candle.
05:33For gatherers,
05:34it is essential to distinguish the real moray eels from the false ones.
05:38The real moray eels have small alveolar cavities on their heads
05:42and are entirely hollow,
05:43from the top of the hat to the base of the foot.
05:46On the other hand,
05:47false moray eels have hats that can be crinkled,
05:52or smooth,
05:53but without the characteristic alveoli of the real moray eels.
05:56The interior is filled with cotton fiber or fabric,
05:59and not hollow.
06:01Moray eels are an extremely toxic plant,
06:03belonging to the Apiaceae family,
06:05similar to carrots,
06:08or wild parsley.
06:10A confusion with these edible plants
06:12can lead to fatal consequences,
06:14because each part of the moray eel,
06:20and fruit,
06:21is toxic and can cause death if ingested.
06:23It is even known that Socrates,
06:25the famous Greek philosopher,
06:27was executed by means of this plant.
06:30Introduced in North America by European settlers
06:32as an ornamental plant,
06:34moray eels have now spread throughout the country,
06:37on roadblocks,
06:38along roads,
06:39in ditches,
06:41and other humid areas.
06:42In the event of an accidental ingestion,
06:44it is crucial to contact emergency services immediately,
06:47because symptoms can appear in less than 15 minutes.
06:50Unlike poisonous sumac,
06:52moray eels generally do not cause problems
06:54in the event of a simple cutaneous contact.
06:57it is preferable to be careful,
06:59especially if you have sensitive skin.
07:01The moray eel is a plant
07:03whose misleading appearance
07:05cost the life of Abraham Lincoln.
07:08No need to eat the plant or its white flowers.
07:11Nancy Hanks died after consuming milk
07:14from a cow that had brooded this plant.
07:18the meat and milk of animals
07:20that have ingested the moray eel
07:22can transmit the toxin to humans,
07:25with potentially dramatic consequences.
07:29aware of this danger,
07:31take measures
07:32to eliminate this plant
07:33from their livestock.
07:35Have you ever noticed
07:36this dark liana with thin branches
07:38and bright red shells
07:39that look like crab eyes
07:41that climb on plants
07:42in front of your neighbor's house?
07:44It is likely that someone brought them
07:46from India or Asia
07:47as a decoration a long time ago.
07:49This plant grows very quickly
07:51and actually has practical uses.
07:53Some people use it
07:55for medicinal purposes,
07:57others to make necklaces
07:59and rosaries,
08:00and even folk music instruments
08:02like maracas.
08:03Before scrapping it
08:04from the list of harmful,
08:05know that chewing and swallowing
08:07some of these seeds
08:08would condemn you.
08:09It spreads very easily
08:11thanks to humans and birds,
08:13and can help you
08:14find contact
08:15with ignorant people of danger.
08:17They can also be fatal
08:18for animals
08:19such as cats,
08:21and horses.
08:22It is even said
08:23that some jewelers
08:24accidentally stung themselves
08:25with their fingers
08:26when they worked
08:27with these seeds
08:28would have died.
08:29Touching the plant itself
08:30should not
08:31cause you much harm.
