Make No Mistake Rowe Is Just As Bad
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Check out the full Dan Bongino Radio Show at 12:05pm ET at or or a radio station near you!
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00:00Folks no bullshit. Let's get this right out of the way. I got a another explosive tip this morning from a trusted whistleblower
00:07I'm sure it'll be reported two weeks later by the mainstream media as I keep saying media folks get your pens out
00:14Then you can report it as your own story. I really don't care. I just wish you'd be more timely folks
00:21I'm getting from a trusted source
00:23that the Secret Service
00:25Counter-sniper teams that are supposed to go out to a site that a protectee is visiting a
00:32week, maybe two weeks out depending on the complexity of the site and
00:37Do an advance security advance did none of this is hard. I don't there's none of this is classified information
00:44They go there and say we got a high point over there high point over there
00:49I mean at a minimum you should be there four or five days in advance
00:53To go look around do your meetings with the local police
00:57I got from a source this morning that the Secret Service
01:01Counter-sniper teams for the Butler, Pennsylvania assassination attempt and murder of Corey comparator
01:08That they were only approved the day before
01:17Let that
01:19Just let that settle in for a minute
01:23Outdoor site
01:26Thousands of people
01:30Line of sight issues everywhere water towers buildings line of sight issues all over the place
01:38Unsecured field unsecured ground outside of your perimeter and
01:42The counter-sniper team to mitigate a long-range threat was apparently only approved the day before now
01:49I had a very very nice
01:52Conversation with some people who are very interested in getting to the bottom of this and by the way
01:58I want to applaud a number of people up on the hill who have been been looking into this deeply
02:03But I got to tell you a guy who is impressed me with his follow-up because listen the fact is a fact
02:10Senator Johnson man, we did that show on Friday within
02:14Ladies and gentlemen Justin am I messing with him within minutes on the phone?
02:19Tell me what happened where we went wrong. I was very impressed
02:23Thank you
02:24Has assured me he's gonna look into this
02:27there is going to be some email trail of
02:31When that counter-sniper team was authorized to discharge to that Butler County event ladies and gentlemen if it was the day before and
02:39They had no opportunity whatsoever to advance the site
02:44It'll explain everything
02:47Including this video here that has been blowing up the internet aired on ABC this week. Let me explain what this is
02:53This is the Beaver County emergency services team essentially their SWAT team
02:58They did an interview this weekend on ABC that's been lighting the freaking internet on fire
03:04Saying something so unbelievable that people can't believe this actually happened that they never had
03:12Communications with the Secret Service and the SOD special operations team
03:17CS cat any of it and that they barely met them on game day alone
03:23Now does the story make sense?
03:25The same headquarters guy. That's the acting director right now was the deputy director when this decision was made
03:33How did this guy get a promotion Ron Rowe?
03:36He's gonna be up on Capitol Hill tomorrow
03:38Senator Johnson everyone else. I appreciate your interest in this add this to your questions
03:44When was the CS Secret Service counter-sniper team?
03:49Authorized to be at that site they'll remind them they're under oath and tell them they better produce some evidence not an opinion
03:55Well, we kind of so no no show me the emails when were they approved?
04:01Because that would explain this
04:05Devastating panel on ABC listen to these guys and I applaud their honesty blow the whistle man
04:10Well, this is gonna happen again. Check this out. We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service snipers
04:17Whenever they arrived and that never happened
04:19so I think that that was probably a pivotal point where I started thinking things were wrong because
04:26That never happened and we had no communication with the Secret Service
04:29You had no communication with the Secret Service at all on that Saturday not until after the shooting and by then it's too late
04:42Absolutely unforgivable
04:46You had no communication with the Secret Service until after Donald Trump got shot in the head and Corey comparatory got killed
04:53By the way, two other people were shot to were struggling a bit
04:57This isn't like nothing happened, that's a murder scene a man was murdered and
05:04One came within a millimeter of losing his head on live television
05:11I'm hearing again from a
05:16Unimpeachable source on this
05:18that that may have been the case that that CS team wasn't dispatched until the day before a
05:26Explains everything
05:28Explains everything the amount and by the way by X. I hope you understand explains
05:34Means like this was malfeasance. This wasn't like a mistake. They did this on purpose like they
05:40Intentionally knew they had they because this is what you do your Secret Service agents
05:45You're looking at a site go online a site issue there look and they did nothing about it
05:49Until the day before which left no time for them to do anything including even a basic advance
05:55They communicate with the local SWAT team
05:59This is misfeasance
06:02Malfeasance, excuse me, not misfeasance. This was intentional
06:06You better have a damn good excuse
06:09Now I broke another piece of news on Friday that has been confirmed
06:14By an independent source to another actual journalist
06:18I trust you may know who she is. I
06:21Told you on Friday that it has been pretty standard Secret Service policy not written
06:27But de facto policy to not give the DTD Donald Trump detail
06:32That's what it's called the DTD the protective detail to not give DTD
06:38Counter sniper assets unless it was a drivable site from Washington DC
06:43Folks do you understand again?
06:46What a bombshell that is that Donald Trump detail security decisions were not being made because of security needs or a line-of-sight
06:53But how far the driving distance was from Washington DC?
06:57Holy shit, man hire a private security company then they could have done it better than this. I've got security guys
07:04I I just went to the RNC my security guy super nice guy, you know where he lives
07:11Los Angeles lives in Los Angeles. He didn't say to me. Ah, I don't know Dan you met him a Vita, right?
07:17Pretty nice guy. He didn't go. That's in Wisconsin. It's too far for me
07:21Holy Moses man fuck I'll hire a freaking private security team
07:28Mainstream media
07:30Get your pens out again. I know you're two weeks behind try to catch up
07:35CS teams were not being deployed. This would have happened sooner
07:40It's just an accident that Trump wasn't shot by a sniper sooner. It's just an accident of luck
07:48That's it
07:50They were using local assets and by the way these local assets
07:54What no CS team could have done in advance because if you weren't within driving distance no CS teams were going
08:01Driving-distance no CS teams were going no counter sniper teams were going this is shocking their highest profile protectee
08:08Higher threat than Biden Biden doesn't travel barely. There's no crowds there
08:12There's no question Donald Trump's a higher threat level than Biden
08:15No serious security agents gonna tell you otherwise that their highest profile most threatened protectee
08:21You had no counter sniper security plan if it was outside of driving distance in DC
08:28You were just relying on locals who are Patriots and wonderful not an attack on them at all, but it's a different mission than ours
08:36Not the same communications at the same training facial ID the advanced work is different
08:46Here's another one
08:48I'm sorry to keep saying this man. I'm not trying to sound like an asshole. I just wish the media would catch up
08:55Folks I told you two weeks ago go back and listen to the show that there are text records texts
09:03upwards of an hour plus out
09:05Showing that locals at the site knew there was a threat at the site and they walked Donald Trump onto the X anyway
09:12They walked him out to the podium. I
09:15Told you that
09:17Now this story emerges in politico
09:21Not a friend of ours, by the way
09:24Assassination attempt fallout new text mess. They're not new. I told you about him two freaking weeks ago
09:31New text messages show that security officers at the rally identified and talked about Thomas Crooks the assassin
09:38More than an hour and a half before he shot the president
09:42The earlier that's earlier than we was previously known to be fingered by law enforcement
09:46No, it isn't go back and listen to my show from two weeks ago
09:54Noticing crooks outside the venue one counter-sniper relayed his observation and the other security officers texted about the kid with the rangefinder
10:02Folks this story gets more and more troubling by the day and I have to tell you I'm an evidence-focused
10:09Guy and it will stay that way
10:12Always I'm guided by evidence
10:15But I've got to tell you man. This sounds more and more sinister by the day
10:21I am open to any explanation as long as I can back it up. Don't think I precluded anything
10:28I just don't jump to conclusions without evidence. I don't you see small a anything
10:33But I'm telling you there's something sinister going on here. This doesn't make any sense. Here are the actual texts
10:41Look at the time. This is the last one first
10:44536 remember he's walked out on the stage a little bit after six o'clock
10:48This is probably a spellcheck thing an auto-correct they have pictures of the actual kid and
10:55Look at the text from the from the local snipers not the Secret Service ones
11:00Kid learning around the beach probably trying to say lurking kid lurking around the building. We're in the AGR building
11:06I believe it is I did see him with a rangefinder looking towards the stage. Keep this up
11:11What the hell else do you need to hear?
11:14How did the Secret Service not know this and look the local guys
11:20Thank you to the local guys read the next line. This is their text the local guys remember by local
11:26I mean not Secret Service law enforcement
11:28If you want to notify Secret Service snipers to look out
11:32I lost sight of him also a bike with a backpack
11:34Sitting next to it in the rear of the building that was not seen earlier
11:38Call into the command post and have a uniform check it out
11:41What the hell else could you possibly want to hear
11:45The local guys are telling you there's a suspicious dude with a rangefinder and a backpack
11:52Surreptitiously hiding himself reach out to the command post
11:57Secret Service guys and see what else could you possibly want to hear?
12:02It gets worse
12:04They started texting about this kid at 426
12:08Trump doesn't walk out on the stage till after 6
12:13Look at this one
12:15Someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars. Just so you know
12:19I'm just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in the car
12:24So he knows you guys are up there
12:26He's sitting in the direct right and a picnic table about 50 yards from the exit guy responds back Roger that
12:33To my
12:35Secret Service friends who work their asses off their entire life and never let a security failure happen on their watch like that and
12:42Who have been blowing the whistle to me? Thank you
12:45I'm forever grateful and I've worked with guys like you to the ones out there again still defending this abomination and you know
12:52Who you are putting up posts about how this is, you know, I would have made the same decision just stop
12:59Just absolutely stop there
13:01You are on the wrong side of history and you are providing cover for some really really bad people folks
13:10They knew about this at
13:13426 over an hour and a half as I told you two freaking weeks ago
13:19Before Donald Trump walks out on the stage
13:24Listen to me now as I'm telling you as an expert
13:27There are only two possible scenarios here either one involves such awful decision-making
13:34People should resign or be fired immediately. There is no excuse for this
13:38You cannot fail like this and be allowed to do it again. You simply cannot
13:45Number one
13:47There is a local radio in the command center
13:51Number one
13:53There is a local radio in the command post at every site
13:59that Butler County, Pennsylvania
14:02Site had a command post every site does that's why you see the police officer
14:06Texting the the the local police officer texting notify the command post. That's what he's talking about
14:13There is a CP command post at every site. They have radios from every entity at the site there
14:21What who was number one again members of Congress get your pens out who was the agent in the CP
14:31How does that person have a job if
14:33Scenario number one that that information never got to the rest of the Secret Service agents at the site
14:39How does that how are they still working?
14:46Or or
14:48There's an alternate scenario because we don't have the comms yet, so I'm gonna give you both sides
14:54Let's say that agent in the command post did in fact
14:58Relay that information to the working shift and the post Anders at the Donald Trump Butler site
15:03then question number two in
15:06Scenario number two is then why the hell was Donald Trump walked on the stage if everybody knew there was a threat
15:12With with a backpack and a rangefinder who nobody could locate
15:17Either they knew and walked him out on stage anyway
15:21Well, they didn't know and the agent in the CP who didn't let them know should be fired
15:27Folks am I crazy
15:29Am I am I nuts here is this is this is it
15:35I'm gonna tell you something take a quick break here
15:38You know, I had to pass a weekend up there. It's no time for them. Sorry. It's I know Monday
15:42I will get back to another time. It's too important plus the frivolity in that sense
15:46I don't want to waste any of your time. I
15:48Am increasingly worried about President Trump's safety right now
15:53Because the people people in charge of the Secret Service at the top right now are the exact same people who made the decisions that led
16:00To this debacle and people got promoted out of it. I
16:05Have not seen a single significant job action from this it's a murder scene, man
16:12By the way
16:13Some of these people who are struggling God bless them and here they're gonna make the two others that are struggling if they don't it's
16:18a multiple murder scene
16:21Donald Trump was shot in the face
16:23No matter what Christopher Wray a ridiculous joke of an FBI director tells you as a question
16:29No, there's no question moron. The only question is why you're still the FBI director
16:33That was a clip from the Dan Bongino show. You can watch the full show
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